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Yo I need to be honest, writing has been weird for me this last week. Idk what's up my mind has just had trouble sitting down and working. Feels like I'm stressed about how everything sounds and how it reads, and I'm too worried.

I did this exercise to try and loosen myself back up again, basically what I did was close my eyes and visualized a random character. I typed down everything I saw with my eyes closed, then would write down every little detail I could think of about her.

The exercise went really well! I feel a  I cleaned up the typos and re-arranged stuff, but here's the character I came up with. She sounds really cute. I might use her for myself or sell her to a friend or something if I feel like drawing her sometime.

Side note, I also wrote a big chunk of the lore on Luxy's church today, too, and that's shaping up well.


A young human girl Bronze-ranked adventurer, a Black Mage, who is around five feet tall. She wears a long brown cape, a blue or purplish cutoff dress, dark thigh highs, brown boots, and brown gloves. Lastly, across her hips is a brown belt with several pouches. Overall, the girl’s outfit isn't all that mage-like except for it showing off her c-cup cleavage and the fact that the sides of her skirt are slitted, revealing her hips.

She has a rounded face, her white hair is styled in some sort of neck-length bobbed hair, white in color. On her face is typically a peaceful smile, and she has tired, upturned eyes that look like she's almost always in a daze.

At a glance, this girl is a Mage who is really lazy and puts in minimal effort to get by but this is not entirely her fault. Her staff is long, made of wood, and is rather cheap-looking compared to most.

She comes from a loving family of Mages who did all they could to support her, but they came up short because of the time it took overseeing her more talented siblings. This girl has a slight learning disability, and the Mage schools they sent her to were unable to give her the sort of assistance she needed, resulting in low marks.

Because of this, the girl feels inferior to other Mages who can sit there and read entire tomes in one sitting, visualize their spells flawlessly and remember detailed spell pronunciations. It all ended up making her not want to expend the effort to increase her magical skills in the future.

After graduation from the magical college, the girl had several jobs as a lab assistant for different mid-tier mages but she was fired for not being able to keep up with the work and for taking too many breaks. Earning a reputation for this among the mage community, her pool of available jobs shrunk by the day.

She decided to become an adventurer since she could set her own hours and not have to actually work that much, but she gets dragged off by her friends more than she'd like.

In battle she resorts to very simple magic, her pool of spells not containing anything extremely powerful. She expends low mana per spell, very rarely powering her spells up at all because she will fall asleep very quickly the lower her mana pool gets. Class wise she is a generic black mage, able to use most schools of magic with a slight specialization in mentallomancy, specifically in calming or sleep spells. If she took things farther she would become a fairly powerful Oneiromancer, but the girl is currently a jack of all trades as things currently stand.

Another weakness she has during combat is that if the monster she’s facing is cute enough, there's a chance she will become enraptured by it and want to pet it. The fluffier the monster is, the worse the temptation is. It’s a compulsion, and her attention span will make it worse.

Her interests include power napping, collecting pillows, and sewing together stuffed animals. By manipulating the cotton within her plushies, she enjoys putting on very childish puppet shows for her friends. She's oblivious to everyone's actual thoughts on the quality of her storytelling and her ventriloquism.

Romantically, wants a man who will provide for her and allow her to live a lazy, comfortable life, bonus points if he's a good pillow and can accept how much she wiggles around during the night. On a less comical note, she wants someone who will accept her and not view her as too much of a hassle to take care of.

Her biggest fetish is sleep play, whether it’s on her or she’s the one doing it, but she knows it's a sensitive fantasy so she'd never openly admit it. The thought of waking up to her lover using her body as an outlet excites her greatly, as does doing things to her lover while they're out cold.


Bobby Wazelle

Omg I hope she joins GMs guild


Glad you like her but I’ll be getting use out of her somewhere else eventually lol