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I'm just gonna keep posting this at the end of the day until it's done. I made a ton of progress on it today but it's all so rough. None of the dialogue is final, and I'm going to make the jump towards lewd more gradual in the editing. Right now I'm just stream-of-conscious getting everything out, and it feels like the sex is random and obligatory. For now, just go with it lol.

I'm having fun with this story though so I think I'm going to focus on it for the time being. It's helping me get back into the swing of things, and it can be my first short story to sell on Amazon.


There was a young adventurer from the Cransmere Adventurer's Guild by the name of Coye, and he was out to fulfill a quest within the infamous Gnarled Woods. It was a kill quest, and his target was a malevolent spirit known as Jack 'o the Pumpkins. With a large scythe, tattered robes and a carved pumpkin for a head, this menacing apparition would only grow in power if left unchecked. Someone needed to put a stop to it.

Ideally, someone more versed in the destruction of spiritual entities would have been preferred. Cransmere doesn't have many options, though, so Coye volunteered to take the job. Having recently become a silver rank, the fighter was eager to take on his first assignment.

Even at twenty years of age, Coye was more of a boy and less of a man. This was partially thanks to his heritage, being a half-elf on his mother's side. As a descendant of the fair-folk from the Realm of Sylvandiel, Coye possessed smooth, white skin, silken hair of blonde, a pair of bright blue eyes that sparkled with serenity, and extended, pointy ears.

He stood only five feet tall, and his fashion was very subdued in comparison to his girlish good looks. While out on adventure, Coye wore a bluish-green cap and tunic, white trousers. Favoring speed over full protection, his armor of choice was a leather cuirass with matching faulds, greaves, and gloves. Upon his back he carried his sword and his shield, and around his waist was a belt which carried a large bag containing his supplies as well as several pouches with other provisions and adventuring tools.

He was a certified 'Fighter' in the eyes of the Association, which meant little more than he knew the basics of fighting and a few Arts. Coye's aim was to become a Spellsword, but magic was a touchy subject for the boy. By all accounts a half-elf should be gifted with the arcane, but Coye took after his father in that regard.

Although he didn't get out of it without earning himself a few surface wounds, the battle was won. Hush struct the air, cleaning his sword of sticky tree sap before returning it to its sheath. From his hip he took out a knife which he used for harvesting his trophies,

As he stashed away his proof of kill into his sack, Coye paused. A familiar sensation crept up his body, one that he had felt often over the last couple of months.

He felt that he was being watched.

That alone wouldn't be cause for alarm, at least not out here in the Gnarled Woods. This was a cursed place where evil slept, forever tainted by the corruption of the slain Demon Lord of Arrark's past, Thalrad. It would've been weirder if Coye felt he wasn't being watched.

But the thing that made it so odd was that the boy couldn't sense any malice from this hidden gaze. It wasn't a beast ready to pounce him for its next meal, and it wasn't a thief on the verge of robbing him. Whatever was observing him, it felt curious, which unnerved Coye even more than if it was something that wished to eat him up.

At least if that were the case then he would know what to expect, and he wouldn't have to ponder the mysterious watcher's motives.

Regardless, Coye was an adventurer. If there was something waiting for him out there in the darkness of the Gnarled Woods, then he would face it with courage. But like it always did, the mysterious presence did nothing, and the boy grew tired of this unsettling feeling running through his nerves.

The woods were starting to take its toll on him, making him hungrier and hungrier like the Lord of Gluttony himself. Coye hated being out here for too long, never fully getting used to this evil-induced craving for food. It was a true, painful hunger that stemmed from the throat. Coye knew that if he lingered any longer, he would find himself scarfing down his rations and eating questionable things from off of the ground. It wouldn't be the first time that the Gnarled Wood drove him to such lengths.

It took the adventurer a little over an hour to emerge from the forest, the entire time struggling to barely fight off his temptation to feed. The sky was red with crimson and violet shades of the setting sun, illuminating the grassy plains and making them sparkle with the light of dusk. As beautiful as the sight was, it only told Coye that he wouldn't be making it back home to Cransmere and the Guild tonight. Not with how tired and hungry he was.

This hardly mattered to the adventurer, and in truth, Coye was excited for an excuse to make use out of a recent purchase. In the large sack strapped to his belt he carried him an enchanted, collapsible tent he bought from the Adventurer's Catalogue. It was a spendy purchase, just like anything that the Association has on offer, but his Guild Mistress talked him into it. It didn't take her much, Coye felt the investment was worth the cost considering how much use he'd get out of

Like all the adventuring gadgets that the Association of Adventurers sold it was spendy, but Coye felt it was worth the investment considering how much use he'd get from it. It never occurred to him to check and see if a local

He didn't make a campfire, for he had nothing to cook. Instead, dinner was simply a couple of handfuls from the rations he kept in his bag. A little hardtack, some jerky, a mix of seeds and nuts. It wasn't much, but it did its job. A weariness began to take over the boy, making him wonder if he took more damage than he might have thought. It wouldn't be the first time he noticed wounds after his adrenaline wore out, so Coye retreated into the tent to inspect his body.

Just in time, too. Only a few moments after hiding himself from the elements, the elements did their thing as a thick rain began to pour down on the plains. The half-elf stripped down to his underwear as an endless pitter-patter tapped against the material of Coye's tent. Just like he thought, he had more bruises and scrapes than first thought.

With the slightest of frowns, Coye debated using the last of his health potions. If he did, the boy knew he'd have to wait another week until his monthly subscription would give him another fifteen bottles, so he decided against it. Coye wasn't sure how much gold he would save if he bothered visiting the local alchemist, but he wasn't the type of boy who had much going on up there in general. He figured it was more convenient to pick up your potions from the Guild, and that was that.

Sighing, the half-elf unpacked some bandages and some ointments to speed up his recovery. That's when he felt the feeling again, that he was being watched.

Coye stopped what he was doing, dropping the medical supplies out of instinct. He readied his hand to shoot out and grab his sword if need be, but his wariness died down as soon as he saw a blue orb the size of his fist glowing outside the fabric of his tent. It flitted around like an oversized firefly, the half-elf knowing just what he was looking at.

Anyone who trudged the Gnarled Woods as often as he did knew a Fairy when he saw one.

That didn't mean his visitor wasn't dangerous, as the spirits were prone to mischief and pranks, but Coye figured he probably didn't need to make the first move with his sword.

"Hey, hey! It's raining like nobody's business out here. You got enough room in there for two?" A playful voice called out to the boy from the other side of the tent. The Fairy's words had a mystical air about them, almost echoing as she spoke.

Denying this fairy shelter would only make her more likely to target him for her mischiefs, so the boy felt he barely had any choice in the matter. He reached out, opening the flap for his guest.

"Oh, thank Titania..." The Fairy sighed with relief, darting into the tent like a missile. After shaking rain out of her hair like a dog, the fairy floated up to Coye's eye level. "Getting through the rain is such a huge drain on a Pixie's mana, you got no idea. Easier to just buckle down and wait it out than risk running out of juice, yeah?"

Coye regretted his decision to shelter the fairy immediately. As a simple boy who mainly kept to himself, there were two things he struggled with. Chatty people, and cute girls. Even though she was only a foot and a half tall, the fairy definitely fit both categories.

She had a sharp face, sharper ears, and her skin was as white as silk. Her body glowed a faint blue color, a mischievous smile coupled with playful pink eyes which made her look . Her hair was turqoise in color, and after drying it out fully it became obvious she fittingly had a fluffy pixie-cut.

Rather than the childlike body expected of a fairy, this girl looked to be in her late teens, yet very adult where it counted.

Coye's eyes were drawn to this Pixie's tiny chest, which for her size wasn't that tiny at all. If they were the same height as each other, they would be big. Real big. To make it worse, her tight, black crop-top was absolutely soaked and the Pixie's nipples poked out dramatically, wet and cold from the rain. She also wore black booty shorts that did little to cover the curves of her again sizable behind. Her clothes were patterned with green, swirly details typical of her race, but at the moment Coye couldn't appreciate the detail put into her wardrobe.

"Oh geez," The girl laughed at him, her face growing red. To Coye's relief, she wrapped her arms around her breasts and covered up her pointy nips. "When I first saw you I totally had you pegged as a cute and innocent kid, but I didn't think it'd be this bad."

She waited for the adventurer to say something back, but after fifteen seconds of silence she knew it was a futile endeavor. Narrowing her brows at him, she fluttered her wings and flew closer to his face. "You don't talk too much, do you, kid?"

Coye shook his head, proving to the Pixie he was capable of at least a limited form of communication.

"Figures," She sighed, slumping her shoulders and hanging her head. This gave her a better look at the boy's body, and as much as she enjoyed his surprisingly fit form, her interest was subdued by the concern she suddenly felt when noticing all of Coye's wounds.

"Oh, crap... I thought you had that stupid old tree in the bag. What are you waiting for? Stop standing around and sit, you silly boy."

Coye opened his mouth to attempt a question, but the fairy cut him off before he could even try. Rolling her eyes, she said, "Yes, I was watching your adventure. I was bored, alright? Now, SIT!" To show she meant business, the Pixie pointed her tiny finger toward the ground.

Coye did as he was told, the situation too surreal to argue. He still needed to tend to his wounds, anyway, so he reached out for his bandages. The fairy stopped him, dropping her weight down on his hand. "Just chill for a sec and let me have a look, alright?"

He nodded his head, then, he once again he tried to ask something the girl a question. Somehow, she managed to read his mind a second time. "Shayla," The Pixie declared, flying up off his hand with a teasing smile. "Shay for short. You?"

"Coye." He mumbled, causing Shay's eyes to open wide out of shock.

"And here I was starting to think you were a mute or something..." Shay's smile grew warmer, Coye's cheeks doing the same after soaking in how cute the miniature girl could be.

After giving the adventure a playful wink, she started to fly circles around him, pausing at every wound to assess the damage. She found that most of it was surface damage, and that it wouldn't take much of her mana to fix him up. So that's what she did.

The pixie flew around to a large bruise on the boy's left pec, but stopped short of curing it as a naughty idea came to her. Shayla had never had a chance to mess with a boy before, and was eager to experiment. She could just snap her fingers and use her magic to cure him right then and there, but Coye didn't know that. He also seemed very oblivious, maybe even a little bit dumb- in an adorable way.

Shayla smirked, then puckered up her lips and planted a kiss just above the affected area on his pec. Coye shivered as it sent an unexpected wave of magic surging around the area, which seemed to congregate in his nipple. He yelped, scooted backwards, blushing as he stared at the fairy who looked at him with a big old grin.

"W-What... w-why did... you...?" He stammered, unable to get much more out than that.

"Fairy magic, duh. Did you not want me to heal you up?"

"Isn't there... other... way?"

"No." Shayla said flatly, holding back laughter as Coye instantly believed her.

Although it made him embarrassed, Coye did his best to ignore the tingling pleasure surging through his body every time the precocious Pixie flew around and kissed one of his wounds. He failed miserably at this, but at least he made an attempt. Each time the still-soaking sprite pressed her soft, little lips against him, the boy shivered then and there. And that wasn't the worst of it.

Coye also kept letting out a delectable whine, a whine so cute it made the fairy drool with untoward lust. Shayla wiped it up with her wrist, feeling lucky that the boy didn't notice her slobbering all over him. His eyes were shut as the Pixie's healing magic overwhelmed him just as much as her kisses, if not more so. The magic flooded his body, making him feel light headed and oddly at peace as his pain drifted away. This didn't feel anything like the standard Association-issued health potions, but that was a good thing, Coye thought.

Shayla forced herself to stop kissing the whimpering half-elf. She was growing afraid Coye might run away if she kept going, and that would ruin everything. Flying away from his body, she gave Coye a grin and a thumbs-up. "There! That just about does it, I think."

Opening his eyes, Coye verified that his wounds had indeed fully healed. A blush filled the boy's cheeks. He was taught to always show his appreciation, so he bowed to the little spirit. "Thank you..."

By the time he raised his head, Coye felt a bump on his left side.

"Don't mention it," Shayla said, plopping her little butt on his shoulder. "I'm just glad I caught you when I did."

Coye hit her with a surprising attack of insight, asking, "...Weren't you the one who was watching me in the forest?"

Shayla's playful eyes opened all the way, her long ears drooping. "Wait, you actually noticed I was watching you?"

The boy nodded, signaling that it was now the turquoise-haired girl's turn to blush. "Ok, you got me," Shayla raised her little hands, figuring she can still play this one off if she chose her words carefully. "I was watching you during your battle, yep. You were super cool back there, and I followed after you because I thought you could use some healing! Honest!"

This made the boy happy to hear, but as simple as he was, even Coye could tell this wasn't the full truth. He hated confronting others, but he did his best. "This wasn't the first time you've done it... right?"

The Pixie was overcome with surprised. Fairies are naturals at avoiding the spotlight and remaining out of sight, so Shayla figured her stalking would've gone without notice. She now realizes that Coye's instincts might be sharper than she first gave him credit for, having initially taken him for a rather simplistic warrior who wasn't all that notable.

In response to his accusation, Shayla become panicked. Her entire plan revolved around pretending to meet this boy by chance, and that angle was going up in smoke right before her eyes. Without any other option, the Pixie shifted into panic mode.

Now in a total fluster, Shayla waved her hands around in an attempt to dismiss his comments. "What're you getting on about? I live in the woods, so, uh, duh I've seen you around a couple of times. Is that really such a big deal?"

Coye felt guilty for accusing the girl who just cured him of his wounds, lowering his head with shame. He mumbled something, but of course Shayla didn't hear it. This irritated her, and she put her hands on her hips.

"If you got something to say than speak up! I can't hear you if you keep mumbling."

Taking a deep breath to help him converse, the boy uttered, "You scared me. Didn't like... being watched... never knew what to expect these last couple months..."

"Urk-" Shayla recoiled. Even though she was a Pixie and lived for mischief, she wasn't a bad girl by any means. If she knew that she was making Coye's job harder and scaring him, she would have stopped ages ago. "Ok, yeah. My bad. I'm sorry about that..." She sighed.


"Why what? Why was I watching you?"

He nodded.

The sprite considered all of the ways she could spin her motives, but couldn't find anything that would sound right short of the truth. Shayla grumbled, her cheeks growing red. "I've lived in there my whole life, you know? That forest is as crappy as crappy can be, and there aren't even that many other fairies to hang out with, either..." Under her breath, she muttered something about there being no dudes as well, which Coye picked up with his half-elven ears. This didn't help him keep comfortable, but it interested him nonetheless.

"So that got me thinking. As a Pixie, I'm smart, clever, sexy, and I can use a decent amount of fairy magic, too. You know how some adventurers have a fairy guide or a partner that helps guide them on their journeys?" Coye had indeed heard stories about partnerships between fairies and heroes, but as he wasn't a particularly bright lad, the boy failed to pick up on the implications Shayla was laying out for him.

Deciding to go for it, Shayla flew right in front of Coye's nose, thrust her chest out to grab his attention, and pointed her finger at his face. "That's my ticket out of the Gnarled Woods, baby!"

Coye, tilted his head. It was in his nature to want to help others, so when presented with this problem he came up with an unorthodox solution. "I could ask someone back at the Guild for you."

Shayla felt exasperated. He wasn't getting it, was he? "I want to team up with you, dumbass."

It took him a couple of seconds to register this, but when he did, his face became red. An adorable fairy flying around him at all times, with tits like those and an ass like that? He couldn't even think about it without becoming a certain sort of frustrated. Without a word, he shook his head violently left and right.

His new would-be companion wouldn't hear it, however. When a fey makes up their mind, it's nearly impossible to get them to change it, and this case was no exception. "Why the hell not? I don't ever see you partying up with other adventurers, so it's not like you couldn't use the help!"

This was true, Coye rarely, if ever, worked with others at his Guild. It's not that he wasn't interested in going on adventures with friends, just that his disposition and shyness made it difficult for him to approach others regardless of gender. The only times he'd partied up were when the Guild Mistress assigned him on certain quests, and he mostly kept to himself on those occasions.

Coye thought deeper about the offer this Pixie was springing on him. If he could ignore her attractive body and her skimpy clothes that did little to hide it, she would indeed bring a lot to the table. She already showed her skill at healing magic, for one, and if she had more tricks up her sleeve then he couldn't imagine how helpful Shayla would prove herself to be.

"Why can't you just leave the forest on your own?" The boy asked, his eyes still staring at the ground.

"There's a reason fairies stick to the woods, you know. We live in places where there are tons of places to hide at a moment's notice, because we're so small that just about anything could swoop in and eat us if we're unprepared for even a second!" The idea of being consumed terrified her, and she wore it on her sleeve. "And it's not like I can just waltz into a human town, either. Mages and Alchemists are always looking to snatch up any stray fairies they can get their grubby hands on, and they'd do a whole lot worse than just eating me..."

What Shayla was unaware of is that the vast majority of fairy materials used by Mages are grown in ethical fairy farms over in the Tior Province and that illegally poaching fairies was a crime in the modern era of Karnalle, but she was still right to be worried. Mages and the law get on as well as water and oil.

Even Coye found all of her points understandable. He certainly wouldn't want to live in the Gnarled Woods his whole life, and leaving it without assistance sounded like it'd just be jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire.

"And you want to me, because... why?"

Shayla caught him off guard, saying, "Because you're a nice person. That's why I've been watching you for so long, to make sure. You think I haven't checked out all the adventurers who get sent into the woods?" She wasn't being entirely honest, seeing as how one of the main reasons she chose to go with Coye was on account of him being totally her type, but she figured there was time to get into that later.

The guilt was eating Coye apart from the inside. He wanted to help her, he really did, but he just couldn't imagine having Shayla around as long as he remained as sensitive around girls as he was. "Thanks, but... I'm sorry... I..."

This wasn't going to cut it. Shayla had been planning this for too long now and she wasn't about to let it go just because the boy she ended up choosing had problems being around girls. "Is it because I have tits?" She asked, making a grumpy face while purposefully grabbing both of her breasts and squeezing them.

The half-elf watched this sexual act unfold, excitement and apprehension rising up in his body with equal measure. Somehow, he managed to squeak out, "T-They aren't helping..."

"Aren't they?" Sensing the truth, Shayla's grin widened. Her inquisitive fingers found the edge of her pointy nipple, pinching it for the boy to see. It was embarrassing for her, but he wouldn't know that. Right now, the only thing the Pixie cared about was seeing how far she could push Coye. "C'mon, kid. Tell the truth. You like my titties, don't you?"

He bit his lower lip, wishing he had turned this fairy away after all. Naturally, Shayla was right. The problem wasn't that Coye was uninterested in the opposite sex, but that his inexperience and his reserved personality made the idea even harder for him. He was just as sexually curious as any other boy his age, if not more so.

"I... I do."

Getting a little more into it, Shayla smirked and gave herself another little pinch. She was becoming hornier than she intended, but it was fun to see his reaction if nothing else. "Say it properly, Coye. You aren't gonna get used to girls if you don't learn how to talk to them!" She teased him using a husky voice, desperately hoping to break him from his shell.

"...I do like your boobies, Shay."

The sheer awkwardness of his delivery all but killed the mood then and there, Shayla frowning and crossing her arms as she stopped showing off.

"W-What...?" Coye sensed he did something wrong, but didn't know what it was.

"Nothing," The Pixie groaned and leaned into her palm, flying down to the ground and sitting on a roll of bandages like it were a tiny chair. "Can I be straight with you, kid?"

He nodded, eager to please.

"Even if you told me not to come with you, would you really do anything to stop me? It's not like you'd chase me off, sell me to a Mage, or get rid of me... would you?"

Now that he thought about it, Coye figured she was right. Now that he knew Shayla's desperate circumstances, it would be near impossible to turn the poor fairy down if she absolutely insisted on it.

His answer was obvious on his face, and Shayla knew she had won. "That's what I thought," She giggled with triumphant pride, before noticing him grow more nervous at the thought of her hanging around. "Ok, ok. I get it. We're going to have to do something about this girl problem of yours, aren't we?"

Coye wasn't sure what she had in mind for him, but he could tell it wasn't going to be easy. "M-Maybe... but... if you're really coming with me then... um... it's not like we need to do anything about it tonight." To further avoid her, the adventurer finally broke eye-contact and laid down across the tent floor after enlarging a magical pillow and blanket set out of his camping goods.

Shayla didn't like the idea of putting things off for another day. To her, it smelled like yet more indecision on the half-elf's part. Besides, after working herself up to tease the boy, she was hornier than she'd ever felt. This Pixie had yet to show off her body for a male before, and if she didn't get some release of her own then she likely wouldn't be able to stop herself even if she tried.

Hopping up off of her chair, Shayla walked across the tent straight up to his face. She leaned over in front of him, still smiling as her cleavage spilled out of her tight black crop-top. "Nah, we should retty get to it." Shayla teased, her translucent wings idly flickering behind her.

"W-Why...?" Coye was confused. What did this fairy even want from him, and why was she so persistent? Given her size, it was hard for the naive boy to imagine how that sort of thing would even work between them.

"Because I want you to take me with because you want to, and not just because I guilt tripped you into it..." She frowned, brushing her turquoise bangs out of her face. This gave Coye a better look at her watery eyes and her flushed face, stirring feelings in his heart. "And..."


"And also I'm just like, super horny." Shayla shrugged. "Us Pixies have crazy strong sex drives, so the sooner you get used to that, the better! If I'm tagging along, you're gonna have to give me some service, kid... Starting right now!"

Acting on total reflex, Coye jumped backwards. The blanket flew off of his body, covering Shayla up as she shrieked. This was the last straw. She tried being the patient and support, she tried teasing him, she tried guilting him, and she even tried being honest. Now, she would try being angry. "What is your problem, Gods...! Do you wanna get laid or not?!"

"Of course I do!" He blurted, closing his eyes. Coye didn't mean to actually say that, but it slipped out. "I'm... I'm just... nervous..."

The way he hid his eyes from her, his cheeks red as he twiddled his thumbs made Shayla go crazy. She stared at this adorable new boytoy of hers and was once more filled with certainty that this was the one- this was the ship she would hitch herself to.

Coye slid back down to the ground, curling his arms around his knees. Seeing him looking more vulnerable, the Pixie flew closer to him and sat herself down gentle on his knee. "I could make you less nervous, if you want. Would that help?"

He nodded, still refusing to lock eyes with the little woman. Coye totally missed it as Shayla's lips started glowing with magic, but he sure felt it when she pressed them against his cheek.


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