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A series commissioned by last_of_workers!

Class 2-C of Schasonic High School were all talking after class one day about what costumes they were planning to make and wear. That’s when Alek suggested they throw a costume party and host it at his house.

Everyone agreed and went home that day to work on their costumes. Each one of them was excited about the party and thought hard about what costume would be best for them to show up in.

Moriz was super excited about the party. He recently spent a lot of money on a custom-made Iron Man suit. One with a mask that opened and closed while on his head, had tons of flashing lights and even sound effects.

Moriz had always been obsessed with the superhero, the movies always made the suits better and more high-tech with each new version. He’d often dream of flying through the skies, shooting repulsor rays at baddies, and even spending time in a lab making new suits.

Of course that’ll never really happen, and the armor will never put itself on, so for now he has to slowly put on a thousand-plus pieces in time to get to the party. Hours pass, and Moriz is ready just in time to leave.

He makes his way to Alek’s house and is welcomed in by Alek who is wearing a black dress and blonde wig. Moriz had no idea what he was, but was polite and complimented it when Alek complemented his suit.

From there Moriz went around chatting with his friends, taking pictures, and showing off all the features of his costume. Then eventually Mortiz met up with one of his closer friends Zakhar, who was a big fan of superheroes like him, although he’s more into anime.

Zakhar was wearing a Naruko costume and was walking around holding a plush fox. Moriz didn’t know the anime all that well, so they ended up talking more about his costume and Ironman in general.

That was when Zakhar asked which version the suit was as he didn’t recognize it. Moriz was ready to tell him when she realized he didn’t know. He was so focused on how cool it was he never bothered to figure it out.

The two tried to figure it out, but neither recognized it, they were about to look it up on their phones, but one of their classmates was in the center of the room calling for everyone to look at her, probably to show off her costume.

It was Nadya, at least according to Zakhar. Moriz recognized her but had never spoken to her. She was dressed as Maleficent and was trying to tell everyone she was a real witch. Everyone waited around for her to do something, thinking she had some fun gimmick with her costume.

Turned out she wasn’t lying, she really was a witch, and she suddenly shot magic from her hands that spread across the entire building. Once the light from the magic disappeared, everyone looked around confused.

Everyone was different than they had been a moment ago. It was almost like they were more realistic. Moriz turned to Zakhar when he suddenly heard an animal growling. To her surprise, Zakhar was shorter and had a large pair of breasts.

Moriz tried to ask her if she was okay, but Zakhar was so focused on the fox, and when it jumped out of her hands and ran outside she chased after it. Moriz looked around and saw several people inspecting themselves.

Moriz decided to do the same, and upon inspection, it seemed her suit was also real. She was giddy with excitement. It wasn’t on yet, so she activated it, and an AI version of Tony Stark started to speak to her, and the hud lit up showing her everything Ironman sees in the suite.

Not wanting to put her friends in danger Moriz walks outside and starts speaking to the Tony AI. The two do some quick-suit scans and Moriz finds out it’s fully functional, capable of flying shooting, even making phone calls, and browsing the web.

It was also made out of nanotech so the whole suit could be stored away in a second without having to get in and out of it like she did when it was just a costume. Moriz was excited but a little nervous as she took off flying for the first time.

She flies through the sky, shooting her repulsors and doing tricks. It was honestly a dream come true for her. She eventually landed by some house on the opposite side of town and decided to try out storing the armor.

She wanted to check herself out, as she was expecting to look like Tony Stark, but when she removed the armor and looked in a mirror instead of a rich playboy she was a cute small girl. That didn’t make any sense to Moriz.

Why did she look like this when this was supposed to be Tony Stark's armor? She had the armor come back out and used it to search the internet. That's where she found the exact suit she was wearing it wasn’t an Ironman suit, it was from a character called Ironheart.

Moriz was surprised she’d never seen her before, after reading several comics she seemed like an amazing character and was just as badass and smart as Tony Stark if not even smarter and even more badass.

She removed just the helmet and looked back at her reflection. The drastic change in appearance would be a bit difficult to get used to, as suddenly becoming a girl was a bit awkward and embarrassing, but worth it to become like Ironman.

Moriz puts the hood on and flies back home for the night. Once home she heads up to her room and removes the suit, leaving it still fully formed almost like a mannequin. She was about to go to bed, but she noticed a piece of it was messed up so she started tinkering about it.

One thing led to another and she ended up staying up all night. It didn’t occur to her, but she didn’t just have the appearance of Rir Williams, but she was now as smart as her too. So over the rest of the week before school started again, she tinkered away at night and flew her suit in the day.

She had turned her bedroom into a makeshift lab and somehow acquired all the tools she needed to create more armor. She ended up going back to school despite the fact she was way too smart now to be there.

The real world wasn’t as crazy as the Marvel universe, so a hero like her wasn’t as needed. So she decided to finish high school, graduate in college in engineering, and start her own tech business, one that helps the world, and even more importantly the less fortunate.

She was doodling in class, listening to her classmates who showed up to school after the party. Some were happy with the outcome, and others liked it at first and were ready to turn back to normal.

The problem with that was Nadya was gone, and no one could find her. It was like she vanished, which for a witch isn't all that surprising. Moriz went on to graduate high school at the top of her class, and then in less than a year, she got her engineer degree as she already knew everything.

Then she started her own company. It was slow at first, as finding funding was hard, but once she started producing amazing inventions, the funding came rolling in. Now nearly two decades later, Ironheart industry was flourishing, and helping remote places of the world advance.

She’s even Adopted the Name of the character she became, Riri, as it was more than fitting. Now most days she stowes away in her labs, but she always takes time to fly around in one of her suits and stop some bad guys.




Are you familiar with the phrase “not all heroes wear capes”? Each of us can perceive it differently... And even change our opinion depending on external circumstances. Well, Rir Williams doesn't usually wear a cape. Other than that, the dress doesn’t suit her either; her incredible intellect! In general, I also wouldn’t mind being in Moriz’s place... In general, as you understand, I liked the story!

Riley Gendreau

I also wouldn't mind it either. To fly around in an iron man armor would be amazing, but to also be a super cute genius as well! Nothing but wins.