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Error on my part- I forgot to specify Oliver completed the quest in the last chapter. His total LP should've been 30 higher and the total at the end of this one reflects the correct amount. Will fix it later.

This was a short and fun one, still slowly working our way towards actual sex. I didn't even follow an outline for it lmao lewd just comes naturally.

Heart Event is going to have to be tomorrow for them after all. I'll probably set up the conflict for it at work next morning, have them hangout with Zoe at night like planned, and she'll leave them alone at some point which will trigger it.

Also I'm likely going to raise the cap from 100 to 200 for 4th Heart Events and maybe again for 5th. It's going fast and it'll give him more incentive to short term pivot toward raising Zoe's after the plot stuff slated to go down.

Hoping to have the next chapter out tomorrow maybe since I wanted it to be a really short mini chapter like I said where we dive a little into Zoe's psychology as she listens to this chapter happening.

After that we'll have the last chapter for the current day and I'll need to take a quick break to write an outline for whatever happens on Friday.


Oliver hovered over Mia’s bed, looking down at the cute girlfriend he’d just thrown onto it. “So,” he said. “Here we are again, kitten.”

“Indeed we are,” she agreed. “What are you gonna do about it, mn?”

“I’ll figure something out,” Oliver crawled onto the bed with her, sitting at her side. “How’re you holding up? Was it everything you wanted?”

“…, more or less. Don’t take my word for it, though. See for yourself.”

He held back a gulp, wanting to appear in control. It still hadn’t settled in that he could just… do things to Mia now or even that she wanted him to.

His hand slipped past the tight rim of her shorts and into her panties, where his fingers were met with soft, smooth skin smeared in a thick coat of sticky juices.

“Christ,” he exhaled, running his finger down the wet crack of her lips. “You’re even wetter than last night.”

Mia grasped his cock with her left hand, squeezing the bulge in his pants. “And you’re even harder than you were this morning. Seem to recall I wasn’t the only one having a good time, mi amor. And don’t think I didn’t notice how you kissed her.”

“I was trying to leave an impression…”

“Left one on me,” she grinned, timing it with another teasing squeeze.

“Mn… happy to hear it… still, I think my excitement’s a little more understandable…”

“Is it really? Breaking news; thing I told you is my fetish gets me really, really wet. More at eleven.”

Oliver laughed and crawled atop her, activating Weakness Exploit - Pleasure to kiss Mia’s neck exactly where she wanted. It made her purr and shiver at the touch of his lips.

“Sorry, I’m not trying to make fun of you or your fetish. I’m just still getting used to all this.”

“Sounds like Zoe might give us another chance to acclimate you sooner or later,” she couldn’t hide her delight at the notion, smiling perversely. “Excited?”

“I’d say not as much as you, but… that’d be a lie. Fuck, Zoe was so hot…”

“Mn, tell me something I don’t know…” Mia whined. “The way her fat ass bounced on your cock? Fucking insane.”

After their mutual agreement, they looked into each other’s eyes and shared an awkward laugh.

“Can I ask how you even ended up with a cuckquean fetish?”

“How'd you 'end up' with any of yours, mi amor? Here, let me take a crack at it. One time you saw an anime girl with ears and a tail who says ‘nyaa’ a lot and noticed, ‘Oh, hey, catgirls make my dick hard’. and that was that, ? Same for me. I saw some trashy harem anime when I was a kid, thought that sharing a guy like that’d be hot, and that was that. Not everyone’s got some deep psychological reason for being into the shit they are.”

Oliver stared at her blankly, causing Mia to become concerned.


“Sorry, it’s just that I kinda zoned out after you said ‘nyaa’ a second ago. My dick got too hard for me to concentrate on anything else, and-”

“Fuck off,” Mia laughed and playfully kneed him in the crotch.

“I’d love to,” Oliver went in for another of her weak spots, nipping her earlobe. “But I need to know how far you want to go.”

She soured a little, adopting a frown. “I’m still nervous about you seeing me naked.”

“That’s okay,” he whispered into her ear.

“I just… I know that you’ll probably like what you see, but… I haven’t looked like this my whole life, you know… been ugly far longer than I’ve been… um…”


“…Sure,” she looked away. “That.”

“I already told you it’s okay, Mia,”

“Thank you, mi amor… it just… it sucks, okay? Can’t even fucking look in the mirror sometimes without mentally photoshopping my old self over the current me, and I…” Mia stopped herself short and took in a deep breath. “I’ll get better. I will. Just need a little more time.”

“And you’ll have as much as you need. What about right now, though? Do you want more of what we did last night?”

“I want something where we both get off,” she glared at him. “Definitely don’t want a repeat of that, no.”

Oliver smiled apologetically. “Outside of mutual masturbation, that doesn’t give us many options. Most everything I can think of requires you to take your pants off.”

“…And what exactly are you thinking of, mn?”

“How badly I want to eat you out?” Oliver blurted straight from the heart. He blushed right after he’d said it, but it landed a critical hit.

Mia stared at him wordlessly for ages. He watched as redness swallowed her face enough that she soon reached for one of her My Cute Hellagers and Me plushies, covering her shame with it.

“D-Don’t think I’m… quite ready for that yet... even if I was ready to take my pants off. You need to remember that I’m… ah… how do I put this…”

“An adorable, somewhat paradoxical mix of feisty, shy, and horny?”

“That’s…” Mia peeked at him from behind the satanic plushie. “Embarrassingly apt, . Wish it wasn’t, but it is. It’s stupid because I’m so fucking horny, yet I freeze up the moment I think about actually doing half the things I want…”

“You were masturbating in front of your best friend like not even ten minutes ago,” Oliver pointed out with a laugh.

“I'm comfortable enough around you and Zoe for that,” Mia pouted, hiding her face again. “And even if I wasn't, it's like you said. I’m paradoxical. Deal with it.”

“I’m certainly trying,” Oliver used his strength to forcibly separate plushie from girl, finding her grumpy face to be just about the cutest thing ever. “We just need to figure out something you’re comfortable with.”

“For what it’s worth, there’s… mn… definitely a blowjob coming up in your near future, mi amor. Need a couple more days to mentally prepare myself, first… but… soon…”

Oliver stared at her and blinked several times, ensuring he didn’t mishear.

“Awesome. Um, yeah. I mean- just try and let me know whenever you’re feeling up to it, and I’ll run it by my secretary.”

“You will, will you?” Mia eased up a little. “I’ll keep you updated, then. Need to make sure you’ve got time in your busy schedule to have a little fun with me.” Her left hand snuck into his pants, grabbing and yanking his hard cock.

“Ah… I, uh... I have plenty of time right now, you know…”

“Yeah?” She stroked harder.

“Yeah. All for you.”

“Mn. Like to hear that.”

“I bet you’ll like this even more,” Oliver closed what little distance there was, kissing Mia with all the intensity he’d summoned up for Zoe and then some.

Mia's grip on his cock tightened as she moaned into his mouth, surprised. She didn’t understand where this was coming from- he was so much better than all the other times they’d kissed. His tongue instinctively sought out wherever she wanted it most, his lips knew exactly what to do, and he even made good use of his teeth. 

Not even a hentai artist like herself could’ve dreamed of a more perfect kiss.

“Well?” Oliver asked after breaking contact, staring at her awestruck face.

“You… weren’t wrong…”

[Mia has gained +3 Affection! +2 Kiss King]

Oliver internally celebrated the new skill doing its job and how close Mia was to her third Heart Event. Filling the affection bar up to one hundred was getting stupidly easy. She’d probably get there sometime in the next two days, and there was no sign of another Heart Lock. That could always change, but he dared to hope.

“Have to ask where any of that even came from, though. You look up some tips and tricks when you holed up in the bathroom earlier, or what?”

“Essentially, yeah…” Oliver gave an awkward smile. “Can’t afford to let you get bored with me, now, can I?”

“Lay some more of those kisses on me, and I don’t think that’s a problem you’ll have, mi amor,”

Not one to leave his lady wanting, Oliver threw a ton of kisses Mia’s way and had a hell of a time doing so. They devolved into exploring each other’s bodies, eventually getting to the point where Mia was pumping his cock while Oliver’s fingers danced inside her.

Mia broke their latest kiss after a long, sensual moan, desire burning within her sultry gaze.

“Tell me more,” she pleaded. “Tell me what it was like to kiss Zoe, por favor…”

Oliver looked at the cracked door, wondering how much their audience would hear. Assuming they still had one. Zoe might’ve crashed by now, or she could’ve been lying just to get Mia more excited for him.

Whatever the case, he didn’t want to get too outlandish with his dirty talk on this particular subject. But he didn’t want to leave Mia wanting, either…

“It was really exciting,” he whispered into her ear. “But not as exciting as it was to have my kitten right there watching like the little slut she is…”

“Mn…! I’m sorry, mi amor. Can’t help it, I… mn… I like seeing my man enjoy himself…”

“Well, I did. If she hadn’t stopped so soon, Zoe probably would’ve made me cum…”

“R… Really…?” Mia stroked him even harder, her enthusiasm swelling with her arousal.

Oliver struggled with what he was about to say, knowing what Mia wanted to hear. It was the slippery slope he worried most about. Taking things too far was a legitimate concern, as was getting too into it, but it wasn’t an excuse not to try.

“Yeah. Would you have liked that, kitten? For your best friend to push me over the edge and make me fucking cum while I cry her name and squeeze her huge fucking tits in my hand?”

“A-Ahh!!” Mia’s pussy clenched his fingers, refusing to let him go. They clamped down so crazily tight it drew a moan from him just from imagining himself fucking such a lovely little hole. “Sí, mi amor… I… I would’ve loved that…! For Zoe to steal all your cum from me… for both of you to tease me about it… m-maybe rub it in my face a little and make me beg for the tiniest taste…”


…” Mia stroked him harder.

“You little whore,”

Si, si…!” Harder.

My little whore,” Oliver growled and grabbed Mia’s collar with his free hand.

“Yes, Ollie…!! All yours! Mn, mn… God, I love it when you’re rough with me…!!” 

“Bet you’d love it even more if I tied you up and made you watch me take things farther with Zoe,”


“Admit it,” Oliver pinpointed the best spot with his skill, then sank his teeth into her sensitive neck flesh.

“Ahn! ! Yes, mi amor! I want nothing more than for you to enjoy all the pussy you want while I watch you from the sidelines, neglected, horny, and unbearably jealous, wishing so fucking hard that you were touching me instead…!!”

God, Oliver loved this fucking pervert. So much that it almost hurt.

He pulled her chain hard enough to raise Mia’s lips to his, then made out with her as hard as he could. The furious mix of kissing and fingering had her melting underneath him. It wasn’t long before she came, howling and whining in just the sweetest voice.

“Yes, yes, yessssss…!!” Her spine arched, soaking his hand and her shorts the way he’d come to expect.

[Mia has gained +3 Affection!]

She released his cock in a moment of ecstasy, which was fine by him. It was a miracle that he’d lasted this long, and Oliver wasn’t in a hurry to end his good luck.

“Ah… hah… hah… mi amor… you’re close, too, aren’t you…?” Mia stared at him, her glasses crooked and foggy, mouth panting for air.

“Y-Yeah… you’re pretty good with your hand, kitten…”

“Do you, ah… w-want me to finish you off again like we did this morning? Could also stand up, point it at my face, and do it yourself if you'd be into that… I don’t mind…”

“…God, that’s tempting,” Oliver admitted. “I kinda had something else in mind, though.”


“Yeah, but I’m worried it might be too daring…”

“Doesn’t mean you can’t float the idea. Rather, I'd prefer you did. Can’t give my man what he wants if he doesn’t tell me what he’s after.”

Oliver thought about it for a moment.

Another facial sounded great, but it wouldn’t get him any LP. It was in his best interest to try new things, but the problem was that he didn’t want to rush Mia. Thankfully, seeing her so eager to please gave Oliver the courage to pitch his thoughts.

He whispered them and watched as Mia reacted about as sheepishly as expected.

“Too much…?”

“Still thinking…” Mia mumbled. “Not explicitly against it, it's just a little… mn… risky…”

“We don’t have to, it was just an idea,”

“Putting words in my mouth again, mi amor. Never said risky was bad.”

“Think you’d be able to hold yourself back?”

“Probably now that you’ve gotten me off a little, yeah. I, um,” Mia sighed deeply, then gathered her resolve. “Okay, Ollie. We can try it.”


. Seriously. Now roll us over.”

Oliver did precisely that, rolling them over so Mia was on top with him below. She then grabbed her blanket- a crucial necessity if this was going to work- and covered herself up with it from the neck down.

She then hiked up her lower half and fumbled around.

Oliver could only see Mia’s embarrassed expression and the shifting outline underneath the blanket. He knew what was happening, but the sheer surprise that it even was had him nearly paralyzed with arousal.

Mia settled in place and let out an anxious sigh. They looked at each other, lost in nervous excitement, and smiled awkwardly. Then, her hands came out of the blanket. Darkness spread as they eclipsed his vision, and a strangely attractive scent bombarded his nostrils. 

“H-Here… a little bonus since you went and told me how badly you wanted a taste…”

Mia let go of the elastic band, causing a thin piece of red fabric to snap against his head and chin. Suddenly, his nose and lips were drenched by the sopping panties she'd given him as a mask.

Oliver’s brain completely froze as he processed this, which was fine because Mia’s did, too. She didn’t know where she got the courage to pull that off, but she was glad she did. So was Oliver, especially after he took in a breath of warm, stuffy air.

[Milestone Achieved! Sniffed Mia’s Panties +15LP]

Because, of course, that would be a fucking milestone… Oliver had to hold back a sigh.

“So… you gonna maybe… I dunno… say something about your little present…?” Mia’s tone indicated she’d cocoon herself in the blanket and refuse to come out if he didn’t.

“Sorry, I… um…”

Oliver tried speaking, but words failed him. Recognizing the need for some kind of response, he reached into the blanket, grabbed Mia’s hand, and led it to his dick.

“Jesus Christ…!” Mia exclaimed. “Thought we were already at max hardness after everything with Zoe… what the shit, mi amor?”

“I don’t know, every fucking time I think I’m the hardest I’ve ever been, you somehow manage to make me outdo myself…”

“Suppose I should be flattered, but it’s kinda hard to take you seriously when you look like that…”

“Would it be better or worse if I did this?” Oliver succumbed to his desires and licked the panties, tasting Mia’s pussy juices for the first time. He saw why people called it an acquired taste. It was tangy and a little sweaty, but he was into it.

“Worse. So much worse. Dios mio, why did I do that…?”

“Don’t know, but I’m happy you did. You’re not gonna stop here, though, are you?”

“…No. No, I’m not. Told you we’d give it a try, so,” Mia took a deep breath. “Here we go.! Angling his hard cock so it laid flat across his belly, Mia closed her eyes and slowly inched her hips downward. 



They both gasped as their naked selves came into contact, shocked and stunned from their first skin-to-skin encounter. Her searing heat and overflowing juices poured onto his pulsating erection, the softness of her lips sandwiching him on both sides.

Bit by bit, Mia eased herself down even harder until she'd fully rested her weight against him.

“Holy shit,” Oliver moaned.

“Feel good, mi amor…?”

“Yeah, of course… it’s just… wow…”

Mia smiled a little. “Doesn’t feel half bad on my end, either. Bet it’ll feel even better once I start moving, though.”

“Whenever you’re ready,”

“In a second… still… mn… adjusting… can feel you pulsing and pounding down there, you know. It’s… nice... real nice…”

“I-I don’t know how long I can wait,” Oliver warned. “Between the stuff with Zoe, making out with you, and the handjob…? It’s not gonna take much…”

, I kinda figured. Remember everything I told you earlier, okay? Don’t feel like you need to impress me. Doing this for you, mi amor.”

He nervously smiled up at Mia and took her hands under the blanket, interlacing their fingers and squeezing. “Okay. I’m still gonna try not to, but if I can’t help it, I can’t help it.”

“Good enough. Let’s give this a go, then, mn?” Mia smiled warmly back down, then summoned up the courage to rock her hips back and forth. “Oh, shit-”

Mia’s dripping pussy radiated with pleasure as she worked herself along its impressive length. Every passing inch stirred an inferno of lustful pleasure within her, made even worse by how unprepared she was. If this was even a slight indication of what actual sex would feel like, then even her wildest, most vivid fantasies paled in comparison.

Likewise, Oliver was swallowed up by Mia’s steaming heat. He was still convinced that hers was somehow unique- there was no way pussies got this hot, was there? Fingering Mia always felt like shoving his fingers into a sticky hot spring, and now that hot spring was giving him a cock massage with the softest sponge imaginable.

Staying still was impossible.

“Mia… that’s… so good…!” Oliver whined, his hips slowly matching her rhythm.

“C-Careful… feels… really nice for me, too… b-but we don’t, mn- want… any accidents…”

“I’ve got you covered,” he squeezed her hands tighter. “You might be on top, but I’m… ah… still in control here, kitten.”

“Mn… going off the look on your face, not sure I believe you… but… t-that’s okay… don’t, mn- don’t always have to act like you’re hot stuff for me, Ollie… we can just… relax and enjoy this together without worrying about who’s in control or… or whatever…”

“Okay… let’s take it slow, then…”

… nice and slow, mi amor… niiiice and slooooow…”

Getting right into it, Mia developed a steady pace that wasn’t too fast yet wasn’t too slow. It was just slow enough, every drag deliberate and intense. Oliver reigned in his thrusting to match, but stopping altogether was off the table. He timed himself as best he could with her motions, carving out additional pleasure for them both.

Passionately horny as she was, Mia got close to the edge again.

It’s not that Oliver wasn’t still sensitive from all the fooling around or even that he was getting better at holding it in. It was just that this felt that good for Mia. He was so big and hard, making it easy for her to shift his cock around between her lower lips and grind her clit against it in a dozen different ways, scratching a new itch each and every time.

Neither would last long at this rate, and they knew it.

“Y-You’re close again,” Mia noted. “Feel you tensing up nonstop…”

“So are you… your pussy drools even harder and gets all twitchy when you’re about to cum… feels… ahhh… almost like you’re kissing me down there…”

“I, um… I-I don’t know what to say to that… ahaha… you, um… you like it?”

“More than anything, kitten…”

Mia stared into his eyes, her pussy quivering, nails digging into his knuckles. Her heart pounded with overbearing affection, urging her to hasten her humping. They moaned loudly in unison, Oliver soon matching her increased pace.

“Let’s finish this up,” she whimpered and whined. “Can’t… take much more… too good… too good…!!”

“Fuuuuuck-!! Mia, don’t stop…!! You’re going so fast, I… I’m gonna-!!”

Mia’s slippery slit convulsed on Oliver’s cock, a river of love flooding against him as explosive ecstasy echoed throughout her senses. In her pleasure, she slammed down with all her weight and triggered his long-awaited orgasm. Streams of thick, white ropes burst out onto his belly like shotgun blasts, his vision going white as he cried out Mia’s name over and over.

Their mutual pleasure lasted for ages until Oliver was spent, and Mia collapsed against him. After a few moments of relentless panting, Oliver somehow gathered up the strength to peel Mia’s panties off and bring her in for a kiss. She reciprocated it lazily, uncaring that his lips were coated in juices from her messy panties.

Thus, they were left in the blissful aftermath, and nothing had ever felt so perfect in Oliver’s life. Again.

“That… was so much better than a handjob…”

“Seems we’re in agreement. Happen to think so, too…”

[Mia has gained +5 Affection!]

[Milestone Achieved! Intercrural Sex with Mia +40LP]

Damn, that’s a lot of LP… Oliver was already glad he’d risked asking Mia to try this out, but this just made it even better.

“Christ… this is like the fourth time this week that I’ve had what I thought was the best orgasm I’ve ever had…”

She giggled a little and nuzzled into his chest. “Sounds like a challenge.”

“It wasn’t,”

“Could be.”

“By all means, take it as one,” he hugged her close, smiling ear to ear. “Nothing would make me happier.”

“I’ll bet, mi amor. Eager to see just how ‘happy’ you can get.”

The quiet, subdued atmosphere of love brewing between them continued in silence as they lay in each other’s embrace, neither rushing to move on with their day or figure out what came next.

Seeing how good the mood was, Oliver figured now might be a good time to finally ask.

“Hey, Mia?”


“You’re right-handed, right?”

The silence suddenly became less romantic and a lot more awkward.

“…, why do you ask?”

Oliver pressed on despite his nerves, feeling as if he was in too deep.

“Uh, it’s just… I kinda noticed you mostly use your left whenever you’re touching me, and you always seem to be rubbing your wrist…”

“It’s a habit,” Mia mumbled. “Just a little tic of mine.”

“It looked like it hurt, though… back on the couch, I mean…”

“I’m fine,”

Are you?”

Sí, mi amor. Appreciate the concern, but I don’t want to talk about it.”


“Ollie. Drop it.”

[Mia has lost -3 Affection!]

Oh, shit. That backfired a lot harder than he expected.

“Sorry. I didn’t mean to kill the mood, I was only-”

“You didn’t, it’s… fine…” Mia sighed and rolled off his chest. He turned with her, becoming the big spoon. “Overreaction on my part, sorry. Just... really don’t really wanna talk about it right now. Not when everything is sunshine and rainbows, mn?”

Oliver felt he should’ve expected this to be a touchy subject, but at least he wasn’t in too much hot water. It was bad timing, that’s all.

“Okay. I’m ready to listen whenever you wanna tell me what’s up.”

Mia’s hands grasped the arm Oliver held her with, nuzzling backward into his embrace. “Thank you, mi amor. Again, sorry about that…”

“No, no. It’s cool. Anything I can do to make things a little better?”

“Mn… you didn’t happen to bring your Odyssey, did you?”

“Just so happens I did,” Oliver said, thankful for his magical inventory system. “Did you want to play some Hellagers?”

, after a little catnap…”

“Were we done hanging out with Zoe, then?”

“Can't imagine she hasn't crashed by now, and she definitely won't wake up till you're gone if she has. Today was supposed to be about us, anyway. Any objections on switching back over to our original plans?”

“Not an objection so much as a request,”


“Mind keeping your shorts off while we nap? Your bare ass feels amazing on my skin…”

“…Dios mio, mi amor. You say the stupidest shit sometimes.”

“Yeah,” Oliver grinned. “But you love me for it.”

“I do,” Mia yawned, purposefully backing up her rear until it was thoroughly squished into his pelvis. “I really, really do…”

[Mia has gained +1 Affection! +1 Smooth Talker]


Stat Changes

Oliver Chase | Strength 9 | Style 1 | Spark 1 | Smart 0
Cash: $920 | LP: 325

Mia Rosas | Status: Girlfriend |89/100 | ❤❤♡♡♡