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Suzette took Coye by the hand, and after taking off his boots, she led him to a comfortable sofa in her living room. Then, she left for the kitchen to go and make the promised refreshments.

This left Coye and Shayla waiting with time to study their environment in greater detail.

Not one to mince words, Shayla raised an eyebrow and observed, 'This place is a little, uh... dingy, don't you think?'

"A bit," Coye shrugged, seeing as how the place didn't look all that different from the last time he'd been here.

He could admit that Mrs. Lillis's house was somewhat dreary. The heavy black curtains blocking the windows did little to help that fact, and the lack of sufficient candlelight to make up for the darkness it caused didn't help, either.

And then there was Suzette's minimalist style of decor. The only thing that stood out immediately was a vase full of dried purple roses on a nearby coffee table, as well as some other dried-out flowers placed around the room here and there.

If these were meant to brighten the place up and give it some charm, then they failed that mission with astonishing aplomb.

On top of that, her barren choice of furniture wasn't doing the place any favors. Besides the couch and the coffee table, there was a bookshelf, an armchair with a side table that held an emptied wine glass and a book, and not much else.

Compared to her store, which was overflowing with materialistic goods and fancy displays meant to draw the eye, Suzette's own home was drastically more subdued.

Not that Coye minded. He thought the place was nice enough and was well taken care of, on top of smelling nice.

After around fifteen minutes of whispering to Shayla and pumping himself up for the task at hand, Coye heard the sound of a boiling tea kettle, and it wasn't long after that when Suzette re-entered the living room and put an end to the hype session the Pixie was giving him.

Suzette brought a tray that held the kettle of tea, a bowl of sugar cubes, and two cups. "Sorry for the wait, Darling. I don't often entertain guests, so I had to find the darned kettle..."

"That's okay," Coye swallowed as she scooted past him, turning to her side as she sidled between him and the coffee table. This purposeful move made it so that Suzette's large behind nearly brushed against his nose as she moved to place the tray down on the furniture.

"Actually, I think the last time I made tea like this was when I last roped you in! It's been a couple of months now since you last visited, hasn't it?" Suzette laughed to herself.

"Y-Yeah, thank you again for that," he smiled at the memory as Suzette sat her tray down on the coffee table and then sat down.

Rather than making for the armchair, or even the other end of the couch, Suzette smiled as she sat down directly next to Coye. She was so close that their thighs were touching, even as Coye turtled up and pushed his legs together in an attempt to cull his excitement.

As she reached for the kettle and poured its fragrant contents into the cups, Suzette put one sugar in her own and stirred it. "How many would you like, Darling?"

"None is fine," he insisted, wanting to appear tough.

This made the older woman raise an eyebrow, remembering how much sugar Coye tended to dump in his drinks. "Are you sure?"

"Y-Yeah," he nodded and assured himself the tea would taste just fine without seven cubes or so.

"You know..." Suzette's gaze turned toward the distance, her golden eye becoming cold and dead like that of a fish. "Gregory took his tea and his coffee black, too. It's an irrational thought, I know, but I often find myself wondering if people who prefer their drinks without sugar are unknowingly showing their own cruel, black heart to the world?"

'What.' Shayla almost couldn't comprehend the superstitious nonsense that was just said, but she was thoroughly creeped out.

During their strategy meeting, Coye did mention that Suzette had times where she acted odd, typically whenever her late husband was brought up... still, Shayla should've known he had understated the fact by a large margin.

"Um..." Coye awkwardly looked at his teacup and reconsidered. "N-Never mind, I'll, uh... I'll have my usual..."

Suzette blinked and returned to the present, looking back to Coye with a gentle smile on her face as if she hadn't said a thing. "Hm? Did you say something, Darling?"

'...Starting to have some second thoughts here, big guy.'

Coye brushed off Shayla's concerns and repeated himself, knowing that Suzette could be a little weird at times. "Seven sugars, please."

"Ah," Suzette's smile became more expansive, relieved that the boy didn't want his drink the way her late husband preferred, after all. "Of course, Coye. Just the way you like it!"

With skill and grace, she dropped the cubes in and stirred his tea like a dutiful wife. By the time she finished, the sugar was dissolved, and she brought the cup to Coye's lips with a smile.

"See if it's to your taste," Suzette urged.

Coye blushed, but rather than turning her down, he leaned forward, blew on the steaming liquid, and took a drink. "Yep," he nodded, "Y-You can put it down, now..."

That was even more embarrassing than he thought it would be, but it improved Suzette's mood by a considerable amount, so he figured it was a good trade-off.

Shayla sighed and sank her chin into her hands as she thought about things. Suzette was weird, and her house was creepy, but she really did like Coye. That much was for sure.

She figured she'd keep quiet if the woman continued to act strange, but her resolve was tested directly after Shayla made up her mind.

Suzette looked distant again as she watched Coye drink his tea, her smile waning. He, too, was of the mind that he'd be better off not saying anything, but the way she stared was too much for the boy.

"Uh... Mrs. Li- er, S... Suzette?" Coye called out to her.

"Oh," Suzette centered herself in the present once more. "Oh, my, forgive me. I was just thinking about how I never really shared tea with my husband like this. I often made him refreshments, yet..." she furrowed her brow, her lower eyelid twitching and ticking like a clock. "Mm, suffice to say that some people are just better off dead."

Shayla's mouth hung open, wondering how things went from zero to one hundred as fast as they did. '...Sooooo, about that brothel?' She asked, only half-jokingly.

Coye could handle these strange outbursts and slips ups because they were nothing new to him. Where other people saw red flags, he could only see flags.

"Uh-huh," He offered non-committally.

Sensing that she might've said something odd again, Suzette went back to smiling and tried to brush her creepiness under the rug. "Darn it all, it's been so long since I've had a man around the house that I get giddy and end up saying all sorts of silly things... I'm not used to the company."

Sensing that her partner wasn't creeped out in the slightest, Shayla gave him some begrudging pick-up advice. 'I'm getting the heebie-jeebies, but if this is your thing, then volunteer yourself to be the man around here. It's lame, but it'll totally work.'

This made Coye stop and think.

It was a hell of a thing to suggest, and there was no way he could say it all casual-like. But did he actually want what Shayla was suggesting, to be around more for Suzette?

He looked at the woman smiling at him and remembered all Mrs. Lillis had done for him, as well as all she'd done to capture his attention unknowingly. Coye felt guilt over that, still, yet guilt was not an obligation.

Putting aside his lust, the choice was still his to make.

Coye found that it was a simple one.

"Well, um... if you need a man around then..." He started, only to trail off as he struggled to say it.

Suzette looked at the boy with wide eyes but dismissed him as just joking around once he stopped. "Don't tell me you're about to volunteer your company, Darling?" She laughed. "You'd only be getting an old woman's hopes up!"

"Actually," he spoke up again, drawing Suzette's attention once again. "Yeah, t-that's kind of where I was going with this. It's just... I thought that maybe I should stop by more often, anyway, so..."

Suzette stared right through him, but it wasn't because she was recalling her husband this time.


Coye nodded his head, not saying a word. His red cheeks looked honest enough to Suzette, who was now fighting back a childish grin that would almost certainly not match her age.

"Well..." she mumbled, "That would make me quite happy... if you visited more, I mean... n-not the thing about being the man around the house." Suzette laughed and then looked away as her face became serious.

This was everything she'd been waiting for.

When she first met Coye, it had been four years since her husband's death. Although there were always many suitors on her doorstep, especially as her business grew more profitable, Suzette was utterly uninterested in love.

She welcomed the solitude after what felt like an unending period of turmoil, only for everything to change when she saw his cute little face.

At the tender age of thirty-two, Suzette Lillis fell in love for the first time.

Over the last two years since then, she had used every trick in the book to appeal to this dense, thick-headed little elf boy. She tried offering discounts at her store, she tried inviting him to dinner and making him little snacks, even wearing dresses that showed an increasing amount of cleavage.

Nothing did the trick, and it seemed that Coye just wasn't interested.

Honestly, Suzette thought that she might have been annoying to Coye and that it was possible he saw her as a nuisance. She assumed she wasn't even his type, either.

That's why it was so hard for her to be as happy as she would've liked to be right now.

Suzette kept wondering, why now? What changed? Why was he saying all these things that she'd wanted to hear for so long?

There were too many questions, and Suzette wouldn't be satisfied until she learned where all of this was coming from. Thus, she had to steer the conversation and inquire further.

"Anyways, Darling... it's been so long since we've really talked. We should catch up. I'd love to hear about your adventures. Is everything alright as of late?" She gave him a reassuring smile to cover her probing intentions.

"Uh..." Coye's voice caught in his throat because he wasn't prepared for small talk. He never was. "Yeah, mostly, I guess..."


Coye stalled as he sat there empty-headed, waiting for his little coach to point the way.

Sensing that she was needed, Shayla shrugged her shoulders and said, 'Say stuff that'll make her worry and fawn over you. That's clearly what she's looking for, so give her what she wants.'

Coye paused as he thought about following her advice and doing so, only for him to realize that he'd bad feel about lying for attention, even if Shayla was correct and Mrs. Lillis wanted to pamper him.

He didn't want to make the woman worry her head over nothing, and that's when the simple solution came to him.

What if Coye didn't lie and instead told the truth?

Shayla might be a little mad, but... he figured she might be rubbing off on him since he thought it would be pretty funny, too.

"Well," He took a sip from his teacup to hide his nerves and elaborated. "Things were the same as always until about half a week ago. I was out on a quest to slay a spirit, and... and then..."

Suzette didn't even need him to butter her up. She was already invested and on the edge of her seat. "And then?" The widow grimaced and placed her hand on top of Coye's, squeezing it tight. "Darling, did something happen to you out in the woods?"

Coye looked Suzette straight in the face as he made a sad expression, as pitiful as he could, and meekly responded, "Kind of..."

"Curse that... that damned forest!" Suzette shook her head and gritted her teeth. It was a response that reeked of melodrama, not helped by the tiny tears forming in her eyes. "First, the Gnarled Woods took my husband, and then it wrapped its evil, slimy tendrils around a sweet little thing like you? It just isn't right!"

Coye knew that she was hooked. He just had to spin things a little bit more and keep Suzette strung along. "No... I-I don't think I can say it, after all... it hurts too much to remember."

Shayla was at a loss for words over just how well Coye managed to wrap his target around his little finger. It helped that Suzette had already offered herself up to him on a platter, but still. It made the Pixie realize it's a good thing he's so naive and innocent; otherwise, someone like him could go around breaking hearts every day of the week.

Just as Shayla thought this, Suzette looked on at the boy with great concern. "Oh, no... Darling... I understand. You don't have to tell me, but you should know I only want to help you."

Coye at her straight on, frowning as he wiped a stray tear from his eye. "You promise?"

"Of course," She clutched him tighter.

After taking a deep, drawn-out, and suspenseful breath, Coye asked, "Do you, uh... do you know anything about Pixies?"

If Shayla had been offered a cup of tea, she would be spitting it out her mouth right about now. What was this kid on about? She thought they had a good thing going, that they were partners. Maybe more.

Her little heart beat like crazy, dreading that Coye was Coye about to rat her out.

'Hey, hey, hey!' She banged on his forehead harmlessly. 'I don't know what you think you're doing down there, but you better-'

Coye ignored it since everything was going according to plan.

Suzette tilted her head before asking, "You mean those nasty fairies that like to cause all sorts of mischief?"

Shayla was on the verge of using her magic to show Suzette just how nasty Pixies could be when Coye nodded his head. "Yeah," He nodded. "Gods, this is so hard for me to say... but... after I finished my quest, a Pixie broke into my tent and... and... 'attacked' me."

'Wait, what?' Shayla blinked, realizing that he might actually be going somewhere with this.

Suzette covered her mouth in shock. "That's not good. I've heard those winged pests can really do some damage if you're not careful. Goodness, it didn't bite you, did it? Have you sought treatment?"

Coye bit his lower lip and shook his head. "It didn't bite me, no, and... no, I haven't seen anyone about it. The Guild healer is too expensive."

"Honestly..." Suzette swallowed down another swig of tea, squeezing the handle on her cup so hard that it threatened to crack and break off. "I'm no doctor, but I know how to patch someone up. I doubt I could do anything for magical wounds, but..."

Coye sucked in a deep breath of air to steady his nerves. Telling the truth wasn't any less difficult than lying, in this case. "Um... I don't think it can really be treated like a normal wound..." He summoned all his courage to tell Suzette, "The Pixie, it... it attacked me... down there."

'You sneaky little piece of shit,' Shayla had to hold back her laughter. She was almost proud of him for twisting what actually happened in a way that could potentially benefit him.

She still wouldn't forgive him for putting her on pins and needles, but given how funny it was, Shayla figured she might as well cut him some slack.

On the other hand, Suzette didn't know what to make of this.

"Down... there?" She repeated like it was a foreign language.

Coye nodded again and turned away as he blushed. "I told you it was hard for me to say..."

"Darling, I'm afraid I don't understand. When you say 'down there', you don't mean...?"

He met Suzette's gaze with silence. Silence and a nod of his head.

"Gods," The older woman looked away and shook her head, her mind abuzz with questions.

What exactly was this boy getting at?

Surely he wasn't implying that he wanted something to 'happen', was he? No, that couldn't be the case, she thought.

Yet... as improbable as it seemed to Suzette, here he was.

"That sounds awful, you poor thing," Suzette said as she put down her tea back next to the kettle. The room was starting to feel hot enough without the tea going and making things worse. "How bad is it?"

Coye whimpered and looked straight forward. He held on even tighter to Suzette's hand as he told her, "Really bad. Ever since it happened, I... I can hardly think straight. I can't stop thinking about naughty things, and no matter how much I try to... calm... myself, it's never enough. I'm scared, and I can't even do my job..."

Suzette lost her breath out of panic.

There was no way this was a joke. She could see the suffering in his eyes. Every word he spoke was true, and she fully understood what it was that Coye was after.

This poor boy needed some relief. He needed a woman's touch.

Could she actually provide him what it was he wanted, though? He likely assumed that she was older and thus had lots of experience, but Suzette knew he would be surprised if only Coye knew just how loveless her marriage actually was.

Still, Suzette knew that doubt wasn't going to get her anywhere.

Coye was brave enough to share his trauma with her, and she knew she had to react in kind.

Suzette, already holding Coye's hand, clasped her other one over top of it as she looked him straight in the eyes. "Darling," she frowned, finding great difficulty in saying what needed to be said. "I've admired you since we first met. One might even say that I fancy you."

'Oh, shit!' Shayla exclaimed, ruining the moment. 'It's happening! You're pulling this off!'

"Really?" Coye wasn't as surprised as he could be, given how much he looked back to their past and saw the signs.

Yet, the emotions he felt were indescribable. It was the same sense of excitement and euphoria that overtook him when Shayla explained her own interest in him.

"Yes, really," Suzette confirmed. "I've wanted your attention for some time now and never expected you to just come out ask for it. Gods, look at me. I'm so beside myself! What this old lady is trying to say is that, well... I've told you how much I respect adventurers, haven't I? Let's just say that I would do just about anything to help an adventurer in need."

Coye caught on to the implication, finding it cute how this older woman had trouble expressing herself the same as him. "...Anything?"

"Well, no. Not anything..." Suzette deliberately paused to Coye on the edge of his seat before adding, "Unless that adventurer just so happens to be the cutest little thing in town, that is. Then, I suppose that 'anything' might be on the table..."

Coye frowned and looked away until Shayla pointed out, 'She means you, dumbass.'

"Oh," He muttered as he stared right into Suzette's welcoming gaze. Once Coye realized that this was all but guaranteed to be a sure thing, he began to grow more aroused.

The two orgasms that Shayla so graciously went out of her way to gift him did little to hold back his lust now that a new encounter was within his reach.

Suzette didn't yet notice the incremental swelling beneath Coye's tunic. At the moment, she was too distracted by her ongoing concern.

She hated how close she was to getting what she wanted, only for her nerves to force her to risk it all.

"That being said," Suzette frowned, not wanting to ruin the moment but knowing she had to ask. "As much as I wouldn't mind helping you with your little... problem... there's still something I want to know beforehand."

'Damn,' Shayla clicked her tongue and threw her head back with annoyance. 'I thought we had her...'

"Sure," Coye acted agreeably as he tucked his tunic in vain to cover up his increasing bulge. At this point, he'd tell the woman just about anything she wanted to know if it meant moving forward.

He watched as the older woman, who he knew as a wellspring of confidence and mature charm, wore her doubts on her sleeve. It was humbling for Coye to see this new side of Suzette.

"Why me?" She asked him, her words hanging in the air. "You might look young, but you're a young man in his prime who doesn't need to waste their time with an old woman like me. There's no reason you couldn't have roped in one of those pretty adventurer girls back at your guild, and you could have just as easily gone to a brothel, so..."

Coye didn't even wait for Shayla's advice.

Whether his erection was emboldening him more by the second or because Coye didn't like seeing Suzette wrack her brain with doubt, he knew he had to make the last push himself, and he had to do it now before things got worse.

"That's really easy. Not only are you really, really pretty... y-you're also one of the nicest people I know! I thought about everyone I could've asked for help, and the more I did, I realized it had to be you..." He declared.

Coye spoke from the heart, although he left out the parts regarding his retroactive guilt over the times Suzette unsuccessfully vied for his attention. The woman needed a shot of confidence and making her think that he was pitying her wouldn't help.

Shayla remained quiet but nodded her head with approval. That was precisely what Suzette needed to hear, she thought. Now all that remained was to see if it did the trick or not.

There was a period of silence as both Coye and Shayla watched the widow with a mix of interest, anticipation, and dread.

Suzette was silent, to an unnerving degree. A bead of sweat trickled down Coye's forehead. The sound that broke the stillness was the sound of the couch creaking as she stood up without a word.

Once again, Coye feared he was about to be shown the door.

If that was the case, so be it. Coye figured he did his best and only hoped Suzette would forgive him for pushing her boundaries.

Yet, all Suzette ended up doing was scoot over to the opposite end of the couch. Coye assumed she was putting distance between them, but her true intentions were revealed as she gave him a sincere, heart-felt smile and patted her lap gently.

She was coaxing him over.

"Well... when you put it like that, it seems there's not much else I can do, is there?" She spoke in a relaxed and gentle tone.


'Aw, yeah!'

"If you're really so certain that someone like me can provide the necessary 'comfort' to ease your condition, then, by all means... you just leave it to me and let me take care of everything. Is that alright with you, Darling?"

Coye had trouble speaking on account of how wide his smile was. He did it! He successfully seduced Mrs. Lillis and was about to reap the rewards that came along with this colossal undertaking.

'What are you waiting for?' Shayla urged him to snap out of his reverie so that he could get on to doing the actual celebration. 'Put me on the coffee table and go take your rightful place on that sexy widow's lap! Make sure I get a good view while you're at it...' The Pixie was almost as excited as he was, eager to watch the ensuing lewdness before her very eyes.

"Y-Yeah, that sounds more than okay." Coye snapped out of his daze and removed his cap. Shayla clung to the top of it as he sat it down, angling it so she'd have a perfect angle for her voyeuristic delight.

"Good, good. Come on over, then." Suzette bit her lower lip, drawing attention to how full and luscious it was as she patted her lap for a second time.

Coye could barely contain himself as he turned around so he could lay horizontally across the couch. He reclined, and his head was met with softness unbound as it sunk into Suzette's flesh through her dress.

At that moment, he didn't understand why anyone in their right mind would ever use a pillow when a woman's lap was as plump, plush, and heavenly as it was.

Then, as a little sigh of pleasure overtook him, he looked above to see the twin mountains towering overhead. He could barely even see Suzette's face past her breasts. They were so big.

As if he wasn't already excited enough, this did the trick and skyrocketed him to brand new levels of hardness.

"Oh, my..." Suzette performed a loud gasp as she laid eyes on the bulge that made itself impossible not to notice. "You weren't kidding, it seems. You really need the help down there, don't you?"

Coye nodded sheepishly, prompting a giggle from the widow as she enjoyed his cuteness the way she dreamed of for so long.

She brought her hand down to his tunic, tracing his chest with her fingertips as she inched closer and closer to his belt.

At least, she settled her pointer finger on the cold metal buckle. A grin appeared on her face as she teased, "First of all, this needs to go..."

Things were about to get hot and heavy, and Shayla was ready for it. She magicked away her clothes, summoned a tiny pillow large enough to sit comfortably upon, and licked her lips.

All three parties were surging with excitement, and all that held them back was a single metal buckle- a buckle that was quickly undone.


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