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Kasdfdsak's monthly reward November 2023

Jack was once again sitting at home playing games on his computer. Despite being eighteen, and his parents insisting he get a part-time job or start college, he still chose to lounge around being useless.

Then one day a job opportunity arose. “Come on Jack, just one photoshoot. All you’ll be doing is helping with lights and cameras, maybe with moving stuff.” Jack sighed as his sister Emily continued to beg him to help her out.

“It sounds boring. Why does it have to be me?” Jack said as he slouched down in his chair. “Because you’re the only person I know who never does anything, so since I need help last minute, you’re all I have.”

“Sounds like you’re problem not mine…” Emily sighed. “Come on dude. It’s not like I’m asking for free labor, I’ll pay you. One hundred bucks for one day, that should be enough for you to buy a new video game right?”

Jack’s interest had been picked. There was in fact a new game he wanted, and that would pay for it and some in-game currency for him to get a good early start. “Fine, that sounds reasonable.”

Emily let out a sigh of relief. “It’s settled then, go get in my car and we’ll head to my studio.” Jack picked up his phone and trudged down the stairs with his sister, saying goodbye to his parents who seemed overjoyed that he was leaving the house.

Jack hops in his sister's car and they drive across down to a building that Emily lives and works out of. “Alright, this photo shoot is a super big deal for my business, if it goes well, I’ll make the big leagues, so please take this seriously Jack.”

Jack sighed. “Okay, fine. Just tell me what to do and I’ll do it.” “Good to hear. To start, we need to set up some shooting areas. Go to the back and grab the black set of sheets, oh, and the white ones as well.”

Jack did a thumbs up to his sister, then walked to the back, and sorted through the sheets until he found the ones she requested. He walked back out with them. “Oh, you found them, good job. Go ahead and set them up while I get all the light stands in position.”

“Got it, boss.” Jack walked over to the large poles set up and draped one over it and then the other on the floor. Then suddenly from behind a ton of lights turned on, centering on him standing on the black sheet.

“Here Mom and Dad said you're useless, but you’re actually doing a good job.” Jack frowned. “I mean they’re sort of right, but mostly because of laziness.” “Well, in that case, maybe we should motivate you like this more often. Now can you go get the three racks of clothes from the back?”

“Sure.” Jack walked to the back, grabbed the first rack, and rolled it up to the front, making sure to go around all the lights and putting it behind the camera so it wouldn't be seen. “Jack, are you sure you haven't done this before?”

“Huh? Of course not, why?” Emily smiles. “I don't know, you just seem to know what you’re doing.” Jack just shrugged and went and got the last two racks. Upon returning with the last rack he saw his sister in a bit of a panic.

“Uuh… is everything okay?” Emily looked up at him. “No, not really, my model just canceled. Without her, there’s no photoshoot.” “Oh… So what do we do? Is there no one else who can model them? Like not even yourself?”

Emily shook her head. “There’s no way I could get another model here in time, and I need to be behind the camera and directing.” She went and sat at her table and put her head on it. “My big chance ruined.”

Jack started to feel bad, even though he didn't care for any of this, he did care for his sister and didn’t like seeing her upset. “Is there really nothing we can do?” Emily lifted her head and looked like she had an idea, but wasn’t saying it.

“Well? Is there something? If so let’s do it already. You don’t have a lot of time right?” Emily nodded and ran to her kitchen. She grabbed something from the cabinet and crushed it up, putting it into a cup of water.

She ran over to Jack and handed it to him. “Here, if you drink this, we could still do the photo shoot, and if you do it, I’ll give you what I was going to pay the model in addition to what I offered you originally.”

Jack had no idea what it was, but for that much money why would he question it? He grabbed the cup and chugged it. “Wow, that tastes, awful….. Also, I feel kind of lighthea…” Jack falls backward, getting caught by Emily as he passes out.

When Jack woke back up, she was sitting at the makeup table with his sister apparently applying makeup to her face. “Emily… What are you doing?” “Just a bit of touch-ups, why don’t you take a look for yourself.”

Emily stepped to the side and revealed a cute girl, with orange hair with small twin tails. Below that the girl was wearing a black dress. Almost something for a funeral or someone who likes darker clothes like emo or goth, Jack wasn’t entirely sure.

The girl had such a cute face and had a decent-sized rack, but it was a mirror she was looking into. “Wait, is that me? Did you drug me and force me to crossdress?” “Well, yes I did drug you, but you're not crossdressing.”

Jack looked at her confused. “What do you mean? I’m wearing a dress, and what feels like a bra and panties.” Emily looks a bit nervous. “You are, but technically it’s not cross-dressing. The drug I gave you turned you into a girl.”

“What! Why? Where did you get a drug like that?” “I’d explain it all, but we really need to get started if I hope to finish in time.” “Get started? Do you mean you want me to be the model? No way!”

“Oh come on, it’ll be fun, plus you’ll make a ton of money. Also if you’re embarrassed it’ll pass, and no one will ever know you’re the cute girl in these photos I swear.” “I’d know, and there’s no way I’m doing something so emasculating.”

“Please. This is the only option, plus I already used the pill on you, and got you all ready.” Jack crossed her arms and puffed her cheeks as she turned red with embarrassment. “Fine, but only this one photoshoot and you never ask for my help again, oh and don't tell anyone!”

Emily smiles. “You got it. Now go sit on the sheet and I’ll start directing you on poses and faces to make.” Over the next hour, Emily took a ton of photos of Jack as she posed in different positions and outfits.

“Alright final photo of the final dress. Grab your thigh and lift it. Then lean back a bit.” “Alright, Like this?” Emily snapped a photo. “Yes perfect, you did amazing beautiful work, lil sis.” Jack let out a little smile and turned bright red.

“So we’re done then?” “Yup.” “So when do I turn back to normal?” Emily shrugged and walked to the kitchen and grabbed the bottle the pill had come in. “It says after twenty-four hours.” “What? That's a long time! I can't go home like this?”

“Yeah, that would be awkward. I’ll call Mom and Dad and tell them you’re staying over tonight to help me clean up, and that way you can stay until you turn back.” “That should work…but does that mean I have to clean up now?”

“Yes, I mean if you want dinner tonight that is.” “Yeah, but from that pizza place I love.” “Got it, I’ll be back.” Jack started cleaning up and finished before her sister returned leaving her alone in her house.

With nothing else to do, Jack went and sat in the mirror and checked herself out. “I make a really cute girl. I’m even cuter than the characters I play in games.” She pinched her cheeks, ran her fingers through her hair, and adjusted the bra she was wearing, mostly to feel her breasts.

“This is freaky, I didn’t know there was a pill that could change your gender. I would have thought changing like this would make me feel out of place, or uncomfortable in my body, but it's the opposite.”

Jack smiled at herself. “I feel more conformable like this.” Jack continued to mess around and didn’t notice Emily had walked through the door. Emily watched her little sister having fun and talking to herself for a few minutes.

She then loudly closed the door and acted like she just walked in. “Foods here.” “Ahh.” “You okay?” “Yeah… You startled me. How long have you been here?” “Just walked in why?” “No particular reason, you're just quite opening doors, and loud closing them.”

Emily laughed and then the door ate dinner. “So the photoshoot, wasn't that bad right? Did you have fun?” Jack turned red. “No of course I didn't have fun, you turned me into an adorable girl and took so many photos of me.”

“Ah, yeah that can be quite overwhelming the first time, I guess that’s why you smiled in a few photos.” “I did?” “Yeah, I can’t do anything with them, but I printed them out anyway, why don’t you keep them.”

She handed Jack some photos along with her pay for today's work. Jack didn't even pay attention to the money and looked right at the photos. She really did smile at them, but she didn't mean to.

She actually had fun, wearing these dresses and posing. She finally looked at the cash and realized everything about this was a win for her. She turned bright red when the thought of doing it again popped into her head, followed by the thought of staying like this.

She looked at her sister who was eating pizza. “Um… Emily.” She turned towards Jack. “Yeah, what's up.” “I uh…. Would it… would it be okay to do this… You know again…” Emily nodded her head. “Yeah, of course, you're a great model.”

“Cool, the pay is great… I might be able to buy a new computer if I keep it up… When do you think you need a new model?” “I don't know maybe in a few days after I finished this project.” Jack felt sad. “Oh, okay.”

Emily looked up. “You know, I don’t use those pills. If you wanted them, for whatever reason, there’s a three-month supply in there. They’re also pretty easy to get, say if someone decided they wanted to take one every day.”

Jack’s face lit up and she ran to the kitchen to grab them, all while her sister giggled to herself. Emily didn't know why Jack was pretending not to like being a girl, but she'd support her as she discovered herself.

After that day, Jack changed her name to Jackie and became Emily’s main model. She makes a ton as a model, and despite what she tells everyone, she doesn't spend it on games, as her room is now filled with makeup, dresses, and other things she thought she needed to be a girl.

But she’s happy with her new body and life. Her sister is happy to have a reliable model who’s more than eager to work. Her parents are even happy that she has a job and gets out of the house now. Just one photoshoot changed her life and opened her eyes to an amazing new world.




Thank you! She is very pretty :D


Very good story... I liked it! Alas, that’s all I can say... (I’m not in the mood to rant at all today)