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I want to go back and add a short chapter in between 72 and 73 to briefly explore Zoe’s thoughts when she’s out on the couch at the same time Oliver is getting a blowjob, highlight her increasing sense of loneliness, sexual confusion, and realizing that something is very wrong with her life compared to what Oliver and Mia have. The actual chapters are coming out different than the outline and Zoe’s rougher edges are really softening up. The bad thing scheduled to happen is shaping up to be less her fault and she’s showing a lot of self reflection in 74 that I wanted to build on and explain a bit more. It’s not that it came from nowhere, I just think we’d get more out of it if we saw more of how she got there.

I don’t think it will be very long, but I’ll hold off on posting what is now 75 until it’s done.

Another bit of good news is that I’m almost done proofing the audiobook! They’ll have some fixes to make but I imagine we’ll probably have it up for preorder sometime this month, I don’t know for sure. All I do know is that I hear the actresses voice in my head whenever I’m writing Mia’s dialogue now and that none of you are ready for how sexy she sounds.



That sounds great!


It’s out now if you didn’t see it! The first part anyway.