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Sorry for the lack of new stuff lately. It's because I'm working on an assload of behind the scenes stuff that can't be released, but is important. Still working hard though, here's a new MHFAP! OC for my friend Bonko!

And here's her bio,

Doctor Mittens is a popular themed meowdel and supposed actual doctor who lives in Mewtopia. There’s only one problem, she’s not an actual doctor at all. Mittens adopted the doctor theme several years ago to become a more popular meowdel and shot up from a nobody to an A-lister practically overnight. She’s one of the most popular meowdels in all, actually. But… well. At first she joked about it, and never outright said she wasn’t a doctor. Then, her fans started coming to her for medical advice, and seemingly enough of it worked out that no one really questions her now. Whether it be through placebo effect or her accidentally giving good advice Doctor Mitten’s advice is now trusted and she is Mewtopia’s first and foremost medical expert. She even has columns in various magazines where she answers questions or promotes questionable health products.

As for how she feels about her rise to fame, well, she’s worried that if the truth gets out then she won’t be able to live comfortably that’s for sure. The public finding the truth is her greatest fear, and also it would like really suck because she enjoys using some of her perks that come along with being a big tittied, supermodel/medical professional. After all, what monster girl could possibly turn down her advances during a breast exam? ‘Doctors’ get horny too, you know.

Her relationship with the Hero of MHFAP! Is centered around her being a ‘Doctor’, naturally. He totally buys her schtick and does whatever is best for his health according to the doctor’s orders. Much sexploitation on her part of things follows, naturally. Her petname for him is always some variation of Patient. My patient, the patient, etc.

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