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A lot of this text was written with text to speech, so don't go bothering with grammar and spelling. I did it to speed things up and it worked.


Several hours after he last did so, Coye woke in a frenzy yet again and threw his blanket off of him. This time, it wasn’t because there was a dream. Danger was imminent, so said the instincts he’d honed through many years of survival training.

He scanned the surroundings looking for the cause of his sudden alertness and found little out of place- until his eyes stopped on the opened window. The first rays of morning sunlight were starting to pour in, and a faint breeze swayed the edges of the white curtains.

The window was not open the night before, and Coye doubted Shayla was responsible.

Coye felt a surge of energy coming from outside and he jumped out of bed just in time to evade an invading arrow that burst in through the aperture. Its tip glowed with a green aura, Coye understanding that its user was controlling the arrow through their, or rather, her willpower.

It landed on where his chest would’ve been on the bed, but now that it was close, he saw that instead of an arrowhead this projectile had a small boxing glove affixed to it.

“Nnn...?” Shayla stirred and stretched out in his pocket, but Coye shushed her as subtly as he could while making his way over to the window.

He stuck his head out and looked around for the perpetrator of this little prank. Although it was still early and most of the Guild was asleep, Coye raised his voice as he called out, “Byng?! Where are you! This isn’t funny!”

She’d never violated his privacy to this extent before, so he had no idea what to expect and that worried him. Coye couldn’t see her anywhere, but he knew the threat had not passed and he shrugged. It wasn’t that the boy wasn’t a morning person, he just wasn’t prepared to have to deal with his date’s antics so soon.

Giving up on trying to determine her hiding spot from on high, Coye turned from the window, intending to get dressed for the day. There was something off about his dorm. Since he didn’t share the room with anyone else currently, none of the beds should be occupied and yet there was the clear outline of someone sleeping in the bed across from him.

“Byng...!” Coye rushed over to the bed and yanked the blankets off of the intruder. Had he been more awake he would’ve been embarrassed about exposing a girl, but his grogginess and irritation emboldened him.

Not that it did Coye any good, since all that lay beneath the blanket was a collection of pillows.

He heard a bowstring being pulled from behind him, and he turned as fast as he could to see Byng now standing atop another of the spare beds with a wicked smile on her face. It all happened too fast for him to react to.

“Nice try, shorty,” Byng cackled as she let go and launched her attack.

An explosive popping sound burst out as the balloon-like arrowhead shattered, unleashing a cold barrage of water straight onto Coye’s startled face. He jumped backward, falling onto the bed and jostling Shayla in his pocket.

The Pixie was now fully awake by this point but was holding her tongue.

Things were quiet as Coye processed what had just happened, shivering from the water. Hopping off from the bed, Byng tossed him a small towel and smiled. “Gotta be more careful next time!” She warned as he solemnly wiped his face.

Still taken aback, Coye stared into the towel and stammered, “H-How did you even get in...?”

Byng snorted like it was the stupidest question she’d ever heard. “A girl’s got her ways, you know how it is.”

“Right...” he didn’t, but nodded nonetheless. “W-Why did you do this to me?”

She blew a raspberry and waved him off. “I told you I’d come by and pick you up for our date, didn’t I?”

“What time is it even...?”

“Mn, you’d think after living in Karnalle for two years I’d have the whole ‘hours and minutes’ thing down by now but, yeah, nah. I dunno, the sun’s rising though!”

“I noticed that...” Coye whined and stood up from the bed.

Someone sure is chipper,’ Shayla yawned, not particularly vibing with the energy in the room but enjoying the tension between Byng and Coye.

“Speaking of rising,” Byng sniggered, slung her bow over her shoulder and stepped forward. With her pointer finger she gestured to Coye’s lower half. “Do you always sleep half naked or did I just luck out? Damn, shorty.”

Coye stood there looking at Byng, not comprehending- or rather, refusing to accept the implication of her words. There was no way that Byng snuck into his room, pranked him, and then saw him with morning wood because he forgot to put on his pants after playing with Shayla last night.

Nope, Coye knew that he was still dreaming. That just couldn’t be.

Without a word, Coye went back to his bed and ignored Byng’s question entirely, covered his entire body in his blanket and assumed the fetal position. A few seconds later, embarrassed, feminine-sounding whines started to emanate from within once he gradually accepted that the Byng in his room was very real.

“It’s a really nice dick,” Byng reassured him, doing her best not to fall over with laughter. “You don’t gotta be ashamed or anything!”

Coye waited in silence hoping that the girl would eventually grow tired of him and leave, but Byng approached and patted him on the butt through the covers. “C’mon, we don’t got all day!”

The boy yelped at the sudden spanking. He had to admit to himself that the girl was real and could not simply be wished away by falling back to sleep. With no other option, Coye roused himself once again.

“ are you good now?” She asked with a teasing grin.

“I guess… you’re not giving me any other options,” he looked at Byng and frowned, hoping it would get her to chill a little bit but to no avail. She was just as excitable and pleased to see him as ever.

She waited for him at the edge of the bed.

“Um, could you maybe give me a little privacy?” Coye asked, taking particular notes of the glaring interest in her sharp eyes.

“ I guess so. You sure you don’t need any help with that?” The girl pointed down with her finger that’s the tent pressing up against his blanket, drawing an even deeper shade of red onto his cheeks.

‘ I think she’s serious,’ Shayla chuckled to herself. ‘ do you wanna start this day off with a bang, or-‘

Coye was already starting to lose his patience. Not only did he have a bad dream the night before, but now he had to deal with a girl who he just couldn’t handle and that he was supposed to go on a date with. Despite the mixed feelings he was having yesterday, and how he started to Think that this might be so bad after all, things were not looking up.

He raised his voice and looked straight at Byng, begging. “ please, just… leave an let me have a few minutes to get ready!”

“Uh,” she stammered as the expression on her face became less confident and more concerned. “ OK, cool. I can do that. Hold on a sec,”

Byng Went over to The door which Coye now noticed has been unlocked and opened it up. She bent down, giving him a view he had not been expecting. He didn’t know how many outfits Byng actually had, but he figured it wasn’t a lot since he saw her wearing the same thing most days. Today was no different, she was clad in little more than a tight fitting leather bikini and Her typical tribal looking booty shorts.

As she bent over too pick something up on the outside of the door, Coye now had and unhindered view of the booty in question. As mentioned before, Byng had a beautiful pair shaped body that widened awkward the more it went, giving her what looked to be a massive set of hips that didn’t fit her short stature at all.

Being relatively uninterested in sexual matters until recently, Coye never stared at it in all its glory until now. He gulped at the sight of her around green cheeks. Like all girls do, Byng was aware that his eyes were plainly focus on her ass. It was hard not to, seeing as how her shorts only barely contained her behind and how tightly they dug into her lower lips.

Smirking unbeknownst to him, she wiggles her hips a little bit to give him a show as an apology for her being as over enthusiastic as ever. She didn’t mean to mess with him so hard, she just couldn’t help it. Byng was a hunter and loved playing with her prey.

She took comfort in the fact that he couldn’t help staring at her ass, thinking that as long there was a little bit of lust she might have a chance of making this work with him after all.

Right before she dragged it on too long, Byng arose, turned to Coye and tossed him A bundle of his clothes that were sitting outside. Just as Tammy promised, his gear was now completely clean of all the accumulated filth and blood from his battle the day before.

“ Go ahead and get changed, I'll be waiting for you downstairs! don't take too long, unless you need to tug it or something.” Byng gave him a playful wink. “Unless you want my help after all?”

growing more irritable by the moment, Coye  groaned and  covered his red cheeks with his blanket. desperate for her  to give him the time he needed, he thoughtlessly muttered, “ maybe later, just go already!”

Byng  snorted and afterward, Coye  realize what he just said. “N-No, I didn’t, um, I...”

“ Maybe later, huh?  you sure know how to string a girl along!  careful, I might hold you to it!”  satisfied with this last tease, Byng  shut the door behind her on her way out. Coye  could hear the sound of her retreating down the hallway and new that she really was giving in the Privacy he desired.

Coye Sat there in stunned silence as he took in the after-effects of that Whirlwind of a girl left in her wake. Even if he wanted to call things off and go back to bed, he knew he was already in too deep, and Shayla wouldn’t let him in the first place.

the first thing he did after standing up was to go and properly lock the door on the off-chance Byng  was just trying to fake him out and intended on barging back in while he changed clothes. after that, he opened up the flap on his shirt’s pocket so that a certain someone could flutter out and make her morning debut.

like himself, Shayla was wet from the water balloon arrow  but shockingly did not seem annoyed by it at all. Rather, she had one of the largest Smiles on her face that Coye had yet to see.

“You just love seeing me get messed with, don't you?”  he asked, Crossing his arms.

‘ sure, that's part of it. I mostly just happy cause I think you two are adorable together.’

“ she broke into my room!”

‘  only because she's so excited! Come on, baby,  didn't you see how happy that girl was?’

This made him pause for an extended period of time. Coye Wondered if these sorts of things might just be how Byng  expresses herself. maybe she really was so excited she couldn't stop herself from messing with him first thing in the morning of their date.

if that was true, it made Coye  feel a little more forgiving of her actions. Not that he understood why she felt that way about someone like him. He didn't know what to think anymore.

sensing the conflicting emotions it was experiencing,  Shayla flew  in close and sat on his shoulder, patting it. ‘ are you mad at her?’

“ I don't think so. I'm used to all of these pranks of hers...  and I keep on wondering what if you're right?  if she's really not doing it to mess with me, then...  I don't know how I feel about things.”

‘ does that mean you're not going to call it off then?’

Coye shook his head. “ No, I'm okay. I would have been this upset about it anyway if I didn't wake up from a bad dream earlier.”

‘ oh yeah,’   Shayla nodded along, vaguely remembering a rude awakening several hours ago. ‘Do we have anything to unpack there or are you good now?’

“ I'm fine. I don't remember what it was about...” Coye shrugged. “I'm just not happy about Byng  seeing me naked right after that.”

the pixie tilted her head, as if unsure and smiled at him. ‘Really?  it seems to me like you were pretty hard this morning.  I think you kind of liked showing off to her.’

the boy blushed even harder. “T-that’s also  the dream’s fault!”

‘ oh, so it was a naughty dream huh? I see how it is. speaking of that, how are you feeling today, baby?’

Coye knew what she wanted to know.   Shayla was concerned whether or not his libido was spiking despite all the relief he’d gotten from Suzette.

“ I feel a little horny, but  I still think it's manageable...  for now.”

‘ well, we’ll just have to keep an eye on it won't we?  sounds to me like as long as you get laid every couple of days then you’ll be fine!’

Coye was not averse to the thought of that. He started thinking of Suzette and found himself breaking into a wide smile that showed Shayla exactly what he thought on the matter.

‘Ok, ok. I’m sure you could stand around daydreaming about that sexy widow of yours, but we’ve been keeping that sexy green piece of ass waiting long enough as it is.’

Coye snapped himself out of his stupor and got dressed, packed his tool belt extra full, and checked himself in the mirror. Everything looked ready to go, except for the unsure expression on his face.

‘Looks like someone needs one of my pep talks,’ Shayla commented, flying out in front of his face.

Coye felt a little bashful and shook his head. “I’m ok, I-I can do this...”

Shayla leaned in and placed her hands on both of his cheeks. She narrowed her eyes and said to him point blank. ‘Are you nervous?’

He swallowed and saw no point in lying. “Y-Yeah.”


“Because I... um, I don’t know how I feel about Byng yet.”

‘Do you think she’s cute?’


‘Did I stutter? I asked if you think the little goblin girl is cute.’

“Well, yeah... I... I can’t deny that.”

‘Do you wanna see where things go and take a chance to step out of your comfort zone like you did with Suzette, or do you wanna mope?’

Coye thought about that and decided that the answer was much simpler than he anticipated. “Ok, you got me. I... I want to take a chance.”

Shayla smiled at him proudly and gave the boy a kiss on the cheek. ‘

‘Glad to hear it. Let’s head on out, then, your date is waiting for you!’


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