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It was an early summer morning, and everywhere throughout the Cransmere Adventurer's Guild was as quiet as a mouse. None of the housekeepers, kitchen staff, or adventurers were out and about yet, so Coye crept down the hall silent enough to not disrupt a fly. He didn't see much point in getting up this early, given that no one would be up to register any quests for Byng and himself. Maybe she had something else in mind?

Whatever the case, his only option was to go and find out.

Coye descended the stairs, and there she was. Byng waited for him over by the quest board just outside Miss Whittle's office. Having long since grown tired of waiting for Coye to put on his damned clothes, she occupied her time with a series of thorough stretches that left the attractive girl looking quite compromised.

It was a shock to see just how limber Byng was- and it took willpower not to gawk. Needless to say, Coye couldn't actually bring himself not to. Resisting her charms was futile, seeing how Byng's big green bubble butt was again on full display. The sight of its rounded brilliance gave him tingles below and compelled Coye to undertake a different sort of adventure than the one they'd agreed to.

Coye shook off his distractions, focusing as hard as he could on slaying and not laying.

After Shayla's little pep talk, Coye was feeling much more awake. Staring at Byng made him realize that this was really about to happen and that he was going on what was more or less a date with someone he'd previously avoided to the best of his ability. Weirder still, he wasn't entirely against the idea, and now he caught himself staring straight at her ass for the second time. Things were just too strange.

His thoughts trailed off as soon as Byng noticed he was approaching. She looked a little less than pleased, no doubt over how long he made her wait.

"Fiiiinally," Byng grumbled and looked over her shoulder at Coye after rising from a sexy squat. "I was starting to think you actually were jerking it up there! If you were, though, then damn. Someone's sure got some amazing stamina. Like a Farzhog in mating season!"

The reference was totally lost on him, so he elected to brush it off.

"N-No, that's not it-" Coye shook his head and then awkwardly trained his eyes toward his feet. "I just had to wake up a little more before I got dressed... that's all. Really."

"Hm," Byng raised an eyebrow, then she leaned in and started sniffing him. "Well, I don't smell any jizz, so I'll take your word for it. Maybe I should double-check, though... I mean, it doesn't hurt to be extra sure, yeah? Yeah!" She giggled, her self-control worsening as her desire to get all up in Coye's business doubled over from excitement.

Her close proximity spelled terrible news for Coye. Against his own wishes, he got more than a few potent whiffs of his own in. What happened yesterday wasn't a fluke. Byng was just as fragrant as she was back then, and Coye found her scent equally as captivating.

This wasn't good. It was messing with his brain and giving him all sorts of lewd ideas.

"H-Hey, don't get so close to me...!" Coye pleaded, blushing as he stopped trying to hold back and started intentionally breathing in Byng's sweaty, tomboyish aroma.

His fixation on Byng's smell wasn't lost on his partner.

'Gods, you're such a perv...' Shayla shrugged, plugging her tiny nose. As much as she liked Byng, she could take or leave the B.O. At least someone was into it.

Seeing the same strange reaction from yesterday, Byng took the opportunity to press his buttons a little. She wondered if this might be one of the reasons he asked her out and figured now was a good chance.

"Why not?" Byng snorted, her sharp teeth visible thanks to a massive smile. "Oh, I know! I know! Don't tell me you're gonna get hard again, are you?"

"Yes!" Coye blurted without so much as a thought between that empty little head of his. He paused and then corrected himself in his typical stumbling fashion. "I mean, no! I, ah-"

"Gahaha! I can't believe you just admitted it."

"No! I-I'm..."

"Giving me mixed signals here! Come on, short-stuff. Which is it? Huh? Huuuuuh?" Byng leaned in and looked up at Coye. She was a good half a foot shorter than he was, but they would be kissing if he bent over even just a little bit. The thought crossed his mind just as Byng wanted it to. "You gonna get all pervy on me? Yes, no, maybe so? Personally, I'm down with whatever, so..."

Coye was reduced to a stumbling mess of 'um's and 'ah's and was on the verge of shutting down entirely. Thus, Shayla felt it was up to her to step up and help him grow more used to Byng's aggressive form of affection.

As things stood, this just wouldn't do. Coye wouldn't be able to keep up with her today if he didn't improve. As much as Shayla loved her partner, she was rooting for Byng partially because of how much she saw herself in the little green girl. The Pixie wanted to do anything she could to smooth things along for Byng, as long as it still looked like she was a good match for Coye, anyway.

From inside the boy's hat, Shayla resolved to make a difference and readied her fingers for a snap.

'You'll thank me for this later,' she told him as she made the magic happen.

Coye was in the middle of taking a step backward from the archer invading his personal space when Shayla altered the wooden floorboard beneath his feet. For a few seconds, it wobbled in place, sending him tumbling down to the ground as he attempted to fix his balance.

"Ah! W-What the-"

'Just go with it!' Shayla pumped her fists, urging Coye to make the most of this new chance.

"Woah! Watch yourself, there, pal!" Byng complained as Coye landed against her body, although she didn't seem to actually mind all that much. "Geez, guess I really should've let you sleep in a little longer, huh...? You're kind of all over the place today, aren't you?" She cackled, enjoying his closeness and the feeling of his weight on top of her more than she expected.

"I-I tripped. It's not my fault...!" Coye said as he pulled himself away from his landing spot, which just so happened to be directly over her bikini-clad bust. Needless to say, his attention was stolen by their proximity. Byng wasn't exceptionally gifted in the chest department. Still, Coye found that he enjoyed the sight of her adorable b-cup-sized mounds just as much as any other pair he'd come across in his limited sexual escapades as of yet.

Byng raised an eyebrow, a little amazed that Coye was so blatant every time he checked her out. She knew that he was getting it on with that shopkeep, but Byng assumed that was a very recent development because he was still acting like a total virgin. Again, she adored the attention and was in no real hurry to get Coye off of her, but she felt the need to comment on his behavior.

"Hello? Coye? Hey there, it's Byng. 'Member me? Yeah, thought so. Didja find something you like down there, or what?" She snorted as he forcibly pulled his gaze up to her face from her breasts. "You sure are taking your sweet ass time getting up, y'know. Almost makes a girl think you don't want to get up- almost."

"I-I... um... I'm getting up right now, I..." rather than helping, Shayla's stunt left Coye at an even greater loss for words than he was before. Now, he was so close to Byng that he couldn't escape her potent scent. In and out, he breathed her in, falling into a deeper intoxication with every gasp.

Gods, it was good.

Coye attempted to pull himself away from Byng but found all his strength had left his body as if in protest. All that remained was an awkward silence between them as he looked down into her eyes. Byng's bravado and general chill attitude faltered the longer this went on. Her cheeks began to blush, and she let out an uncomfortable laugh.

"Gahaha, ok now, seriously. C'mon. Are you really doing this? Sure, I ain't an expert on these 'date' things, but I'm pretty darned sure that this sorta thing is supposed to happen after the date, not before!" Byng pushed against Coye's chest and lifted him up a few inches, but he fell limp again as he shifted.

Suddenly, the girl felt something hard and long pressing against her belly. Her eyes opened wide as Coye made a little moan.

"Gah! Oh, shiiiit..." Byng gulped.

Coye's erection had returned in full force- even more powerful than before now that it had an actual reason for existing. He was right on top of Byng, she smelled wonderful, and it would take almost nothing for either of them to take things further if they wanted to.

It felt wonderful.

Shayla's eyes darted left and right, suddenly feeling guilty over how drastically different things were playing out compared to how she thought they would. Should she stop them? Should she encourage this?

There were too many possibilities.

'Uh... hey, baby? I was just trying to shake things up a little bit... you know, push you two closer together and ease you into being more comfortable around her? Aaaanyway, it seems like you've gone well past that point and have transitioned into being a total creep, sooo... yeahhhh, probably a good time to get off of the poor girl now...' Shayla advised, although if she was being honest, she would have to admit she only half meant it.

The Pixie also wanted to watch the chaos unfold and would've been happy no matter how things played out so long as it was entertaining.

Coye ended up ignoring Shayla's advice altogether. His eyes were glazed over, his thoughts a mix of grogginess, lust, and confusion. He almost couldn't even hear the Pixie.

"Wow... you smell so good, Byng... sooo gooood..." he huffed, descending his face closer and closer to the green girl until she could feel his hot breath on the tender skin of her neck.

Byng was getting goosebumps as she looked around awkwardly, painfully aware that this was happening in public. Even if most of the Guild was asleep at this time of day, there was a distinct chance someone might show up at any moment. Not that Byng was a prude who minded being seen in such a lewd position with the boy she was into. Public displays of affection were typical where she came from, and they ranged from full-on make-out sessions to things most Karnallians would never even dream of showcasing to their young.

In other circumstances, she might've even been a little thrilled about such blatant exhibitionism, but... this was a bit much, just a bit too fast.

"Wow, uh, yeah. Thanks, dude. Are you, um... you into that kind of thing, or what?" Byng asked, filling the air with words that didn't amount to much. At least she wasn't creeped out by Coye's apparent smell fetish- it was what it was.

"I don't know... I've never met anyone who smells like you..." Coye answered truthfully as he closed what little distance there was between them. He pressed his nose against her neck and started sniffing her like a horny dog.

Shayla's jaw dropped as Byng let out a lewd-sounding moan. Granted, there were some double standards at play. Byng had made a habit of getting up in his business and sniffing away, yet Shayla didn't bat an eye at that. The second Coye did it, though?

Instant pervert.

Still, it was reasonably weird for all parties involved. Weird yet intriguing.

Byng was a clever girl who possessed a surprising amount of insight. While typically not one to look a gift horse in the mouth, this was so far from what she'd consider Coye's normal behavior that she started to worry. This wasn't like him, not at all. Byng stressed over whether he was alright or not.

"Hey, uh Coye? Not to get in the way of you, uh, doin' your thing there and sniff-sniff-sniffin' the day away, but... well, y'know, this is soooorta kinda, like, all kinds of fucked. Just wanted to make sure you aren't, like, um... gah. I'm trying to ask if you're ok? Yeah, let's go with that." Byng asked by way of incomprehensible, nervous rambling as she forced herself to put aside her interest in fooling around to be straight with him. "All I'm saying is that this- uh- well, I didn't peg you as the kinky type. So, if this is some weird problem you're having, I... gah, well, I already said I would help if you needed it, so... er... what I'm trying to say is-"

Byng was leading things in a very explicit direction in an attempt to get Coye to chill, and their audience was getting more than she bargained for.

'Fuck, I didn't think you would just start- oh. Oh, fuck.' Shayla watched in disbelief, at a total loss for words, as Coye's lust sank to even further levels. He was now actively grinding his lower half against Byng and issuing forth girlish moans as his erect manhood tented against his trousers, rubbing up and down on Byng's shorts.

"Ah! W-Woah, there, short-stuff...! T-That's, um, yeahhh, that right there's what I'm talking about..." Byng struggled for words and looked him in the eyes.

It'd be easy to push him off of her, but she didn't want to startle him. Coye was clearly in an odd state of mind, and she might only make things much worse by doing so. What if this was Byng's only chance to win Coye's favor, too? This morning, she'd already made a big mistake because she couldn't hold her excitement back, so she saw this as a critical juncture.

Byng reached out to Coye with her hands and placed them on his warm, red cheeks with all this in mind.

Coye was startled by the sudden contact, his mouth opening wider. He pulled away, looked down at Byng, and saw an embarrassed- if eager- girl who seemed very concerned over his well-being. Regret pooled up within him. How did this even happen? He was so sure that his lust was in control just minutes ago, but now it was worse than ever before.

"Oh, Gods..." Coye muttered in total shame, the sight of Byng snapping him slightly out of his trance.

Byng could tell Coye was going through some intense inner turmoil. She was afraid of this very thing happening if she rejected him, so the girl was quick to reassure him.

"Hey! It's ok, I'm good! No- scratch that. Better than good, I'm great! Ok? Ok!" Byng smiled convincingly. Since she was already there, she started caressing his cheeks and then down his neck, calming him further. "You don't gotta feel weird about this, short-stuff. I mean, yeah, it's moving waaaay faster than I planned on, but it's not like I didn't want this to happen, y'know?"

Coye closed his eyes, feeling a sense of calmness wash over him at Byng's soothing touch. It helped pull him out of his lust a bit more, and he found his words.

"I'm so sorry," he whimpered. Once he opened back up, there was no stopping him. Coye started blubbering, "I sort of have a condition and I, um, sort of thought I was doing ok this morning, but whenever you get really close, I just- uh, you know- and now I couldn't stop myself from grinding and... and now I'm just so confused, and I'm so close, and-"

"Shhh-shh-shh," Byng shushed him, proving herself a great deal more mature than Coye and Shayla had expected she was. She knew how to be comforting when she wanted to be. "I get it. Mostly. Not the whole picture, obviously, but hey. You said you're close? Question about that. If you finish, are you gonna feel better, or will it make you feel worse?"

Coye idled about, unsure of the answer. He wanted to stop and pretend this never happened, but at the same time, he didn't.

"I don't know..."

"C'mon. Think you can pull a fast one on me? Nuh-uh, no way. Tell the truth!"

"Really! I mean, I guess I do usually feel better after I, um-"

"Then there you go! Don't hold back, short-stuff. Get it done with. I mean it, dig in! Bust yourself a nut real quick. I'll even help you out a little bit," to show him she meant business and that he didn't need to be afraid, Byng reached around Coye's hips and brought her hands to grope his butt nice and rough. He felt the sting of her sharp, black claws digging through his trousers, and his front side felt as her hips bucked upward into him and added pressure to his pulsing cock.

"Ah! Oh, Gods!" Coye almost lost control of himself then and there, letting out an even louder moan that sounded throughout the entire first floor of the Guild. It wasn't even that much, but it just felt so good to him that he couldn't help it.

He set himself to grinding away at her even harder, his restraint nothing more than a distant memory.

"Aw, yeah. That's the stuff..." Byng bit her lower lip and shut her eyes, enjoying the benefits she earned from helping him relieve himself.

"Byng..." Coye whimpered, pressing down into her even harder. "Byng!"

'Holy fuck,' Shayla did a double-take, amazed at Byng's conviction to help. She started to wonder if she'd even have to interfere with the rest of today. At the rate they were going, it seemed unlikely.

Maybe Shayla really was the good luck charm she liked to consider herself as.

"Gah...! Shit, shiiiit...!" Byng continued to writhe out of increasingly perverse satisfaction. Coye was really going at it like his life depended on it. His lack of hesitation and abundance of confidence made her heat up thrust by thrust. If Coye kept it up, she'd be moaning along with him any moment now.

"C'mon, already! Make it quick...!" She begged.

"I-I'm trying...!" Coye began to pant harder, his head falling limp and drawing closer to Byng's splayed lips.

This situation was beyond the realm of believability for Byng.

She'd had her eyes on Coye for oh so long, yet all he ever did was ignore her or run away from her. Then, out of nowhere, he asked her out, and now all of a sudden, he's here dry humping her in the middle of the Guild before their date had even started?

It was so bizarre.

There had to be an explanation for it. Byng realized there was something wrong with Coye, and she was determined to get to the bottom of it. The fact that she also got to feel good from his little outburst too served as a pleasant little bonus.

She clutched down even tighter on his cute little butt, really digging into the flesh as she grunted and tried to push him even further down into her hips, applying as much extra pressure as was physically possible.

"Come on," Byng urged, raising her voice. "You're almost there! Gah- y-you got this! You can do it, you can-"

Coye stopped humping.

Byng stopped trying to make him hump harder.

They both turned their heads towards their Guild Mistress's office once they heard the sound of its wooden door creaking open. A moment later, they were met with a disheveled woman standing in the open. Still wearing her outfit from the day before, she yawned and rubbed her eyes.

"Hello? Tammy, is that you? Mn... what... what time even is it, I..."

The world seemed to stand still once Dorothy opened up her eyes. She tilted her head at what she saw. It almost looked like Coye was having sex with Byng a few feet away from her office, but that couldn't be the case. Coye and Byng didn't get along, and even if they did, there's no way that docile little guy would ever be so daring as to go at it in such a place.

And yet, there they were.

Coye was right there, straddled atop Byng.

Dorothy blinked a couple of times in rapid succession. Then, she rubbed her eyelids, pinched herself, and took a deep breath. None of it helped. No matter what she tried, nothing snapped her out of the dream she suspected she was in. Coye was still mounting one of his bullies, and they were both staring at her in shock.

This was real.

"Coye...?" Dorothy asked in a weak voice that sounded like glass shattering.

'Just throwing it out there, baby, but uh... totally not my fault.' Shayla insisted before things inevitably worsened.


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