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First of the final drafts. This one ended up being so big that I'm splitting it in two, but I'm still keeping the internal name as ch7 for filing reasons.

Good news also, next RotGM is almost done, too! Will probably finish it tomorrow.


Removing the belt wasn’t much of a hassle, but it brought along with it certain expectations that went unfulfilled. Coye was confused when Suzette proceeded to ignore his area of desire which had just been so kindly liberated.

Instead, Suzette traced her delicate hand back up along his chest slow and with sensual purpose. The woman brushed his cheek with her fingertips and made her way to his hair.

She took his golden locks in between her fingers, smiling with envy as she twirled them. “You don’t know how lucky you have it, Darling...”

“Um... w-why do you say that...?”

“Your hair is so smooth and soft, almost like silk. I bet you don’t even do anything special to take care of it, do you?”

“No, not really...” Coye was becoming uncomfortable at the sudden compliments, but he didn’t hate it, either.

“I knew it,” the older woman sighed and shook her head. “I shouldn’t be surprised, I suppose. Everything about you is just so cute and irresistible.”

Shayla felt the need to rub in the fact that she was right, teasing, ‘Told ya so.

His smile became increasingly frazzled to match his racing heart. “Really...?”

“Yes, really,” Suzette looked down at him with an incredulous expression, like she couldn’t comprehend he didn’t understand the true power of his own cuteness. “I know I’m far from the only woman in town who thinks so, for that matter.”

Sweet, sweet vindication.

Coye ignored the Pixie as he forced himself to open his mind. Now that a second woman had verified Shayla’s claims, there was no denying the truth any longer.

He now accepted at long last that the girls of Cransmere thought he was cute.

It wasn’t difficult to accept the fact, thanks to Suzette. She ran her delicate right hand down his tunic, rubbing his sensitive chest through the light fabric as she did.

Afterward, the older woman returned to the area she had left behind. Suzette drew toward his pelvis closer and closer with every touch, reaching past his hips as she began to massage his inner thigh.

“Haaah...” Coye shut his eyes, his body shivering and his jaw slack.

He wasn’t a virgin, but the ways Shayla could explore his body were minimal. Everything Suzette had to offer was new to Coye, and keeping his composure was a losing battle he didn’t even try and fight.

As the touching put him on the edge of sensuality, Coye shut his heavy eyelids and turned his face toward Suzette’s supple body. He buried his face into the softness of her stomach as she massaged away and was met with a strange smell coming from between her legs.

Suzette was feeling aroused, the wetness increasing by the moment.

Seeking to give him what he wanted, the older woman transitioned her style of touching from gentle to a more aggressive and passionate method. Coye’s whimpering spoke to her desires, causing Suzette to bite her lower lip and let out a pleased hum of her own.

She knew exactly what it was that he wanted, and she tested the waters by running her fingertips across the urgent bulge in Coye’s trousers.

“A-Ahh!!” Coye jolted forward at the touch, almost unable to believe the tension he felt.

“Oh, my... so sensitive...” Suzette whispered, tracing her fingertips a second and then a third time along his length until grasping the entire shaft gently into her fist and giving it the faintest of squeezes.

“Hhhnn-” he whined, not knowing how it was possible to feel so much worse yet so much better at the same time.

“Darling, this doesn’t hurt, does it...?” Suzette looked down at the throbbing bulge she held, her eyes as big as saucepans. She doubted she’d be able to let go even if he said it hurt, though.

Coye shook his head, desiring more attention regardless of whether or not it hurt. “No... please... don’t stop-” he begged, to great success.

He was so small, and even though he was an adventurer who fought monsters on the daily, at this moment, he was so very powerless. Suzette gulped and pumped him a single time through his trousers.

A girlish moan rattled out of Coye’s throat, shocking Suzette. His pleasured sounds weren’t the only startling thing about him in this situation, though, she soon realized.

The more she felt him through his pants, the more the woman realized how much Coye had to work with.

Her breathing became hotter, heavier, and she muttered in disbelief, “Goodness, I didn’t know men could actually be so big... and here I thought that all those trashy romance novels of mine were exaggerating...”

Coye might not have heard that, but Shayla did.

The Pixie was beginning to enjoy herself as she watched. Her petite hands ran along with the globes of her bountiful chest, smiling as she fondled them roughly. ‘Something tells me that her husband wasn’t exactly packing, big guy...’ a naughty idea came to her, and she compelled Coye, ‘Now, go on and ask her if she likes your dick.’

Coye was falling and below him was a pit of his own lust, nearly bottomless in depth.

As he submerged, he found he was in no such condition to question these suggestions. His mind was clay, and its sculptor was a masterful Pixie who wanted little more than to amuse herself.

He complied, thrusting his cock up into Suzette’s grip as if trying to fuck her hand. Coye asked, “D-Do you- ahhhh...! Do you like it...?” only to burn an even brighter shade of red when he realized what he just asked.

Suzette opened her mouth wide, shocked that her cute little man asked her such a perverted question. Had he always been like this? No, if he had, he would’ve fallen for her a lot sooner, she surmised.

Still... the dirtiness of the question continued to stir the many thoughts and feelings Suzette was experiencing.

With a little laugh, she retorted, “Excuse me? What did you just ask, you naughty little boy?” Suzette stroked him harder as her confidence increased. Then, she squeezed twice as tight before Coye could answer.

Ooooh, someone’s starting to feel it...’ Shayla loved the tone Suzette took with Coye, and judging from his reaction, so did he.

The boy loudly panted, his back arching beneath her firm grip. “AH! I... I asked you if you... if you liked my... nnn...”

Suzette clicked her tongue at him and shook her head. “Say it properly,” she commanded using a stern, husky tone of voice.

It pried the word right out of him. “My cock,” Coye squirmed, wincing and twitching.

Now more than pleased with his compliant behavior, the woman rewarded him by way of a skillful tease. Suzette stroked him three times with her full strength in fast succession. Coye was delighted to feel the newly-brought pleasure, and Shayla was aroused to see it.

Suzette answered, “Of course I do, Darling... you might be the cutest little thing I’ve ever seen, but... this?” The beautiful older woman tugged him once, long and hard for proper emphasis. “This is just about as far from cute as you could possibly get. I haven’t even laid eyes on it yet, and I can already tell how hard, rugged, and manly this... this cock of yours is...”

She felt the heat rising to her cheeks, her confidence wavering ever so slightly as she uttered the dirty word. Suzette shook it off as the anticipation surged through her once again.

“Gods,” she gasped, biting her lower lip. “I don’t think I can wait much longer. Stand up for a moment,” Suzette demanded. “Get up and show me everything.”

Snapping somewhat out of his addled state, Coye sat up and looked over his shoulder at the woman making demands of him. “W-What...? I... I c-can’t just-”

‘Hell yes, you can,’ Shayla hollered, encouraging him as best she could. ‘Stand up and give the bitch a show! Make sure your turn around and show her your cute little butt, too.

If he wasn’t already on the verge of passing out from embarrassment, Shayla’s comment did little to help. He almost burst then and there.

Suzette was growing impatient, or at least, she wanted to appear as if she was. Tilting her head and cupping her chin so she could look down at him with a menacing glare, she asked, “Darling, didn’t you hear me? I sand to stand up and strip.”

The words entered his ears and pulsed through his everything, making him sweat, and his breath grew heavier as they set in.

He realized that this wasn’t going to be like any of his erotic escapades thus far with Shayla. Suzette was drastically different, which both excited and worried him simultaneously.

His embarrassment burned to a feverish pitch as Coye followed Suzette’s command, rising from her lap and standing up in front of the couch. Since she had already unbuckled his belt for him, his pants dropped without hesitation and fell around his ankles. All that held back his straining erection from the open air was a pair of green boxers.

Coye’s teeth chattered from the shivers, and he shut his eyes to help with the shame but only to find it did nothing to calm his nerves.

C’mon, baby. Don’t keep the lady waiting or she might get bored with you! Do a little striptease when you rip off that shirt. Seriously, give her a dance or something!’ Shayla teased, trying to ease him just a bit with humor.

She knew that a full-on striptease was probably not on the table, given the state he was in, but that didn’t stop the Pixie from dreaming.

The teasing actually did have the intended effect, at least. Even if it wasn’t all that noticeable.

Coye imagined himself doing a revealing dance, and it spurred him to get it over with so he wouldn’t have to resort to that. His breathing was shaky as he lifted the crab tunic over his head inch by inch.

He revealed his girly figure to Suzette in all its feminine glory, and she ate him up with her eyes. On some level, she thought that it wasn’t fair for a boy to be so pretty. Maybe she was even a little jealous.

All that didn’t matter to her, though. Not when the stunning sight of Coye, with his slender form, majestic pointed ears, and his bright blue eyes with long lashes, was standing right in front of her.

Coye was beautiful in a way that Suzette never dreamed that a man could be, and more than that, he was aroused because of a woman like her. Only now did she understand just how immense and profound ran the lust she felt for this boy was.

Trying to maintain composure, Suzette kept up her stern voice and tilted her head. “What are you waiting for...?” She asked. “Get those boxes off and show me how manly you are, Darling. I’ve waited long enough as it is, and here you are trying to tease me? Really?”

“N-No,” he shook his head, afraid of upsetting the woman. “I’m not trying to do a-anything like that at all, I-”

“Well, if you aren’t trying to drag this out and tease a poor old woman, then get on with it,” Suzette smirked, and Coye bit his lower lip.

“Okay, okay...” he took in a deep breath of air as he brought his hands to the hem of his underwear. Once he dug into the stretchy material, however, he hesitated.

Feeling the excited stares from two different women at the same time was taking its toll on him. He felt as if he was being exposed, even made vulnerable.

Then, he remembered how disappointed Suzette would be if he kept her waiting. He forced himself to jump this hurdle to please her and dropped his underwear at long last.

Suzette’s persona of dominance wavered from a single look at it.

“Gods,” she observed, covering her mouth with both hands as she gawked at him.

Coye’s cock wasn’t just unlike her husband’s. It looked like something else altogether. It was red like an angered beast, throbbed like the rumble of lightning in a storm, and Goddesses Above and Below did it look painful.

At that moment, Suzette was torn between two conflicting desires. One desire was primal in nature. The other was to rush Coye to the nearest healer after all.

The side that won out, in the end, was the option Suzette was least proud of.

Shayla watched the woman’s reaction to her partner’s beast with a wicked grin. She made it all too easy, giving the Pixie such delicious ammo with which to tease the boy.

Oh, boy. Look at the way that this sexy bitch is staring at you, Coye... look at how her eyes pop out of her head staring at that fat dick of yours. Can’t you see how bad she wants it? Poor thing probably doesn’t know what a real man is even like. Luckily, you’ll get to teach her allllll about that, won’t you, baby?’ Shayla teased, admittedly getting into her role as a naughty devil on his shoulder.

“Haahh...” Coye processed her words and exhaled as they ravaged him. His cock throbbed visibly and violently, adding another heap of coal onto his flames of need.

Suzette took note right away, gasping yet again. “Goodness... it’s going to take a lot of work to settle you down, isn’t it...? And just look at you, Darling... exposing yourself to me like some sort of pervert only went and made you even harder, didn’t it?”

Coye trembled as he admitted, “Y-Yes,” without much delay.

“Well, then, you had better come on over so we can get started...” shrugging with a mask of false exasperation, the widow rubbed her lap, indicating permission to return.

Now entirely naked, Coye rushed back to assume the decadent position he was in moments before. His obedience amused Suzette as he sunk into her lap pillow like an excited puppy, awaiting whatever was to come.

This was the moment Suzette had fantasized about- first contact.

Fighting against herself to remain in control and not waver, her right hand trailed through the air and aimed at the boy’s seven-and-a-half-inch dick throbbing monster.

Wrapping her hands around it, she had to stop herself from yelping at the touch.

It burned her delicate flesh. Suzette couldn’t remember having ever felt a heat like this, and the strength of this heat only increased once she summoned the confidence to start her luxurious stroking.

Coye started to make whimpering sounds almost immediately, Suzette’s touch like pure velvet on his strained skin.

Shayla was watching the handjob with glee, her petite fingers racing across her slim tummy to the parting of her lower lips. ‘Yeah, that’s right... stroke that cock nice and good, you sexy bitch...’ She cooed, sliding against her clit and inserting two fingers into her pink depths right from the get-go.

“How does it feel?” Suzette asked, picking up the pace and stroking his hard dick just the slightest bit faster. “Does it feel good, hmm? Do you like it when I do this for you?”

“Yesss...!” Coye arched his back as a response to the more enthusiastic touching. “N-Not so fast, please...!” He begged in a miserable manner, his voice trembling.

“Darling,” Suzette giggled to herself at how much her touching seemed to affect the boy. “I’ve hardly even started yet...”

“Ahhhn...!” Frowning and thrusting his lower half upward into the woman’s hand, Coye was compelled to let out a cry of, “T-That doesn’t matter... It’s... too gooood...!!”

A smile crept up from Suzette’s lips, a big one.

As she continued to play with him at the same tempo, she looked down on him. “Is that so? I see how it is... you’re awful sensitive, aren’t you?”

Burying his shameful expression into the fabric of her dress, Coye replied, “It’s not... not my fault...”

Oh no, baby, she learned your weakness! Are you gonna blow everything you’ve got all over her soft, delicate hands and show her how much of a quick show you are, or what?’ Shayla sensed the perfect time to add on a little extra pressure, so she did while wearing a wicked grin.

This made him squirm even worse and perform a follow-up upward thrust. He addressed the Pixie directly, moaning, “I-I’m not a quick shot...!”

“Quick shot?” Suzette tilted her head with amusement. She slowed down her stroking into soft, low-intensity motions meant to ease his throbbing yet still provide a continual stream of enjoyment. “Darling, no one said anything about you being a quick shot.”

“N-No, I-”

“Shush, now. There, there...” to comfort the boy, Suzette began to stroke his hair with her free hand in time with the handjob. “It doesn’t matter to me if you can only take so much before bursting, you silly boy. I’m supposed to be trying to help you. If you... cum... sooner than later, that just means I’m doing a good job now, doesn’t it?”

“Yes... yes? No? I-I don’t know...!” Coye understood the logic behind her words, but that didn’t mean he liked it in the slightest. He shook his head in denial, little tears staining the woman’s dress as he did. “I’m not... I’m not-!”

“Really, now?” Another flicker of mischievous intent overtook the older woman, the first of many. “Then I guess you wouldn’t mind if I pushed you a little further.”

Suzette grasped his manhood with greater strength, tugging it away from his body with one deep pull. It was harder and faster than anything she’d done until now, and Coye was anything but ready for such an escalation.

“HAAH-” He spasmed, his body working against him as he fought to unsuccessfully remain in control of his urges.

Shayla’s own sadism was rising in turn with Suzette’s.

Her fingers sped up, stirring both the ins and outs of her pussy as she watched the boy’s conflicted sexual torment. ‘Come on, big guy.’ she mocked, projecting a husky voice into his mind. ‘You can hold it in, can’t you? Of course, you can... you’re a big, strong adventurer... there’s no way you’d lose your shit over one little handjob... unless... you want to prove her right, that is? If that was the case, then feel free to give up right now and show your new sexfriend how you cum like a fountain!

Coye cried harder thanks to Shayla’s cruel teasing, but they were anything but cries of misery. He was enjoying this to an almost worrying degree, to the point where he scarcely recognized himself.

“No... noooo...!” He whined, his defense slipping and his will to resist disappearing into the aether.

Assuming Coye was addressing her, Suzette spoke up. “Yes, Darling. Come on, now. There’s no need to hold back when you’re with me... I only want you to feel as good as you possibly can, so if you can’t stop yourself from shooting your seed all over the place, then by all means, please... do it.”

Her attacks became more deliberate, despite being essentially a complete novice when it came to handling a man. Her enthusiasm made up for her lack of skill, as did her level of astuteness.

Suzette studied Coye’s every reaction to learn how he liked to be pleasured, although given how he seemingly enjoyed just about anything she tried, she came to the conclusion that this little cutie of hers was easy to please.

She would run her hand up the throbbing length of his aching shaft, stopping so she could rub the tip in circles before mashing it around, then corkscrew her way down all the way to his hefty balls and give them each a firm squeeze, only for him to openly drool at the gesture.

Suzette loved every moment of it.

He responded to everything she attempted with sincere honesty to the point where it empowered her, making Suzette feel more like a woman than she could ever remember. All this pampering brought excitement unbound, and her body was feeling it.

Her panties were thoroughly drenched, and Coye could smell that fact for himself whenever he jerked his head into her thighs. This thick womanly scent only made things worse on him, his body instinctually reacting to it by telling him to cum.

This couldn’t last much longer, the way it was going. Coye was reaching the point of no return.

Both Suzette and Shayla could sense his imminent orgasm, and each offered him conflicting advice.

Suzette took on a comforting role, telling him with a soothing voice, “I can feel it, Darling, you’re close... so very, very close... come on, now... let me wring out every last drop and make you feel alllll better...”

Whereas Shayla insisted on playing devil’s advocate while fingering herself, offering, ‘Nuh-uh, don’t you dare go listening to that hussy! Hold it in, baby, hold it in for me so that when you cum it’s so fucking thick, and you end up covering the whole fucking couch!

Coye didn’t know who to listen to. He didn’t want to let either of them down, even if his dazed lust-drunk mind was torn in opposing directions by two equally beautiful girls.

“I... I can’t...!” He whined, his body tensing.

“Yes, yes, you can!” Suzette begged. “I promise that I know what I’m doing, Darling, and that it will feel so good to let it all go... don’t you want that? Don’t you want to close your eyes and let everything out?”

Don’t do it! Hold it in, damn it, don’t cum!

Coye began to sniffle as tears fell down his cheeks. “S-Stop...!” He urged the both of them, desperate for a moment of quiet amidst all the unbearable pleasure.

Suzette took on a surprisingly demanding tone- stern, even, as she put her foot down and told him, “I will do no such thing, young man. Look at yourself. This cock of yours is in so much pain that it’s unsettling. It needs relief, so you had best cum for me right this second.”

Far from an empty threat, Suzette put her money where her mouth was and started pumping him as fast as her arm was able. She watched in fascination and arousal as Coye’s heavy ballsack tightened, retreating into his body thanks to her work.

He was close.

HOLD. IT. IN.’ Shayla’s malicious grin spread ear to ear as she went crazy with her masturbation. Her insides were still sore thanks to a certain femboy, but as a Pixie, Shayla had little control over her inhibitions as it was. ‘Don’t cum, I mean it. I wanna see the look on your face after you finally burst after fighting it for as long as possible! Oh, fuck, it’s gonna make me cum so fucking haaard...!!

Every part of Coye twitched with shocking ferocity.

He raised his hips a solid foot off the couch as his brain shut off, screaming, “N-NOOO!” as he practically blacked out and gave in, letting his body carry him off to dizzying yet heavenly heights.

Once Coye began to cum, Suzette issued forth a breathy moan of shock and awe. His manhood convulsed violently between her fingers like a hot and raging storm.

“Dear Gods,” she commented in disbelief as rivers of his white-hot sperm rocketed out of him, continuing to jerk it out of him all the while.

Damn... fucking... damn it...!’ Shayla was disappointed she couldn’t edge this out any longer, but it provided more than enough stimulation to push the Pixie over her own proverbial edge.

Her fingers blurred as she watched him cum, joining him in satisfaction.

Coye’s load shot up into the air, covering Suzette’s hand in a thick layer of semen. It didn’t stop there, reaching up to her sleeve, pooling down over his hips, and even all over the poor woman’s couch.

Yet, even as the stains in her furniture spread, Suzette just couldn’t bring herself to stop draining him. Coye needed this, the poor boy, and she was having too much fun in any case.

Suzette didn’t cease, making damn sure that Coye was squeezed as hard as her aching wrist was capable of.

It wasn’t until nearly a minute later that his nigh endless ropes drizzled out to a stop, and then even longer for his spasming cock to give in and stop dry kicking.

Once he showed signs of slowing down, Suzette slowed to match until stopping altogether and taking the opportunity to marvel at the mess this boy made of her living room. Her couch was all but ruined, and she thought to herself it was a blessing that she still had some alchemical cleaning solution.

And then there was the smell that now lingered in her home, Gods, the smell. This scent was almost indescribable and overpowering to her, reeking of men and virility.

The more she inhaled, the more her head swam and the more she ground her thighs tight together underneath Coye’s head.

Lastly, she looked down at the boy and saw his jaw slacked wide open, his tongue hanging out the side of his mouth. He looked less like the pretty boy she fell in love with and more like a drooling slut that one could find crawling around in any random unsavory alley in the Realm.

Not that this was a bad look, no. Suzette found herself appreciating the charm of his ruined, shameless self more than she knew how to express.

“Mmm... goodness, Darling...” Suzette finally broke the silence, shaking her head back and forth. “Just look at you. You’re a total mess.”

She waited for him to speak, but all he could do was groan and moan.

“Can’t even speak, can you?” She laughed a dark, drawn-out laugh. “I swear, what am I to do with you...?”

After coming down from her own glorious climax, the Pixie shook off her pleasure and regained some composure just in time to offer Coye some advice. ‘Fuuuck... hey, if you’re still in there, baby, say something. We both know that this is far from over.

Hearing Shayla’s voice in his mind roused him enough from his delirium, clearing the fog within just enough for him to look up at the older woman and mutter the first thing that came to his lips.


------- CHAPTER SPLIT -------

Suzette thought she might have misheard him at first because she didn’t think anyone would be able to stand after cumming as much as this boy just did, yet here he was asking her for more.

She had just jerked him so hard and fast that her shoulder was now stiff, even. Coye’s cock still stood tall and hadn’t settled down whatsoever in defiance of that fact.

The woman worried that she wasn’t going to be able to give this boy the help he needed, but as time passed in quiet contemplation, Suzette found herself excited about the challenge that lay ahead of her.

“Really? More, you say?” She let out another exasperated sigh as Coye nodded his head in abject shame. “I can’t for the life of me believe you, Darling. ‘Naughty boy’ doesn’t even begin to describe what you’ve become, I hope you know.”

“I’m sorry...”

“Don’t be.” Suzette raised his hopes with a gentle smile and reached down to her red sash, her fingers finding the silver, jeweled buckle and unfastening it with a click.

She folded it and tossed it to the coffee table, where it was soon joined by her top, the sleeve of which was coated in the remains of his ceaseless discharge. This exposed Suzette’s dress fully, which revealed itself lacking sleeves of its own and even shoulders.

All that showed now was smooth, pale, bare skin in all its sexual glory. Coye gulped at the sight of so much more exposed cleavage but couldn’t say a thing as he was.

“I’m more than happy to give you as much relief as you need. We’ll just have to take things a bit slower this time around... my shoulder is acting up on me.”

Coye was about to apologize again, but Suzette shushed his lips with her finger before he had a chance. “Thankfully, I think I know how I can excite you enough to make up for it... at least, I certainly hope this will excite you...”

Suzette took a deep breath and, with both hands, found her way to the bust line of her chest, digging her fingers in and beginning the momentous task of pulling them over her fleshy hills.

It turned out that her dress had a built-in bra, so as Suzette slid down the gorgeous fabric, it revealed the entirety of her naked chest. The sight was astonishing for all who saw it.

It compelled Shayla to comment, ‘Holy shit. Now those are what I’d call mommy milkers, just... daaaaamn...!’ It was plain to see that Suzette was stacked, but unleashing them only impressed the Pixie further.

As for Coye, he was at an absolute loss as he sat there on Suzette’s lap, transfixed and staring up at the sight from below. The enormous, milky curves of her underboob shook him to his core, tingling his entire body with arousal and melting from seeing Suzette’s pink nipples hardening from the open air and her own desire.

Relief washed over Suzette’s mind as she saw how absorbed he was in her sizable assets, yet still felt the need to fish for compliments by asking, “Do you like them, Darling?” She tried to smile as she did, but even as he was, Coye thought that she seemed nervous over what his answer might be.

Not that she had any reason to be.

“Yes,” he exhaled, his hardness twitching the longer he stared. “They’re so big... so beautiful...”

Suzette beamed at his earnestness, rewarding the boy by taking his cock back in her right hand while rubbing her left breast with the other.

“I’m so happy to hear that, really...” Suzette cooed, making Coye feel her appreciation by stroking the boy up and down at a slower and gentler pace that bordered on the doting and romantic.

Shayla wasn’t satisfied with just looking from afar but couldn’t leave the hat to dive into those fat, juicy tits herself. She decided she would settle for the next best thing.

If you like them so much, baby, get in there and so something about it! Play with them, suck on them, grope ‘em to hell and back...!’ Shayla suggested, knowing he’d be helpless but to follow her whims.

She was correct. Coye took the advice to heart.

He had already sunken so far from one handjob, so his sense of shame was at an all-time low, and he was much more open to acting aggressively if given the right push.

Suzette gasped out loud as the horny young man unexpectedly reached out with his soft, boyish hands and grabbed one of her heavy breasts. His fingers sunk into the flesh, finding her boob almost pillowy to the touch and without much firmness.

Groping Suzette’s chest was an addicting sensation, Coye found. He started to lose control, and his handling turned just a bit more unhinged.

“D-Darling, ahhh-” Suzette muttered, her lips parting as his hands massaged the sensitive mound.

Coye turned his attention to the woman’s erect nipple and ran the tips of his fingers around her puffy areola, causing her to whimper and grab his cock harder while she pumped it.

“Not so rough...!” She pleaded, albeit half-heartedly. It came along with a sharp moan and a giggle as Coye pinched her pink peak for the first time, sending a jolt of joy down the woman’s spine.

Coye figured that she would enjoy most anything he did to her from the looks of things.

He wasn’t wrong.

The way he handled her breast and played with the enormous globes of her chest made Suzette red in the face and teary-eyed over time, every pinch and every grope adding to her newfound sexual stimulation.

For all Suzette cared, he could do whatever he wanted to her so long as it was this passionate and sincere.

“Darling, I... I never knew that... mmm... it felt this good to feel wanted,” Suzette let out a contented sigh and rolled her neck backward, shutting her eyes as she shared her enjoyment by stroking his still-hard dick.

Suzette wanted him to feel as appreciated and enjoyed as she herself did, so there wasn’t a moment where the beautiful older woman left him wanting. As she explained, the price of having large breasts prevented her from using her shoulder this time around and going fast, but she was able to keep him happy through means other than pure speed and grip strength.

Specifically, she found that the immense amount of leftover ejaculate from Coye’s first orgasm served as astonishingly effective lube for her hand.

Her hands were slick with his semen, making lewd noises as she repeatedly ran down and squeezed his aching length. This allowed her to cover much more ground even faster and to apply pressure over a wider area with the tip of her thumb.

Curiosity eventually brought Suzette back to his balls.

She wondered how much more he had in there just waiting for her to milk out of him. The thought compelled her to squeeze his balls tighter than she had before.

He let out a girlish moan of enjoyment that spoke to Suzette like a song, a melody that told of yet another of his most sensitive spots.

Common knowledge taught her not to abuse this susceptible area too much, so it wasn’t long until she left and traveled back up to his shaft to resume stroking.

Coye was still entranced by the soft and pillowy perfectness of Suzette’s bosom, but as he always did, he hungered for more. Lowering the breast in his hand down to his mouth, he inched his wanting lips toward them and took the pink nipple into his mouth.

He couldn’t control his impulses, so he took the entire areola and sucked it down hard right away.

Suzette moaned as he indulged his desire, Coye tasting the milky sweetness and finding joy in rolling the woman’s beautiful nipple around in his tongue.

Squeezing his cock firm in response and her eyes opening wide, Suzette continued to make breathy noises as she cautioned, “Ahh- be careful, Darling... no one’s ever... I-I mean, it’s... my nipples are sensitive...!”

Wait, did her husband really not suck on those fat tits of hers?!’ Shayla was aghast at the implication. ‘He must’ve had some bizarre fucking tastes...

Coye took the Pixie’s comment and ran with it, ignoring Suzette’s advice. As a child would, he began to feed from her with vigor. He sucked and kissed, lapping his tongue over the entire pink circle and its tip, all while continuing to grope the breast itself with his eager hands.

Suzette looked down to see the boy on her lap, never letting up for a moment. She was astonished by the pleasure sparking from her natural breasts. Even though she was no stranger to touching them herself, this couldn’t compare to the feeling of a man acting out his urges on her tits himself.

What a cute little thing, this boy of hers.

“Mmm, honestly... nothing is going to be enough for you, is it...?” Suzette purred, closing her eyes and rolling her head back. Her thighs trembled, her toes curled, and her nipple was drowned in ecstasy.

She has no idea, does she, baby?’ Shayla giggled. Right now, she was feeling a great catharsis over witnessing someone else live through the rough but pleasurable treatment Coye acted out on her so often.

Although it was gratifying, it was also very erotic.

Shayla was still just as aroused as before, but she was pacing herself. There was no telling how long things would continue on from here. Coye would have to fuck Suzette all night to get it out of his system for all she knew.

If the Pixie wasn’t slow with her own pleasure, she knew that she would end up rubbing herself raw. Luckily, she could sense that this round was about to come to a head, anyway.

Proving her prediction correct, Coye managed to pull his drooling face away from Suzette’s nipple long enough to let out a long, drawn-out cry as the slick handjob spread bliss throughout his loins and beyond.

“So... close...!” He whimpered and warned, his hips twitching left and right.

“Is... is that right...?” The widow asked, feeling an emptiness overtake her as Coye let go of her nipple. She wanted more with feverish desperation.

“More importantly,” Suzette yanked his cock hard and looked down into his bright blue hazy eyes, summoning up a threatening aura as she asked, “Who told you to stop?”

“S-Sorry...!” Coye got the message as her disappointed eyes delivered addicting shame. Seeking to please and to give whatever his lover wanted of him, he sloppily dove his entire face into Suzette’s breast, devouring her nipple and then some.

Coye also started spreading the pleasure to her opposite breast with his left hand. His fingers found her nipple and grasped it, tweaking it in time with his tongue.

Letting out a deep and throaty moan, Suzette was thrilled to find she was also on the edge of bliss somehow. She didn’t know it was even possible to feel that way just because of her breasts, but the evidence was undeniable.

She was near her limit, and she resolved to take him down with her.

“Come on now, Darling,” Suzette huffed. “Be a good boy and cum for me all over again, please, I know you have so much more to give me, so... mn, fuck, give in and give me everything you’ve got...!”

To match her desperate pleas, she increased the speed of her handjob to as fast as her shoulder could take.

“Haaauh-” Coye moaned around her nipple, his voice becoming weak and his eyes rolling up into the back of his skull.

His willpower was nonexistent. Once Suzette’s pleas fell upon his ears, there was no hope in holding out any longer. Coye gave in, but as he did, he sucked the sweet nipple as he’d never sucked before.

Suzette threw her neck back and shut her eyes tight, her mouth opening wide in silent bliss. “Gods,” she muttered, her voice quivering until breaking entirely. “Fucking- GODS! It’s so good...! My... my breasts... fuck, don’t stop...!”

An orgasm ravaged her body, starting from the tip of her nipples and spreading out from there. She shivered, and she quaked, juices from her slippery slit oozing past her sodden panties and running past her thighs to stain the bottom of her beautiful dress.

Coye came along with her, firing off a second load even as he endeavored to not stop pleasuring his lover’s tits. If anything, the passionate outburst of his cock only compelled him to suck and grope even rougher than before.

He whined and cried from joy, using Suzette’s breasts to stabilize him and provide comfort as he emptied his fat load all over her hand.

Fuuuuck, that looks like it feels real gooood...’ Shayla groaned, feeling a tingle down below. ‘Does it feel good, baby?’ She asked, wanting to stimulate him verbally as he came.

“Mmm-mhmm...!” He cried into Suzette’s nipple, causing a vibration that surprised the woman and forced her to jump.

Aw, fuck yeah, I fucking bet it does... don’t stop cumming, baby. Ruin that fucking couch of hers, come on, do it...!

His semen was indeed staining the couch even worse than before, but rather than feeling sorry for it, the shame it gave him made Coye feel even dirtier.

Suzette, on the other hand, despaired. This was fun and all, but even as she came, she knew she’d have to clean this boy’s mess. Coye couldn’t care less, either, spraying his seed all over the place like no one’s business.

Suzette had to place her opposite hand over the top of his tip to stem the tide. His stream blasted against it, semen now falling down off onto his hips instead of the couch.

By the time Coye finally dried up and finished, Suzette could do little more than marvel at the work she had accomplished.

Coye pulled away from the older woman’s now-reddened nipple, breathless and panting as he took on the same slutty countenance as before. Seeing him look in such a manner made Suzette tighten her thighs and breathe in deeply of the musky air, the smell of such potent semen doing little to calm her still growing need.

Pleasantly pleased, Coye smiled and looked to the sky with a glassy look in his eyes. “Goooood... so... very, very goooood...” he exhaled incoherently.

Suzette smirked at his twitching body and drugged expression, but this sight was too amusing that she couldn’t keep herself from laughing. “Goodness, Darling, you sure know how to make a woman feel good about herself now, don’t you...?” She asked, inspecting her semen-covered hands.

Realization took hold of the woman, reminding her that she was the sole reason he could let out all this cum. She smiled and felt proud of herself before an idea came to the forefront of her mind.

This would be another first for her, but that mattered little at this point.

Suzette brought a finger to her face and licked it clean with her tongue, cautiously at first as she registered the taste, but then with more vigor once she found it to not be that bad of a flavor.

“Oh, my... it’s just as salty as I’ve heard, but...” Suzette brought another finger to her lips and did it again, “I wouldn’t say that’s a bad thing by any means...”

Shayla was shaking her head, astounded that there was a sexy widow who looked as good as Suzette does that doesn’t know what cum tastes like. Coye didn’t care. He was just happy to be her first taste. Judging by her reaction, it didn’t seem like she would mind having some more, either.

The thought made him excited in an all too obvious manner.

Suzette looked down at the still-pulsing erection, feeling a mixture of annoyance and excitement. “Goodness gracious,” she clicked her tongue. “I’m not even surprised anymore, and yet... well, let’s put it this way. If you think you’re getting any more handjobs from this old lady, then you’ve got another thing coming- and I am NOT talking about semen.”

Coye felt his cheeks burn, and he reflexively tried to cover her hardness. “I-I’m sorry,” he offered sheepishly, but it didn’t seem all that apologetic in truth.

The woman shook her head and sighed. “Sit up,” Suzette commanded.

Coye did, allowing her to stand and exit the living room. She returned shortly with a large towel, which she used to wipe down every inch of his lower half until he all but sparkled. No crack or crevice was neglected, and by the time she was done, he didn’t have a trace of his own cum left on him.

He felt that being cleaned like this was demeaning on some level, but he didn’t let it bother him, seeing as how pleasant it felt to be doted on like he were a child.

“There, there... you’re all cleaned up, Darling...” Suzette announced as she folded the cum-towel up and set it on the coffee table before glaring at the furniture. “Which is more than I can say about my couch.”

Coye hung his head, and his pointy ears drooped. He struggled to force an apology out, but it wouldn’t leave his throat.

She’s right, you know. Gods, that couch is so drenched I could go swimming in it.’ Shayla giggled. ‘In other words, nice job, partner!

He mumbled something about how that wasn’t helping, but Suzette didn’t catch it. She was more focused on his persistent erection.

“If I’m being honest, I’m not sure I have what it takes to calm you down. I’m starting to feel like it might be best if I took you to see a healer after all.” Suzette sighed and cupped her chin.

Shayla was on the verge of advising him to not allow that to happen, but Coye ended up not needing to be told to do that. He rushed forward, wrapping his arms around the older woman and hugging her body tight to his.

“No, please don’t say that...!” Coye begged between desperate breaths. “T-There’s still a lot more things we can try... right...?”

Suzette raised an eyebrow, a sadistic grin appearing on her face. “Mm, you would like that, wouldn’t you...?”

“Y-Yes... er... I-I...”

She looked down at the boy nuzzling her chest and staring up at her with puppy-dog eyes, finding precisely the reaction she was hoping for.

“Shameless,” she declared. “You’re such an utterly shameless little man, Darling. On top of all I’ve already done for you, what else do you expect from me?”

Coye pulled away from her massive breasts and bit his lower lip, trying to summon the courage needed to vocalize. “Um... I don’t expect anything... b-but... I want more...”

“Yes, I’m afraid that much is obvious,” It took a great deal of restraint not to roll her eyes at his predictable behavior. “I’m telling you to get on with it and say what you want.”

Coye whined, but Shayla was there to provide backup.

Come on, that handjob felt great, right? Imagine what it’ll be like if she sucks you, or better! You just gotta tell her what you want, Coye. You’re so close, don’t chicken out now!

He dwelt on those words for only a moment before he had what he needed.

“I... I want to do more lewd things with you...”

“Oh? What did you have in mind...?” Suzette gave him a welcoming and gentle smile, helping ease it out of him.

He froze, remaining silent. Coye should’ve known she’d make him more explicit with his desires, but it still took a lot of effort to vocalize.

“Alright, then. Healer it is.”

“Ahh-!” Coye cried like a spoiled child. “O-Ok, I’ll say it. Just please, stop!”

Suzette giggled at his pathetic display and gave him all the time he needed to tell her what he wanted.

“I... I want you to suck me... a-and after that...”

‘C’mon, don’t pussy out!’ Shayla encouraged him.

“I want you to have sex with me!” Coye admitted without as much as a whimper or a stutter, his shameless confidence abound.

Suzette wanted this exact reaction from him, but even so, she wasn’t prepared for how cute he was when she got it. Everything felt new and exciting to the older woman, even though she was growing used to the fact that Coye wanted her body as much as he did.

“Is that right, hmm? You want me to fuck you, in other words?” Suzette giggled, loving the face the boy made when asked bluntly.

“Y-Yeah... it still hurts, and I need you to take care of...” his eyes conveyed a sense of hopelessness that stirred Suzette’s heart, only for her to laugh it off.

“You really will say anything when you’re like this, won’t you?”

Coye bit his lower lip and yet again nuzzled his face into his busty hideaway, burying himself from the shame for but a moment until Suzette saw fit to pluck the boy out from between her breasts.

“I’m only teasing, Darling... rest assured,” she sighed and pointed over at one of the adjacent hallways. “My bedroom is right around the corner. Go on, be a dear and wait for me while I give cleaning up this mess you made a try.”

Rather than feeling bad about the stains, Coye could only focus on the part about waiting in the bedroom for more sex. His face lit up, and he pulled away.

“Thank you, Suzette, thank you so much...!” He said, grabbing his hat and the horny Pixie stashed within. Coye clutched it to his chest and ran off so fast in his excitement that he almost tripped along the way.

Suzette watched the boy blurring his way to her bedroom, feeling conflicted. On the one hand, his enthusiasm was adorable, but he didn’t even offer to help out or pick up his clothes.

On top of that, he still wasn’t satisfied and wanted more. He wanted a blowjob and then sex. He said so himself.

What a naughty boy, Suzette thought to herself as she shook her head at him.

She dismissed her worries and headed off to grab some cleaning supplies, saying to herself with a little sarcastic laugh, “Maybe I was wrong, and having a man around the house is more trouble than it’s worth? Ah, well. This is what I’ve been waiting for, and Coye needs me, that poor boy.”

Suzette knew that she needed him, too, or else this aching between her legs might never be satisfied. What was a measly stain or two in exchange for more fun than she can ever remember having in all her years of marriage?


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