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It was a simple wish, the ability to play with her body whenever he pleased. About three months have passed since Carl Harrison made a wish on a shooting star that left him stuck in the body of his sexy next-door neighbor Rebecca.  During that first day, Rebecca had been upset and panicking about the transformation, when suddenly her new baby woke up and began crying. She ran to her child and began trying to calm it down. She didn’t know what it wanted at first, but thanks to her new motherly instincts and her now leaking breasts she knew exactly what to do. She fed and changed her child, which made her feel so happy. Despite it not being her baby the day before, she was now filled with love towards the baby.  She knew she needed to protect and care for it. So she laid the baby inside a playpen in the living room and began to try to figure herself out, for the sake of the baby. Her first goal was to figure out who Rebecca was, other than a hot milf that is. 

She rummaged through her house until she found her purse. Inside was her phone and her wallet. She pulled out her wallet and found her Identification card. Rebecca Holt, twenty-nine, birthday April seventeenth, nineteen-ninety-four. Along with that had her social security card and birth certificate.  Her phone also stored all her passwords and accounts on it with facial recognition. Using her phone she was able to figure out most of her life, she was a single child, and she was also a registered nurse. Rebecca had taken time off to care for her newborn and just hasn't returned to work yet.  That was a problem as the new Rebecca didn’t know anything about being a nurse, so she was going to have to find another line of work or start learning about it. She was also able to find out the name of her child. It was Ruby Holt, She was indeed a bright beautiful gem. Rebecca smiled after reading her name but also became concerned. She wasn’t able to find anything about who Ruby’s other parent was. She couldn’t even find anything relating to a potential spouse, boyfriend, or any friends with benefits. 

As far as she could tell she just became pregnant, which could be absurd if she hadn’t become a woman from wishing on a shooting star. Although more than likely, whatever way she got pregnant she didn’t want anyone to know about it.  So it was going to be difficult for her to adjust, but not impossible. So here we are a few months later. Over the first month, Rebecca spent all of her time caring for Ruby, while learning how to style her hair, apply makeup, dress appropriately, and learn all about the female anatomy. All while avoiding her former perverted body. She did talk to her former self once, he had come to her begging her to forgive him and not call the cops. He even confused his love, which just made her realize how sad and pathetic she was before. She knew exactly what he was thinking, she used to be him after all. She was honestly disgusted with it all. She told him to stay away from her, and if she caught him peeping again she’d have him arrested.

Sometime later she needed to find a new job, so she began job hunting for anything that would hire a sexy woman with big tits who had the education of a high schooler. There were a few options, none she really wanted to do.  Her choices were stripper at a local club, some retail jobs, and a playboy bunny waitress at a casino deeper in the city. She definitely didn’t want to be a stripper and a retail job wouldn’t pay that much. So she decided to apply for the casino job. Even though wearing a Playboy bunny outfit all day would be entirely embarrassing, and there would definitely be tons of drunk men watching her every step. She got called in for an interview and one look at her figure and the manager hired her right away. She was even sent right down to their in-house seamstress to get her measurements for her new uniform. By the end of the week, Rebecca was in uniform and training for her new job. Like expected men constantly looked at her in awe, she was sure each one wanted to screw her brains out.

Which honestly sounded better and better each time she thought about it. Over the next few months, she continued to balance her motherly duties and her job, rarely finding time for herself. She was beginning to feel lonely and tired, she needed something special to happen. Lucky for her, she would soon get exactly what was missing in her new life. One day while serving people at the casino, a man bumps into her, causing her to fall down and get covered in alcohol. He apologized to her, trying to make sure she was okay. He reached down his hand to help her up, and when she grabbed his hand, they just looked into each other's eyes. It was like love at first sight for Rebecca. She couldn't help but get all giggly while talking to him. They continued to talk and he offered to take her shopping after her shift for a new outfit, it was the least he could do after making a mess out of her current one. She accepted and later that day they went out together, Rebecca picked out something and he paid for it.

He asked her what she picked out and she refused to tell him, saying that if he wanted to see, he had to come home with her. He happily accepted and they went back to her place. As they walked in Rebecca caught a glimpse of her former body looking a little upset. Likely upset that she walked by with a strong handsome man. When they got in she asked the babysitter if she would take Ruby for a walk in her stroller for about an hour, the babysitter knowing what Rebecca was really asking agreed and headed off. Rebecca and the man went up to her bedroom where she got changed. She put on the robe the man had bought her, which made it quite easy to access her womanhood. The man seemed quite pleased with how it hugged her body and began caressing her.  That was the first of many times Rebecca would experience the wonders of sex as a woman, this time was a little special, as she forgot to close the curtains, leaving her old self angry and upset that his milf was being taken by another man, essentially ruining his fantasy forever.  After they were done, she walked over still naked flipped off her former body, and closed the curtains. She left the man to clean himself and even offered to let him shower and told him they could talk downstairs if he wanted.  She went down and made some tea, she sat at her table and started thinking to herself. So this was her life now, unless, of course, another magical shooting star appeared, although she didn't know if she’d still want to change back.  She decided she’d try to enjoy this life to its fullest, maybe find a husband and stepfather for her precious child, hell maybe the guy upstairs was the man for the job. It’s not what I wished for, but looking at my old life, this is so much better.



Riley Gendreau

This is old content, I'm just adding it to the Patreon collection.