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Well, that certainly is sweet, but I don’t grant any wishes that mess with other people's wishes. Since you are trying to be sweet I won’t punish you, we’ll go ahead and make you a cute cat girl. Now in my mind, there are pretty much two types of catgirls, big mature cats and cute little kittens, and based on what you wanted we’re going cute and little. So prepare yourself, your cuteness levels are going up. 

Now every cat girl big or small needs a set of soft ears on their head and a nice tail coming out of their back. Now you have the mandatory features, let me add some personal touches, like making you itty bitty. Since you're so tiny now I think making your hair as long as you will be adorable. I’ll also make your eyes a bit bigger so no one can resist your cuteness! Now you're the perrrrfect little kitten, everyone will want you as a pet!

Now you won’t have to worry about strangers trying to adopt you, I’m going to give you a nice loving home with an amazing caregiver. It’ll be a big house one with plenty of room for you and your new cat girl sisters. Now off you go little kitty, go run around and tire yourself out, I’m sure your caregiver will be home soon and you’ll be able to fall asleep on their lap.



Riley Gendreau

Just adding this to the archive, it's an old caption with a new look.