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There is only one more chapter left until all the rewrites for volume one are done. Fantastic. I am glad to be done with this absolute slog. It was a rough journey, and as you all know I ran into multiple setbacks along the way. I wish that I could say that work on volume one will be finished as soon as it's done, but that wouldn't be the case.

There is still much editing to be done- but the important part is I can do that easily on the sidelines without it disrupting other things.

So, what's next after that?

As much as it may upset people, I don't know about jumping right back into new chapters just yet. Here me out though first. I want to continue the story, especially since in the Patreon chapters we were at the start of a brand new arc, but I feel weird at this moment in time. Editing and rewriting put a lot of crap into perspective for me, and I would like to work on more worldbuilding and lore before moving too much forward in the story.

There is so much basic crap about Karnalle I don't have any notes on.

-5 of the 7 former Demon Lords need histories, so I know their influence on the realm/history
-The way that Luxy and Tenebris's religions are structured is currently super fucking vague. I would like to write documents on how they function, the role the play in world affairs and so on
-Some more documents on important cities, like the ones I wrote for Imperalis and Hunnihome
-Wouldn't hurt to make overviews on the 7 Great Houses, either.
-Even more crap that I don't want to bloat this list over

I'm not saying I want to give up everything else to expand the worldbuilding, but I wrote almost 300 chapters while barely having any notes on Karnalle. The amount of retcons/adding in new mentions to people/places is going to be insane, and I'm kind of scared of writing new chapters before I have things more fleshed out.

The other reason I want to flesh things out is so I can more easily write short stories and spinoffs in the future. Like, say I want to say fuck it and just make a one chapter thing about an adventurer in Perlshaw. I can't really do that right now since I don't have information about the city, its surroundings, or its Guild's floorplans.

So, yeah. I think there's good reasons to do all of this, but I'm just afraid I'll lose even more money by pausing chapters for longer... Releasing the book will definitely get me a little income, but I won't get it for two months because that's how Amazon works. If anyone really, really wants to help, donating right now would help me work on lore without fear of losing my stability. It's my birthday next month, Dec 20th (I'll be 28) so you could write it off as a present/Christmas thing lol.

Maybe I'll work on making some new lewd bonus chapters to tide everyone over. To reward my non-patrons, I think for every two bonus chapters I'll release one publicly for the time being. I'll release one after this post.

Besides writing lore, I'll still be doing some character arts here and there that I owe some friends.

The other big thing I want to work on is maps, for the same reason. These won't be the test things I was making in Dungeondraft, but might be made in collab with my friend. The map I've been using behind the scenes for Karnalle is pretty shitty, and I want to make a big overview one based off of it.

This overview map won't be super detailed, but it will have every major road, every city with a Guild, every river, and major landmarks that are already set in stone. Once that's done, I could screenshot it, trace the stuff, upscale and then make individual much more detailed maps for each province.

I want Karnalle to be more fleshed out so that everything is easier on me, it's annoying right now as things are, having so much vague and up in the air. My plans for RotGM are so big and detailed that it'll take years and years to tell the story, and I am afraid of building this on shoddy foundations. That's my logic. I could keep rushing ahead and making details up about the world chapter-to-chapter, but all that does is complicate things a thousand times over. Bleh...

Tell me your thoughts please in the comments. This is all stressful and I want to know what everyone thinks lmao.



Always best to follow your instincts. This is your story and, even with pressure from your fans, you have to make it your way. As a fan and supporter, i wouldn't mind a few bonus chapters a week, Even 2 or so, to help bridge the gap and maybe delve a bit more into each girls (or group of girls) specific kinks or a side they havent fully exposed. Even a bit of fun from time to time would be appreciated. Maybe an bit more exposure into the days of fun that were had near the begginning, or a side chapter of pimp and his shit. Since it would be looking backword it could even be fun extras that you could tease in future amazon releases. All in all, i still love your story and will still support you as you do what jeeds to be done to keep it alive and well instead of feeling like a bad hollywood remake. :p


I haven't read the main story in months since i like building up large amounts of chapters, especially for the current arcs. So I problaby can't give the best answers. I think putting in lore chapters is a good idea makes the story more interesting and feel large I suppose you want to avoid turning people off by not keeping on writing the main story though. SInce I imagine some people want the story and don't care about side stuff. I think its all up to what you want to do though, if you feel the story needs more lore, do the lore side of things and flesh it out. As always do what you feel is correct otherwise you'll burn yourself out and that won't go well.