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Let me tell you about another world called Mundus Monstrorum. Nearly one thousand years ago all the kingdoms were in peace under the rule of High Queen Magnus Pinguis Ubera the Third. She became queen in a time of war. Her parents had been assassinated and her kingdom was on the verge of collapse. Despite being in mourning she rose up to the challenge of leadership. It didn’t take long after she became queen to end the war and bring peace to all the nations, eventually, she was named high queen of the realm. She was nothing but generous and spent every day improving the lives of all citizens, it didn’t matter if you were a goblin, human, elf, or a crab, everyone was to be treated well and she made sure of it. She was a very amazing queen but she also came from a very special family. The demon clan was one of the purest monster clans in all of the world and the only one that could tame and keep the clans in line. The demons were powerful beings with amazing magical powers, they had been the front line in the war. 

This led to them being hunted down and killed to near extinction before the war ended. Queen Magnus became the last of her kind and was unable to reproduce. We spent years trying to find a way to help bring her kind back but alas we failed at every turn. She ruled and kept peace for her entire life, eventually passing away due to old age. The next few years became chaotic as new rulers tried to take over. One thing led to another and the clans disbanded the kingdom and went their separate ways. This brought about a ton of old problems from before the demon clan took over, it turned out that left unchecked the monster clans would attack human and elven cities. This continued to be a problem until those not from monster clans started hunting us down to rid of the problem once and for all. Monsters killed people, people killed monsters and another war eventually broke out. This continued on for the next eight hundred years, the destruction was the worst anyone had ever seen. Cities fell, forests burned and many innocent lives were lost.

I couldn’t stand to see the world like this so I went in search of some way to end all this suffering. It took me nearly twenty years but I found a relic so powerful that it could solve all our problems. I found a magic coin that can grant almost any wish. I knew the only thing that could solve my world's problems was to restore the demon clan, but I couldn’t bring them back. So I made a wish to find someone with the demon clan's blood, someone related to the previous queen. That’s when I ended up in this world with you OmegaRathalos, it seems at some point someone from the royal line of the demon clan ended up in your world, and somehow was able to bear children with your world's humans. It also seems like you're a descendant of that person, which is great, you’ll have the power to unite the monsters and save my world. So let me use the coin to wish back to my world. I wish to return to my world with our new ruler OmegaRathalos. 

Pretty cool right? Almost instantly we traveled from your world to mine. Now that I got you here there are a few more things I need to tell you about before we can begin to fix the problems here. The first problem is you only have a tiny amount of Demon blood in you. Since you are part demon I can use the coin to make you into a full pure-blooded demon. You’ll love it, I hear they were huge, super strong, great with magic, and pretty sexy. So here goes, I wish for OmegaRathalos to become a full-blood Demon just like our last queen Magnus Pinguis Ubera the Third. It worked, although it seems you’ve become a female demon, that might be because of the last thing I said. Perhaps I can undo it, I wish for you to become a male demon! Huh, nothing happened, I’m sorry I think you might be stuck like that. I will say the whole sexy thing was an understatement. I mean look at you, you have long elegant hair and two of the finest horns I’ve ever seen on a monster. Seductive blood-red eyes, an hourglass figure that makes an actual hourglass look wrong, and an almighty hefty chest worthy of the queen you’ll become. 

Now that I say it out loud I think the wish made you look exactly like the last queen, that might actually help with trying to bring peace. We have a lot of work to do, we should get started as soon as possible. You’ll have to reunite all of the monster clans and bring them back to the kingdom. That’ll stop them from attacking the other kingdoms and make it easier for you to negotiate peace with them. I know it’s a lot to ask of someone who just got here, but I will help you every step of the way. Over the next decade, OmegaRathalos built a new kingdom, one for all people, monster or non monster all people were welcome, and in time this happened. Due to the massive destruction of the other lands, there was no point in rebuilding destroyed kingdoms. Instead, as peace treaties were signed new people would move into this new kingdom. Things were great, but I noticed OmegaRathalos starting to age and I became worried she would pass like the last queen. 

So I found that old magic coin so I could make some wishes that would ensure the peace of the kingdom for a long long time. The first wish I made was to make her immortal, this way she wouldn’t age and couldn’t be killed. She would be able to rule and protect all of those who come after me. The last wish I made was more for her, I kept thinking that being the last of her kind would become lonely and I couldn’t bring any back to life or find anyone else with demon blood like her. So the final wish I made, well I wished she would be able to reproduce with anyone, and the children would become full-blood demons. I doubt she’s noticed yet, but I can guarantee she is already bearing a child. So not only will she be responsible for saving this world, but she now be the one to restore her entire race.


Queen form another world (TG Story)

Hello, I'm Riley-TG! I'm a writer, and I make stories around the theme of gender change, and sometimes some kinky themes! If you're new to my content and want to find me, my links are below! DeviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/riley-tg Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Riley_TG Tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/riley-tg #tg #genderbend #genderswap #mtf #story #caption #trans #demon #demons #isekai


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