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My first scene will be live in a few hours, so I figured I'd let you guys know the game I wrote for is called Monster Girl Farmer. All in all, including the branching paths, I contributed 10k words and got a pretty hefty pay out of it so I'm very satisfied.

I need to make sure everyone knows, though. My scene is not in the  demo. If you want to read it, you'll have to either buy full access or  sub to his Patreon. Not much I can do about that, its just his business  model. Still, it's there if anyone wants to! Just tell him I sent you.

And if anyone thinks my scene sounds different from how I usually  write, I said he could do whatever with the text and edit it how he sees  fit. If there's a dumb and corny joke, I probably had nothing to do  with it lmao. He's been a great friend to me so I'm really not gonna  care if he massively warps my contributions or w/e. It's a game worth  your time, regardless.


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