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Hey guys, just letting you know I should probably be done with the next chapter tomorrow. I had the best writing day I've had in a while today and made some solid progress, and I've started doing some writing exercises to loosen up my mind that I think has had a good effect on me thus far, too. The progress wasn't amazing by my old standards but 1.3k words is quite good for me while I'm still recovering. Will keep observing my condition but I definitely feel the most hopeful I've felt in a while.



Thanks for the update. Good to hear you are feeling better. Looking forward to more chapters. Audiobook has been tiding me over and so far it's really good with only a few minor production errors.

Cynical Pasta

Glad to hear you're doing better!


Trying hard not to specifically use that phrasing since I’m chronically worried about my pacing and don’t want to have it blow up in my face in case I don’t feel better lol but I am definitely noticing the medicine starting to work more. Cautious optimism instead of trying to make sure no one is worried about me.