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Holding the ticket in their hands, TheFaceofJustice closes their eyes and begins to think about appearing before the genie. The number 101 appears on the ticket, and TheFaceofJustice is instantly teleported in front of a genie.

“Welcome to my realm, I’m the magical genie of orbs and today is the day I make your deepest desire come true! So approach me and tell me what it is I can get you!” With that, the genie waits for you to speak your wish.

“I wish I could be more confident!” the genie smiles. “A good wish, confidence can be really hard for some to muster.” “Nobody will be able to boss me around like this!” “Is that so? I can’t wait to see the new you, hold still, I’ll be right back.”

The genie turns around and heads through her realm looking at different orbs. She picks up a few and puts them back nodding her head at them. After some time she finds one that she was seemingly looking for.

“This is perfect.” The genie returns to TheFaceofJustice and hands them the orb. “Here you go, one ticket to a new reality where you have more confidence than you need. It has a few other bonuses, but I won’t spoil the surprise.”

The genie raised her hand. “Now the orb’s magic will take effect once I send you back, so you’ll appear in your new life as if you were in the middle of your day. I sure hope you enjoy it!” The genie snapped her fingers and suddenly Justice was leaning on a desk in a large fancy office.

She looked around, it was a very nice office, and it had a bunch of pictures of a mature-looking blonde with long curly hair and massive breasts, and in each one, she was radiating with confidence. A connection was then made in Justice’s head.

She looked down and found the same massive breasts from the photos. She was the woman from the photos. She ran her hands down her chest and down to her hips where she had a tight sexy skirt on with slits down the sides to show off more of her legs.

It was definitely something someone with confidence would wear and she couldn’t help but think she looked good. She knew he old self would be embarrassed as hell in this body and especially in this skirt, but the magic was doing its thing, and she felt great about herself.

Now that didn’t explain the office she was in. She began to mess with the files she had in her hands and it turned out to be an application for someone, along with a time written on it. The time was marked as three in the afternoon.

She checked her phone and it was ten minutes past three, so whoever Jim was, was either late or a no-show. It also seemed that she was the one who was going to be doing his interview. So she was some sort of manager or boss in this place.

She walked around her desk, sat in her chair, opened her laptop, and started to do some digging. After looking through several emails and files she was able to determine her role here and what it was they do here.

They were the boss and owner of a film studio. It was her job to manage everything that went on, from hiring actors and staff for production, she had to pick and choose what they create. Of course, she has managers who do most of the work, but she seems to be pretty involved with everything.

She was digging into what movies they were making right now when there was a knock at the door. Justice told them to come in and another woman with a headset walked in. “Your very late three o'clock is here, do you want me to send them in?”

Justice thought about it for a moment and nodded. “Very good ma'am, they’ll be right in.” The woman left the room and Justice grabbed the file from before then a moment later a nervous young man walked into her office.

“I’m so very sorry for being late, it won’t happen again I swear.” Justice gives him a stern look and tells him to take a seat. She begins to ask him all the standard questions for an interview, and the whole time the guy is nervous and fidgeting.

She decided to end the interview early and told him he wasn’t a good fit there. She happily walked him out of her office and stopped him right before she closed the door. She recommends he work on his confidence, it does wonders for a person and will help him land a job more easily. She then winked and closed her door to get back to work.




*mind of the “goddess” Aqua* Every day I plunge deeper into debt... An attempt to bring in my followers and ask each of them to bring me offerings failed... This Iris has robbed herself of almost all the believers! And I, the Great Aqua Mistress of All Waters, was left with nothing... Maybe I should have been more confident in myself when I made a speech in the square?... So I saw that the girl Agent L.O.W told me about today doesn’t have such problems neither with money nor with followers