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Very productive day today, but still nothing I can release as done yet lol. The next Demon Lord document is almost finished but I got sidetracked. Wanting to loosen myself up, I picked a theme for a short story and went for it.

It's not even half done yet but I wanted to show you guys I'm working on shit still so I thought I'd show this really really really early on version of it just to give you a feel for it.

Warning, it hasn't been cleaned or refined at all.


There was a weary adventurer on his way home from a quest in the Gnarled Woods, having successfully subdued a Cursed Treeman which was wreaking havoc on a hamlet sitting on the edge of the woods. The battle was fierce, but his trusty sword and shield won him the day. Slow and steady did the adventurer, a boy nearly twenty years old by the name of Coye, chip away at the grisly bark of the monster. until his blade struck its heart.

Although he didn't get out of it without earning himself a few surface wounds, the battle was won. Hush struct the air, cleaning his sword of sticky tree sap before returning it to its sheath. From his hip he took out a knife which he used for harvesting his trophies,

Coye was less of a man and more of a boy, thanks to his heritage as a half elf which granted him smooth skin, fair blond hair, bright blue eyes and slightly pointed ears. He stood only five feet tall, wore a cap and tunic of bluish green, and an ensemble of leather armor, greaves, and boots. Across his waist was a belt which carried a large sack and several pouches full of goods, and on his back he slung his sword and shield which are almost too big for him.

On his way out of the forest, and even before, the young adventurer felt eyes staring upon him. That wasn't odd at all, the Gnarled Woods were home to endless dangers. Monsters watching as a traveler walks through them is a given.

As those woods often do, they took its toll on the young fighter and sapped him of some of his remaining energy. He wasn't sure if he would make it back to Cransmere and the Guild that night, but it wasn't looking likely.

Not a problem, it wouldn't be the fighter's first time camping out under the stars. In his backpack he carried with him a collapsible tent he bought from the Guild Store. Like all the adventuring gadgets that the Association of Adventurers sold it was spendy, but Coye felt it was worth the investment considering how much use he'd get from it. It never occured to him to check and see if a local

He didn't make a campfire, for he had nothing to cook. Instead, dinner was simply a couple of handfuls from the rations he kept in his bag. A little hardtack, some jerky, a mix of seeds and nuts. It wasn't much, but it did its job. A weariness began to take over the boy, making him wonder if he took more damage than he might have thought. It wouldn't be the first time he noticed wounds after his adrenaline wore out, so Coye retreated into the tent to inspect his body.

Just in time, too. Only a few moments after hiding himself from the elements, the elements did their thing as a thick rain began to pour down on the plains. The half-elf stripped down to his underwear as an endless pitter-patter tapped against the material of Coye's tent. Just like he thought, he had more bruises and scrapes than first thought.

With the slightest of frowns, Coye debated using the last of his health potions. If he did, the boy knew he'd have to wait another week until his monthly subscription would give him another fifteen bottles, so he decided against it. Coye wasn't sure how much gold he would save if he bothered visiting the local alchemist, but he wasn't the type of boy who had much going on up there in general. He figured it was more convenient to pick up your potions from the Guild, and that was that.

Sighing, the half-elf unpacked some bandages and some ointments to speed up his recovery. That's when he felt the feeling again, that he was being watched.

Coye stopped what he was doing, dropping the medical supplies out of instinct. He readied his hand to shoot out and grab his sword if need be, but his wariness died down as soon as he saw a blue orb the size of his fist glowing outside the fabric of his tent. It flitted around like an oversized firefly, the half-elf knowing just what he was looking at.

Anyone who trudged the Gnarled Woods as often as he did knew a Fairy when he saw one.

That didn't mean his visitor wasn't dangerous, as the spirits were prone to mischief and pranks, but Coye figured he probably didn't need to make the first move with his sword.

"Hey, hey! It's raining like nobody's business out here. You got enough room in there for two?" A playful voice called out to the boy from the other side of the tent. The Fairy's words had a mystical air about them, almost echoing as she spoke.

Denying this fairy shelter would only make her more likely to target him for her mischiefs, so the boy felt he barely had any choice in the matter. He reached out, opening the flap for his guest.

"Oh, thank Titania..." The Fairy sighed with relief, darting into the tent like a missile. After shaking rain out of her hair like a dog, the fairy floated up to Coye's eye level. "Getting through the rain is such a huge drain on a Pixie's mana, you got no idea. Easier to just buckle down and wait it out than risk running out of juice, yeah?"

Coye regretted his decision to shelter the fairy immediately. As a simple boy who mainly kept to himself, there were two things he struggled with. Chatty people, and cute girls. Even though she was only a foot and a half tall, the fairy definitely fit both categories.

She had a sharp face, sharper ears, and her skin was as white as silk. Her body glowed a faint blue color, a mischievous smile coupled with playful pink eyes which made her look . Her hair was turqoise in color, and after drying it out fully it became obvious she fittingly had a fluffy pixie-cut.

Rather than the childlike body expected of a fairy, this girl looked to be in her late teens, yet very adult where it counted.

Coye's eyes were drawn to this Pixie's tiny chest, which for her size wasn't that tiny at all. If they were the same height as each other, they would be big. Real big. To make it worse, her tight, black crop-top was absolutely soaked and the Pixie's nipples poked out dramatically, wet and cold from the rain. She also wore black booty shorts that did little to cover the curves of her again sizable behind. Her clothes were patterned with green, swirly details typical of her race, but at the moment Coye couldn't appreciate the detail put into her wardrobe.

"Oh geez," The girl laughed at him, her face growing red. To Coye's relief, she wrapped her arms around her breasts and covered up her pointy nips. "When I first saw you I totally had you pegged as a cute and innocent kid, but I didn't think it'd be this bad."

She waited for the adventurer to say something back, but after fifteen seconds of silence she knew it was a futile endeavor. Narrowing her brows at him, she fluttered her wings and flew closer to his face. "You don't talk too much, do you, kid?"

Coye shook his head, proving to the Pixie he was capable of at least a limited form of communication.

"Figures," She sighed, slumping her shoulders and hanging her head. This gave her a better look at the boy's body, and as much as she enjoyed his surprisingly fit form, her interest was subdued by the concern she suddenly felt when noticing all of Coye's wounds.

"Oh, crap... I thought you had that stupid old tree in the bag. What are you waiting for? Stop standing around and sit, you silly boy."

Coye opened his mouth to attempt a question, but the fairy cut him off before he could even try. Rolling her eyes, she said, "Yes, I was watching your adventure. I was bored, alright? Now, SIT!" To show she meant business, the Pixie pointed her tiny finger toward the ground.

Coye did as he was told, the situation too surreal to argue. He still needed to tend to his wounds, anyway, so he reached out for his bandages. The fairy stopped him, dropping her weight down on his hand. "Just chill for a sec and let me have a look, alright?"

He nodded his head, then, he once again he tried to ask something the girl a question. Somehow, she managed to read his mind a second time. "Shayla," The Pixie declared, flying up off his hand with a teasing smile. "Shay for short. You?"

"Coye." He mumbled, causing Shay's eyes to open wide out of shock.

"And here I was starting to think you were a mute or something..." Shay's smile grew warmer, Coye's cheeks doing the same after soaking in how cute the miniature girl could be.

After giving the adventure a playful wink, she started to fly circles around him, pausing at every wound to assess the damage. She found that most of it was surface damage, and that it wouldn't take much of her mana to fix him up. So that's what she did.

The pixie flew around to a large bruise on the boy's left pec, but stopped short of curing it as a naughty idea came to her. Shayla had never had a chance to mess with a boy before, and was eager to experiment. She could just snap her fingers and use her magic to cure him right then and there, but Coye didn't know that. He also seemed very oblivious, maybe even a little bit dumb- in an adorable way.

Shayla smirked, then puckered up her lips and planted a kiss just above the affected area on his pec. Coye shivered as it sent an unexpected wave of magic surging around the area, which seemed to congregate in his nipple. He yelped, scooted backwards, blushing as he stared at the fairy who looked at him with a big old grin.

"W-What... w-why did... you...?" He stammered, unable to get much more out than that.

"Fairy magic, duh. Did you not want me to heal you up?"

"Isn't there... other... way?"

"No." Shayla said flatly, holding back laughter as Coye instantly believed her. This boy she had had her eyes on for some time now was even more entertaining than she had even hoped for, filling her tiny body with excitement head to to toe.

As embarrassed as it made him feel, the fighter fought back against it and


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