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Just letting you guys know I've been feeling a little mentally bleh these last few days and my pace has been a bit slower than I'd like as a result. I'm still typically reaching at least 3k words a day minimum but my mood has had me very particular about my writing and it's led to a lot, lot, lot more rewriting and erasing than I typically do. Even though I'm progressing, it's not as straightforward as usual. I'm pretty sure this will pass and it's just a temporary thing but it feels like my brain is really foggy when I sit down to write and worst of all is it's led to me having little motivation late at night which is where I usually get a good head start on the next day. The chapter I'm currently working on shouldn't have taken me any longer than two days but it's taken about four so I'm not feeling great about that but it is what it is.

It also really doesn't help that these chapters are very independent from the outline I wrote, at least up to this point. We should be just about at the part where it shouldn't diverge too much more but getting Zoe and Mia's relationship ironed out has been stressful because I have to walk this balance of making it so that Zoe isn't incredibly unlikable while Mia doesn't seem like an idiot for taking care of her best friend. That's where most of the rewriting and erasing came from. I think we have that balance now but I kept going off in weird directions with it which kept complicating it when it doesn't need to be complicated.

Things should be smoother next chapter as we will be sticking more closely to my outline for the rest of Oliver's day hanging out with them. I hope to have it up probably sometime after midnight my time but we'll see if it gets done. If it doesn't, it will definitely be sometime tomorrow. There isn't much left, I just wanted to communicate with you guys a little bit.


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