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Massive spoilers in this. I rewrote the outline I did a few months back to better fill this volume with more content and make it so Byng's date could really stand on its own as a whole book.

Depending on what I feel like, I might move on to writing rough drafts fairly soon!


Dream Sequence

  • Coye has a dream and it opens with him remembering Shayla’s threat to shred all his clothes in the middle of town.
  • There’s emphasis on this and he feels that something like that happened before.
  • Suddenly, he’s a child, and he’s in his hometown of Roselake. He gets afraid and feels eyes on him coming from every angle.
  • He is filled with the need to find his dad before any of his bullies find him, but the town loops on itself no matter how far he runs.
  • He feels bullies are getting closer and he hears a young voice girl’s voice taunting him. She tells him that even if he’s grown up and has had sex with a bunch of girls he’ll never be a real man.
  • Taunts him about how he ran away from Roselake to stop being bullied by ended up being bullied by girls in Cransmere, too
  • Coye speaks up and actually defends Britni and co, saying they they’ve never done anything as bad as what ‘she’ did to him
  • The voice is surprised that he actually talked back to her, but taunts him how it won’t matter and tells him he can run to the end of Arrark and he’ll still get teased and made fun of
  • Coye starts to feel a bit of despair, and closes his eyes. Upon reopening, there’s a crowd of indistinct people watching him and a horrifying demon behind him.
  • The dream ends as it places its hands on his belt and unbuckles it. He lingers on it and is afraid, yet it weirds him out because although this memory is painful, it feels oddly good

Surprise Wake Up

  • Coye’s awakening is stressed and senses immediate danger, jolting up. Shayla groans from his pocket.
  • He looks around the room for any sources of danger and is quick to notice that the window is opened and that it wasn’t the night before.
  • A second later, an arrow whizzes inside from the window and Coye catches it with his hand. He says Byng out loud and rushes to the window to yell at her, but doesn’t see her.
  • He turns around and sees Byng flip the covers off of one of the four other mattresses in his room and before Coye can react, she shoots a water balloon arrow at his face.
  • He stands there shocked and sopping wet, Byng laughing and happy. Asks how she got in, girl has her ways.
  • More importantly, she asks if Coye always sleeps half naked. He looks down and sees his morning wood, dies of shame and covers up.
  • Byng reassures him and compliments his size, but warns him that he better suit up for their date. He asks what time it even is, Byng still hasn’t gotten the hang of Karnalle’s time and shrugs saying the sun rose a bit ago.
  • Byng opens the door and tosses Coye his cleaned gear and tells him she’ll be waiting for him downstairs, unless he wants some help down there. He catches it and stutters maybe later, not thinking, which Byng capitalizes on and teases.
  • Coye’s temper rises and he asks her politely to leave loudly.
  • She does, and Coye opens his pocket for Shayla.
  • Shayla is laughing like crazy, proud of herself for setting this up. She’s wet from the water balloon, too, but isn’t mad at all because it was an awesome prank.
  • Coye is dejected but Shayla asks if he’s gonna back out of it, but he admits that he’s not really mad at Byng and that it was indeed kind of funny, but wished she didn’t see him naked.
  • Shayla asks if he really thinks that, seeing that his morning wood is even harder than usual. She thinks he liked being exposed but he blushes and renounces the idea, and says he’s harder because of a weird dream.
  • Concerned, Shayla asks him to clarify but doesn’t push it when he won’t.
  • Asks about his lust, Coye admits that it’s starting to act up again but it’s still manageable. Shayla says they’ll just need to make sure he gets laid every few days and it should be fine, then. Coye thinks about Suzette and smiles, Shayla teases him.
  • Don’t keep her waiting, get dressed.
  • Coye does, and before he leaves Shayla gives him a pep talk.
  • Flies to his face, puts hands on his cheek, asks if he’s nervous. Yes. asks if he thinks Byng is cute. Hesitating yes. Asks if he wants to see where things go with her and step out of his comfort zone, Coye says yes and his motivation is high.


  • He meets Byng downstairs at the quest board and sees her doing a stretch that puts her butt on display, causing a tingle. As he stares he realizes this is really happening, and it weirds him out that he might actually want it to.
  • Byng stops, looks back and smiles then gets up in his face. This embarasses him a bit and Shayla decides to help him a little bit.
  • She teases him, saying that he needs to get used to her being close to him, makes floor below his foot wobble and he falls forward landing on top of Byng
  • Byng laughs and tries to wiggle out saying that this part comes later, but Coye smells her and suddenly his interest grows.
  • He stares into her eyes and starts to drool, telling her she smells really good.
  • She gets a little shy but not much, asks if he’s some kind of perv that likes sweat or something, but then realizes he’s totally hard and asks if he needs to do something about that. It’s pressing up against her.
  • Byng picks up that something is wrong with Coye and offers to help again. Coye blushes and starts to awkwardly dry hump her while Shayla loses her shit, not expecting things to have gone this way so fast.
  • Byng thinks it feels pretty good and Coye falls deeper into lust, his ejaculation close because premature.
  • She admits she was hoping things would turn out like this, but is surprised at how quick things devolved.
  • Coye apologizes and makes it clear that he’s had some problems with this lately, and Byng sees him sniffling apologetic and embarrassed and loses it over how cute he is, saying he can go faster if he wants, and she bucks her hips up into him, causing Coye to whine loud.
  • The door to Dorothy’s office opens- she’s tired and slept in it, her clothes are a mess. She mumbles asking if Tammy is here, and then looks down at the adventurers dry humping and has a breakdown and starts repeating nonsense from the code of conduct about skinship and healthy work environments.
  • Coye pulls away and tries to explain he didn’t mean to and that they were looking for quests, while Byng just laughs and says it sure felt like he meant it.
  • Dorothy hides behind her door and tells them if they need any help with the quest board then they need to wait a few minutes for her to get ready.
  • In deep shame he hangs his head, Shayla sort of apologizes but mostly is happy at all the chaos.
  • Byng is like so... and Coye looks to see she’s not all up in his business but is chill about what happened. Asks if he still wants to hang out or if it’s too weird.
  • Shayla pushes him to go for it and he tells her he’s fine and they can still do this, asks Byng if she’s ok. She laughs and gives him a lewd but somewhat shy look asking if it looks like she minded what happened.
  • Coye is charmed by this side of her and blushes, but she then asks if he needs to finish himself off to focus or not. He tries to act tough and says he’ll be fine.
  • Byng lets it go, says if he plays his cards right then she might let him smell her some more later. Coye blushes in shame but ends up admitting he might enjoy that, which ends up amusing Byng.


  • Byng snatches three quests off the quest board but doesn’t let Coye know what they are. Dorothy emerges a few minutes later and heads to the counter, but she cannot make eye contact with Coye much to his dread.
  • Dorothy tells Byng she can’t register these two of these quests because of her rank, tries to get her to accept more quests so she can qualify for a rank up. Byng brushes it off and says she’s in Coye’s party so she can go, right?
  • Dorothy tilts her head shocked at hearing Coye and party in the same sentence. Coye confirms they’re a party but not a formal one or anything so there’s no Guild benefits. Dorothy automatically tries to get them to register and lists some benefits but apologizes, saying it's a habit.
  • Byng is like maybe some other time, Coye agrees maybe.
  • They register the quests and Byng figures that since the cooks aren’t up yet they’ll have to grab food somewhere else for breakfast. Coye suggests rations but Byng rejects the notion, saying they can’t hunt without a good meal.
  • Since there’s no choice, she suggests stopping by her camp. Coye can’t believe she can cook, but Byng is like wait till you see.
  • Something unexpected happens on their way to Byng’s camp, and Suzette ambushes them on main street as they pass her store. Funny seeing you here sort of thing. She has bags under her eyes, was waiting for them.
  • She just so happens to have two lunches packed, and invites them both for breakfast, too. Coye thinks this would be super awkward but Byng surprises him and instantly agrees.


  • Coye finds himself in Suzette’s kitchen again as she and Byng cook together. Suzette asks shady questions like she’s a mother grilling her son’s date, but Byng is so genuine and honest that Suzette takes a liking to her.
  • There’s just one thing Suzette is having trouble adjusting to, and that’s Byng’s smell. She offers to pay for a visit to the bathhouse but Byng is shaken by the offer, and is quick to point out that Coye likes the way she smells.
  • Coye tries to deny this but Suzette gets it out of him and is unsurprised. Suzette concedes- for now. Makes a suspicious reference to them needing to figure it out sometime before anything happens. Byng blushes but smiles playfully, Coye doesn’t get the implication. Shayla sighs.
  • They have a lovely breakfast and Coye thinks about how much better it was than eating alone last night. Seeing Byng and Suzette get along really makes him happy. Byng has awful table manners and Suzette routinely wipes her mouth for her.
  • After breakfast Suzette asks what sort of adventures they’ll be having today, and Coye asks too since she still didn’t tell him.
  • Byng reveals that there’s a tradition in her homerealm between two hunters called a Zurgahrahg and that she intends to challenge Coye to it.
  • Suzette has a comical moment where she is surprised Byng is an Outrealmer, thought she was a goblin. Byng teases the older woman calling her racist but clarifies she is a Gengaggi.
  • Coye is confused about the tradition, but Byng elaborates that it’s pretty close to a date and that whoever wins two out of the three challenges will win a prize according to custom.
  • Suzette seems savvy to what this prize may be, but Coye doesn’t get it and Byng assures him it’s a prize he’d want and that it’ll change his life.
  • Coye asks what if Byng wins, she says then Coye will have to give her a prize. Suzette helps, says its only fair.
  • Byng puts him on the spot but Shayla pushes him forward into accepting the challenge. Suzette applauds.
  • Byng gets up and thanks Suzette for breakfast and says she’s going to go out and do some stretches, and that Coye should take a few minutes to ‘calm down’ before they head off to the woods. She’d do it herself, but she already got pretty close to giving away the prize and she doesn’t want to mess that up again.
  • She leaves and Suzette tells him that she likes Byng, but the conversation quickly heads into lewd territory as she asks if his libido is alright. He admits to an embarrassing episode this morning and she has ‘no choice’ but to give him a quick blowjob.
  • After, he’s refreshed and feels a lot better about the day ahead. He thanks Suzette and she cheers him on.
  • Byng is waiting for him outside and she teases him saying that didn’t take long, but he brushes it off saying its because he got worked up earlier.
  • There’s a cute mood going on between the two now, and they set off.

Pre Round One

  • Now at the foot of the woods, Byng stops them and explains the first challenge.
  • There’s a D-rank monster called a Reaver Weasel, Coye is familiar with them. Their breeding season is underway and if they aren’t culled their population will explode.
  • Shayla jokes about how romantic of a date this is.
  • Byng hands him a small bag of holding and tells him to stuff the monsters in it rather than wasting his time with collecting the proof of kill and they’ll sort it out later.
  • The quest is 30 minimum, so they’ll split up and see who can kill 15 faster and meet back up at this spot.
  • Coye thinks that sounds easy, but Byng taunts him over it and tells him she basically lives in these woods. Coye asks if that’s dangerous but she doesn’t really get affected by the psychological junk going on in the woods.
  • The two enter the woods from different points and split up.
  • Shayla exits the hat and is ready to help Coye win. He thinks that might be cheating but Shayla points out how Byng is tricky herself and probably won’t be playing fair. Further, she picked the quests and planned this out ahead of time.
  • Shayla asks if Coye wants to win or if he wants to play fair. Coye thinks of Byng and what the prize might be, as well as what happened this morning, and he agrees he wants to win.
  • Happy, Shayla is ready to help and the hunt begins.


  • A description of Reaver Weasels is given in more detail once they come across the first one. They’re fast, wiry and have sharp fur that they shoot.
  • Coye figures that a ranged fighter like Byng has an advantage against these monsters, but Shayla helps him dispatch the first with a stone to the head. He moves in and kills it but gets pricked with needle fur, losing sword power. Shayla asks him why he doesn’t ditch the crappy sword but Coye is used to it.
  • They come across two mating not long after and killing them is easy since distracted.
  • They dodge a stronger monster from noticing them to create a bit of tension, and then kill a few more until they need eight more.
  • They happen to find a group of eight in an orgy, which embarasses Coye but amuses Shayla. He wants to incapacitate them all at once since this is a lucky chance, but he isn’t sure how to do it.
  • Shayla asks if he has a tool in his belt that could do it, like a sleeping powder, but Coye says his belt doesn’t have all the answers.
  • Shayla suggests pitfall, but they’re too small and could easily jump out of it. Coye doesn’t want her to burn through her mana so fast, anyway.
  • Coye can’t think of anything else, so he has Shayla dismount and tells her to back him up if any try and escape. He’s just going to use brute force and get it done.
  • He quick steps in and impales two, startling the other 6 who dismount. One attempts to attack with its needles but Coye shields and kills it, then quick steps off and finishes two more.
  • Since they’re getting away, Shayla shoots stones at two and then distracts the third, allowing Coye to sweep.
  • He bags the kills and congratulates Shayla, but she points out that a bunch of weasels are coming and they’re mad, and Coye panics and the two run off to lose their pursuers in a comical fashion.

Round Two Prep

  • When they return to the meet up spot, they find Byng working on sharpening some arrowheads. She’s seemingly bored and teases his slowness.
  • She’s been here for a while, and Coye is shocked at how that’s the case.
  • He asks if Byng had a secret trick, and she taunts him for trying to get the secret out of her. She relents though and shows him the first weasel she killed, which was a female. It smells really powerful and Coye gets the idea.
  • Byng cut it open and sprinkled its pheremones all over the place and probably had a trap set for any that came close. She confirms it.
  • Coye is impressed, but embarrassed he didn’t think of it. Byng points out that she’s a true hunter, while Coye is a fighter who thinks in terms of slaying.
  • Coye asks if she planned this out ahead of time, but Byng plays innocent and only says she’s playing to win. Shayla reiterates that it’s totally fine for them to cheat.
  • Coye concedes defeat in round one and asks what's next.
  • Byng says that this time they’ll be hunting together, but Coye wants to know why. She asks if he’s ever gone after a Woodtreader before. It’s an ostrich-like flightless bird that isn’t dangerous but is a silver rank quest because of how hard it is to catch.
  • Coye asks why kill it if it’s not dangerous, Byng says they’re tasty and rich people like them. Coye shrugs, good enough.
  • Byng says that the one who lands the killing blow is the winner and reminds him if she wins then the challenge is over and Coye will owe her a prize.
  • He surprises her by not backing down, sticking up for himself a bit and saying he won’t lose. Byng loves to see it.

2nd round

  • Byng and Coye are traveling together and Coye remarks how nice it feels not being in the woods alone. Shayla takes offense jokingly, but Byng is happy to help. She knows it fucks with your head.
  • Coye asks why it doesn’t bother her and she asks him how much he knows about her homerealm. He knows nothing besides its where Orcs come from and she spells it out- imagine a place where Orcs are the lowest creature on the food chain and he’ll see why some spooky woods don’t bother her. He gulps.
  • Byng laughs, Coye understands why she left her realm. He wants to know how she managed to leave, though, since he knows how hard it is to migrate.
  • Byng stops and puts her hands on her hips, saying she doesn’t get why he’s suddenly interested in her. Coye says things have been different lately, and Byng doesn’t question it.
  • Byng notices some of the monster’s feathers and impresses Coye, he wouldn’t have noticed them. She tells him to stop trying to butter her up, and to follow.
  • She leads them to the monster in no time at all, again impressing him. She’s even better at monster tracking than his dad is, he reckons.
  • They watch the monster from afar and Byng says they’re gonna attack it in three. At the count, Coye quick steps and Byng jumps into the air, launching an arrow.
  • It dodges like it was nothing, and Byng’s arrow was revealed to be a trick. It was a smoke bomb to momentarily blind Coye, Shayla praises the crafty bitch.
  • Byng runs up a log, jumps on tree, performs a ricochet shot based on where it looks like it’ll be. She misses and Coye emerges, he looks around for the monster and Shayla points it out. He takes out a gadget from his belt.
  • It’s a hookshot rip-off. He tells Byng she’s not the only one with tricks, and he attaches it to a tree in the Woodtreader’s path to try and trip it. It almost works but it jumps over at the last second.
  • Byng tells him he’ll have to be a lot more creative and shoots another arrow, this time at a boulder. Shayla is like wtf will that do, but Byng smiles as it hits. It creates a kinetic explosion that blows up the boulder and sends debris blasting at the monster.
  • Coye is impressed but both are let down when the monster ducks each one like a martial arts master. Byng can’t hide her irritation.
  • Coye mutters to Shayla to back him up, and she puts the wind on his back. Byng comments on this and Coye catches up to the bird, is about to attack but Byng pulls out a bola and traps his legs with it, running along the tree tops.
  • Byng shoots another couple arrows at it while Coye is down only to get dodged.
  • As Coye cuts himself free, Shayla points out they need to return the favor and incapacitate Byng too. Coye doesn’t wanna hurt her, but neither does Shayla. Trying to help him score with her, not kill her.
  • Coye agrees and Shayla notices a crack on the tree Byng is standing on. She has Coye thrust his hand out, and he pretends it's his magic that snaps her branch. Byng falls down and the monster is distracted enough for Coye run in and attempt to sweep its legs.
  • It dodges and he can’t believe it.
  • Byng pulls herself out of the wreck and is like, I know, right? She hates hunting these fuckers. Coye laughs.
  • She launches a glowing arrow strike with her energy and it curves due to her will, but even this trick isn’t enough to give it the slip.
  • Coye joins her in feeling irritable but he is dedicated to winning this challenge. He pumps Byng up and they both agree that this isn’t over until one of them wins.
  • Comical transition to like an hour later, and they are both exhausted and have used way too much of their energy over a foe like this. It runs through some of the stuff they’ve tried to subdue it and it’s still no worse for wear.
  • They hobble together and agree that this one is a draw.
  • Byng announces to the bird that she’ll get it one day and that this isn’t over.

Pre 3rd Round

  • They get back to entrance of the woods and they’re both wiped out. Coye breaks out a stamina potion and he has a swig. Byng asks if he’s gonna share, but he pauses. She’s like don’t tell me you’re worried about an indirect kiss after dry humping me and he’s like point taken.
  • They both feel refreshed, but they still need a real break.
  • Byng suggests they eat Suzette’s lunches
  • As they eat, Byng mentions how nice Suzette is. She kind of reminds her of her mom, except Suzette’s creepier in a funny way.
  • Byng asks point blank ‘how it happened’ and Coye almost chokes. He gets pressured by Shayla to tell the truth and he has her promise she won’t make fun of him, she teases but says ok.
  • He admits that the woods have been having a weird effect on him lately and its been messing up his sex drive and he was scared about it and he went to Suzette for help.
  • Byng says oh so you weren’t lying about being sick and her helping you.
  • He nods. Byng thinks thats weird as hell, but interesting. She asks if he’s better and Coye says yes, but it was getting to the point where he couldn’t focus on adventuring.
  • Byng riffs on him a little, suggesting the only reason he’s out here with her is to try and find another easy fix, but Coye takes this jab seriously and denies it.
  • He says he asked her out on an adventure because he got swept into it yesterday, but now that he’s here and having fun with her he is adamant about not wanting to be anywhere else right now.
  • Byng is a little taken aback by his honesty but eventually laughs it off. Calls him cute or something and they finish lunch.
  • Byng asks if Coye has a hunting knife for later, says when they get back to her camp she’d like it if he’d help process the kills.
  • Coye is like yeah sure, takes out his hunting knife but mentions he was thinking of getting a monster stripper since it’d be easier.
  • Byng doesn’t know what that is, so Coye brings up the Owlbear from yesterday and how he was struggling to cut it up, but that makes Shayla remind him about the present.
  • Coye blushes and remembers, brings out the bag of feathers for Byng. She is stunned and for once she loses a bit of her cool, and struggles not to hug him and jokes about not wanting to get him hot and bothered.
  • Byng says she can’t let him give her a gift without something in return, so she produces a hunting knife made of what looks like obsidian. She says this was half of the reward for winning the challenge, but she’ll let him take it for a spin a little early.
  • Its made of a special material from Grurguhrohk and her dad made it for her. Coye can’t accept it but Byng shows him a matching one and tells him that her dad made her two for a reason, and that he’ll have no need for a monster stripper now. Coye accepts.
  • If he wants to know what the reason was, then he has to win the third challenge. Coye asks if she’s ready to tell him about it and she is.
  • Byng asks if he’s ever hunted a Grunwolf, a wolf made of plant matter, and Coye is a little shocked. He hasn’t, it’s a top silver rank threat. He ran from one once, but that was back when he was just starting out and was weaker.
  • Byng says it’ll be the tiebreaker, and Coye gives her a look. She’s like you’re not about to suggest I can’t take one because of my rank, are you. He says no and admits she’s stronger than her bronze rank implies, but he’s still worried.
  • Byng assures him and says they’ll hunt until sundown and the one who bags it will be the winner of the competition.
  • Coye doesn’t like the idea of staying in the woods till that late and tries to say that they don’t need this competition to have fun together, but Byng gets surprisingly upset about this and Shayla tells him this means a lot to her for some reason. He relents and allows it to proceed, and the two depart for the last trek into the woods.

Boss Battle

  • Coye and Shayla have hunted for hours and have seen no sign of any Grunwolf, and they’re both starting to get tired and the last bit of sun is starting to die out from the trees.
  • Shayla uses her magic to light up his sword as they make their way back and they joke about how Byng is probably there waiting for him, ready to be crowned winner.
  • She isn’t, and both are worried.
  • Coye panics and thinks about waiting for her, but he can’t bring himself to do it and he needs to go and find Byng before it's too late.
  • He tries to follow her tracks but Byng is good about not leaving footprints, plus it's dark, so he can’t follow her trail for long.
  • Seeing he’s getting desperate, Shayla makes him remember that Byng is strong and she’s probably alright. Believe in her and go help her, but don’t freak out.
  • Coye calms down, believes in Byng and rushes off to find her. He can’t call her name because of danger, but he focuses on his senses, looking for her sounds, until finally he catches a hint of her smell. Shayla is like are you fucking joking.
  • Coye rushes onto the scene after hearing a tremendous, earth-shaking boar squeal from afar.
  • He sees a dead Grunwolf caught in a trap and riddled with arrows, but also a Ravenous Boarman alive. Byng is in the treetops, unwounded but exhausted. She has a small lantern on her fastened to her shoulder. She’s currently taking potshots at the beast but it keeps toppling trees she’s in.
  • Coye tries to come up with a plan like he usually does but he darts in impulsively, uses double strike only for it to bounce off the monster’s fat. Byng warns him to get out of there, but it punches Coye straight in the face. If it weren’t for steel soul it would’ve caved in his skull. He lies on the ground, head ringing.
  • Shayla’s voice snaps him out of it, calls him stupid for not learning anything. Reminds him that he’s not fighting alone, he’s got her and Byng. Work together.
  • Coye apologizes, Shayla yanks his hair, no time. It's approaching him as the weaker threat. He asks Byng for help, and she shoots another bola arrow that stumbles the boar and gives him enough time to get up and stabilize.
  • Byng explains she doesn’t have anything that can deal that much damage to it, and asks if he wants to escape. Coye considers it but Shayla wants him to win, wanting to build his reputation. He agrees to fight and Byng is cool with support duty.
  • Coye dodges a series of attacks, pushing himself with each one, way harder than the Owlbear. Byng jumps from the tree and shoots some arrows at it that pierce but do no damage, not even distracting it.
  • Coye stands ground, wastes no time using triple strike to make sure he can even damage this thing. He makes a huge gash in its arm and Byng congrats him, but sees that it hurt Coye.
  • Coye is determined that it doesn’t hurt and that he needs to get stronger- and real combat is the best way to do it.
  • Boar jumps in the air and then ground pounds, earth shatters and Coye stumbles. In this moment the boar leans down and is about to bite Coye’s whole head off but Shayla crumbles the dirt below his foot, making him avoid the bite by falling.
  • Byng runs at the boar and jumps on its back, stabbing it with her hunting knife multiple times. It shakes her off and she lands hard on the ground. It's about to stomp her but Coye leaps in the way and shoves his sword upward into the hoof coming down, making it impale its own foot.
  • Coye is adamant that they can win, just a little more. It’s not going to be able to escape now- but it rattles off a scream and glows an aura that makes Coye’s mouth water and he feels hunger. Shayla tries to get him to snap out of it but Byng pulls him out of harms way.
  • Coye breaks out of it and realizes he needs to bring things to a close before it can mess with his head any longer. He asks Byng for whatever distraction she can create and she sets off flashbomb arrow that staggers it temporarily.
  • Coye says something coded towards Shayla to get her to put the wind on his back as he prepares a fusion of his trademark spin attack art and triple strike. He runs forward but the pain is too much and he buckles, and before it looks like the boar is gonna get him he recovers and performs it again.
  • The wind fuels his spin and he goes faster than he ever has. The force of it barrels him into the boar and he shreds its huge belly like a food processor, covering himself in bile and blood.
  • Shayla holds onto his hair for dear life, Byng is stunned at how strong Coye actually is when serious. She blushes even.
  • Boar falls over dead and soon Coye does, too, and the spinning makes him throw up bad.
  • Coye asks if Byng could forget this part and only remember the part where he was cool, and she is happy to agree. Shayla is super relieved.
  • Byng asks if he wants some of his potion and he tells her to put it to his lips but only let him drink a mouthful. Lot of adventurers get dependent on them and he makes it a point not to.
  • Byng is beaming as she does this, saying how she knew she was right about Coye and how he’s even better than she dreamed of.
  • Feeling a bit better, Coye jokes how he wasn’t that good since she won the challenge, referring to the dead Grunwolf.
  • She’s like are you joking, you won tonight and there’s no question about it. Feeling cheeky, Coye asks about his prize, earning a laugh.
  • Byng says they’ll talk about it at her camp. He’s able to stand, it’s not his legs that hurt, even if lightheaded. Byng collects trophies from the wolf and the boar, Coye eats some of his rations and they leave together, Byng super happy and holding Coye’s hand.


  • We get a desc. Of Byng’s camp, Coye notes similarities to some Goblin camps he’s burnt down and feels bad. Byng tells he’s gonna need to wash up before they get to his prize, Shayla is suspicious but Coye is still a little dense.
  • She brings out a big metal tub and fills it with water from a nearby pond, starts her campfire and puts the tub on it for him. Coye blushes but Byng starts to strip him and he agrees before she can touch his hat. She’s already seen it.
  • Before getting in, he makes sure Byng isn’t gonna eat him. She teases him about it and spanks his naked butt, bringing attention to how soft, round and feminine it is. He buries his face in the water out of shame.
  • She gets him a rag and Coye asks for soap. Byng doesn’t follow, Shayla remarks that explains a few things.
  • While Coye bathes, Byng starts processing their weasels from the bags of holding. She cuts their feet off for the Guild and hangs them up on hunting racks to bleed out, she’s gonna get their pelts tomorrow, asks if he wants his to sell. Coye says yeah, asks if she’s gonna use their eyeballs.
  • Byng is like wat but Coye says he knows a guy and he’s trying to save money. Byng figures he means an alchemist type and she asks what he’s saving for, asks if it has to do with that new hobby of his.
  • Coye blushes more, Byng asks why he wouldn’t tell her about his hobby. He is honest and says Byng intimidated him and he thought she might make fun of him. She’s a little hurt, but asks if she still intimidates him. Yes, but he’s starting to like that.
  • Coye tells her about his hobby and she’s interested, even if she can’t quite comprehend it. She talks a bit about how leisure activities are something she can’t get used to about Karnalle, and explains some of her home. No relaxation, relaxing means death.
  • She tells him how she got here, snuck on a ship, the ship liked her and didn’t report her. Byng misses her parents, but is happier in Karnalle. Coye inquires about why she left, Byng tells him later.
  • Coye is done, and Byng gets him a pelt to towel off. She doesn’t have any clothes for him so he just ties it around his waist. Gets teased.
  • Byng cooks up one of the weasels and Coye is surprised at how good it is. Byng is happy. The two share dinner and after its done, Byng says its time for the prize. It’s super late and Coye says it can wait if it needs to, he’s pretty tired anyway. Byng tells him to wait outside for a few mins and then join her inside the tent.
  • Coye blushes/protests but Byng points out it’s not like they’ve got enough energy to make it back to town. Coye says he has his own tent in his belt but Byng tells him to get a clue or w/e. It’s not that Coye doesn’t know, he’s just nervous.
  • Shayla gives Coye a pep talk and he is embarrassed but motivated to be with Byng whatever happens.

The Prize

  • Byng calls for Coye and he enters, we get desc. Of the tent. All kinds of interesting junk. Coye is happy to have seen all this.
  • Sets Shayla down on a rickety shelf and approaches Byng.
  • She’s wearing a pelt as a blanket and only her head is exposed.
  • Coye sits with her and before talking about the prize, Coye up front asks how long she’s liked him. Byng is honest, since the moment she saw him. Coye asks why.
  • Byng reveals the reason she left Grurguhrohk is she’s a pervert, ruining the moment comedically.
  • When she was little she found a picture book from Ikkuni in a traders stand in a big city and it depicted something she’d never seen before- men who were small and cute. There are no orcs like that, and it made her heart beat like mad.
  • Coye asks what about males of her own race. Byng reveals Gengaggi are a female only race made by her pantheon’s sex god to serve orcs who aren’t strong enough to win the attention of a female orc.
  • Byng makes it clear she’s never ‘served’ anyone, orc or otherwise, which Coye smiles about dopily.
  • She leans on his shoulder, he smells her and gets into it.
  • She left her realm to find a better, easier life, yeah, but she also wanted to find a mate.
  • Byng asks if that makes her weird, but Coye thinks about it and says he admires how Byng is true to herself and can be honest about what she likes. Ties to his development.
  • Byng reveals the challenge wasn’t just something hunters do, it's specifically a courtship ritual. Coye asks if it counts since he wasn’t aware it was a courtship ritual, Byng gives him a chance to let it count. Coye agrees.
  • Coye gets a little mopey, feeling bad for ignoring Byng for so long. Byng admits she came on too strong, but Coye has trouble believing all that junk was her attempt at flirting. The two laugh.
  • Byng explains that she knew there was something about him that made him worth waiting for, she knew it as a hunter. Until today she only liked him, but now it’s something more. Coye is gonna be a huge badass someday, she just knows it, and she wants in.
  • He gets worried but tells him not to worry about the l-word, or about Suzette. Males with more females are super attractive to her culture of course, so she just asks bluntly if Coye wants to start something with her.
  • Coye summons courage and says yes, but Byng has a condition.
  • She wants a kiss before it starts.

Lewd 1

  • Coye freezes up, realizing he hasn’t kissed a girl yet. Byng gets what this means and is super happy that she still gets a first, meanwhile Shayla is jealous and jokingly turns on Byng.
  • Byng taunts him what he’s waiting for, Coye admits that he hasn’t taken the initiative in sex before and that he likes being submissive. Byng is not surprised, and while she wants to take control of him, she thinks tonight would be good practice for Coye on being dominant.
  • Coye cannot picture himself dominant, and neither can Shayla, but Byng is sure he’ll get the hang of it. She puckers out her lips and waits.
  • Coye closes his eyes and draws closer, makes contact and they share a kiss that becomes lewd the longer it goes on. She shocks him with the length of her tongue and reminds him her species was made to sexually satisfy orcs. You know what that means? Coye says even he’s not that sheltered.
  • Byng laughs and takes off her blanket, revealing she’s wearing all sorts of bone jewelry but is otherwise nude. She looks really exotic and hot, reclines and tells him to get on top of her and keep going.
  • He kisses more, she undoes his pelt and reveals his dick, and she jerks it a few times but Coye seems to feel it really hard. She asks if he’s in pain but he adorably admits he cums fast when starting out. She asks if he’ll be able to continue and he assures her that he can go a lot of times in a row, Byng says then don’t worry about it and cum when he needs to.
  • Coye starts thrusting between her thighs, and Byng hypes them up. How thick they are, how soft, how proud she is of them, etc. It’s too much for Coye to handle and he ends up cumming between them.
  • He feels bad but Byng just thinks he’s cute.
  • Byng doesn’t let him rest long, wants to be touched. Coye awkwardly fumbles with her body and enjoys being on top, is hard again not long after. He keeps thigh humping her, but is more in control this time. It rubs her pussy and she’s starting to feel good, along with what else he does to her.
  • She has him rub it against her clit and she ends up cumming too, and she fills the air with her smell. Coye is really affected by it and she tells him to go down and get a taste if he loves it so much.
  • Shayla cheers him on to do it, too, and Coye nervously goes down to eat Byng’s pussy. She gets a little rough with him and holds his head in place the better he does.
  • She teases him how if he’s lucky she’ll sit on his face sometime, knowing he’d probably like that. Coye is confused but she describes it and the idea makes him eat her harder.
  • She cums. Coye asks if he did good, Byng jokes probably not as good as she would, flicks her long tongue.
  • Coye wants to find out how that would feel, but Byng says there’s something more important they have to do and asks if he’s ready to break her in.
  • Byng rolls around and shows her behind for him, pulls her cheeks open. She warns him that it’s gonna feel a little different because she’s not human, but he’s gonna love it.
  • Coye enthusiastically scrambles behind her.

Lewd 2

  • He grabs himself and presses against Byng, who gives him more guidance on taking control. She has him brace for thrusting, but he can barely move past an inch.
  • Byng explains that her hymen is super strong because Orcs, and tells Coye he’s gonna have to really put effort into it to penetrate her.
  • Shayla tries to cheer him on, but Coye can’t do it easy even by grabbing her ass really hard. Byng taunts him to do his best, Coye gets the idea to put energy in his hips and thrust like using double strike.
  • He penetrates it and Byng cries out, but Coye starts cumming right away. Her pussy is narrow and with tons of folds, the drag is crazy.
  • Byng comforts him and moves her hips to help him shoot more out, Coye apologizes but she feels too good and he went too hard. Asks if hurts, no. Says how many times do I have to tell you my race was made for fucking.
  • Coye gets the picture and starts to move after adjusting, Byng keeps getting him to cave in to his lust and thrust more animalistically.
  • He gets into a good rhythm and Byng starts to really feel it, is proud of Coye for taking the momentum.
  • She even gets him to spank her, even though he’s nervous about it. After he does, Byng teases him about how good it feels to smack a woman’s ass and he loves it. Gets close.
  • Byng gets him to do it more and more, cums as he spanks her and he cums really hard too.
  • Coye pulls out and is in a daze, then sees his cum pooling out of Byng and realizes he did it again. She teases him about it but Coye says this is serious and he doesn’t want her to get pregnant.
  • Byng tells him not to cum inside, but he hesitates and says it feels good. Byng jokes and says well that’s that then, daddy.
  • He becomes dazed at that and she pushes him onto the floor, saying he did a good job taking the lead but Byng knows he’s not fully cut out for that and it’s time to give him what he wants.

Lewd 3

  • Byng uses her long tongue to give Coye a crazy blowjob. Shayla is super horny at the sight of it, wonders what it would feel like to have that tongue dragging all over her.
  • She stops before Coye can get too into it, and then puts him into an embarrassing position- amazon. Byng asks if he’d like this, and Coye is super shy but he thinks so. She’s not surprised, she tells him she’s wanted to do him like this for so long and she sinks down.
  • Byng teases him a little for liking this, but when he doesn’t back down about it, she’s proud. She compels him to just relax and enjoy this, because he’s her man from now on and where she comes from, girls know how to treat their men and give them what they want.
  • Coye is made to cum not too long after that, and Byng is close so she keeps riding him even though he’s sensitive until she finally cums at least, too. She falls down beside him and asks if they can cuddle or if her smell will excite him too much.
  • He thinks it’ll be fine. Compared to Suzette, Coye is the big spoon and this is both exciting and embarrassing.
  • Coye feels emotional and cuddles her close, telling Byng he’s so happy about today. She’s pretty happy too. He wonders what they’re going to be like from now on, but Byng promises she’s not gonna cramp his style. She likes having her own place and hanging out alone in the woods, too, so she’s not gonna be super clingy.
  • Coye thinks she could be a little clingy, especially since he never gave her a chance till now. She stops him from getting mopey by rolling on top of him and they end up getting into the mood one last time and Coye presses in from below, his hands on her ass and they fuck again.
  • Now they’re both wiped and they fall asleep together, but not before Coye kisses Byng again.


  • Coye discovers the first inconvenience of being with someone- Byng snores. He wakes up late at night and has to pee, so he goes to relieve himself and then when he turns back Shayla’s there.
  • She also woke up cause of snoring, Shayla promises to magic away that problem when they go back.
  • He’s happy to see her, runs up to her and hugs, she jokes if he’d forgotten about her. They were off in their own little world.
  • Coye says course not, but he’s so happy about everything that happened that its hard to think straight.
  • Shayla asks if he’s in love with Byng.
  • Coye doesn’t know, but maybe. Even if he was, it’s not just a feeling he feels for Byng. He also has it for Suzette and Shayla.
  • Shayla is embarrassed, calls him a player and wonders if she created a monster.
  • Coye is ashamed of who he used to be, and he thanks Shayla for pushing him to do this because being with Suzette and then Byng changed him.
  • He would’ve never gotten to know either of them, and its opened his eyes to what he wants to do from now on.
  • Shayla is impressed that he has a goal, but less so when he says it. He wants to see what else he’s missed out on and feel what its like to experience these feelings with more girls.
  • She’s like are you saying you want to sleep around?
  • He blushes and says no, he means he wants to get to know other girls if the opportunity presents itself. He doesn’t want to miss out on anything like this ever again, and if it ends up with him hooking up with more girls than that’s fine and all that, but even if it doesn’t go that way then at least he’ll have made more friends.
  • Shayla asks what about girls that frighten him? Tammy, and the bullies.
  • Coye admits yes to them too, he’s going to at least try.
  • Shayla is impressed at how pure and wholesome he is, but gets a mock headache saying he’s gonna wind up in tons of trouble going around sleeping with girls like this if he doesn’t offer up some kind of commitment.
  • Coye frowns, saying he’s not against making it official with them if that’s what they want, but...
  • She also points out how he keeps cumming inside of them without knowing whether they’re on birth control or not, too. He reiterates that it feels good.
  • She jokes about how she’s not gonna go causing any accidents if he gets one of them pregnant, and Coye is outraged. He says if something happens he’d take responsibility. Shayla is like yeah, of course you would... and smiles.
  • She tells him to ask Suzette if she knows anyone who sells houses, because if its really his goal to start fucking half of Cransmere she reiterates he needs his own place. He resolves to ask her tomorrow.
  • Coye is ready to go back in and sleep, but Shayla stops him. She reminds him that he said he feels that way about her, too, right? And he says yeah.
  • Shayla wants some love too before the night is over.

Shayla lewd

  • Shayla demands that they start out with a kiss, but not because she’s jealous that Byng got one. Coye thinks she’s really cute and the kiss happens, even if a little weird.
  • Coye asks if she wants any special foreplay, but Shayla is plenty wet after all the voyeurism.
  • She has a request though and wants it gentle like Byng just got it. Coye teases, ‘again not cause you’re jealous?’
  • She is grumpy with him but reiterates exactly.
  • Coye puts Shayla up to his dick and he thrusts in, and because he’s had so much relief he’s actually able to not pump in and out of her like crazy. She’s able to enjoy it a lot.
  • She asks him to tell her that her pussy is just as good as the other girls.
  • Coye feels bad, but she asks again and he tells her of course it does. Shayla is very happy to hear him say it and asks him not to stop.
  • Coye rambles incoherently about loving Shayla’s tiny pussy until they both cum.
  • Shayla is happy with how that turned out. She doesn’t hurt at all, but she’s real tired now.
  • Coye pokes in to see if Byng is asleep, she still is, and he gives Shayla a kiss as he puts her in the hat.
  • She uses magic to clear up Byng’s snoring and Coye cuddles up to Byng. He’s happy, but his last thoughts are wishing that Shayla was big enough to join them in their cuddle.

Vol End



Almost spoiled myself there. Hot too excited reading "coye book 3 out" and thought the book was out now. U can't play with my emotions like this bro!


Lmao you know it wouldn’t be out that fast. We’ll see how it goes, hoping to get it done faster than book 2 took.