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A series commissioned by last_of_workers!

Class 2-C of Schasonic High School were all talking after class one day about what costumes they were planning to make and wear. That’s when Alek suggested they throw a costume party and host it at his house.

Everyone agreed and went home that day to work on their costumes. Each one of them was excited about the party and thought hard about what costume would be best for them to show up in.

Alek was sitting at his home preparing for the party he was about to host, and putting the finishing touches on his costume. He was dressing up as Bowsette, and yeah he knew she was a sexy girl.

He didn’t care if anyone made fun of him. She’s one of her favorite characters, a badass queen, hot, and overall just looking at her makes him happy. So as it was the one time a year that he could wear something like this, he was going to do it.

He slipped on the dress, wig, shell, tail, and finally the random spiked cuffs for his wrists, upper arms, and throat. He didn’t look exactly like her, but he felt cute and was happy with the result, just in time, as the partygoers were arriving.

Over the next hour, everyone arrives and starts mingling and showing off their costumes, overall everyone is having a good time, and everyone is dressed up as something different and unique. Alek even got a few compliments about his costume, so overall it was going great.

Suddenly Nadya called for everyone’s attention. She was dressed as Maleficent and claimed she could do real magic. So everyone stood around waiting for her to do something. To everyone’s surprise, magic shot from her hands and spread across the whole party.

Once the magic was gone and Alek was able to see around, she noticed a lot of her friends looked a bit different they looked more like their costumes than they did before. Nadya, looked confused as she looked at herself and apologized to everyone for messing up the spell.

She wandered off without saying anything more, and everyone started checking out what she had done. Alek did the same, as she suddenly felt very different. She looked down and immediately noticed she had two massive breasts that weren't there a minute ago.

Her dress was made of better materials, and it seemed the shell and tail that she had been wearing were attached. It seems Nadya’s spell transformed her into a real version of Bowsette. As you can imagine, she nearly screamed with excitement when I realized.

Alek ran outside to get away from the crowd of people and walked around the side of her house. She wasn’t exactly alone, as a small girl with a halo and angel wings was sitting on the porch above her staring out into space.

But it was still secluded enough for her. She started messing with her body, running her fingers through her hair, touching her new horns, and even using her tail to smack random junk she had lying around outside. She couldn’t believe how amazing her body was now.

Once she had enough fun outside, she returned to the party. Some people had left, but a lot of them were still around, and everyone seemed to be having a good time. Alek was surprised not one person was upset about the change.

Alek went to the kitchen as she remembered Stepan had been in the kitchen preparing snacks. Alek couldn’t remember what Stepan was dressed as, but she sure wasn’t expecting Stepan to be standing in the kitchen only wearing her Starbucks apron.

She was wearing it when the change happened, and it turned her into the Starbucks milk meme, so now she’d in here offering everyone coffee with breast milk. Alek of course accepted and chugged it down, surprised at how good it was.

A half-hour passed and Alek was still walking around. The party was starting to die down, so Alek went around to check on everyone. She wasn’t entirely sure who was who due to the changes, but she did her best.

In one of the bedrooms, there was a jock, cheerleading, and a succubus. The jock had his pants down, and the succubus was sucking his dick, all while the cheerleader used her pom-poms to cheer them on.

Alek looked for a minute before she just closed the door and let them have their fun. She figured that the jock and cheerleader were Alfred and Sharyn who wore each other's uniforms as costumes, and the succubus was Larisa.

Alek continued down the hall and watched as the angel girl from before flapped her wings and took off into the night. Then finally at the end of the hall, she found an orange slime girl playing around in her bathtub.

Everyone still seemed like they were having a good time, that spell Nadya had cast did make everyone night. Alek was hoping to find her and thank her, and maybe convince her to let Alek keep this body, but she was nowhere to be found.

Figuring this wasn’t going to last, Alek excused herself from the party and locked herself away in her bedroom to play with herself a bit. She removed her dress sat on her bed and played with her new breasts.

It was an amazing experience, her breasts were so soft, so plump and they felt so good to squeeze. She eventually went from squeezing her breasts to using one hand to pleasure herself and ending with an orgasm that caused her to pass out.

She woke up the next morning and was pleasantly surprised to find she still had her Bowsette body. She wiped herself off, since she didn’t get to last night due to passing out, and got dressed. Heading out to check on the situation.

She made her way around the house, her place was kind of trashed, but hey that’s a sign of a good party. Only a few people were left, the jock and his cheerleader, Stepan, and the slime girl in the bathtub.

It seemed everyone left to do who knows what in their new bodies. Alek began to happily dust around picking up the messes, even using her tail to whack garbage into a bag. By the time noon came about, she had finished cleaning and the remaining people had left.

With the party over and everyone gone, Alek or should she call herself Bowsette now? She liked the sound of that. She decided to adopt the name, and from that day forward be the sexy queen of the koopa even if it was mostly in appearance only.

A week passes and the class returns to school after the long break. Mostly everyone is there, with several of them looking for Nadya, they were wondering when she was going to turn them back to normal.

Unfortunately, no one had seen her since, so no one was able to turn back, not that Bowsette wanted to, but she did feel bad for some of her friends. Two years passed from that day, and most of the class had lost communication more than a year ago.

Now Bowsette works for Nintendo as a professional model. They hired her after seeing how popular she got at video game conventions. They even introduced Bowsette as a playable character in most of their games.

Life is pretty sweet for her now, not only does she have a body she adores, she gets to spend her days traveling around as a mascot for a popular brand. There was nothing she’d give up this wonderful life for, that costume party was the best idea she ever had.




You know... There is such a word as "ideal" but even that is not enough to describe HOW well you did in telling this story! This is just incredibly good!!! You are a real genius! . . . In general, yes... You already understand that I really liked this story, but as for the specifics... Everyone likes Bowsett and that's a fact!