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A commission for last_of_workers!

I have been trapped in this world for over one thousand years, suffering in agonizing pain. I was brought to this world against my will by its goddess and asked to protect it from the previous demon lord.

After defeating the demon lord with my harem army his powers had been absorbed into my body and I had become a demon lord myself. I didn’t think it was that big of a deal, I returned to my farm with my harem and called upon the goddess.

She had promised to send us all back home after we saved this world, but when she saw me she grew enraged. She called me impure and vanished without sending us back home. We had tried to speak with her again multiple times, but she never answered.

Then the armies of the world surround me and my farm. They had all received divine messages from the goddess that the hero had been tainted and become a demon lord and was preparing to destroy the world.

It wasn’t true though and I tried to convince them, I even said I wouldn’t fight them, but then the goddess appeared and told them to attack. My harem and I defended ourselves for as long as we could without killing the people attacking us, but they were determined to kill us.

I never thought I’d send them to kill innocent people, but I wasn’t going to let all of us die for this. So they began to slaughter the armies, and in the hours that came, there were hundreds of bodies lying around us as we fought.

They had too many soldiers, and the first of my harem fell in battle. My healer had been stabbed through the heart. I ran to her and she held my face and was crying. She told me I needed to escape and not let these horrible people kill me.

Then she vanished and I felt her powers absorb into my body much like when the demon lord died. I was enraged and started slaughtering people myself, using the powers I got from her and the demon lord. Then the next of my harem fell, and I tried to heal her, but the damage was too severe.

Like before I aboard her power and started to use it to fight. One by one my harem had fallen and I was powerless to stop it due to being overwhelmed by thousands of knights, but each time one of them died their powers found their way to me.

I became extremely powerful and my body transformed into what I am today. Standing alone with all these powers I turned the tide of the battle and killed every last soldier that had come to my home to kill me and my family.

I stood victorious with the goddess watching me horrified. I told her this was her fault and I would make sure she would pay. In the months to come, she sent anyone who could hold a weapon to fight me and I killed them without hesitation.

There wasn’t a person who she hadn't told about me, and everyone feared me and attacked me on-site. I tried to resist killing them, but I learned that it was their faith in her that gave her power, which she used to stay away from me.

So I started to destroy towns and slaughter her people until there was no life left in this world. That weakened her to the point that she could no longer run away from me. Years after her betrayal I had her cornered and I was about to kill her, but she had a desperate last-minute trick up her sleeve.

She used the rest of her magic to break through the barriers between worlds and enter a world that had no goddess and was thriving with life. She wouldn’t have a lot of strength left, and with no followers, she wouldn’t get it back anytime soon.

The only problem was even as strong as I had become I didn’t have that ability, which meant my revenge was just out of reach. I was furious and I returned to my destroyed farm for the first time in years. I made symbolic graves for each member of my team I lost.

I then went into a dormant state to grow my power for a couple of hundred years, and when I woke up I was so much stronger and my rage was off the scales. Summoning my power I started to punch the air around me.

At first, nothing happened, but I continued to punch the air while thinking of the goddess I’d take revenge on. As I swung over and over again, the fabric or reality around me started to crack, the more I punched the more it cracked.

After about a year of constant swing, I managed to get my fist through. I then took my hands and pulled on each end of the hole and pulled, and this caused a massive hole to break open like a large piece of glass shattering.

I was expecting the goddess to use her time to train and summon a new hero, maybe even more than one, but I wasn’t prepared or expecting what was waiting for me on the other side, in the goddess-do-over world.

The standing heir was an average-height male, with short brown hair and bright gold armor. The exact look I had before I defeated the demon lord and took his power. Even worse than that, she had given this copy his own copies of my harem, with the inclusion of a few new members.

Then to top it all off, they were living on the exact same farm I had built with my harem. This sent me into a rage and I ran at them and our grand battle began. The copy of me started giving orders and his army began to move.

The dragon and the armor attacked me first, with the armor taking my hits while the dragon attacked me after I was staggered. Several of them started to fly around and shoot at me. I had magic to create shockwaves around me to get the dragon and armor to fly back.

I then turned and started shooting the flying enemies with fireballs. I hit a few of them and they fell to the ground, but they were quickly healed by the mummy who was hiding behind a wall of rocks made by the elemental.

I had to take her out first or she’d continue to heal them and they’ll overwhelm me. I charged mana in my hand smashed my arm into the ground and blasted it. This caused an earthquake and for the ground to break apart and some of it to fly into the air.

I took this chance to dash towards the heale and smash right through the wall grabbing her as I continued to run. Several of the others noticed I had her and tried to get to me, but they were too late. I smashed her into the ground knocking her out.

I took her body and tossed it back far enough where they couldn't get to her to wake her up and I once again charged the armor. I wasn’t going to let the bog ones distract me while the little ones attacked me, and I knew a big weakness of the armor.

Crashing into her at great speed caused her to fall apart. I then started grabbing her pieces and tossing them as far as I could in different directions, only stopping right when I was about to throw her head.

Her head was snatched out of my hand by the Harpy. I wasn’t about to let her get away with it, so I jumped up and grabbed the harpy by her legs and caused her to crash into the ground, this knocked her out and I tossed her body outside of the battlefield.

Suddenly a hoard of massive dragons started to rush towards me, but something was off about them. Something about them didn’t feel real, and so I determined it was a bluff and used my magic to try and dispel it.

I turned out to be right and standing near me was the kitsune. She was trying to buy time for the others to regroup, but unfortunately for her, it didn’t work. I walked up to her and she started to shake in terror when she realized I saw through her illusion.

I took my hand and backhanded her into the ground, she wasn’t dead, but it was clear she couldn't move now. There was no longer a threat so I continued towards my copy. The rest of his harem gathered around him and prepared for my assault.

The dragon charged me again, while the elven girl shot at me from on top of the house. The elemental and bat girl started to fly into the air. The elemental shot at me while flying around me in circles.

The bat girl was zooming around me getting into little attacks that barely did anything, but it was still annoying and distracting. So I grabbed the dragon's hands as she punched at me and sang her around.

I hit the bat girl into the elemental knocking them both out as they fell to the ground, and I let go of the dragon sending her flying into the house and tearing it down, which caused the elven girl to fall to the ground, neither came out of the house after that.

Now all that was left was the hero, the Cerberus trio, and the succubus. The last of them was preparing to defend him, but he ordered them to get behind him. He drew his sword and approached me. It was a bit pathetic as I knew he currently had no real power.

I turned out to be wrong. He closed his eyes and thanked each member of his harem and asked that they now rest and lend their strength to him. Each of the girls started to glow and their powers started to flow into him.

He started to glow brightly and I realized we weren't the same, I had become the darkness and he had become the light, and we were destined to fight, the hero and the demon lord. We began to clash and we were evenly matched.

Thanks to the extra powers he got from having more members, he was able to keep up with my added power of the demon lord and me letting my power grow for so long. It was almost unfair how he was able to get so much strength suddenly.

We battled for what seemed like hours when the goddess appeared behind him and distracted me. The hero used this opportunity to pierce my chest with his sword of light. I fell to my knees cursing the goddess out.

She asked me why I hated her so much, and I laughed asking her why wouldn’t I. she betrayed me and killed my harem and then went to another world and started all over using a copy of me. The hero looked shocked and looked toward the goddess for an answer.

She said she had no idea what he was talking about, so the hero placed his hand on my head and started to view my memories. Once the hero let go he confirmed my story about the goddess, but then said it wasn’t the same goddess that stood before us.

He then pulled the sword out of my chest and stabbed it into the ground. A circle appeared around us and started to teleport the goddess the hero and I. He turned towards the Cerberus and Succubus and told them he’d be back, but in the meantime, he was counting on them to take care of everyone.

Then we teleported. Not to another place but through time to all those years ago when the goddess from my world had entered this one. The second goddess was angered when she saw us, and she started to attack us.

The hero rushed in and blocked the attack then slashed his sword at the goddess. The light from his blade caused her outward appearance to melt away to reveal a ghostly evil spirit much similar to the previous demon lord.

I was shocked, the demon lord's powers came to me, but his spirit had taken over my goddess. That was why she betrayed me, perhaps she was hoping for me to become like him so he could take me over, but when I took away the faith of the people he wasn’t strong enough and came here.

I looked at the hero and told him we had to defeat the demon spirit. He nodded and drew his sword, and I charged it. We worked in sync to overwhelm the spirit and I was able to use magic to grab it and make it corporeal so the hero could slay it.

The hero drove his sword through the spirit and once again through my chest. I felt the spirit die and its evil presence vanished from this world. I fell backward and the hero ran over to me. He told me to hold on, he’d remove the sword and heal me, but I asked him to leave it in.

He tried to tell me he wasn’t going to do it, he’d heal me and turn me back to normal, but it was far too late. I could never go back to being like him, not after how fall I fell, and all the awful things I had done.

Plus, I won’t die. If I did this demon power would find a new host, and they’d be corrupted just like me and the previous demon lord. Instead, as long as this sword drains my power I’ll remain asleep here. He tried to tell me that was crazy but the goddess agreed with me.

I thanked her and apologized for everything I had done. The goddess grabbed the hero's shoulder and told him it was time to go home. He looked at me and said he was sorry all these things happened to me, then he said that he hoped I found peace in the dreams I’ll find myself in.

My eyes grew heavy and I ended up shutting them before he had left, and ever since then, I’ve been sleeping. The dreams the hero mentioned, have been quite nice. In them, I have my harem back, and we’re happily adventuring to this day.




. . . maybe you will call me too sentimental, but for some reason I wanted to cry after I learned the story of this demon lord, it’s really sad... I think this can safely be called Riley’s talent... I always said that real art should evoke emotions, sincere, not fake emotions, and here you handled this 100%... thank you very much for this