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Wanted to know your guy's thoughts on if I were to do this.

As we all know, the Guild Master lived many years thinking he killed his grandfather through disappointment. That joke seems not to have landed with a lot of people and some people find it worse how I jokingly tried to tie Luxy into it.

I ws thinking of editing it into removing Luxy being at fault, and rather than disappointment it's that Grandpa was yelling so hard it led to a heart attack, or GM pushed him when he tried to stand up for himself and it triggered one.

While I won't change everything that doesn't land with some readers, this is one of the things I hear about the most so I figured I'd consider it and I'm leaning very heavily towards yes.



Oh have people been hating on that plot point? I kinda liked it cause it tied his destiny as the “hero” to what went wrong with his life and that he has the skills to do what he wants but got fucked over by the airhead of a goddess


Late to the party but I think Luxy being at fault is an important part of the story, it could have been executed better but I would personally prefer that point alone not be changed


It really wasn't important though, as I don't have plans for it to mean anything more than that. It doesn't add anything but even more reasons not to like her, which she has plenty enough even without that. It was unecessary and the idea that a God would just unintentionally kill her Hero's support and not bring him back to life is just way too indifferent to me. I mentioned some shit about other Gods telling her not to, but I don't like that either. I can't be argued away from this lol