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A new character in the RotGM universe that I made and sold to my friend and patron ThisClown.

I did finish the chapter I was editing, but I think I'm just burnt out on writing. I'm stressed about money so I might make and sell some more adventurer characters that expand the world of RotGM.

As for Zara, she was born in the Breeding Tribe, but very few Wolfolk end up staying until they're 18 and ready for adoption. They're too stubborn and prideful. Zara made it until she was like 5 or so and decided fuck this, and ran away. Eventually she found a forest to call her home and became the undisputed wolf queen of it. Eventually, she grew bored since there was nothing left to hunt that was a challenge.

Tales of the wild Wolfolk girl had spread, and an Association representative sought her out and offered her a job that would have no end of challenging hunts. Zara agreed on the spot, and her life has been happy hunting ever since. Now, at the tender age of 35, she's starting to feel a little restless and is becoming increasingly aware of her desire to take a mate.




Very nice as always, Especially since it came from a very simple idea and turned out so well