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Coye tasted a bliss that he didn’t know could be experienced. An explosion of satisfaction, and a messy one at that. It covered him with the evidence of his sexual frustrations, and more importantly, it taught him that his desires could be satiated if given proper attention.

Thus, he stared at the pixie while repeating a single word. “More...”

Shayla was still hugging his cock tight when it twitched, trembled, and swelled, reviving itself. She was impressed with his youthful vigor but not surprised in the slightest. Seeing how intense Coye’s passion for pleasure was and that it was all because of her made her feel powerful, and Shayla ate up every moment of it.

“That good, huh?” She teased, climbing up another inch or two to lean over and lick the tip of his urethra. She took her first taste of Coye’s semen this way, and the pixie relished it as the sharp taste settled on her tongue like an addictive cream.

“Yeah... it was, um. I feel like a new person,” Coye nodded, his cheeks red. “More than anything, I can’t believe I was missing out on this, a-and... I don’t want to miss out anymore from now on.”

“Oh, no. Looks like I went and created a monster...” shrugging and letting out a playful sigh, Shayla shook her head. “Does this mean you’re done worrying about being girly and super cute?”

The boy paused, considered it, and frowned. “No. That’ll always be part of me, but... if being small and cute will help me get as much s-sex as you say it will, then I’ll learn to live with it, I think.”

“Atta boy.” The two shared a smile, one playful and the other nervous yet hungry for more, before Shayla continued. “Hope you’re feeling more confident, though, because this next part is all you.”

“What? Why?” The next part was actual sex, wasn’t it? Coye didn’t understand. He thought that sort of thing was a two-person affair.

“Think about it. How am I gonna sit down on your dick? I’m magic, but to fit you inside me is gonna take physical force, baby, which I don’t have. You gotta... um...” she stumbled mid-sentence, which wasn’t like her. Shayla was so turned on over what she was about to say that it caused a slight delay.

After wiping a trail of drool off the corner of her mouth, she finished, “You’re gonna have to grab me by my waist and use me like a toy.”

Coye paused, envisioning what it would be like to see Shayla struggle to forcibly penetrate herself on him. He saw her like that, flailing her legs and trying to sink down, and it almost made him laugh. It would’ve if the rest of her sentence weren’t so distracting.

“Is that gonna be a problem?” Shayla fluttered about in the air before landing on the tip of his dick like a leaf blowing in the wind. Contrary to her elegant descent, her face was stricken with worry. She hoped that the task ahead wasn’t too much for him.

Coye did linger on whether he had the courage or not, but it only took a moment to make up his mind. Whether or not he was uncomfortable was irrelevant. His resolve to gain new pleasure was as firm as it would ever be, and he sought to capitalize on it.

“I’ll do it.” He said. The words were meek yet certain as they left his mouth.

“Nice!” She pumped her fists and then worried that she might appear too eager. “Er, I mean, are you sure?”

Shayla grinned ear to pointy ear, full of anticipation for their union. After years of waiting for the right partner and months of stalking her favored femboy prey, the moment was finally here. Now, at the finish line, it was Shayla’s turn to have a rare moment of hesitation.

She thought to herself how big his cock was and doubted her ability to take it safely. It was an irrational concern. Fairies safely frolic with humans all the time. Shayla knew that. Knowledge doesn’t always quell the nerves, though, and as playful and mischievous as Shayla was, this was still her first time.

Unlike Coye, she was the type who hid their hesitation behind false bravado. Shayla pretended like sex would be no big deal as she shrugged her shoulders and started to say, “Well, what are you waiting fo-” only to realize that Coye wasn’t waiting at all.

He reached out and plucked her from off his dick like she were a doll, and he balled his fist around her.

“Woah!” The pixie wriggled in his grip, yet she found the warmth of his hand comforting. “Being manhandled like this is... more threatening than I expected.” She laughed in an awkward cadence.

Coye managed to pick up on the fact that his partner might’ve been the one feeling apprehension now. “This was your idea,” he reminded her, striking a nerve.

“Well, look at you,” Shayla rolled her eyes. “One orgasm later, and suddenly you’re Coye the Confident, huh?”

“N-No, not quite...” he deflected, then had a chuckle.

The cuteness of his voice eased the pixie’s tension. It was enough for her to smile up at him in relief as she made herself more comfortable in his hand. She wiggled up another inch so that her large breasts rested above his thumb. Shayla was now perfectly situated to use as his sex toy.

Coye looked down at her, knowing what was about to happen. He was such a mixture of emotions, hormones and, unfulfilled sexual desires that he struggled to know what to say now that he was on the precipice of total satisfaction. Although the awkwardness that continued to bubble between them wouldn't clear up, both the boy and the pixie were ready to make the leap.

"So-" they both started to speak at the same time. They paused, laughed, and waited for the other to say what needed to be said. Coye would be the one who did.

"I'll get it set up," he said, almost like he didn't even believe it was happening.

"Cool," Shayla nodded in turn. Her gaze turned downward as he positioned his fist above his manhood.

He lowered his hand and inched Shayla's body toward his still towering erection. He felt a trickle of her juices spill out from her lower half as she hovered above him, the warmth providing a taste of what was to come. It made him twitch, and his mouth slacked, struggling with every breath.

The distance between them shrunk until there was none left to speak of. Shayla had spread her legs apart to accommodate Coye's efforts, and as she sat straddling the tip of his dick, the comical difference in size between the two partners couldn't have been more apparent. He was about to fuck her with a cock only a few inches smaller than Shayla's entire body. It was unreal.

"Should I, um, go slow or do it gently, or something...?"

"Yeah, dude, go ahead and gently fuck me with your massive man-meat. That's totally doable."

"Sorry..." Coye blushed as he realized that Shayla had a point. This was really all or nothing, and there was no in-between, no option to go gently. He had to force it in with all his strength.

Shayla was quick to relieve his worries. She knew that he wanted more, and if she used that, Coye would be nothing but putty in her silky hands. The ball was in her court, so Shayla resolved to put aside her anxiety and give him the final push he needed.

"I thought you wanted more," she teased. "Don't freeze up now at the last second, big guy."

"I do want more," the word came out of his mouth with certainty. He was fascinated with the idea of more sex, more affection, and more attention. Things would've gone smoother if Shayla could take the lead, but as things were, he was the only one who could give himself more of what he craved.

"Come get some, then. My tight little pixie pussy will give you all you want and more..." Shayla saw the sparkle of corruption in his eyes and licked her lips. The more innocence he lost, the hotter she burned within.

Coye focused on the word ‘more’. He was making his way through life one adventure at a time until now. Unlike many of his contemporaries, he didn't have aspirations or goals he was striving towards. The orgasm that Shayla had given him changed things forever. He now had a goal, and it was more.

The adventurer grunted and put downward pressure on the pixie. He held tight, using his strength to make this happen.

“FUCKFUCKFUCKFUCK-” Shayla felt the world itself tearing her apart from between her legs, and her strength left her accordingly. Breathing becoming harsh and ragged, her tiny body did everything it could to prevent Coye’s attempted penetration. Over and over, it was all Shayla could do to remind herself that things would be ok as soon as he was able to enter her, but the time between then and now seemed an eternity.

Then, her tiny body began to glow brighter than it usually did.

Coye felt his tip start to sink within a warm, impossibly tight tunnel. It was a slow process, but the tastes of enormous pleasure drove him to push down harder and harder still. It felt absurd, but the evidence was right there. His cock was penetrating Shayla, and even more of it was spreading her by the second as she shrieked, yelled, and moaned.

The pixie’s hips widened to accommodate, and once his entire tip was swallowed, her belly had expanded to the point where she looked was heavy with child. As he took in the sight of Shayla’s limp body wracked with spasms, her drooling mouth, and her incoherent moaning, Coye realized that he had done it.

He’d lost his virginity to a pixie.

“Shayla... you feel so good...” He whined.

It took her a while to summon the strength, but she replied, “You... y-you too,” and Shayla meant it. While she experienced a blinding, mind-numbing, she spoke the truth. Already her body magically adjusted itself bit by bit so that mating with a human would be not only pleasurable but exceedingly so.

The slight taste of this future ecstasy growing deep within her stretched pussy was all Shayla needed to distract herself from the pain.

“Just, ngh...! Just keep going, I’ll be fine...!” Shayla insisted, even more of her energy leaving her by the minute.

Coye didn’t even hear her. His hazy addiction to the pleasure was deepening. Driven by lust, he sat and situated himself at the edge of the bed so he could watch his work with greater ease. He was having trouble penetrating deeper and figured the new angle might also help with that.

He pulled Shayla off nice and slow, whimpering as her bulge shrank, and his tip exited with a loud, wet noise. Her pussy clenched him on the way out, and then it shrank back to its proper size as if she’d never felt his touch. Coye was amazed, and he couldn’t wait to see how much of him could fit before Shayla couldn’t take anymore.

Like a giddy child getting ahead of himself, he thrust Shayla back down on his cock rougher than he had the first time around. As he buried his pole, the pressure enveloping him was still immense, but it slipped inside with much less resistance. Now that he’d done it a second time, Coye understood he was attracted to the swelling of Shayla’s stomach. Seeing how massive he was inside the pixie made him feel more potent than slaying monsters ever had.

After pumping himself in and out of his little lover a few more times, Coye achieved deeper penetration. Shayla’s insides were loosening, and he felt her wetness and warmth coat another inch of his length, and it felt so tremendously good that he leaned forward, whining.

Shayla loved the shameful noises Coye made, and the more vocal he was, the wetter she became. This helped her a great deal, as this wasn’t getting much easier. If anything, the pain increased the more he worked his way into her. She cried at every thrust, every forced hump, begging for the pleasure she felt to finally overcome the pain.

How much more could she take? And what would happen if he came before it happened? Shayla was turned on earlier by Coye’s thick and creamy load, but she would fill up like a balloon if he did it now. She couldn’t believe this was happening and couldn’t believe how much the idea excited her.

“Coye...” She called his name with wet, teary eyes and looked up at his girlish face. “Y-you can go even harder... I want to get used to this faster, so... please... puh-PLEASE!”

“Yes...!” Like a beast, he groaned while following Shayla’s command. Right as she asked for it, he slammed the little girl down him like he was trying to skewer her. She lost her breath, and he had done it again before she could even react. And then again.

Lewd noises echoed throughout the tent, mixing with the sound of the rain outside. Coye was having actual sex with Shayla now, and even if he could only fit about two inches of his cock inside of her, it was more than enough for him to lose sight of himself and descend into a frenzied rhythm.

If he were of his right mind, then Coye would have felt bad about the pain this caused his partner, but he wasn’t, and he didn’t. He was doing exactly as she asked him to, using her as a toy to pleasure himself, and Gods, did it feel good. Yet every time he slipped off the pixie from his cock, he yearned for what was beyond his reach.

Every thrust was an attempt to gain more purchase within her tight, expanding pussy, and whenever he did manage another fraction of an inch, his body celebrated. Fireworks sounded off inside of his brain, rewarding him with sexual bliss and lulling him deeper into his trance.

The relentless pace Coye worked himself into made Shayla believe she would break. Her thoughts left her one by one, replaced only by an intricate balancing act of pleasure and pain. At the edge of consciousness, the delicate pixie was at last able to feel that spark of gratification between her legs and deep within her bulging flesh.

A gradual smile appeared on Shayla’s face. Her body felt it more with every thrust, and her screams sounded less like wails and more like blissful exclamations of pleasure. The pixie was caught in a continual state of climax. At the same time as Coye stopped to catch his breath, Shayla summoned what little remained of her strength and placed her hands on her belly bulge.

“I-I... I can feel it, now...” She cried, tears streaming down her reddened face. Her conversational filter broke as a consequence of her addled mind, and now Shayla’s every word was flustered and filled  with violent emotions. “It’s so fucking good... so good, damn it...! You can fit more in me- I know you can- so don’t fucking stop until you fucking fill me with every drop of cum in those balls of yours, FUCK!”

“Shayla, SHAYLA!” Coye barked, shaking his fist up and down over his cock so hard that the pixie contained within had become a blur. He kept on repeating the name of the little woman who introduced him to this new world, his mouth salivating so bad that it seeped from the corners of his mouth.

It was coming, and Shayla knew it better than he did even as she was cumming her brains out. Every last twitch of his towering flesh resounded in her body so loud that it crashed against her like thunder. These convulsions multiplied in frequency the longer he fucked Shayla until it was evident to her that he was on the verge of the orgasm of his life.

“I’m gonna cum,” Coye whimpered and bit his lip like he were ashamed. “I’m gonna cum, Shayla, I’m gonna cum... cum... cum...!!” He didn’t know if a pixie could get pregnant by a half-elf, but that was the last thing on his mind as he rutted.

Shayla used all that remained of willpower to get out one last shout of approval. “Do it...! Fucking do IT!”

Coye fell even further from grace as the feminine boy’s balls boiled over with burning lust. He gritted his teeth and slammed Shayla down on his cock one last time and was rewarded when he finally sunk as deep inside her as possible. His hard rod poked out three full inches in just at the bottom of Shayla’s ribcage.

Then, it spasmed, and he came.

Shayla’s concerns were well-founded, as she became thoroughly filled with so much of her partner’s hot, burning cum that her womb couldn’t contain the tidal wave. She grew rounder in shape with every one of his blasts, and they just didn’t seem like they would stop any time soon.

He shot rope after rope inside Shayla’s pussy until she’d been stretched to the absolute limit of her magical physiology. Everything past that point promptly overstuffed the pixie, streaming out of her tight hole like a leak and splashing down onto a growing puddle of his own desire.

This was everything Coye didn’t know he needed in his life. He was at peace, not a thought in his brain. Like this, he couldn’t care less whether he looked like a girl or not. Although he was little more than a drooling idiot holding a cum-filled fairy tight to his orgasming cock, Coye was happier than he had ever remembered.

He fell backward onto the bed and removed Shayla. Several seconds after that, her body flashed with a bright blue light, and afterward, her belly showed no signs of what had just happened. As opposed to appearing like she was carrying sextuplets, Shayla regained her slim physique yet busty.

Coye still kept her in his hand, but the two of them were wiped. They both were thinking the exact same thought, though Shayla was the first to express it.

“That... was... fucking... AWESOME!” The pixie heaved, her breathing still ragged.


“It hurt like a fucking bitch, but damn, was that worth it...”


“Did you break?”

“Think so...”

“Cute. I just wish we were the same size, so I could’ve, y’know...” Shayla would’ve preferred to have been in control, and although he didn’t have the energy to express it, he would’ve liked it that way.

That was what he thought, at any rate. Coye would have to do more experimenting until he figured out his full preferences, but it was an effort he was looking forward to undertaking.

Shayla groaned and stretched out. “Man, I’ll be lucky if I can even move tomorrow...”

Coye wasn’t listening. He was too busy staring at the pixie in his hand who had her ass pointed up in the air. He hadn’t taken a close look at it yet, but it was one hell of an ass for its size. Saliva began to pool in his mouth yet again the longer he watched. Blood surged below.

“Hey, earth to Coye?” His partner called out to him. “You doing good up there?”

“More...” He grunted as he sat up again, much to Shayla’s horror.

“What?! Are you kidding me? Look, that was fun and all, but I’ve got limits! There’s no way I can, keep... um...” Shayla stopped as soon as she forced herself to sit up and look him in the eyes. “Oh, fuck.”

At that moment, she knew there was no arguing with her fate. She had bitten off more than she could chew with this boy of hers, and now she had to face the consequences.

Coye lifted Shayla back to his cock, knowing that he had a long night ahead of him. By comparison, Shayla’s night was considerably shorter, seeing as how she faded in and out of consciousness after round two. Everything after that was one long and pleasurable fever dream.


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