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Brand new OC for my friend Ryo. This one I had to keep putting off for a while and I started to feel really bad about it so I finally forced myself to get it done. Glad it's come out this good, at least!

Here's her bio-

A fusion of magic and technology brought about by the research teams of the Erinyes. This girl, 'born' as IG-0157L is a designated leader in the Iron Golem brigade. These soldiers serve as shocktroopers in missions that the Erinyes keeps 'off the books' and a strike team is necessary. Unthinking, unfeeling, at least, they're supposed to be. A common problem is that these inanimate golems tend to gain minds of their own as time goes on and as it becomes more of a problem they are 'disposed' of. During her career leading a small batallion of golems, IG-0157L became one of these failures who developed a mind of her own. After many years of surface her mind splintered with guilt and understanding, and due to her exceptional power as a leader she was able to escape before they could get their hands on her for disposal. As to what made this specific golem question herself, she keeps it a closely guarded secret

Now, she is on the run from the Erinyes and the bounty hunters looking to turn her in for her hefty reward. Whatever this golem went through it affected her heavily- she shows frequent signs of mental illness and most specifically PTSD. She is often cold, distant, scared and full of paranoia. And those are some of the minor symptoms.

The only time she is at ease is when with the closest friend she's made in her new life on the run, Fiora the Treant. While hiding from bounty hunters one day she ended up stumbling into Fiora's magic forest and there was a brief period of time where they became lovers and IG-0157L attempted to live with the treant. This caused a severe accident one day, and the golem feels unfit to be with Fiora ever since so she left her new home... but she took with her one thing. The name Bellerose, which was gifted to her by Fiora.

Before I get into the relationship with Hero, I want to explain what's going on with her smaller form. She doesn't have a power limit like Futura but instead her entire body is made of a finite amount of iron and other metals. When creating weapons and especially projectiles she has to use her own body as material, so she shrinks a little bit each time until she becomes small. The power core near her collarbones slowly generates more iron over time for her so it's just a matter of waiting and recovering.

Lastly, the Hero. They both have a respect for each other as wanted criminals as well as people who have been helped by Fiora. As such she's friendly with him and they fuck sometimes, idk. That's kinda how it is in MHFAP! so whatever. Joking aside, she is reluctant to do things with him as part of her PTSD and afraid of whatever happened with her and Fiora repeating. Her petname for him is Scraps, because he's 'hard' but not made of the same stuff.


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