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I wanted another chapter in the volume with Britni since she's on the cover even though the volume isn't really about her or the Bitches as a whole, so I came up with a fun little side story that I'm going to insert between Coye's threesome and when he wakes up in the morning.


Elsewhere while Coye is having his first threesome...

  • Britni is at a bar. We learn she has two types of drunk. Super happy, or...
  • Bartender is paying her no mind, knowing not to mess with her when she's like this. There's some kind of commotion at some other part of the bar, but she doesn't pay it a mention. She hears the sound of a slap and some woman yelling, but whatever.
  • She's all alone at the bar minding her own business stewing grumpily, thinking about Coye. She thinks about Byng and is drunkenly mad about her, and off screen Tammy told Britni that Coye's other gf is that creepy widow that owns the shop.
  • She's blaming them both for stealing Coye away before things could go according to her plans, and in her drunken depression, we see her think about giving up. But she's not the kind of person who gives up and it just makes her angrier, and she screams for another drink.
  • Some sleazy lumberjack comes up to the bar and says 'Stupid slut' or something, and he has a slap mark across his face. He's checking her out already, unable to read the atmosphere. The bartender recommends the man fuck off, but he brushes it off.
  • Britni looks around and sees a woman he'd just accosted in the corner of the bar being comforted by another woman. Looks like tonight will have some fun after all. Britni asks if she looks easy to him, and he holds his tongue, sensing Britni is trouble now. It's too late, though. She focuses on him and ruining his night.
  • Britni points out he's got an axe, too. He tries to walk away and says forget about it, but she terrifies him so much he can't move. Insists on seeing the axe. He awkwardly shows it off and she takes it from him. Wants to know if he thinks a bunch of muscles and an axe is supposed to charm her pants off.
  • Britni flicks the axe with her nail and it falls apart into shrapnel, some of it exploding some bottles and glasses and one of the pieces scraping the man's cheek. Tells him she's not into men who play with toys. Offers to show him a real axe and she unhooks her own and we get a look at it fully bursting with electricity, making it look bigger than it actually is.
  • The bartender sighs, indicating this business with Britni was nothing new.
  • The man jumps backward, falls, and tries to crawl away. Britni stands up and sashays towards him, axe slung over her shoulder. She asks him left or right. He's confused.
  • She wants to know which of his testicles is his favorite, and she raises her foot above the man's crotch. He begs her not to, and she taunts him that if he can't choose then she's going to have to take both of them. Begging continues, slams foot down, sickening crunch.
  • Her heel destroys the stone floor just in front of his crotch, and the man passes out from fear.
  • She feels triumphant, and asks the bartender for another round. They ask about the damage and she handwaves it as you know I'm good for it.
  • Marlie emerges from the restroom, looks at the scene, and says nothing. Sits besides Britni. Says 'Five minutes'
  • huh?
  • I can't even take my eyes off of you long enough to take a piss without you doing this.
  • Britni whines it's not her fault.
  • Marlie asks whose it is, and we get a comical breakdown where Britni is revealed to be a hysteric, depressive drunk. She sobs that it's that stupid half elf manslut's fault and hugs Marlie, who sighs.
  • If he was suddenly going to grow a pair, why didn't he start with HER?
  • She says because you've been bullying him for a year as part of an asinine scheme to toughen him up. Britni does not see the issue here.
  • Marlie points out that she could ask him out. Britni whines that Marlie knows why she can't, and Marlie seems to understand that it is indeed complicated. Marlie asks if she needs a hug, but before she finishes the sentence Britni invites herself into Marlie's chest and starts to cry.
  • She sighs again, strokes her hair, and apologizes to the bartender.
  • We get a short overview of Marlie's relationship with Britni, not too much, just that they've known each other for three years and they became adventurers within like a week of each other. One thing led to another and they went from acquaintances, to friends, to best friends, none of which Marlie consented to.
  • Britni was a storm who pulled people into her orbit and inspired them to follow her, which was only natural given her lineage. Even Marlie couldn't escape, but as aloof as she came off, she was truly happy with her current lot in life.
  • And then Britni fell in love and the last year has been one migraine after another for the Half-Demoness.
  • She says I told you when you started bullying him, even IF it worked and you made a man out of him, he's still going to hate you. Britni cries and asks if she really thinks Coye hates her. Marlie thinks back to Coye's reactions and sighs.
  • Not as much as I expected, evidently.
  • So you're saying there's hope.
  • I'm saying he's suddenly a masochistic pervert and you're checking a lot of boxes for him. Work with that, and you have an 'in'.
  • Britni gets angry again and reminds Marlie she can't, she still needs to beat all that gross, girly shit out of him.
  • Marlie felt bad for Coye. He was harmless enough, didn't take up much space in her mind, personally. People usually didn't. Most of all, she felt bad for Britni. It wasn't her fault she felt like this was her only option, and she could even see why Britni's ridiculous scheme makes sense to her.
  • There's a vague reference to a lot of stuff being beaten out of Britni, so of course she'd assume it would work on others.
  • Marlie warns her that any relationship that starts with 'I can change him' or 'I can fix him' is doomed to fail. Britni drunkenly points out it's not like Marlie would know, she's never dated anyone. Marlie says she has common sense.
  • Britni asks if she's so smart, then how can she make this work?
  • Marlie thinks about it and offers up a solemn, 'Let him fix you, instead.'
  • Britni doesn't get it at all and instead doubles down on needing to beat this girly shit out of him one way or another.
  • Marlie dies a little inside and orders another drink, as does Britni, but she's tonedeaf about Marlie drinking to numb the mental strain that being her friend came along with


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