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Holy shit I am not doing good. For a day and a half I’ve been loading up a uhaul by myself and while I’m not weak, I’m  not in shap either and I’ve reached the breaking point. My stamina is gone and my muscles ache and we have to be done loading by tomorrow.  I caved and have recruited my little sister to help tonight even though I wanted to avoid that. I can barely force myself to get up off the couch right now I’ve done so much physical labor WITHOUT AIR CONDITIONING I might add. Appartment’s AC is busted so yeah fuck me

on top of that I’m gonna need money to pay for cleaning fees for the appartment because there’s no fucking way either of us can handle this lol

this has been such a bad fucking month, I am dyingggg



You got this amigo


The answer to what we can do to help him seems very simple to me. If he says he would need some money, then we could help him by GIVING him some money. Even a little bit would probably make a difference.