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I have been refunded all of the hacker's charges by paypal, no thanks to Discord who are taking their sweet ass time to respond. I've emailed Discord twice and have spammed their twitter to no avail, so for now, the hacker is still in control of my account but he has no other power other than messaging whoever is still on my friends list.

Block him and remove him from your contacts if we're friends and you haven't yet. Report the account if you can.

I'm not expecting to get the server back. I guess this is a sign to start over and theme the next one over Rise of the Guild Master like I kept stalling on doing, so we'll see when I get around to it.



Reported, Removed from friends, and blocked. Hope to friend and talk again on Discord soon PunishedKom

Alexander Groggett

Looks like they changed their name, and profile picture, and most likely were removed from our formerly mutual servers.