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A collab with hayleesimsa on Tumblr. We each made a story with the same general theme. The stories will be coming out publicly 1/02/2024

Other links for haylessimsa:

DeviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/hayleeshodgepodgetg

Blogger - https://hayleeshodgepodgeoftg.blogspot.com/

Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/@HayleeSimsa/featured

Tony and his family were taking their yearly family vacation, and this time they were heading to Changing Tides, a super popular resort located in Maui. Apparently, it was super hard to get into, but Tony's mom's boss got her tickets as a bonus for a great business deal she got them.

The family got set up in their rooms, which sat right on the beach. Tony was sitting at the glass door looking out at the water. He couldn’t wait to get out there and splash around in it. It was so clear, and according to reviews was like magic and could change your life.

That’s the model of the resort, so Tony figured everyone had such a good time they decided to get in on the joke. Tony turned to see his dad looking through some procures for activities, while his mother was looking at some of the spa options.

Only his sister Maria was as excited as him to get into the water. She was already pulling out her swimsuit and heading to the bathroom to change. Tony figured they could go together for a quick dip before the family activities began.

He dug through his luggage and pulled out his swim trunks and a swim shirt. Once his sister got out of the only bathroom, he went inside and changed. Once he was dressed, he noticed his appearance in the mirror.

Something about it just felt wrong, and he hated how he looked, but he didn’t know why, and there wasn’t much he could do about it. He left the bathroom and Maria and he walked out onto the nice warm sand.

As they walked to the beach his sister questioned why he was wearing a swim shirt, mentioning they brought plenty of sunscreen. Tony made up some excuse about swimming better, but in reality, he just didn’t feel comfortable not wearing it.

Maybe it wasn’t enough confidence to go topless or like before some weird reason that he didn’t quite understand. She seemed to buy it and move on, mostly because she suddenly started running towards the water.

Tony ran after her catching up to her when he was up to his knees in water. Maria started splashing him with water, and Tony started splashing back, soon enough a full-blown sibling war was in progress.

It eventually ended in a tie, and the two of them fell back to float in the water. After a few minutes, Maria got up and said she was heading back to check on our parents. Tony said he’d catch up with her in a few minutes.

Tony closed his eyes and enjoyed floating around, that was until he faintly heard his sister yelling at him. He stood up, got the water out of his ears, and asked her what was going on, why was she yelling?

She said something about a massive wave and pointed behind Tony. Tony looked behind him to see a fifteen-foot wave coming right at him. He didn’t have time to get out of the way and was picked up by it.

It tossed him around a ton and spun him like crazy. Eventually, Toni hit the ground and the water receded back. The next thing Toni knew, Maria was shaking her awake. Maria was asking her if she was okay.

Toni told her she was fine, maybe a little road burn and she might have swallowed some salt water but she’d live. Maria said she was glad she was okay, but then grew silent, almost like she was trying to think of a way to say something.

Toni never knew her sister not to speak her mind, so she asked her to spit it out. That's when Maria said that the wave did something to Toni, something that was so bizarre if she hadn't watched it, she’d never believe it.

Toni asked her what she was talking about, Maria helped Toni up and told her to just walk up to the sliding glass door with her. The two walked up the beach, the whole time Toni was curious about whatever scheme her sister was about to pull.

There turned out to be no scheme though. Maria told Toni to look at herself in the reflection of the door. Toni did, and shockingly, a short pretty girl with short pink hair, and a super cute two-piece swimsuit was staring back at her.

Toni hadn't even noticed the change. It felt so natural, so right, and for the first time, she hadn't been feeling awkward in her body. Toni was smiling at herself as she checked herself out, and Maria was surprised to see her former brother so excited to suddenly become a girl.

Maria told Toni it made a lot of sense. She always figured there was something different about Toni, but she had no idea that it was that she wanted to be a girl. Toni blushed and said she didn’t exactly know it either, but now that she was one, she knew she was meant to be one.

The two then looked inside at their parents who were still looking over the brochures and stuff for what to do. Maria and Toni discussed what they’d tell their parents, after all, how are they supposed to explain their son leaving for a few minutes, returning as a girl, and liking it?

Maria agreed no matter what, she’d support her and back her up as they explained it to them, then the two slid open the glass door and attempted to explain. They didn’t get the chance, as their mother looked up and smiled.

She started asking about the water, and then saying that her girls were so cute in their swimsuits, even insisting that she get a few photos of them in them before the trip ends. Toni and Maria looked at each other completely confused.

Their parents didn’t seem to even notice that Toni was a girl now, it seemed to them she’d always been that way. Perhaps it was because they weren't there when it happened and Maria was, so she's the only one to remember the old version of Toni.

Maria smiled at Toni and did the zipping her mouth and locking it motion, showing Toni that there was no reason to explain it and that she had no plans to tell anyone since Toni wanted to stay this way.

Toni smiled at her, and then the two asked their parents if they had figured out what they were doing first. That week was one of the best of Toni’s life. She and her family got to do a ton of activities, like playing tennis, and dancing late at night which she got to do in a cute dress, and so much more.

The whole time Toni was happy and outgoing, she didn't once feel awkward or out of place, and this caused the whole family to have a better time than they usually did. On the last night of the trip, Maria and Toni were lying on the beach talking about what happens when they get home.

Maria promised to teach her everything she needed to know about being a girl that way it should be easy to adjust to her new life, on the condition that she get to dress her sister up in all kinds of cute outfits since she kind of always wanted to do it.

Toni agreed, saying she was actually looking forward to it. She honestly couldn't wait, as soon as she got back home, she’d get to explore all the new things in her life that came with the change. She might have more friends, she’d definitely have cute clothes and maybe her room would be different.

She was so excited! She was also super glad they came here for vacation this year. This place was truly magic. That caused her to remember the reviews, she pulled out her phone and looked at them.

It was likely all these people changed like her, no wonder they left those reviews. Toni smiled as she began to write hers. “A perfect place to wash away your awkwardness and self-hate, come to Changing Tides it’ll change your life.” She hit submit and went back to watching the sky, ready for whatever came next.




good story, I liked it.... the interesting thing is that for me personally, for some reason it is very similar to not one of your other stories, namely “Sunset island mud baths” tell me, is it just me, or are they really similar to each other?

Riley Gendreau

They are similar in the fact that they both take place at some sort of resort. It's been a while since I read Sunset Island Mud Baths, but from what I remember, it took place in a distant magical past, so it's very possible after hundreds of years it has turned into this place. Although, sunset island offered the transformation as a gimmick, and they knew about it, where as this one only his sister knows he changed. Also, I think in sunset Island there was a chance to turn into other things than just a woman. So I don't know, but I'm sure we can still say its somehow connected.