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I AM A FREAKING GIANT BADASS DRAGON! There’s nothing better than it. I’m super strong, have magic that could destroy a town and I’m nearly invincible. I mean the prince of this transformation was turning into a very bad woman, but that’s honestly even better!

I was summoned by Kokawa, and before we ended up in this world I met him in another. I was abandoned as a baby by my birth parents. I spent most of my younger life jumping from foster house to foster house until I ended up running away at sixteen.

I ended up in a not-so-friendly crowd, who had a habit of daytime robberies. I was in the middle of one of those robberies when this dumb ass guy with short brown hair and amazing emerald eyes stepped into the way.

My target fled leaving me and him. He wrestled the knife from my hand and punched me in the face, I then punished him back, and we fought until we heard sirens coming. I got jumpy and I was clearly scared of going to jail.

For some crazy reason, this guy noticed and told me to follow him, saying he knew a way around them. I had no time to think about it so I followed him, and we eventually reached an apartment building. It turned out to be his home, and he invited me inside.

I was flabbergasted, I was attempting to rob someone, he got in the way and we beat each other up, so why would he invite me into his home? I followed him in, figuring it was better than going back to the gang empty-handed, and or sleeping outside tonight.

His house was a bit of a mess, to which he apologized. He blamed his dad for being clumsy but also said he didn’t come home much so we didn’t need to worry about him finding out about me. He then showed me the shower and told me to clean up.

After I cleaned up and came out he had made us food and insisted I sit with him and eat. I almost thought it was poisoned, but it turned out to be the best meal I had in years. I asked him why he was being so nice to me, and his reason was that he felt like it.

In the coming days, he got me to open up about everything I had been through and seemed determined to turn my life around. He helped me get into a program to get living and food assistance and even helped me get back into school.

He even helped me make another friend Jiro and we all became best friends. One simple encounter changed my life just because he was such a pure amazing person… The more time I spent around him the more I started… To fall in love with him.

I had spent months thinking about telling him how I felt and I finally decided the day I was going to confess, but that day turned out to be too late. I was standing outside the arcade, watching him playing inside waiting for us to arrive.

I was trying to build up the courage to talk to him, but something inside the arcade exploded and people started running out, but Kokawa ran out. I tried to go in and get him but the staff wouldn't let me inside.

I had to watch as ambulances came, and as they dragged Kokawa’s lifeless body out. I was in tears when Jiro arrived, if he hadn’t been there I don’t think I would be here today. Jiro held me and did everything he could to comfort me.

In the months to follow we went to counseling and joined a support group, and a year later we were still grieving, but we were moving forward with our lives together. Then our lives were turned upside down again as Kokawa, who was alive in another world summoned us.

Now I have this amazing body. I have a mastery of more destruction magic. From breathing fire to fireballs to fireballs that explode on impact. Now imagine those things in a variety of different elements, and also imagine me combining them, which makes me a bit of a menace.

I also have incredible strength and super tough skin, which from what I heard when I get older I’ll be able to make scales appear that almost nothing can penetrate, along with the hat, I’ll grow a set of wings to fly with.

So I’ll be even cooler in time, and I’ll probably get more abilities. I might even get taller or thicker, which might be a problem since walking in towns and buildings is already quite hard, and the other girls complain I take up too much room on the small bed we share.

I don’t care much though. In the end, enemies focus on me because of my size and power so they’re all safer because of me. Of course, I’m only good in battles, I’m way too loud and big for stealthy missions, but if they’re a group of bandits or monsters let me at them.

Of course, this also makes me a bit useless out of battle. The other girls will take up jobs when we settle in new towns and help out the villagers, and I’m not fit for normal tasks. I also scare a lot of people… and animals… So when we’re in town I mostly sit around doing nothing unless asked.

Eve is probably the most helpful when we get to villages. She’ll run around town helping everyone she can with even the littlest tasks. Considering how sweaty she is, it’s honestly not surprising she is a good person, probably was in her last life too.

Cumsucker can be a bit iffy, she’ll sleep with men in town for money, but not all of them are single, so it can cause problems, but in most cases, she gets out of it by seducing their wives as well. Birdtits tend to be rubbing up against Kokawa all the time, but will occasionally help out if ordered to.

Minka like me is extremely big and can be intimidating, but will often work in town helping to build houses or other buildings, and even pulling wagons of stuff around. I can sometimes help with that, but I still scare people more since people know I’m a monster.

Most people think theirs a woman inside Minka’s armor so they don’t fear her as much. Then finally there was Iseret, my second love from my previous world. We had gotten together after Kokawa died, but in both of our hearts, we truly wanted to be with Kokawa.

So we were fine with changing our dynamic to focus on him, but we’re still great finds and occasional lovers, we need to satisfy our needs from time to time since Kokawa won't sleep with us. Of course that got us scheming to get in to break and sleep with us since we know he’s constantly aroused.

I can’t wait to get him in bed. I have so many fantasies I want to try with him. My biggest is getting his head in between my breasts and motorboating him, then maybe getting his whole head into my cleavage, really as long as he’s playing around with my tits I’ll be happy.

Oh and maybe I can do something with my tail, maybe he likes something thick in his ass, not sure yet, but I’ll find out. Maybe he’s a thigh-and-ass guy, I could definitely sit on his face or crush him with my thighs.

Maybe he finds my horns hot, how could I use those on him? I guess I could also stick them up his ass, but that would be awkward, maybe he could just kiss them or even lick them in a slightly sexual way, that might be nice.

The more I sit here doing nothing all day the more I think about it, and the more I fantasize about him the more aroused I become. I swear I get wet just sitting here sometimes. There are so many things we can do, but he needs to give in and make time to fuck us, starting with me and Iseret.

If he doesn’t hurry up and start being the man in this harem, I fear my beast instinct will take over and I might end up taking him to bed to dominate him, Iseret had a great idea to tie him up with her wrappings, so we might just have to help him become motivated.

I think Iseret’s wrapping to bind him up will work. Then I think we should recruit Cumsusker since she can make his cock larger and permanently hard, so we’ll all get a turn. I might have to see if the other girls have powers that might be useful. Either way, he’ll make love to us I swear it.




What can we see here in the early years of the life of the ancestor of one of the most peace-loving subspecies of dragons under the unofficial name “Ara-ara dragons” or “mommy dragon”, as this subspecies is known, despite the fact that it is 100% a dragon, it has ONLY a human form and among There are no males of this subspecies at all... which led to the formation of many dragon-human families, but at the moment we have the honor of seeing the personal diary of the Great "Frissi - a huge body".... in other ways, you can get acquainted with the features of this race a little later in In a more intimate setting, now I want to draw your attention to the personality of the great hero Kokawa... it’s not for nothing that one of his many nicknames sounds like “the torch of good”, he proves to us by his example that there are no incorrigible people and each of us is the smith of our own destiny, let’s give back to him due honors - Praising Kokawa Great Hero with Harem... and yes thank you Riley I really liked this story although I admit that sometimes I wished Frissi would say “ara-ara” at least once but even without that the story turned out amazing thank you very much for that