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Long story behind this pic. Was scheduled months ago but the artist wasn’t feeling well and neglected to tell me so I was left to assume the worst about that because they wouldn’t reply yet were still active on social media. I hope they feel better. Great pic, though! I generally don’t get anal art and honestly I didn’t know it was anal from the sketch but it’s okay lol, I don’t mind it I just know it’s not everyone’s thing.

No homo but Oliver came out really good in this pic. Gives a glance of what he might be like when more confident regarding domination.

Health wise, doing better, upped dosage a little more and definitely feeling a huge improvement because of it. Next chapter will probably be tomorrow since it’s a shorter one.

Art by https://twitter.com/lewdpot




This one’s ok…personally not a huge fan of it like some of the others, Mia just looks like she would rather be anywhere else in this pic :/


I agree with Trall. Not my favorite pic, Mia doesn't look very happy to be there. Oliver is very well drawn though. As a side note, appreciation of a male form is not the same thing as wanting to fuck them. 😉


It would probably be fixable if there’s was a bit more of a smile and she was drooling to show how lost she is. Supposed to be a fucked into submission thing but happy about it. Might bring it up with the artist.