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A commission for last_of_workers!

Uncensored Version: https://www.patreon.com/posts/95895948?pr=true

Kokawa was running through some abandoned ruins alone as a giant chased him around swinging his club to try and kill him. Why was he here, well working of course. He and his harem were hired to rid this very ginat from the area because it attacked merchants on the roads nearby.

Now the plan was never for it to chase Kokawa, or for him to be alone, but when the group arrived at the ruins to fight the giant they were attacked by the remnants of several bandits groups they had dismantled in the area.

They decided to work together and lure the group out, but using a giant's lair as the trap location quickly turned sour. The giant attacked both groups, and the bandits weren't strong enough to fight it, and the girls were too busy fighting the bandits to handle it.

So not wanting his precious team to get killed, Kokawa drove his sword into the giant's foot and started running while taunting it. The giant started to chase him and he continued to run for his life. Kokawa knew damn well he couldn’t fight it, all he had to do was distract it.

He trusted his team. If he gave them enough time they’d beat the bandits and come rescue him. So he ran and continued to hold hope. It was moments like this that he wished he had some sort of power, like super strength or magic, or even lighter armor.

The giant ended up swinging his club and sending a bunch of debris and a Kokawa into the air. One of the stones hit him in the head and he indeed up unconscious before he even fell back onto the ground.

Everything was dark for a moment, then a light appeared before Kokawa. The light slowly turned into the goddess who had chosen him as this world's hero and blessed him with his harem. She seemed much brighter and happier than the first time Kokawa saw her.

She greeted Kokawa and thanked him for all his hard work. Thanks to him and his harems helping and telling people to believe in her, the goddess power had grown and stretched across the realm, and thanks to that, she was able to allow Kokawa to summon four more harem girls.

Kokawa rubbed his hair and told the goddess it was great her power was growing, but he wasn’t sure he wanted or needed more harem girls. The ones he had were hard enough to handle and four more might be impossible.

The goddess looked saddened by that news, and Kokawa could tell there was something else going on. So he asked the goddess to tell him why he would need more harem girls. The goddess looked away for a moment and returned her gaze to Kokawa.

She explained that she wasn’t exactly sure how soon, she just knew it would be sooner than later, but an extremely powerful and evil force was trying to break the barrier between its world and this one. When she used her power to peer into its worlds, there was no life left on the planet.

She was able to determine the monster's power, and she matched it to Kokawa’s team and their current power, and thanks to that she knew they weren't strong enough yet to defeat it. She had hoped to give them more time to grow stronger, but again their time was running short.

So she gathered up all her remaining power and was willing to transfer it to Kokawa again so he could summon more help, and hopefully have enough time to bond and train with them before the monster breaks through the barrier.

Kokawa asked the goddess what would happen to her if she gave him all her remaining power, and she told him not to worry. She would simply go into a deep sleep until she regained enough power to wake back up, but that could take years, so once she does it, Kokawa’s on his own.

Kokawa put his hand on his chin and looked up at the goddess. With a smile and a thumb up, he told her not to worry. He’d summon more help and defeat this evil monster, and then he’d protect this world until she could wake up and see it again.

She smiled and thanked him, then reached her hand out and blessed Kokawa once again. After that, Kokawa woke up surrounded by the harem girls he had already summoned. Minka was holding, Cumsucker and Birdtits, and Eve was holding his head nearly in tears.

Everyone else was just surrounding him with worried looks on their faces. He got up and thanked them for their worries and assured them all he was alright. He looked around, and sure enough, the giant had lost its head, and not a bandit around was moving.

He told them they all did a great job with today's mission, but told them he had something serious to tell them all. He started by explaining when he passed out that the goddess came to speak to him and warned him of a powerful monster trying to get into their world.

Then he told them that they weren't strong enough to beat it, so the goddess gave him the power to summon a few more people to help them out. Kokawa was a bit surprised, he thought mentioning summoning more girls would make them mad, but none of them seemed to care.

He even asked about it, and most of them agreed, having to share Kokawa sucked, but if the world they’ve come to love with him in was in danger, he could summon a hundred more girls, as long as Kokawa, the world and the people in it are safe, they’ll be okay.

Kokawa couldn’t help but smile, and he thanked them all again. He told them that they were all amazing, and he was super glad he got to live this life of adventure with them. Then he said he was going to go ahead and get the summoning over with.

He closed his eyes and started to imagine another girl, this time however six figures started to form. There were only supposed to be four, so something strange was going on. Kokawa focused on the first girl until she fully formed.

The first figure turned into a tall kitsune girl with blonde hair, cute ears, and a tail. She had very thick thighs with thigh-high latex boots. Her hips were wide and made their way into her slim figure also covered by a latex catsuit.

She had very small boobs, but to Kokawa her butt and thighs more than made up for that. To finish her up she had a cloak and bright blue eyes. With the first girl formed Kokawa focused on the second girl.

She appeared with brown skin, eyes, and hair, and was completely naked. She also seemed to have bits of rocks attached to her skin, or even popping out of different areas of her body. Kokawa figured she was some sort of earth elemental, but then she suddenly changed.

Everything turned red, her hair, eyes, and skin. Then instead of rocks, she had fire surrounding her, and Kokawa was pretty sure she was made of pure flame. Then once again she changed to blue, and she was surrounded by water and seemed to be made of it.

So she was some sort of spirit or elemental that could control multiple elements, and her body changed to match what she was using. Kokawa gulped as he knew she’d be a bit of trouble for him, and he looked at the third girl.

She was very short, and she had long black hair up in a ponytail. This girl was very slim and didn’t have much in features when it came to breast or butt, but that just made her look super cute in her black gown.

She had very pale white skin and shaped fangs, she seemed almost like a vampire, but that didn’t seem quite right, perhaps she was some sort of bat monster girl, almost like Birdtits is a harpy. Perhaps Kokawa was the reason she looked like a vampire, but who knows?

Kokawa went on to the next girl, but she was so close to the other two that all of them started to form at the same time. Three identical girls started to form. They had long silver hair and dark red eyes.

They had cute dog ears and fluffy dog tails attached to their lower back. Each of them had a set of black steel armor with red leather under them. With that, all the girls had formed and Kokawa had opened his eyes.

There they were standing in front of him confused, much like the girls he had summoned before. Now Kokawa would have to explain everything that happened so far to them, give them names, and take them home to train for the coming threat.



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