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Kasdfdsak's monthly reward September 2023

Like most people once a year I get a week's worth of paid vacation time, a whole week of no work, and pure relaxation. I usually make the most of this time, using it to travel around the world and experience all kinds of new things.

This year I decided it was time to explore the ocean, more specifically go scuba diving in the great coral reefs. The best part is that I rented a boat house for the week, and I plan to load it with enough supplies to stay in the ocean without needing to return.

So it’ll be just me and the open sea for a week, I know to some people that may be a bit lonely, but to me it’s just another fun experience. I finish my last week of work, cloak out Friday night, and head right to the rental place.

I get checked in and given the keys, I’m shown to the boat and then left to my own devices. The place has a pretty decent kitchen, stove, and fridge that works. So I head back to my car and head to a supermarket.

I picked out food and drinks for the week, picked up a dozen cases of beer, and returned to the boat. I load everything onto the boat and head back out to make one more stop before setting sail.

I stopped by a scuba shop and got all the equipment I needed for scuba diving. They also had some fishing equipment so I picked up a small tackle box and a new fishing pole, not sure yet if I’ll use it, but you never know.

With everything in tow, I return to the boat, load the last of my stuff up, park my car, and start the boat's engine. It took me a while to get out of the port, I was going quite slow as I didn’t want to damage anything.

After I was free of the port, it took a couple of hours to get to the coral reef I planned to visit, but I eventually arrived and set my anchor. The anchor wasn’t going anywhere for a week, which meant the boat wasn’t moving, which also meant I was safe to break open a beer.

I chug the first one and go and relax on the bed. It was nearly three in the morning, so jumping into the water while it was dark and I was tired was a bad idea. I’ll just wake up early and check out the coral.

I pass out rather quickly and have the strangest dream. I was swimming through the coral when I found this glowing pink piece, for some reason, I picked it up and it began to shine so brightly it blinded me, then I suddenly woke up.

I was a little disappointed to wake up before finding out how the dream ended, but I quickly forgot about it as I got ready to jump in and see it for real. I change into my wet suit, place my goggles and snorkel on my head, and grab the oxygen tank.

I strap it into place and turn it on, test it out, and finally dive backward into the water. I made my way down and was met with a beautiful array of colors. The coral, the fish, everything, was so majestic, I couldn’t believe what I was seeing.

I knew already this entire trip was worth it for this view. I begin swimming around different areas, picking up rocks, following fish, and of course, doing tricks in the water. That’s when I saw it, the coral from my dream.

A glowing pink piece of coral sat there, drawing my attention towards it. Perhaps it’s some rare coral I read about once and that's why I dreamt about it. I swam closer to it so I could get a better look.

As I did, it started to feel like it was calling me. The closer I got, the more I desired to hold it in my hands, so by the time I reached it, I had pulled it right out. Much like my dream, it glowed very brightly.

A burst of light came out of it, and for a good minute, I was blinded. When I was able to see again, I noticed the coral was gone. It also wasn’t the only thing that was gone, my entire scuba equipment was gone.

This meant I had no oxygen, so I panicked a bit and swam up as quickly as possible to the surface. My body felt strange the whole time, but I didn’t have time to worry about that. I get to the surface and make my way to the boat.

I pull myself onto the deck and plop onto my back to catch my breath. I open my eyes after a minute and move my hair out of my view. I then sit up to try and figure out what the hell just happened to me.

That's when I felt something on my chest pull down and bounce back up. Normally when I was sitting like this I could see all the way down, but currently, my chest was swollen and two large lumps blocked my view.

Had I been poked or stung by a sea creature? Perhaps this swelling broke my scuba gear and that's why I’m naked now, but I think I’ll head to the bathroom and look in the mirror to make sure it’s okay.

I walk into the interior of the boat and notice it strangely feels much larger. I shrug it off and head to the mirror. I stick my chest right into the mirror and try to inspect for any sting holes or anything really that would cause this swelling.

But I found nothing, and honestly, if I didn’t know any better, I’d say it looked like I had a pair of breasts instead of a swollen chest. I laugh at the thought, imagining if I somehow had boobs if I’d somehow become a girl.

I grow silent for a minute, the I reach my hand down to my crotch. I screamed when I placed my hand on it to feel nothing but a flat surface with a little bump. It was true, I did somehow become a woman.

How? Why? Was it the coral? What do I do about this? How do I change back, do I have to find a glowing blue coral? How do I explain this to anyone? I couldn’t manage to calm down, so I decided to drink a couple of beers.

That managed to calm me down, but it didn’t exactly help me figure out what to do. It did give me the confidence to fiddle around with this body, and boy breasts feel great to fondle both when you are the one fondling them, and the one getting fondled.

I ended up drinking until I passed out. I woke up the next morning still a woman with no idea what to do about it, but I was much less panicked about it than I was yesterday. I convinced myself there had to be a way back to normal.

So I looked around to see if any bits of my scuba gear were around, but all I ended up finding was a woman's bikini set. Not sure where it came from, my guess is it was left behind by the last person to rent the boat.

Having nothing else that would fit, I threw it on. I head back to the water and jump in. I begin to swim around and check every piece of coral, I just need to find a glowing blue one, I’m sure there’s one somewhere.

I ran into a big problem though, without the scuba gear, I couldn’t get that low, and I definitely couldn’t stay underwater that long. The longest I could stay underwater by holding my breath was like a minute and a half.

I wasted the entire day trying to make this work, but I found myself suddenly tired and extremely hungry. I wasn’t sure if I had eaten since I got here, so I headed back to the boat to cook and relax, all so I had the energy to try again.

I headed to the bed and noticed by bag of clothes sitting on the side, but the bag was slightly different than I remember, It had a large pink flower on it now. I open the bag up to find a ton of women's clothes in exactly my size.

I guess the coral changed my clothes as well as my body, I suppose that's pretty neat. I get some pajamas on, grab another beer and once again pass out on the bed, waking up again first thing in the morning.

I was feeling sluggish this morning, so I decided to relax today. I decided to pick up my search again the next day. So I grabbed the fishing pole and some beer, and had a genuinely fun day, even catching a fish to eat that night.

I woke up the next day feeling extremely energized and quite happy. I got my bikini on and hopped into the ocean again. I started by looking for the coral, but it eventually got too hard, so I gave up in favor of chasing around some cool fish.

Again, I ended the day a woman, and woke up the next day a woman, no closer to changing back. Today was my last day out here, so I really had to find this blue coral, or else I might be stuck with a woman for the rest of my life.

The rest of my life, for some reason that doesn’t sound so bad, it definitely doesn't bother me, which is strange. I shrug it off and hop back into the water. I look around for the blue coral for maybe three minutes before getting distracted and doing something fun.

As the sun sets, I pull up the anchor and head back to the port. I pack up my stuff and put it in my car, which also seems different, I’m pretty sure it hasn’t always been yellow, but I could be wrong.

I head to the rental place and hand the key to the man who gave it to me originally, and he doesn’t seem to notice anything out of place about me. He asked me about the trip, and we ended up talking for a good half hour about the ocean.

After that, I get into my car and head home. When I arrived at my house, it was also different, everything was much more feminine. It seems that coral changed everything for me, I guess it's true what they say, it’s a view that changes your life.

I’m going to have to re-learn everything about my life, and where things are in my house, but for some reason I’m not mad about it. I’m actually kind of excited for next year's trip, I have a feeling it’s going to be even better!



Riley Gendreau

I hope you enjoy Kasdfdsak! It's ocean-themed, but not beach related, well except the swimsuit I suppose!


eh... he's lucky... I even envy him a little... but who knows what? you should not break corals, yes they are very beautiful, but did you know that they are clearly a vital environment for thousands of different species of organisms and the canals grow very slowly, about 1 centimeter per YEAR!!! so I ask you to take care of nature!!! (sorry if this is boring, I just recently went on a tour of the aquarium and they told us in great detail about coral reefs)