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It was December 1st Ryder was in the living setting up a tree, and Morgyn his girlfriend was supposed to be in the attic pulling out the Christmas decorations so they could set them up together like they had done every year since they started dating.

Ryder wasn’t expecting her to come in wearing a sexy Santa suit and carrying a huge sack filled with what he assumed were presents. “What’s all this? Has Santa come early?” Morgyn smiled and giggled.

“That’s right, someone has been a very good boy and deserves very special presents this year.” Morgyn walked over to the tree and opened the bag. She began pulling out present after present until twenty-five presents all with his name on them.

“Wow, that's so many? Have I really been that good?” Morgyn turns her head and winks at him. She picks up a present and walks over to him. “Yes you have, and I thought this year I could do something extra special to show you how amazing you are.”

She handed the present to Ryder. “In each of these boxes is a piece of paper with a different kink on it, and I know how much you’ve wanted to try some out. So each day you’ll open a new present and for that whole day we’ll do it.”

Ryder’s eyes lit up. “Are you sure?” Morgyn kissed him on the cheek. “Yes, I’m sure, plus it’s a little too late to back out now.” “What does that mean?” “Don’t worry about it, go ahead open your fist present and let’s get started!”

“Alright here goes!” Ryder unties the ribbon, lifts the top part of the box up, and places it down on the side of him. He pulls out the piece of paper. “Alright, the paper says…. Femboy? Sounds interesting, so what do I just wear some of your clothes?”

“That’s the fun part, just give it a second.” “Ah okay…” Suddenly Ryder started to shrink down, before he was nearly a foot taller than Morgyn, but now he was shorter by about six inches. “Wait what's going on? Why am I shrinking?”

“Hehehe.” Morgyn begins giggling as she watches her boyfriend suddenly change. All of his muscles started to fade away, leaving him skinny, nearly to the bone. “This is so strange? How did you do this Morgyn?”

“Don’t worry about the how, let’s just chalk it up to Christmas magic and enjoy the fun.” “Okay, as long as I get to change back in the end.” “Well we’ll see, but for now, look at your hair.” Ryder turned his head to see his hair growing out, it grew until it touched his butt.

“Wow, I’ve never had such long hair.” “It looks good on you, and it looks really soft.” “Yeah, it is…. Why does my crotch feel so tight?” Ryder looked down to see that his pants had changed color and turned red, and the parts around his crotch were disappearing.

His pants had morphed into a pair of Santa thigh-high socks, and his underwear had tuned into a red thong with a little white puff ball on it. “It even changed my clothes, and these panties are kind of embarrassing and they’re definitely crushing my balls.”

“Yes, but you look so cute as a femboy, especially with that matching bra covering what I assume is the tiniest breasts ever!” “With what?” Ryder lifts his hands up to his chest. “There really is a bra here, and you’re right, my chest does have small bumps on it, and even my nipples are bigger.”

“Well? How does it feel? Do you like this?” Ryder looks down at himself. ‘Yeah kind of, it’s a bit embarrassing, but I do feel super cute. So, as a femboy what am I supposed to do now?” Morgyn smiles.

“Well, mostly look cute and be adorable, which you're nailing. So mostly just enjoy being in that body and being a submissive cutie.” Morgyn says as she holds him, squeezing his butt. “Okay, I think I can do that.”

“Great! Now let’s finish setting up the Christmas decorations. How about you help me get the boxes from the attic?” “Sure, let’s do it.” The two head to their bedroom and pull the attic staircase down and Ryder climbs up.

He grabs a box and begins to walk down the stairs backward with it, and unbeknownst to him, he was shaking his cute little butt around. “Oh my, you’re so cute!” “Huh? What do you mean?” “Oh, nothing just keep doing what you’re doing.”

“Okay, weirdo.” Ryder and Morgyn bring down all the boxes and unpack them. They wrap the lights around the tree and add all the ornaments onto it. Then it was time for the last piece, the tree topper, a big star.

“Alright, the final piece, time for me to top the tree.” “Oh, how cute, my femboyfriend wants to top.” Morgyn says giggling. “Ha ha.” Ryder looked at the tree before he'd had no problem getting the star on, but now he was way too short.

“Um… Morgyn…” “Yes, honey?” “I… Uh… need…” Morgyn giggles again. “You need what? Help? If so just ask.” Ryder is bright red with embarrassment. “Yes… I need help…. It’s too high.” Morgyn comes over and stands next to Ryder.

“Okay, I’ll help.” Ryder went to hand the star to her, but instead of grabbing it, Morgyn picked up Ryder and lifted him up to the top of the star. “I can’t believe that worked, You’re so light now! Go ahead and put it on.”

Ryder didn’t say a word but placed it up on the tree. Morgyn placed him back on the ground and Ryder just stared at the ground embarrassed. “Oh, honey are you alright? Are you mad that you couldn’t do it alone?”

Ryder looked up and had his hands down covering his crotch. “No, it’s not that... It was actually fun being picked up, but…..” “Oh, you enjoyed it, so that means you’re embarrassed because of how erect your little cock is right now, which is on full display thanks to only wearing panties.”

Ryder looked up at her, eyes widening almost like he was wondering how she figured it out. “I uh… Yeah, but how…” “I mean, your hands aren't big enough to hide it, but also your nipples are super erect. Then there’s the fact I added getting aroused by submissive actions to this present.”

“Oh… Well, it definitely worked…” “Now, since you’re so worked up, how about I help relieve some of it.” “That… would be nice.” Morgyn picks Ryder up and carries him to the couch and places him on the cushion.

“Now, I’m going to stick you’re little dick in between my tits and bounce them up and down until you cum, but I need you to do something for me..” “That sounds amazing, whatever it is I’ll do it.” Morgyn removed her top and then her bra.

“Okay, I’m going to need to you play with your nipples and beg the whole time.” She then placed her huge breasts in between his cock. “So are you going to do it?” Ryder looked at her and nodded. He lifted his hands and stuck them under his bra.

“Please make me cum.” Morgyn smiled and began to bounce her tits on his cock. Ryder began to moan, and his dick quickly began to moisten making it easier for Morgyn’s breasts to slide up and down.

“Please… Oooh… I need to cum… Please… Faster…” “Hmmm, I don't know. Maybe I could if a really good girl asked.” “I’m… I am a good girl… please. OOoh… Please… make me…cum.” “Hmmm okay, since you're a good girl.”

Morgyn grabs her tits and pushed them together, then she doubles her bouncing speed. Once she did, it only took Ryder a few seconds to blow his load all over her and pass out. “You got it everywhere, but at least you had fun. I can’t wait for tomorrow's gift.”

So for the first day of Christmas Morgyn gave her boyfriend the gift of femboyism. Now after cleaning herself up, she sat with her sleeping little femboy and cuddled him as he slept so soundly. He still had twenty-four presents to open, and she was excited for each one.



Riley Gendreau

I wasn't really sure about censoring this one, but I'd rather be safe than sorry.


so that means it will be a whole 25 stories!... very good! I will look forward to each of them! As for this specifically... femboys are a rather specific topic... (I’m not even sure that I perceive this termen correctly and do not confuse it with “Traps”... or is it the same thing... it’s all very complicated but I will assume that I understood everything correctly and did not mix up anything) so on the one hand (if we take Anime as an example) they are very cute and beautiful (Ferikkusu Aagairu, Hideri Kanzaki and many other striking examples) on the other hand... cuteness is everything they have... in general, although they are beautiful, alas, femboys are not my thing, but otherwise I like them!

Riley Gendreau

Femboys are usually males who display traditionally feminine characteristics. That's it, they don't want to be girls, just cute boys. Crossdressers are usually men who like to dress up as women. They don't see themselves as such, merely they just enjoy wearing feminine clothes. Trans people, (Like me) Are people who don't feel comfortable with their arranged gender and activity and identify with the opposite or no gender at all. Trap is actually a slur used mostly to refer to trans females and characters in anime as men trying to deceive men. I know it's used in anime, but honestly I still find it messed up.