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Judging by the huge ice wall on the other side of the room looks like Boss’s plan worked. Zuzu must be fucked right about now. What with her disability and all that...

I can’t be worried bout those two, though.

Got my own battle to fight, and Boss is counting on me to not fuck this up. I can’t let him down, just like I can’t let down all those innocent girls who’ve been kidnapped.

It’s all on me, and I won’t break under pressure or lose myself. I’m stronger than that... just keep it cool. Keep it cool, wait for Meri and Zuzu, and don’t push it.

Another crack of the bitch’s whip comes at my left, so I strafe right and stare right at her. “Are you gonna actually fight me, or what?” The Elf asks me as an irritated scowl spreads across her face, making her look uglier than she already is.

Yeah, I said it. Just cause you’re an Elf doesn’t mean you’re a 10/10, you skank! ‘Fair and graceful’ my ass. Those dreadlocks look like shit on her, too.

“You dragged me all the way over here, so don’t tell me you’re just gonna stall for time.. are you?”

“So what if I am? It’s called tactics, you pointy-eared tree hugger!” I bark right back at her, trying to rile her up.

“So I’m right. You’re just listening to your man... doing whatever he says.”

“You’re one to talk. You couldn’t even stop YOUR man from kidnapping a bunch of innocent-”

“DON’T YOU DARE-” Shit, that really got set her off! I can see the bitch charging up some kinda Art, and it doesn’t look good. Her whip is glowing with power, but I don’t take my eyes off of it. Just gotta keep watching and see what bizarre fucking shit she pulls out of her flat Elf-ass next.

When she finally attacks, the fucking thing comes out like, twice at once. Every lash of Rhaelyn’s weapon is now a little bit faster, and her Art makes it go double time. No sweat, I’ve been working on my footwork.

I weave my head back and forth like, rolling around and avoiding every damn attempt. Man, whips kinda fucking suck at fighting humans, don’t they? I can see how it’d be strong against monsters, but... these bitches just strike me as kinda, uh, slow-in-the-mind for not picking up a different weapon whenever they stopped being adventurers.

If she wants to damage me, her only options are targeting my face or using a big stamina-heavy Art that can get through my armor. Lucky for me, somethin’ tells me there aren’t that many moves like that in her arsenal, too.

Can’t get sloppy. I’m thinking a bit too much.

While dodging the latest double strike, I stick my tongue out at the aggressive Elf to try and push some more of her buttons. “Yeesh, angry much? I thought Elves were supposed to be all peaceful and tranquil-like. You just look hella constipated. Immortal or not, that CAN’T be good for your skin.”

Aw, yeah. Just like I wanted, Right Hoe’s eyes get even angrier, and the stupid bitch ends up shoving more of her stamina into her whip. Comedy gold AND getting her to waste more of her resources!

“ARGH! STOP FUCKING TALKING YOU LITTLE BRAT!” Right Hoe attacks again, but she ends up getting luckier than I thought.

The extra stamina must’ve powered up her Art because now four strikes happen all at the same time. It’s too much to just dodge since they’re coming from both sides of me now. I kinda have to just sit here and eat it with my sword. Fuckin’ hoe...!

Rhaelyn ends up attacking again with this Art before I have any time to react, and one of her quad strikes ends up hitting my face dead on. Thank the fuckin’ Gods for Steel Soul. I’m able to throw it on right at the last second... It still hurts like a sonnuva bitch, but at least I didn’t just tank it unprotected.

Still no word from Boss. Should I back up? Or should I keep taunting...?

“Be real with me, slut. Do ya both use whips cause the Pimp’s secretly into that? Or do you usually just use them on each other?” I should keep taunting. Duh.

“Fuck... fuck off, bitch!”

“Ohhh, nice one! Real creative. That some sorta traditional Elven comeback, or are you just as stupid as you look?”

Rhaelyn is starting to look super worn out by now. I don’t know crap about her Whiplasher class, but I somehow doubt she’s supposed to just spam big Arts like that over and over without putting a break in between ‘em.

“You... little...” Right Hoe gets angrier, but then the hooker calms herself. This could be my chance!

If I push forward a little bit, I could probably finish her off... but Boss told me not to. Wish he’d check in with me again, but It’s not like I can ask him out loud, either. Shit.

“You know...” Uh oh. The pointy-eared chick’s starting to get a wicked look in her eye... “Once we wipe the floor with you three, I wonder what’s going to happen to your dear little Guild Master back home?”

I look her dead-on and open my mouth, but nothin’ comes out. Stop thinking about it, Sam. C’mon. Don’t let it get to you.

“He might’ve sped up his own demise by trying to be a hero, sending his girls out on an adventure for his own gain...”

“Shut up.” They wouldn’t... kill him... right?

“Oh? Don’t like thinking about him using you, do you? Or... maybe... you can’t handle the thought of your poor little boy toy dying a slow, painful death because it’d be all... your... fault?”

“SHUT UP!!” No. If it’s even a one percent chance, then... then I have to do something about it...


And if I have to do something, I might as well have fun with it... right?





I raise my sword and run as hard as I can at the fucking whore standing in my way. Who the FUCK does she think she is talking to ME that way?! All it takes is one huge overhead slash to sever her chains in half. She predictably throws them up and then uses that hardening Art to stop my blow again...

But the joke’s on her.

Now? Now I’m fucking ANGRY, and the attack is so fucking intense that it doesn’t just stop at breaking the chains. No, the blade tears through the weak whip like a hot knife through butter and the full force of my sword smashes her shoulder into a million fucking pieces.





She cries in pain as she falls to the floor, but she REALLY starts crying when she sees I’m not done with her! I throw my sword to the ground and smile as menacingly as I can. Holy FUCK, that look in her eyes! It’s so funny. I swear, I’m gonna piss myself...!

“W-W-What are you doing!?” She asks like a vapid dumb Elf whore who thinks she can get away with threatening MY man right in front of me.

“You’re a prostitute, aren’t ya? I’m just gonna use your body how I want for a bit. No big deal, I’ll give you a nice big tip when we’re all done!” I grab the hooker by her dreadlocks and pull her up off the ground, only...


Right Hoe screams, crying as I ‘accidentally’ pull off all her shitty-looking hair. DAMN, this is fun! I shoulda tortured all those bitches a couple of rooms ago, too... “Whoops! Sorry about that. Eh, s’fine, right? Ain’t nothing ya probably aren’t used to!”



I cock my head to the side. Holy shit, can’t even fuckin’ believe this bitch right now. “Uh, hello? Don’t remember asking you about your life story, dumbass? A man was nice to you, you followed him, and you did bad shit because he told you to. Who gives a shit about the rest? All that matters is what you did to me.”


“You’re... you’re INSA-”

She’s starting to get annoying, so I kicked her in the chin. Not TOO hard or anything... I don’t wanna kick her head off her neck. Nah, just enough to punish her for daring to grovel before a Princess such as myself! “Yeah, yeah. Gotta admit. This was pretty fun!”


A look of sweet relief appears in her tear-filled eyes as soon as I even remotely hint that I’m gonna let her off the hook... heh. Just like I planned! “Huh? Wait a second... aren’t I forgetting something...?”


She begins trying to crawl away from me as soon as she watches me bend over and pick up my great blade again from up off the floor... ahhh, seeing such a pathetic sight makes me grin from ear to ear, I swear.

Here comes the best part. “That’s right! I swear, I’m such a dumbass sometimes...”

Aiming my sword right at the center of her torso, I smile down at the pitiful, writhing worm. “I almost forgot your TIP!”

I thrust with the sword to give the evil hooker what’s coming to her... knowing full well this’ll be the first person I’ve ever killed. Her Steel Soul can’t be THAT strong, right? Heh. One way to find out! Welcome to the family, Samantha.

You’re a real, honest to Goddess Lundrea-

My sword hits something that isn’t a dead hooker. It’s metal, hard, and came out of nowhere faster than I could blink.


Suddenly, I’m sent hurtling for my fuckin’ life into the back shelf, which breaks under my colossal impact. Tons of sex toys and bottles of lube fall on top of me as I lay there groaning in pain against atop a big pile of broken wooden shelving... I... shit, things are getting... fuzzy...

“...orry I had... use stamina, Master! I-”

“...n’t be, get her und... control. I’ll help you bring her down if I have to.”

W... what? Boss? Where the fuck... am... I? Why does it sound like Boss is giving Meri orders to... to...


Why would he be trying to take me down? It’s not like I’m a monster or something, right?

“...Sam? Can you hear me?! SAM, ARE YOU ALRIGHT?!”





Jesus that’s a fucking solid chapter. Really shows Sam’s internal anger issues. Makes me feel sad for both her and the elf she fucked up. Also the GM yelling for her to stop adds so much.