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Been a while since I've done any editing and rewriting, so I went back to the beginning and picked up on the first arc.

Changes are mostly tone wise, adding humor, making Sam and GM more cute together, making Sam act like less of a retarded bimbo and making her consistent with the bratty tomboy slight tsundere she ended up as. And for GM's narration I changed the tone to make him more mature and less weirdly possessive.

Standard procedure for cleaning up my early writing.

I don't know when I'll make this public. Maybe when I have the meeting with the Mayor done?

Old Version 


While things certainly escalated with Sam that morning, and we resolved to enjoy each other’s company, neither of us expected to end up in a frankly embarrassing sex-crazed trance for three whole days. Sure, we took breaks to chat, eat, and shower and use the restroom, but it was as close to nonstop as we possibly could have gotten away with. This young, runaway Princess who entered into my life has brought out a side of me I’ve never seen before. Dominant, confident, demanding, like I know what I want at all times and won’t hesitate when it comes to getting it. Together, we explored this new confidence with vigor.

For those three days, Sam and I ravaged each other like animals in heat.

I discovered all sorts of things about my new lover during this time, primarily that while Sam is a bratty submissive, she’s also more than happy to take control from time to time. The Princess just generally prefers me to be the one on top or telling her what to do.

For our first time, Sam knew it was a special circumstance, and she sacrificed her virginity to gift me confidence under the condition that I reached out and took it with my own two hands. Thus, she took a submissive role.

After that, all bets were off. Since then, we’ve taken turns going back and forth on who’s in control, depending on who feels like it. Luckily for Sam, I’m a switch who leans towards domination. We fit each other like hand and glove.

There were no holds barred during this tumultuous display of carnality, to the point where it’s a minor miracle Sam didn’t drown in all the cum I sent her way.

Despite our mutual interest, one thing we never got around to trying out was anal sex. This is mainly due to neither of us feeling like getting dressed and heading out into the city proper to buy lube. Unfortunately, I’ve been fresh out for a week or so.

Sam’s glorious behind remains unclaimed for the time being but other than that, we worked through just about every kinky fantasy the two of us had that didn’t require external tools. It turns out I had a whole lot of stress to work through, but my younger lover was eager to help me through every little fantasy I wanted to live out. Sam took it all in stride, matching my newly awakened monstrous libido with all the vigor of a suppressed, virgin Princess.

We did it in my bed, we did it out behind the Guild in the training yard, we did it in every room possible, and when the smell of our sweaty, primal, obsessive lovemaking became too rank for our tastes, we did it in the bath, too.

The only breaks we took were little lounge-about sessions where we chatted and talked about how weird this all is and mealtimes. Whenever we got hungry, we’d take little trips together downstairs, still completely naked even though Sam kicked the door upon her grand debut. It’s not like I ever get any visitors, anyway, so Sam would wait in the entrance hall while I made whatever quick meal I could prepare with what little food I had.

Often, this led to even more sex. Once we were fed, Sam would tempt me into taking her right there on the dirty table we were sitting at. Then, when I went to do the dishes, the little brat would sneakily follow me and start sucking my cock while I scrubbed our plates.

If my grandfather could see me now, he would strangle me for every act of perversion I’ve acted out beneath this Guild’s roof- let alone the fact that I’m doing it with the Realm’s Princess not-so-subtly on the run. Luckily for me, he’s long gone. For the first time in a long while, I’m able to put his shadow out of my mind. Now, I can enjoy myself with this amazing girl who both fascinates and worries me at every turn.

It’s said that all good things come to an end, and so eventually, our three-day carnival of sexual indulgence draws to a close, too. We had a good run, and I made several important observations along the way.

As far as Sam goes, I noticed that her vagina continued to do the bizarre, pink, glowing thing shortly after cumming inside her. I haven’t yet broached the topic with Her Highness- she’s usually out of it whenever it happens, and it’s not exactly something I can just start talking about out of nowhere. Whatever’s going on there, it’s above my capacity to care. Sam is mysterious enough as it is, and when coupled with my sudden growth-spurt, I can’t find it in me to waste too much brainpower on every new riddle that insists on rearing its ugly head.

Speaking of that growth spurt, its arrival has come with several side effects. The biggest of which is that I no longer run out of semen. If I did, Sam and I indeed would have reached my limit many times over. Not only that, but my refractory period has shrunk to a comically short wait. It used to take me twenty minutes or so to get good and ready enough for round two after a good fap, but now it’s only a minute or two. Sometimes shorter, such as when Sam tried out a few invasive maneuvers with her finger...

All this leads us to where we are right now. I’m lying in bed with a gorgeous teen runaway wrapped around my naked body, and I awaken in absolute bliss from our most recent sex coma. Looking at her still-sleeping face fills my heart with ease. Just seeing Sam reminds me that I can have anything I want now.

We haven’t really talked about making what we have ‘official’ in any capacity, but I don’t think we really need to. It just sort of feels like we’re naturally at that point already, and drawing attention to it might just make it weirder than it already is.

Yet, the fact remains that I can’t live in idle bliss with Sam when there’s no money coming in. While I’d like nothing more than to jolt my lover awake by claiming her tight, pink hole with my morning wood, we need to stop. The thought brings a sigh from my lips, which ends up stirring the Princess from her slumber.

Sam sits up, the blanket falling off her nude body as she fluffs out her hair by cracking her neck. She belts out a huge yawn as she stretches. When coupled with her messy mane, the expression makes the bratty Princess look like a roaring lion. “The heck are you sighin’ about, Boss?” She asks, voice trailing off from tiredness.

“I just remembered that you came to Dewhurst so you could become an adventurer, Sam, and then I realized that we should probably get on that sometime.” As if desperate to feel the touch of her skin, I reach out and stroke Sam’s youthful shoulder as she cranes her neck back to look at me.

“S’pose you’re right,” She shrugs before snuggling up to my side and grabbing my bulge through the blanket. “But we could definitely start tomorrow, too. What’s one more day of messing around, Daddy?”

Despite my apparent interest, I grab her hand and place it on my chest. Sam makes a grumpy, pouty face at that, but I can see she understands. “We both know that we’ve had more than enough messing around for now, Princess.”

“Princess? Where?” Sam awkwardly tries to play this off while I roll my eyes. It still boggles my mind how whenever I sexually use the P-word, the brat melts like butter on a sunny day, but if I imply she actually is one, then she pulls out the most unconvincing deflections I’ve ever seen. Really, it’s rather adorable- if a little concerning.

“I guess you’re right, though...” Sam eventually admits. “I mean, I did kinda yell at you to get your shit together and then derailed all forward momentum for a couple of days.”

“Hey, you told me to start doing what I wanted. You can’t blame me for spending a few days straight doing you. I’ve only been following your advice.”

Now it’s Sam who rolls her eyes. “Smooth,” She says before giving my pec a little love-tap with her fist. “So what’s first on our big agenda, Boss?”

“I have a couple of things in mind. It might not seem like it, but over the last couple of days, some of my spare thoughts here and there have been about devising how to start getting the Guild back up to snuff.”

Upon hearing this, Sam playfully gasps and sits up. “I’m insulted,” She insists, mock disgust on her face. “How dare your full attention not have been on me!”

“Only five percent of my attention went towards Guild-related matters. The rest of me was thinking about you, I promise.”

She narrows her eyes with playful suspicion before breaking character and flashing me that toothy smile of hers which I’ve come to adore. “Good enough,” Sam teases. “Carry on.”

“First of all, we’re going to put you through the wringer.”

“Been there, done that.”

“This next wringer isn’t going to be sexual, Sam.”

“Damn it!” The tomboy collapses on the bed, acting more like a drama queen than a Princess.

“What I mean to say is you’re going to need to start going on lots of low-level quests like the Slime one. You have potential, sure, but right now, you can barely swing your sword without my advice.”

Sam swallows nervously but holds back her response even though the truth of the matter ticks her off. Instead, she simply listens.

“Guild Masters tend to all be stuffy, bureaucratic pencil-pushers like me, so while it may be strange, I’m going to accompany you on every low-ranking quest until you’re ready to start doing them on your own.”

The Princess grumbles to herself, narrowing her eyes. “Even if it’s true that I’m not great at this, it still sucks hearing you say it.”

I sit up and look down at her before taking Sam’s hand in mine and giving her a reassuring smile. She feels warm, soft, and I squeeze her tight in return. “You can see I’m not great at the whole Guild Mastering thing, so we can grow alongside each other. How does that sound?”

Sam’s cheeks light up with blush as she looks away- but not before a relieved smile forms on her lips. “Sounds fine by me, I guess...”

[Chapter Split]

“So what else do we have to do to get things popping around here, Boss?” Sam asks as she sits up, looking back at me with a severe expression. She would look downright intimidating if not for her sexy body on full display.

“We’re going to need more adventurers. Not a lot of them, mind you, because the Guild is in shambles, and I refuse to clean it myself.”

“Lazy,” Sam sarcastically shakes her head and clicks her tongue at me before saying, “Not that I blame you. I wouldn’t wanna clean this mess up either.” The bratty Princess gives me a playful expression where she looks down on me, and I can’t say I don’t deserve it.

It’s my fault this Guild is in such a sorry state, but the maids we had in my grandfather’s era didn’t stick around long after he passed. The Guild is a massive building with three wings, two floors, an expansive basement, a training yard out back, several storage sheds, and a broken bathhouse. One person can’t possibly be expected to maintain it by themselves, but I did just that for many years until I couldn’t find the willpower to continue any longer.

Sam taught me the value of doing what I want, but naturally, the opposite should be true, too. I don’t want to be the one who has to clean this mess, so I won’t.

“I can clean a room or two at most so we can lodge a few more adventurers. Once we start building up a small income stream, we can look into hiring housekeepers and carpenters for repairs.”

“Hmm. If the adventurers were other girls, then they could just share your bed with us, y’know...” My lovely, perverted bedmate’s lusty emerald eyes gloss over with mischievous ideas.

“Oh, please, Sam. I can’t afford to keep a harem.” I laugh the idea off as ridiculous at first. But it’s not like I wouldn’t mind.

Ever since Rhoivandis Lundreame defeated the first Demon Lord with his band of six brides, it’s always been a time-honored tradition for wealthy and influential men in the Realm of Karnalle to have harems. Not to mention that the women of this Realm tend to skew towards being bisexual, so our culture is very approving of the whole ‘one man, many women’ set up. When Sam implies she wouldn’t mind if I had more girls around, it’s likely she’s voicing her own desires for sapphic enjoyment.

“Think about it, Boss. You get another few girls like me and wrap them around your finger, and you’ll end up with devoted adventurers who work super hard to please you on the battlefield and in bed!” To promote her point, she grins like a lewd little minx and reaches into my lap to grab my manhood through the blanket. “Besides. Do you really think I can handle this monster all on my own? Hells, I needed more breaks the last few days than you did!”

“Mmm,” I lift my head back as I start to feel pleasure from Sam’s hand jerking my shaft. “You really aren’t joking, are you?”

“Course not.”

“Are you sure you don’t want me all to yourself?” I sneak in a bit of teasing, much to her chagrin.

“Sometimes I will,” Sam blushes and looks away, embarrassed of the fact. “But the more chicks, the merrier as far as I’m concerned. You say the word, and we’ll fill this bed up, Daddy!” As her excitement rises, so does the passion the young Princess uses to jack me off.

I’m starting to get into it- both the handjob and the idea of having a harem all to myself. Of course, sexual conduct between a Guild Master and even one of his adventurers would not be looked on kindly by the Association... but where’s the fun in that? Consequences be damned, I want lots of beautiful lovers even if I have to fill up my Guild with girls to get them. I’ve never really thought about it, but all of my favorite erotic novels are harem-centric, too...

“I think I’d like having a harem, Sam.”

“Geez, haven’t you learned anything?” Sam scoffs while jerking. “Say it like you mean it.” She fiercens her gaze, reminding me that I need to act on it if I want something.

Taking Sam’s hand in mine, I pull her away from my dick and remove the blanket to show off my hardness to the Princess in all my glory. “I want a harem, damn it. I’m going to be the best damn Guild Master there is, so it’s only natural I deserve tons of sex to go along with it!”

Sam’s green eyes flicker with pride and desire as she stares at my rock-hard cock and nods approvingly. “Damn straight. You’re gonna be an important big-shot, Daddy, so we gotta get you some more bitches.” Her warm hand makes contact with my sensitive manhood as she grabs down on it directly, then squeezes it up and down like she’s rewarding me for my selfish desires. “Even though you got me, you wanna fuck other chicks... don’t you, perv?”

“Fuck... yes, yes I do...” My body shudders as Sam continues teasing me harder the more I admit to my desires. “You’re a pervert, too, considering how bad you want to whore me out to other women...”

“Shut up,” Sam giggles like a precocious brat. With her free hand, she starts massaging my balls firmly. “And tell me more about the kind of girls you want in your harem, Daddy...” As she says it, the Princess starts grinding her thighs together- the thought clearly exciting her just as much as it excites me.

“My tastes are real... mn... wide... I like all sorts of girls...”

“Be specific!” Sam punishes me by stroking up to my tip and teasing my frenulum with her thumb, prompting me to throw my neck back and groan.

“Damn it! I want lots of different types of women! Small girls, tall ones, girls with small breasts and massive ones, with all sorts of... of diverse interests, and... and-”

“And what? C’mon, Daddy! Be honest with yourself!” Sam’s other hand stops fondling my swollen orbs. She instead moves it to the bottom of my shaft, allowing her to really start jerking and tugging like no tomorrow to pull even more of my deepest desires out of me.

“And they’ll all be devoted to me, damn it! I’ll have so many lovers that I won’t know what to do with them all! Human, Elf, Dwarf, Beastfolk... I don’t care what race they are! Just give me lots of beautiful women so I can fill them up with all this hot cum I have burning inside me!”

“Gods, Daddy...!” Sam’s mouth is drooling at the thought of my perverted fantasy. She imagines all the beautiful girls she’d have as harem sisters and begins grinding her thighs together even harder than before. “Show me how you wanna cum inside all those naughty adventurers! C’mon, c’mon! Show me! Show meeeee!”

My beautiful young lover pumps my cock harder and harder, intent on starting the day off with as big of a bang as possible, and Gods be damned if she doesn’t lead me to one hell of a bang. My balls tighten up into my sack as I shout my orgasm into reality. It comes on so strong and so fast that I don’t even have time to warn the Princess. As a result, an explosive volley of white-hot semen spurts onto her face time and again, coating her in an unbelievable mess of my own making.

Cum drips off her face, and she has to resort to opening her mouth up and sticking her tongue out to catch the rest of my climax before I end up blinding her in white. Like a good little brat, Sam milks my cock with all the skill she’s picked up in the last three days and swallows rope after rope with ease. Depleted, I fall back against the bed as my body becomes awash with post-orgasmic bliss, all while Her Highness starts cleaning up her face as best as she can.

“Thanks for breakfast, Daddy.” Sam teases as soon as she’s done. Then, she lays atop my chest and licks her lips.

“Anything for my Princess,” I smirk down at her. Now that I’ve achieved my nut, I can’t help entering a sage-like state of clarity. “I just agreed to something outrageous, didn’t I?”

“You bet your ass you did,” She laughs and flashes me a brilliant smile. “It sure is easy to make you get carried away, Boss. All it takes is one good handjob, and suddenly you’re ready to do whatever I want you to. Good to know!”

“Shush yourself,” Reaching out, I scoop up a drop of cum from her cheek and playfully push it into Sam’s mouth. With a playful laugh, she sucks down on the finger and cleans it of my sexual fluid. “Are you ready to get going for the day, or...?”

“Mmmn...” Sam tilts her head as after the finger leaves her lips. “I don’t think it’s very fair if you get all the morning fun...”

“Nor do I. Let’s make this quick, Sam. Get up here.”

“Oh, hells yes,” Sam drools again while crawling up and plopping her round, fat ass down on my lucky face. Once I’ve eaten her out to completion as fast and hard as I can, the day begins in earnest.


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