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Real big one this time, 7k words! Lot of lewd while also being a lot of cute. I got through it pretty fast for my current condition, but now I've got to write an outline for the next day of the book. If you've followed what I've been saying about what will happen during it, it's gonna be a pretty big and dramatic one topped off with some much needed comic relief.

Also, I think I have a pretty clear idea of the exact beat vol. 2 will end on, now. It came to me a bit ago and I was just like, yeah that makes sense. We're currently 54k words into vol 2. so we still have a long way to go.


Oliver's experience at modeling didn't prepare him for the nude variety. Though he was a lot more comfortable posing naked than he thought he'd be, the way Mia stared took some getting used to. Gone was her look of scholarly curiosity, replaced by lustful fascination scanning every inch of him.

He felt like a piece of meat, and it didn't help that Mia's pose requests were becoming increasingly lurid. It was an awkward spot to be in, as Oliver emotionally bounced back and forth between enjoying being objectified and feeling embarrassed over it.

On the one hand, it was nice to feel lusted after. On the other, his flaccid cock dangled unimpressively from his pelvis, nerves having clipped its wings.

I wonder what me from a week ago would say if I went back and told him Mia's gonna be drawing his limp dick in one of those sketchbooks she just bought, he wondered.

At least Mia hadn't been lying. As far as Oliver could tell, the massage had genuinely helped. She worked without interruption, no longer pausing to rub her wrist every few minutes.

It felt amazing to have helped with Mia's pain, even if only a little. Oliver resolved to pick up the third level of Massage as soon as he'd built back a bigger buffer. Zoe's first Heart Event wasn't too far off, and he had to be wary of Heart Locks.

For now, though, Oliver still had to finish this Heart Event.

"Mmmmmkay," Mia finished up her latest study, turning the page of her sketchbook to one primed for filling up with fuckboys. "Ready for the next one, mi amor?"

"Depends. How much time is left?"

"Still got twenty minutes,"

"Feels like it's been a lot longer than that..."

"You calling me a liar?" She picked up her phone, showing him the timer.

"No, I'm saying that time goes by really slow when you're just standing around with your dick out,"

"Wouldn't know, so I'll take your word for it. Got a request for this next one-"

"No, Mia. I'm still not spreading my asscheeks for you."

"Mn. Never say never." She teased, pointedly licking her lips in a way that gave him even more confusing chills than he already had. "Not what I wanted this time, though. Figured the halfway point would be as good a time as any for you to come a little closer."

"Oh. So, we're just skipping all pretenses, then?"

". Get over here and let me draw your dick."

He blushed but didn't protest. Oliver now stood about a foot to the left of her easel. He was so close that Mia could reach out and touch him if she wished.

"Let it be said that I'm nothing if not a gracious muse," Oliver sighed.

"That you are, mi amor. Have to ask, though. Any chance I can get my muse to be a little more gracious?"

Mia surprised him by lifting up his dick with the flat side of her pencil, but Oliver didn't let it get to him. He swatted it away, answering, "Performance anxiety is making that a tough order to fill."

"Poor guy," she clicked her tongue. "He wasn't so shy when you yanked your pants off the other night to show him off..."

"It was dark back then, and the mood was totally different," Oliver burned brighter.

"All I'm hearing is that you need some encouragement,"

"I mean... you can try, but I can't promise it'll help. Knowing you're gonna be staring at it as soon as you're done might send me right back to zero."

"Stopped listening after you said I could try," Mia smiled sweetly at him.

"Of course you did," he chuckled.

Mia picked up her phone and ensured Oliver saw her pause the timer. He didn't argue. Not then, and certainly not when her left hand grabbed his cock by the base.



"Nothing, it's just... your hand is really warm..."

"Mn. So sorry, mi amor. We'll see if I can't help with the chill."

Mia stroked him several times, going slowly and gently for each one. When she noticed him looking on with an enraptured expression, she blushed and pulled down the collar of her baggy shirt. Whatever bra she was wearing did wonders for her cleavage, pulling her breasts together nice and tight for his viewing pleasure.

"How's this? Feeling good?" Mia purred, switching from strokes to tracing the tips of her fingers along his shaft and balls.

"Yeah, it's... it's great... I just... sorry that it's not-"

"Silencio. Just try and relax, ? Relax. You're stepping out of your comfort zone to help me out; it's no wonder you're a little nervous. Not gonna silently judge you if you can't perform here, mi amor. Last thing I want is for you to get a complex over this."

Oliver took a deep breath and nodded at her. "I won't. Keep going. I'll... I'll manage..."

True to his word, Mia started feeling some vigor in him. Oliver's cock surged with little throbs and tremors. It wasn't a full erection, but it was getting there. She kept it to herself out of concern she'd damage his ego, but Mia thought he was pretty cute like this. He wanted so badly to impress her and give her what she wanted that she knew she had to give back somehow.

Her hand suddenly left his shaft, leaving Oliver confused. Everything made sense a second later when Mia cupped it in front of her opened mouth and looked up at him adoringly, drool oozing out and onto her palm. His eyes widened at the erotic sight, but before he could say a word, his cock was engulfed by Mia's warm spit sliding along his length.

"A-Ahhh! Holy shit...!!"

"Thought you might like that," Mia giggled quietly.

"I love it,"



"Good. Now let's see how far this'll get us."

Mia continued her handjob for another minute straight, making good use of her improvised lube. She slathered it on him, massaging it against his cock and balls. Not a second went by where she wasn't squeezing, stroking, or caressing while also playing things up by giving him some exaggerated moans every now and again.

Her efforts weren't in vain. Oliver sprang to life even further, reaching about seventy-five percent of his full erection. It was as impressive to feel in Mia's hands as it was the first couple of times, and she doubted she'd ever grow tired of such a beast.

"So close," she purred. "So very, very close..."

"You can start now if you want," Olived sighed.

"That eager for me to stop?"

"No, far from it. It's just that I'll want you to keep going if you don't stop soon..."

"Mn. Fair, but you still haven't reached your full potential, and I'd prefer to capture you in all your glory, ?"

"I think this might be the best I can do under current circumstances..."

Oliver brushed off his mild disappointment in himself as he watched Mia's expression slowly transition into one of embarrassment. She fell deeper and deeper into her thoughts, her eyes focused not on him but the middle distance.


"Wasn't planning to go this far tonight," she confessed. "Didn't think I'd be ready for it, honestly, but... I really keep underestimating how safe and comfortable I feel when I'm with you..."

"Wait, hold on. I don't want you forcing yourself to do anything just to make me a little harder. We can do this again sometime, Mia. I'll get used to it by then, I-"

"Random thought, mi amor. How about you be quiet long enough for something nice to happen?" Mia glared stubbornly.

"Shutting up now," Oliver said with a nervous gulp and a nod.

"Mn. Much better." Mia smiled, but she wasn't any less nervous than him. Hell, she was even worse off. Her anxiety was off the charts- and she couldn't believe she was about to do this- but damn it, she had to try.

Her hands reached for the hem of her baggy shirt. Oliver's eyes nearly popped out as understanding dawned on him, watching enraptures as Mia slowly dragged the cloth up over her skin inch by enthralling inch. She paused halfway across her midriff to take some deep breaths and stabilize herself, then trudged on, revealing her stomach in its entirety.

Mia's midsection wasn't washboard flat, but it wasn't pudgy, either. He didn't see any stretch marks, acne, or anything else she might've felt ashamed of. It was normal. She had the perfectly ordinary tummy of a perfectly ordinary girl, and in that moment, it was the hottest thing he'd ever seen.

"Mia..." Oliver exhaled, his erection filling with greater and greater power. "You're... so pretty..."

"Ah- I, um..." Mia's face got redder than it already was. "T-Told you to shut up, didn't I? Not done yet, and if you keep distracting me, I... I might lose my confidence..."

"Sorry, but it's not like I can help it when you show yourself off like that..."

Mia's expression highlighted her inner turmoil. She was a mess, equally happy from being praised and fretful from displaying her body. Neither side won out over the other. She'd have to consciously choose between continuing on or backing out, and her ultimate decision took less deliberation than she'd expected.

External validation wasn't a cure for Mia's chronic self-doubt. That just wasn't how things worked- but knowing someone found her attractive- no- that the man who collared her found her as beautiful as he did...

It felt like an injection of liquid courage straight into her veins.

Mia drew her shirt over her head and threw it on the ground. She locked eyes with her boyfriend, seeing how he so obviously worshipped every aspect of her. Neither said a word as his gaze traveled toward the tight red bra supporting her chest. It wasn't the sluttiest bra in her arsenal, but it showed off more skin than most.

Oliver seemed hypnotized, which she would've teased him for if she didn't feel similarly about his erection.

"Well," Mia said, awkwardly trying to break the silence. "Looks like that did the trick."

"Uh, y-yeah, seems that it did..."

Oliver was so stimulated he could hardly breathe without feeling it in his dick. Seriously. It took a lot of restraint not to gush about how she shouldn't be so self-conscious because Mia could've been a supermodel in his biased opinion. Instead, he settled for old reliable.

"God, you're beautiful,"

Mia gulped. She shut her eyes as her hands disappeared behind her back. After eleven years of wearing these stupid things, she still occasionally fumbled when taking them off. Chalking it up to nerves, she freed the clasp and tossed it onto her discarded shirt.

"And how about now, mn...?"

Oliver looked like someone needed to reboot him.

No wonder the Heart Event wasn't over yet...

This was so much better than his sneak peek yesterday. She'd been lying on her side back then, so now he saw what her breasts looked like in their natural state. The twin mounds sat tall and firm, each one a little more than a handful. Her dark brown nipples stiffened in the open air, pointing straight at him as if begging for his touch.

No matter how hard he stared, Mia refused to hide.

She squirmed in her seat and found it hard to meet his gaze, but she didn't cover her chest. Her hands remained patiently on her lap, her torso thrust forward to better show off. If nothing else, she was proud of the girls.

"I think you already know my answer," he said upon finding his voice.

"Probably. Still want you to say it out loud."

"Feeling needy?"

"Very, so cough it up,"

"You're even more beautiful than I already thought you were, Mia. There's nothing I'm seeing that I don't absolutely love from the bottom of my heart."

[Mia has gained +5 Affection! +3 Smooth Talker]

Managing to look into his eyes, Mia smiled and relaxed her posture. "Guess that's good news for me, then. Thanks, mi amor. It's... nice to hear. Not that I couldn't already tell, but again, needy."

"I know how you feel. I'm feeling needy, too."

"Mn. , I happened to notice that." Mia extended her pointer finger, swiping up a large, oozing drop of precum from his tip before lapping it up like honey. "Think you can keep 'focused' long enough for me to get my studies in?"

"Somehow, I don't think that'll be a problem..."

"Good, good. Don't worry. It'll only be another twenty minutes. Not like I'll be able to keep my hands off you any longer than that, anyway."

Mia started the timer again and got to work, refining the way she drew penises with the best model a girl could ask for. The sexual tension between them was higher than ever. Oliver couldn't look away from Mia's bare tits, and her eyes were glued to his cock. They wanted each other, and restraint was the only thing holding them back.

She had him shift the angle of his hips, turn to the side, point his erection up and down, and just about everything else she could think of to get a good sketch. Her hand flew across the page, progressing rapidly. Mia was so inspired she was getting a rough study done a minute.

As the time limit grew closer and closer, their respective desires could no longer be ignored. Mia chewed her bottom lip as Oliver twitched, still spilling a steady stream of precum with every passing second. Magnificent, sweltering heat boiled within their bodies. He was begging to be touched, and she was begging to touch him.

When the alarm finally went off, they both breathed a sigh of relief.

"Fuck, Mia. That was probably the longest twenty minutes of my life."

"No kidding..."

"Hope it was worth it,"

"Oh, it was," Mia smiled tenderly and handed him her sketchbook. "Safe to say that my inspiration has flown home to roost after everything you did for me tonight. Truly, there's no better reference than the real thing."

"Seems that way," Oliver raised a brow while flipping through pages upon pages worth of sketchy depictions of his cock. As was her style, Mia saw fit to exaggerate his already impressive features, turning his sizable but ultimately still realistic penis into a hulking behemoth. It was as flattering as it was utterly bizarre.

As he got past the dick drawings and moved on to the gesture drawings, Oliver felt a soft hand grabbing him by the base and lightly stroking upwards. He sighed at the pleasant sensation, closing his eyes in satisfaction.

"Thank you for being patient, mi amor," Mia told him in a gentle whisper. "In more ways than one."

Oliver closed the sketchbook and set it with her supplies. He could look at it tomorrow, as now was apparently their officially designated horny time. He saw the loving expression on her face as she teased him, savoring the way it melted through yet another layer of his lonely heart.

"I'm just happy I could help you out somehow," he confessed. "Are you still nervous about letting me see you half-naked?"

", a little. It's... weird."

"Go on,"

"Mn. How to put this... I guess I really love watching the way you look at me, if that makes sense? You look like you're tuning the rest of the world out until I'm the only thing in it that matters, and I've... well, never felt like that before."

"I get it. That's pretty much how I feel about all this, too, honestly."

"Figures. Guessing you can relate to part of me constantly asking 'what the hell do they see in me', then?"

"Like you wouldn't believe,"

"Poor us, eh?" Mia smiled, giving his cock a firmer tug.

"Ah... yeah... poor us," Oliver sighed, contented. With his guard as low as it was, he slipped up and asked something sappy. "Do you ever stop and think about how perfect we are for each other, Mia?"

She stopped what she was doing, but Oliver didn't immediately grow concerned for once. He merely met her gaze and awaited her reply. There was nothing to worry about. They were on the same wavelength tonight, and he let that comforting thought reassure him.

"Yes and no," Mia spoke softly. "I'm an artist, mi amor. Perfection is my enemy. It's too definitive- nowhere to go from it. Had some stray thoughts here and there about us being 'perfect' together, but it's not something I dwell on. Don't care for the implication that I can't just keep making you happier and happier."

The sheer amount of love Mia's heartfelt statement blasted at Oliver should've completely overwhelmed his affection-deficient brain. To some extent, it did, but not enough to drown out the tidal wave of determination rising up within his heart. She was right. There was no excuse to grow complacent with how things were, and there was always room for improvement. 

He didn't let his nerves get the best of him. Instead, Oliver looked his lover straight in the eyes and said, "I can think of a few ways you could accomplish that, kitten."

"Happen to have a couple ideas myself," Mia replied, her blush as red as her smile was wide.

"Yeah? Interesting. You should tell me all about them over on your bed."

With one hand, Mia scooted her easel off to the side, and with the other, she tugged the base of his penis toward her so that he had no choice but to step forward.

"A-Actually," Mia stammered, her courage wavering in light of the quivering cock radiating with heat and desire only inches away. "I was, mn... sort of thinking that maybe we'd hit the bed a little bit later, ? Here's good, too, you know..."

There was no possible way to misinterpret Mia's implications. Oliver stood directly in front of his girlfriend, who stared straight up at him, purposefully emphasizing her naturally pouty lips as she pleaded for his attention. He was taken aback out of excitement.

"Mia... are you sure about this?"

"Why so surprised? You knew this was coming."

"You didn't say it would be tonight..."

"And I didn't think I'd be sitting here with my tits out tonight either, but here we are. Also, I may have severely underestimated how badly staring at your dick for a few hours straight would make me wanna suck it."

"Never in my entire life have I heard a more convincing argument for anything ever,"

"Be surprised if you had," Mia smirked. "Gonna give it a try, now..."

"Please," he urged. "By all means."

With her left hand angling Oliver's cock for easier access, Mia took the plunge and closed the distance. Her soft lips pushed against his red tip, wrapping him in a delicate kiss that sent pleasant electricity running through all the nerves in his sensitive body. She stayed where she was for a while, doing nothing but lavishing her lover with tiny kisses and occasionally stroking him softly for variety.

The pleasure was new and exciting, as was the sight of Mia beneath him with her mouth on his cock. It invigorated him as a man, bolstering his confidence. This effect would've been even better if he wasn't so worked up from all the sexual tension, but as things stood, he was just trying not to get too excited.

"Go slow," Oliver warned.

"Mn... mnnn... already planned on it... wanted to take my time and really savor this, mi amor..."

"You know it's not gonna taste as good as hentai makes it out to be, right?"

"That's for me to decide," Mia winked. "Now, then..."

Oliver watched as his girlfriend opened her mouth and extended her tongue. It emitted heat- he could feel her steamy breath before it even touched him. They locked eyes as she went for it- lashing a single, tiny lick from his frenulum up to his urethra, which she gave a little twist and swirl.


Mia found it so cute when Oliver moaned, which provided further encouragement to please him as best she could. She got to work on it, alternating between licks and kisses all around his cock, never in the same spot twice. It was a constant assault of ecstasy he had only ever dreamed of, but...

It wasn't enough.

She really was savoring this for all it was worth. Everything she did was slow and drawn out, which felt torturous when Oliver needed to pop off as badly as he did.

Truthfully, Mia was only doing what he'd done to her. She was studying, noting his reactions, memorizing what he liked and how he liked it. Serving her loved one and making herself useful filled Mia with unthinkable joy, and the more she learned, the better they would both feel.

Eventually, her methodical teasing began to frustrate Oliver.


"Mn?" She pulled away after a hot, steamy lick across his balls.

"This is great, b-but-"

"Confidence, mi amor,"

Oliver sucked in some air and told it to her straight. "I need you to go a little harder than this, kitten. I still don't want to cum just yet, but... this? This isn't enough. Give me more."

Mia shivered at his authority, smiling a perverse smile. "Anything you want, Ollie," she said, kissing him one last time for good measure. "Anything." 

Then, his kitten gave him what he wanted.

She took him into her mouth for the first time, warm wetness overtaking his senses until Oliver became unable to think of anything else. His eyes bulged watching his topless girlfriend go down on him, his voice trembling and his breathing ragged. She'd only gone as far as the tip, and even that was far too stimulating for him to handle. 

And then she started to suck.

"Fuuuuck," Oliver groaned. He reached down with his hand and cupped the side of her face, stroking her cheek with his thumb. "T-That's... so... fucking... good..."

Mia couldn't take it much more, herself. Seeing the guy she loved losing his shit over practically nothing had her absolutely drenched. She was tempted to pleasure herself, but she trusted that Oliver would do something about that later.

Right now was about him.

She swirled her tongue along the underside of his cock while bobbing her head. Though she focused solely on his tip and didn't venture far beyond it, the constant stimulation to his sweet spot threatened to have him blow his load at any moment. 

Mia could tell how close he was. All the precum drooling onto her tongue made that apparent. She sucked him off harder, her right hand suddenly cradling his balls and giving them a soft squeeze as if to coax the contents out just that little bit faster.

"K-Kitten, stop...! I'm gonna cum any second now if you don't give me a break...!"

Mia popped off of him, the vacuum of her lips making the most delicious sound as she did. Though still eager to please, she could no longer ignore her own desires. She wanted him to finish.

"This isn't a one-time thing, mi amor," she purred, looking up at him with adoring eyes. "I'll gladly suck you off again tonight as soon as you're ready for it, so don't feel like you gotta try so hard, ?"

Mia's gentle reassurance went a long way toward relaxing him. He felt the love in her words, which only added to his stimulation. That said, he couldn't just let her talk him into this. Not without some teasing.

"You... you're just saying that because you want my cum, aren't you, you slutty little kitten?"

"Mn. Might factor into it a little, yeah." Mia playfully grinned. "Might also just be that making you feel good satisfies me on a primal level, and I wanna see how happy you look when you're blasting ropes down my throat."

God, it was tough to keep up the domineering act when she said stuff like that. Oliver didn't falter, though. He leaned into what she wanted to hear.

"Fine. Get me off, and I'll give you what you want. Make me cum for you. Hard."

"Mnnn... can do, mi amor..."

It didn't take her long. Mia jerked him off into her mouth as she sucked harder and harder on his tip, tongue thrashing every step of the way. The pleasure was so all-encompassing that nothing they'd done thus far could compare, save only for yesterday's intercrural sex. Her bright blue eyes begged him with all her soul, pleading as sloppy sucking sounds echoed throughout the bedroom.

Oliver's head rolled back as he cried, "Mia...!" and gave her what she wanted.

Thick streams of semen exploded out of him, cascading into her mouth and down her throat like a waterfall. The experience was so intense that it surprised the hentai-obsessed kitten. His shaft throbbed in her hands, his balls clenched, and he gave her everything he had as she sucked and sucked and sucked so hard that it was a miracle Oliver managed to remain standing.

Much to her disappointment, he had more to give than Mia knew how to take. She had to surface for air, causing the last two ropes to splatter across her face and glasses. Cum dripped off of her as she jerked him to completion until Oliver's first load was completely and utterly spent.

It took him a good half a minute to come down from his unbelievable high. During that time, he was hit with some expected notifications.

[Milestone Achieved! Blowjob from Mia +50LP]

[Mia has gained +3 Affection!]

"That... was... oh my God, Mia, I..." Oliver looked down to face her in a daze, only to be met with an unexpected sight. "Wait, what's wrong? Why do you look so grumpy?"

"Because I botched the landing," his kitten grumbled, wiping her glasses with her discarded shirt. "Meant to swallow all of it."

"Seriously? That blowjob was the best thing ever just now, Mia. You can't possibly tell me you're upset you didn't-" he paused, noticing her deadpan glare. "Okay, I guess that is pretty in character for your horny ass..."

"I want a do-over," she pouted. "Get on the bed."

"I'm not even hard again yet," 

"Gonna make you hard. Get on the bed."


"Get. On-"

"Okay, okay," Oliver sighed, knowing better than to argue with her when she was like this. The idea didn't exactly displease him in the first place, anyway. He laid flat on his back, ready for her to do as she pleased. "There. Get to it, kitten."

"You too, mi amor," Mia suddenly surprised him by swinging her hips over his torso and entering a position he'd dreamed about his entire life. Her ass now hovered in front of his face- a gigantic, steaming wet spot clearly visible through her pajama pants.

"B-But don't get ahead of yourself, I mean. Don't, mn... don't take my pants off or try and use your mouth, ? Already pushed myself a lot farther than I planned, s-so..."

She was asking a lot out of him. Nothing would've made him happier than peeling off those messy pants and eating her out, and God, if he wasn’t tempted. The warm, stuffy smell of his kitten in heat had him questioning his sanity, but no.

Mia trusted him not to, and that was that.

“I understand. Plenty of other ways for me to keep myself busy in the meantime, anyway.” He said, his hands slipping around her torso to cup her naked breasts.

“Mn,” Mia whimpered. “Go on, then. I’ll get you ready for round two.”

They pleasured each other in tandem. Mia took Oliver’s half-erect cock into her mouth and practiced her sucking while he unleashed the full power of his new massage skills on her breasts. It would’ve been even better if he could look at her from the front with Weakness Exploit - Pleasure while he did this, but he remembered more than enough of how Mia liked things to stimulate her tits better than any ordinary guy could've pulled off.

Her mouth felt amazing despite how sensitive he still was from his climax, and the more he teased her, the more worked up Mia became. She ran her hands up and down his inner thighs, stroked both sides of his groin, squeezed his balls, and did everything she could to bring the blood back to where he needed it.

Mia moaned against his cock once his fingers fixated on her pebbly nipples. The way he circled and teased them at just the right time made her quiver and twitch in front of him. It didn't just feel good. It felt distractingly good.

She pulled away, asking, "Jesus, mi amor. These massage tutorials of yours let you in on how to touch a woman, or what?"

"Maybe you're just that sensitive? You did cum from me playing with your tits the other day."

", not denying that, but I was a lot more sexually frustrated than tonight..."

Oliver stared point blank at the sopping-wet outline of Mia's steaming pussy.

"Could've fooled me,"

"Was backed up on Wednesday," Mia insisted. "Right now, I'm just normal horny. There's a difference."

"If you say so," he smiled, timing his words with a double nipple pinch to get the kitten purring.

"Mn-ahhh! Fuck, that's... so good... you... you really are getting better at this, aren't you, Ollie...? Keep it up. It's, mn... it's just about perfect..."

"I'm an artist, kitten. I don't believe in perfect."

He couldn't see it, but he could tell she rolled her eyes. "Gonna suck you off so hard you forget your own fucking name, estupido..."

"Jokes on you, kitten. I've always wanted to become the world's first blowjob-induced amnesiac." Oliver laughed, unable to keep a straight face. He loved this girl so much that he just couldn't bear it, and his love manifested itself physically in a new and exciting way.

Acting without thinking, Oliver's right hand swatted Mia's ass. The padding rippled at his hefty smack, and it probably would've stung if Physical Conditioning hadn't dulled his pain.

Mia wasn't so lucky. The impact stung her fairly hard, triggering a curious reaction.

"NYAH?!" She cried, back arching and collar jingling. 

Everyone went dead quiet after that. It gave Oliver plenty of time to process the two annoying alerts temporarily blocking the view of his girlfriend's butt. At least they were good ones.

[Milestone Achieved! Spanked Mia +25LP]

[Mia has gained +1 Affection!]

Once both notifications faded away, Oliver broke the silence.

"Did you just-"


"Pretty sure you just-"

"Pretty sure I didn't,"

"Tell the truth," Oliver spanked Mia again, this time with greater strength. The second smack resounded throughout the room, stung her ass, and made her repeat the phenomenon.


"Ho-lee-shit, you make catgirl noises when I spank you,"

"N-No, I... I-"


"NYAH- d-damn it, Ollie!!"

"This is the cutest shit ever. Why are you so embarrassed about it?"

"Mn, I fucking wonder? How's about I press some of your buttons and tease you about whatever silly sounds come outta your mouth, estupido?"

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry," Oliver laughed, barely able to keep it together. He then threw out some very obvious bait. "I've learned my lesson, and now I know better than to spank you. My bad. It won't happen again."

"Now hold on there just a minute-"

"Wow. Zero hesitation."

"It feels good, okay?!" Mia hissed.

"That's exactly what a cat would say,"

"Dios mio... forget your memories, mi amor. You'll be lucky to still have your soul when I'm done with-" Mia paused, finally looking away from his face and back to his lower half. "Fucking really...?"


"You're even harder than you were before..."

"I have a thing, Mia. You know this."

"You have a problem, more like..."

"Maybe I do. The question is whether or not my kitten's gonna solve it or just keep mouthing off at me."

After a moment of awkward silence caused by his dominant outburst, Mia responded softly, "Suppose I don't have much of a choice when it's staring me in the face like this..."

"Good girl," Oliver rubbed the area he'd spanked with a satisfied grin. "Get to work."

Mia did so after mumbling something sassy under her breath. All her added frustration gave her an explicit goal- blowing his goddamn mind as a way of playfully getting back at him. Her mouth descended on Oliver's cock once more, and it was so much better the second time around.

Mia's speed increased, as did the amount of him she managed to cram in her mouth. She got up to the point where it hit the back of her throat, but not even that could stop her. On and on she went, a new sloppy sound slipping out from her vacuum-tight lips every second. Things were so ungodly pleasurable that Oliver worried she might not have been kidding. Maybe she really was gunning for his soul.

If that's how she wants to do this, fine, he decided. Two can play at that game.

Oliver activated Weakness Exploit - Pleasure to gain better insight on the parts of Mia he could actually see. The familiar icons popped up all over Mia's ass and pussy, giving him hints on what to do. He purposefully ignored the ones telling him she wanted more spankings. She was already going ham on him- no need to dig himself an even deeper hole.

His left hand continued its work teasing Mia's exposed breast while his right retreated back to the drenched outline of her pussy. She moaned and whimpered against his cock, every little thing he did to her only adding to Mia's wetness. Rivulets of her juices soaked through her pajama pants before cascading onto his torso.

Oliver proved just how powerful a combination Massage Lv. 2 was with Weakness Exploit - Pleasure. His fingers working their magic, he rubbed, caressed, massaged, and teased his kitten's most sensitive spots in dozens of different ways that he'd never dreamed of trying. He avoided actual fingering since there was no good way to do it without pulling off Mia's pants, but it's not like he even needed to go that far.

He had her cumming a lot sooner than before, and harder than he'd ever pulled off until now, to boot.

"Mn- MN- MNNNGH!" Mia's hand squeezed the base of his cock, her tremendous climax shocking her to her core. It made her take another inch of him down the hatch, his head now prodding at the back of her tight, tight throat. She gagged against it, constricting him in wet, velvety softness.

More juices rained down on him as he continued stroking her through her pleasure, but Oliver couldn't stand Mia's assault for much longer as things currently stood. His jaw fell slack in absolute awe of how stupidly good it felt getting his dick sucked. The constant moans coming out of his throat sounded just as desperate as any of Mia's, and he could feel his impending climax barreling toward him like an unavoidable tsunami.

"Ah- fuuuuck- kitten... I-I... I'm... gonna cum...!!" Oliver warned as if his endless throbbing hadn't already spelled that out for her.

Mia popped off him again, giving him the only break he'd had since she'd started. "Hold me down, mi amor," she pleaded. "I'll scratch your thigh if I need you to let go, b-but... I wanna try this..."

Even given his current state, Oliver knew that probably wasn't the best idea. He could tell from her tone of voice how badly she wanted it, though, and he wasn't lucid enough to turn Mia down. All he could think about was how good busting straight down his girlfriend's throat might feel and how badly he wanted to find out.

"Finish me off," he commanded, grabbing Mia's collar and pulling down on it.

"Mnph-!" Mia yelped, then provided what little work was needed to push Oliver over the edge.

He came almost instantly.


Oliver kept Mia firmly in place while he burst. His cock exploded with pure ecstasy, shot after shot of hot cum gushing out. He finished with just over half his cock in her mouth, and Mia took every last one of those four inches like a total champ, refusing to crack under pressure like she had before.

This was no longer about getting back at him for his teasing- Mia was back to her usual self. All the kitten wanted was to be a good girl and make her precious Ollie feel as good as physically possible. She sucked him all the way through, stroked his shaft, thumbed against his tight ball sack, and did everything she could to show her love.

She didn't end up taking his soul, but she sure as hell came close.

Mia rolled off of him once Oliver finished firing, gasping for air. He was a total wreck, as well. Neither could speak for well over a minute. Aside from his hallucinatory guitars and maracas, they had only the sound of their relentless panting to fill the silence.

"Well?" Mia asked once she was able. "You learn your lesson, mi amor?"

"Nah. If there was supposed to be some kind of moral here, it probably flew over my head while you were giving me head."

Mia drudged herself up and collapsed against his chest after lazily dropping her glasses off on her nightstand and turning off the lamp. "Fair enough. Kind of lost the plot myself for a minute, there."

"So you're not actually embarrassed that your butt triggers you to dispense catgirl noises whenever I slap it?"

"Sorta, but it's whatever. Long as you're happy-"

"I am. Incredibly."

"Then so am I," Mia smiled warmly down at him, nuzzling into his neck. While there, she took the opportunity to whisper into his ear, "You were wrong, by the by."

"You'll need to be a lot more specific, kitten,"

"Your cock tastes even better than hentai made me think it would,"

Oliver laughed softly, rolling his eyes. "Pretty sure that's just a 'you' thing."

"Probably. Doesn't make it untrue, though. Hope you know this is gonna be a habit from now on, mi amor."

"I don't know how to process that information in a way that doesn't make me break down and cry like a little girl over how happy I am to hear it,"

Mia smirked. "Could start by telling me your position on waking up with your dick in my mouth. Don't wanna assume, ?"

"Are you trying to make me hard again?"

"Not my fault if you can't handle simple questions,"

"You've got my permission to wake me however you'd like from here until the end of time. I can't see myself ever turning you down."

"Mn. Handed me a lot of power just now, mi amor."

"I did, and I'm expecting you to use it,"

Her catlike grin smiled even wider at that.

"Can do," she said, then let out a yawn. "Mn... think I'm gonna crash any second now..."

"Same. Before you pass out... I, um... I had so much fun with you tonight, Mia. I just wanted you to know that."

Mia looked at him quietly for a couple seconds, her lazy eyes almost shining in the darkness before mashing their torsos together by hugging him tight. ". I know, and I'm happy to hear it. Want you to remember that I'm not through with you yet, though. It's just gonna keep on getting better from here, Ollie. I promise."

A couple of tears spontaneously trailed down the side of his face. He wasn't anywhere close to crying beforehand- it just happened out of nowhere. He hugged her tighter, hoping to distract her from noticing.

Mia pretended she didn't and squeezed him back.

"Same goes for you," Oliver declared with conviction. "I'm going to give you everything you've ever wanted and more, Mia. Just you wait."

Finally nodding off after nuzzling into his neck, Mia whispered, "Looking forward... to... it..." before succumbing to one final yawn, her BGM quieting with her consciousness.

Oliver's powers ruined the moment. A shotgun blast of notifications hit him straight in the face as soon as Mia went lights out, making him momentarily curse the gamification of his life. He supposed things could always be worse. At least none of them were telling him he was out of energy and needed to buy more stamina potions.

First came the expected ones,

[Milestones Achieved! Mia's third Heart Event +30LP, Gave Mia a Throatpie +30LP]

[Mia has gained +10 Affection!]

And then came the kicker,

[Mia's Affection cap raised from 100 to 300!]

Guess that's what I get for hoping to coast along on easy mode forever, Oliver forced himself not to sigh.

Healing Mia's wrist was farther off than he thought, but he wasn't too discouraged. This only meant he had to double down even harder, and tomorrow was the perfect time to start. He closed his eyes, rushing to meet the new day head-on so he could work on deepening his bond with both Mia and Zoe.


Stat Changes

Oliver Chase | Strength 9 | Style 5 | Spark 1 | Smarts 3
Cash: $1070 | LP: 250

Mia Rosas | Status: Girlfriend | 36/300 | ❤❤❤♡♡



Thanks for the chapter!


Outstanding 😍