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My money situation has not improved all that much and it's getting harder to continue everything. I just don't have a very good mental safety net, and everything I could do to fix it would take time away from writing. I don't want to do art commissions, I want to keep writing. The Patreon has seen a very steady growth, but it's only bit by bit and it's not at a very comfortable place right now.

I need to focus on making more bonus chapters so there's a bigger reason to join the Patreon, but on top of that I was considering making a $15 tier that would do another 10 chapters ahead of public release, and in the future maybe a $20 with another ten. Doing 10 instead of more $5 increments would make them worth more.

I thought of seeing if anyone is interested in paying me to design more of Rise of the Guild Master's characters that don't have designs yet, too, which while still art commissions would at least be a better use of my time.

I'm just not happy with where I'm at right now, and money is at the root of it.


Bobby Wazelle

So that last part, is it the fund a Waifu dream I've had where we can pay an amount for you to make a character that thought they won't be a story related major character they can still make the occasional cameo appearance? Not to mistake with you making a fetish characters fans create, but fan paid Waifus you create.


I was talking about characters of mine. I might consider it but I’m picky, and I don’t really want to go out of my way to make a character that wouldn’t have their own short story or something which would be more money. The story itself doesn’t lend well to inexplicable fan character cameos so it would have to be its own thing, barring future arcs where it makes sense.

Bobby Wazelle

Cool, so what are you looking to do with something like that cause I'd be willing to chip in on a girl when I get paid in a few days.


Do you mean like I’d hit you up with a premise and the girl type in mind? Feel free to DM me about this. There are some short story ideas I’ve had in mind for a while.