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I’m still working on the next chapter but enough people have said something about it that I’m going to slightly revise 65 to make Zoe a little more into it. My intentions didn’t come through very well with the wording and I wrote it the way I did so that we’d get a bigger contrast with when she starts feeling more sexual, but it’s definitely not worth it if it alienates a few readers before that. I’ll be changing the wording so that she doesn’t feel ‘nothing’ and make it clearer that she’s into it on some level and that by the end she’s curious about more, but is still a little dismissive about it. Shouldn’t take me long to accomplish this, so I’ll probably do it after wrapping up next chapter.


Chris Memmott

Maybe instead of feeling nothing she is just uncertain what she is feeling? Like she has been aroused before but never towards an actual person, maybe brief flashes to a video or something? Maybe she stops the makeout and grind because it's overwhelming new sensation for her?


I was actually already planning on bringing up eventually that her past experiences with arousal were towards game characters but the rest of what you’re saying is too soon. It’s just gonna be changed to subtly liking it because having it be so overwhelming right after she firsts meets him would really undermine the point that she feels greater arousal towards someone she has an emotional attachment to. Zoe’s sexuality is meant to be a crescendo that starts off slow, creeping up on her until it gets to the overwhelming point and we see her not know how to deal with it. So yes, we’ll get there, but we need to establish the baseline lol.