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A series commissioned by last_of_workers!

Class 2-C of Schasonic High School were all talking after class one day about what costumes they were planning to make and wear. That’s when Alek suggested they throw a costume party and host it at his house.

Everyone agreed and went home that day to work on their costumes. Each one of them was excited about the party and thought hard about what costume would be best for them to show up in.

Nadya had some big plans for the party. Unlike her classmates, she was a real witch, one who was semi-new to magic, but still able to use it. She was also a bit of a prankster, and she wanted to use her magic to prank the entire party.

Using magic she created a very authentic Maleficent costume, albeit a more sexy version of the character. Once she had her costume she had to figure out what spell she was going to use on everyone.

After looking through a book of spells a fellow witch had given her, she found one that she thought would be fun. It was a spell that allowed the caster to switch the clothes of as many people in the area as they wanted.

It would be so funny, so after practicing it on some random people walking by outside, she was ready for the party. She arrives at Alek’s house and is let in by him, they have a brief conversation about their comments before more people arrive.

Nadya went to the dining room table and placed her book on the table to go over the spell one last time. She was pretty confident she knew it, but since it was magic if she messed up, it could do either nothing or be very bad for everyone here.

After making one hundred percent she knew it, she went to the main room and called for everyone's attention. She got most of their attention, with only a few people not paying attention, but honestly to Nadya that would be even funnier.

She told them that she was a real witch and that she was going to cast a spell. No one said anything but everyone who was watching her seemed ready for something to happen. Nadya began to recite the spell and her hands began to glow.

She was about to finish it, but she was suddenly bumped from behind by Alfred who was wearing his girlfriend's cheerleader uniform. This caused Nadya to lose focus and not finish the spell she had intended to cast.

She did however seem to cast a spell, as the light shot from her hands and hit everyone at the party, and maybe even people outside who weren't even attending the party. When the light vanished, Nayda opened her eyes and was shocked at what she had done.

She turned all the people at the party into real versions of their costumes and even stranger, a lot of them turned into girls. They were all inspecting each other and themselves, some looked happy and others seemed confused.

Nayda however started to panic. She immediately grabbed her book and ran out of the house. She knew that wasn’t the best idea, but she also knew that they’d think it was a joke now, but when they figured out she had no idea how to turn them back they’d freak out on her.

So while they think it’s a joke, she’ll return home and study her book, hopefully finding the spell and the reversal spell in the book. She makes her way to her house runs up to her bedroom and sits on the bed.

She wanted to focus, so she wanted to remove the horns she had on her head as part of her costume, and that’s when she realized that her spell had also affected her. She looked down at herself and was surprised to her body so much older and more mature.

She really filled out her dress now, before she didn't really have much of an ass, or wide hips, but now she had both. She actually tried to use magic to make those bigger before but her book didn't have any spells for something like that.

She wished she could enjoy it, but she really needed to find a solution to the problem she created. That night she read through the whole book, but the spell she cast wasn’t in it, so of course no reverse spell would be either.

However, there was a section for creating reversal spells for new spells. In most cases, it’s either saying the spell backward or saying it the same way but swapping certain words with the opposite versions.

So Nadya wrote down all the words she had managed to say before she was interrupted. She used the translator in the book and to the best of her ability translated it to find the words she needed. Then she also wrote a version that was backwards.

With both in hand, she started with the reversed version, she chanted it and nothing happened. Her hands didn’t even glow. So she tried the other one, immediately she knew it would do something, as magic started to build up within her, and her hands started glowing.

Once she said the last word, it all seemingly vanished. The glowing of her hands and the magic she could feel. She thought that maybe it wasn’t complete, but suddenly a large portal opened up in front of her, and it sucked her and her book through.

She woke up lying in a field surrounded by a ton of knights in thick armor. They questioned her, and she panicked and told them she was Maleficent a magic user. The knights all looked at each other and then back at her, they asked if she knew any healing spells.

She did in fact, they were very basic and were the first spells she fully memorized, so she told them that. Well, that seemed to please them, as they insisted Nadya follow them to the kingdom and save their king.

She didn't really have a choice though, there were a lot of them, and she wasn’t all that great at attack magics, so she’d lose if they had to fight. However, she did turn herself into a real version of Maleficent, so maybe she could turn into a dragon if she really needs to.

They bring her before the king and reassure her that if she does anything but heal him, they’ll kill her. The real Maleficent might do something, but Nadya had no plans to be evil like her. In fact, a real chance to help someone with magic was kind of a dream come true.

She approaches the king and starts casting her healing spell. It took a few minutes of constant healing as he was in really rough shape and basically had one foot in death's door, but in the end, she managed not only to save him but to help him fully recover.

The king was so grateful for her help, that he threw a massive feast. He made sure she had plenty of wine, meat, and if she wanted it, as many knights in his army to spend the night with. She refused the last offer but had a blast drinking and eating medieval-style.

The following morning she woke up in a strange room, she honestly didn’t remember how she got there and picked up her book. It was time for her to find a way to leave and fix the problem she left in the future. Or was it another world?

She gulped as she realized she had no idea. Not that it mattered, she didn't have a spell in her book to travel to other worlds or through time. All she had was the spell she made, and she couldn’t exactly control it.

So using it could land her in a much worse place. So she’d have to work on it and perfect it, but that also meant staying here in this world and time, which also meant she’d need to be able to support herself.

The best way to do so was to become the kingdom's image. She’d use her magic in service for the king in exchange for a place to live, a bit of gold, and food. The king accepted her offer right away, as mages here were extremely rare.

Her new job ended up being a lot busier than she expected. She was constantly healing knights who got hurt, even though there were no active wars, they were just clumsy. She was also in charge of helping farmers keep their crops healthy by enchanting the ground.

She even has to enchant armor and weapons, but honestly, as time-consuming as it is, most of the magic she uses is basic and takes very little effort. In the end, though, moths turn to years, and she doesn't make any progress on her spell. So she decided to give up on it.

She’d been here long enough, she felt it was too late to return home, and honestly, she didn't want to. She’s wanted and needed here, gets to use her magic, and may or may not be falling in love with a very hot knight.




Wow... Wow... This is very cool... This shows that magic is not a toy for children! And you shouldn’t mess around with magic the essence of which you don’t understand! On the other hand... She became essentially the greatest dark sorceress who has ever existed in all the worlds! And all she needs is to just learn to use her abilities, which is essentially just a matter of time... By the way, I suddenly became interested in the world in which Nadya found herself. . . Was she really the one who created the first damned objects!!! (If this is true, it would be an incredible plot twist!)