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It was past midnight on yet another Friday night, and you were lying in bed alone. You turn on your side and feel your erect dick push against your leg. You were hungry and needed release, but you were so sick of masturbation.

You hadn’t had much luck dating since your last girlfriend strangely disappeared, and it was starting to take its toll on you. All you wanted was one long night of passion with another person, preferably someone extremely kinky.

Suddenly your phone beeped, you had a new message from an unknown number. It read “I know what you need, head to 435 Westend Road and you’ll have the best night of your life.” Following that text was a picture of a woman.

It was a redhead with a huge meaty and sexy body. She was also clearly very aroused from the looks of her nipples, and for some reason, she wanted to play with you. It was a dream come true and exactly what you needed right now.

So despite being in the middle of the night you get dressed and head out to the address she had sent you. When you arrived you found yourself at a run-down apartment building in the quiet part of town.

You double-check the address and confirm it's correct. You walk up to the front door to knock, but as you do the door creeks open. You call out to see if anybody is here, but no one answers you.

You stick your head in and look around, the place is pretty well furnished. All but one light was off, so you made your way in, closing the door behind you, and went towards the lit-up room. When you reach it, you find a bedroom.

You walk in and notice the bed has something completely strange on it. You walk over to the bed and look closer. It seemed to be some sort of costume, or body suit of a woman. You turn it over and see a familiar face with red hair.

It was the girl that messaged you, but it turns out she wasn’t real. You move the bodysuit around and notice how realistic it felt, and how heavy it was. Your curiosity took over and you flipped it around and unzipped it.

There was plenty of room in the inside for you to fit in. You looked around too and no one was there, so there should be no harm in you trying it on. So you stripped naked and slid your legs into the legs of the suit.

Next, you slid your arms in, followed by putting your head into the mask. The suit was so much bigger than you, and it was hard to see out of, plus it was heavy as hell and hard to move, hell you couldn’t even reach the zipper to zip it up.

You push your back against the wall and get the zipper caught on something so you can pull it all the way up. Once it was fully zipped up, you could feel the inside of the suit moving, almost like it just turned on.

Suddenly the inside of the suit tightens until it fits you perfectly. You were even able to see through the mask like it was your own face. Then, you started to peel hundreds of tiny pokes all over your body.

It was like little needles being injected into your skin, it didn’t hurt but it felt like it had just attacked all your nerves. Then suddenly you felt something attach to your dick, and then you stopped being able to feel it.

A similar thing happened to your ass, something slid inside it and then it felt like it was gone, despite you knowing it didn’t slide out. You reached down to your dick, or more accurately the vagina on the suit, and tried to push on it to make sure your dick was okay.

When you did, you pushed hard not thinking anything would happen, but you were met with an immense amount of pleasure from the bodysuit's vagina. Somehow, you were completely able to feel it now, and it felt so real.

The suit must be some new hyperrealistic invention. You were a little freaked out by how real it was, but you were already inside, you might as well fully explore it. You reach your hands up to the massive breasts now sitting on your chest.

You grouped them, and they felt amazing, the more you did it the more the nipples became erect. As you were playing with them you heard something in the room drop. You look over and notice a very lazy latex outfit.

There was a note on it. “Put me on.” You thought it was strange, but it looked to be made for the body suit you were wearing, and you did want a kinky night, and latex was one of your favorite kinks.

It was hard, especially with how thick this body was, and how sensitive it was, but after a few minutes of struggling you managed to get the latex on over the body suit massive ass, and tits, securing it in place around your neck.

Much like the bodysuit did when you put it on, it felt like it was turned on and moving. It suddenly got tighter, crushing you inside it, especially your very erect nipples. It also sent a constant sensation of pleasure throughout your body, causing the bodysuit's vagina to start growing wet.

You fell back into the bed, and due to the pleasure and constant arousal, you couldn't stand anymore. You were moaning on the bed, trying to get one of your hands down to your vagina, while the other groupped your breast.

The problem was, between the massive meat on this body suit and the extremely tight latex you couldn’t reach your hand down to pleasure yourself. You were growing desperate when you heard a noise come from the bedroom door.

A large man walked in and looked at you, you wanted to ask him what he was doing here, but you couldn’t stop moaning to talk to him. Instead, you couldn’t help but look at him with desperation.

The man seemed to have taken that as his cue to jump on the bed with you. He unzipped his pants and pulled out his cock. He started to rub himself until his precum started to drip out, then he coated his dick in it.

From there he stuck his dick into the suit's vagina, which was so realistic and fully functional it might as well be your real vagina. It really felt like you had a huge cock inside you, and it felt so good.

He began to thrust back and forth, which caused your massive tits and all your excess body fat to start flopping around. The man enjoyed the sight, but eventually, he was enticed to grab them.

He took both his hands and grabbed as much of your breasts as he could, including your nipples, and squeezed them as hard as he could. This caused you to achieve an orgasm and liquid shot out all over the man fucking you.

Unlike when you masturbated alone, instead of the arousal going down after an orgasm your body was ready for another already, and you were craving the man to do it to you again. You orgasm three more times before the man shoots his load into you and gets up.

The man thanks you and you take a minute to catch your breath. That was the best experience of your life, it didn’t even matter to you that you were just fucked like a bitch by a man. You finish catching your breath and then feel the latex tightening again.

This resets the entire cycle, and suddenly you are aroused again, and another man is walking into the bedroom. He picks a hole in your body and starts fucking you in it. He finishes, leaves and the cycle begins again.

This happens about twenty times before the morning sun comes up and suddenly the latex suit loosens and seemingly deactivates. You catch your breath again and manage to sit up, you are now sore as hell, covered in cum, and smelled awful.

You looked around the room again, trying to figure out what exactly was going on here, that's when you noticed a little red light on a bookshelf in the room. You get up and walk over to it, there you find a small camera with a note.

Someone had set this all up, and recorded your kinky night, but why? You look at the note. “I fulfilled your desire. You can now remove the latex and the body suit and return to your old life and no one will ever know what you did.”

You looked at the note, at the bottom was a little arrow pointing toward the back. You flip it over and continue reading it. “Or if you really enjoyed your night you can keep the suit on, and remain as my little cam girl.”

“If you do I’ll make sure every night you have plenty of partners to please you, I’ll also make you famous and rich, but there is a catch. The suit will continue to attach to you, and replace your current body until it becomes your real body so there will be no going back.”

You put the note down and look down at the body suit, or was it your new body? You were thinking about taking it off, but then you antecedently rubbed your nipple again, and the pleasure you received made your decision for you.

You remove the latex suit and place it on the floor, then you head to the building's shower. You had to clean up and get ready for tonight's activities. You happily swayed your massive hips as you walked, thinking about how you’ll never be alone again.




I like! This is a really cool story, I even wanted to see a sequel!