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12Animefan21's monthly reward July 2023

Christian was at home one day when the mail arrived. He walked outside to collect it and was handed a stack of junk mail. This had become quite common lately, but the worst part about it was they stuck the real mail in the middle.

So Christian walks over to the trash can and starts sorting the mail, putting things like bills to the side, and putting junk mail right into the trash. As he’s sorting through the mail he finds a fancy envelope with the address handwritten in.

He never received mail like this, so he gently opened it up to check it out. It turned out to be an invitation to a wedding. The people getting married were, Sebastian and Melody. Christian, honestly had no idea who these people were.

He assumed they were some sort of distant relatives, as random invites from them do tend to show up from time to time. Christian decided to attend it, after all they wanted him there, and free food and alcohol sounded great!

So he sent the rsvp back to them to let them know he was coming. Since the wedding was only a month out, Christian decided to check out what he had for formal wear. As it turned out, he didn't have any.

So he heads off to a store that sells suits and tailors them. He spoke to the store attendant about renting a suit for an event about a month out. They were more than happy to do it, all they needed was to measure Christian  to make sure they gave him a good size.

After getting measured, Christian paid for the suit rental and paid a safety deposit just in case something happens while wearing it. Now all Christian had to do was wait for the wedding to pick it up.

Several weeks pass by and Christian completely forgets about the wedding until the morning of. Thankfully the tailors called him early in the morning to remind him about his order. He rushes to go and pick it up so he can return home and get ready.

He managed to get most of the suit on, but struggled with the tie a bit. He ended up pulling up a video with step by step instructions to get it just right. Once he was in the suit, he hopped in his car and headed to the church listed on the invite.

When he arrives he notices no one is here yet and worries he went to the wrong place. He parks his car and checks the invite and realizes he is about an hour and a half early. He slaps his face and calls himself an idiot.

Christian decides to get out and see if they could use help setting up. He walks inside and sees all kinds of people running around and preparing things. As he’s looking around a woman approaches him and talks to him.

She tells him the bride hasn’t eaten anything all day and needs someone to bring her something. She then hands Christian a huge silver tray, it had all kinds of small treats and a teapot with matching tea cups.

She then told him the bride would be arriving soon, and then she pointed towards where the room she would be getting ready was. Then the woman rushed off before Christian could get a word in.

Christian did come in to help, so might as well help right? So he walks through the church doing his best to keep the large tray flat so nothing spills. He makes his way into the back room the woman had pointed him to.

He knew he was in the right room, as the wedding dress and veil was hanging up in the room. There was also a ton of makeup and hair products laying around, there was even a pretty bouquet of flowers.

Christian looked around for a place to put the serving tray, but with so much laying around on the tables there weren't many spots. So he decided to move the bouquet over to one of the chairs and place the tray on the table in its place.

He picked up the flowers and felt a sort of zap in his hand, ignoring it he placed the tray down. She then began looking over the flowers, she actually thought they were quite pretty, especially the purple ones.

While looking at the flowers, some women walked in. She panicked and placed the flowers, apologizing for holding them. She began telling the women who walked in that she was only in here to drop off the serving tray.

They looked confused, and asked her if she was okay? One of the women then looked kinda mad, leaving the room saying something about how dare they make the bride serve herself on her wedding day.

The other two women told Melody to get undressed so they could help her get into her wedding dress. Melody looked around, wondering which one of them was the bride, until she realized they were talking about her.

Before she could explain she was just attending the wedding the woman ripped all her clothes off and brought her to the standing mirror. That’s when Melody realized the person looking back at her in the mirror was not someone familiar to her.

Somehow within minutes of walking into this room she had turned into a woman, with long purplish hair, a very busty chest, and a very slim body. She was honestly in shock, how could she even begin to explain this situation to them, when she looked like this.

So while completely speechless, Melody watches as the woman slips panties up her legs, and then a big puffy and frilly wedding dress. Melody had to admit, it felt amazing, although it was quite thick and heavy.

She turned bright red as she looked into the mirror, she couldn't help but feel really cute in the dress. Once they tightened the dress, the two women sat her down on a chair and began to work on her hair and makeup.

Now the whole situation hadn’t hit Melody yet, between the shock of suddenly being a woman, and the embarrassment of thinking she was cute while wearing the wedding dress, it didn’t quite hit her yet that she was about to get married.

That was until the woman began working on her hair and makeup. They began talking about Sebastian and how lucky Melody was to be marrying such a handsome and rich man. She was now panicking inside, as she was to be married to someone she doesn’t even know.

She wanted to get up and storm out, or even wake up from this crazy dream, but for some reason she couldn’t do either. It was also strange, everytime the women behind her talked about Sebastian, Melody felt happy.

Melody couldn’t figure out why she was feeling this way, she didn’t know him right? Why would thinking about him make her happy? Maybe it was the way he was always nice to her, or even how romantic he was.

Maybe it was how he was a good person, always helping people and volunteering his time to many different charities. Or perhaps it's because he was the only man she had ever dated that knew exactly how to please her in bed.

Melody couldn’t figure it out, there were too many reasons to love her future husband, but all that mattered is she did. She reassured herself and smiled into the mirror as she watched the woman working on her hair.

It took a while to finish her hair and makeup, but once it was done the woman placed her veil on top of her head and told her she was ready and perfect. Melody got up and thanked the woman, and then they walked out.

Now all Melody had to do was wait until the wedding started and someone came and got her. That part didn’t take nearly as long as her hair and makeup. Her dad came into the room and asked her if she was ready.

Melody smiled and said of course. Then her dad walked her down the aisle as wonderful music played. Melody was led up to the altar and there she faced Sebastian, who called her the most beautiful woman in the world.

The pastor began the ceremony and then Sebastian read his vow, and then it was Melody’s turn. She didn’t have anything pre written, so she spoke from her heart, telling Sebation how amazing he was, and how she felt like a better person being with him.

She told him that she couldn’t wait to be his loving wife, and that it’s her dream to start a family with him and this was merely the first step. After that the pastor told them that they could kiss, and the two shared a long romantic kiss.

After that was time for the bouquet toss, all of Melody’s unmarried friends were already lined up below her. So she turned until her back was facing them and prepared to throw the flowers into her crowd of friends.

Right before she tossed it, she felt strange. It was almost like a part of her felt something was wrong. She felt kinda sad, and looked down at the flowers. Then she realized that her special purple flower was still in it.

So she pulled it out and put it in her hair, then she smiled as she tossed the flowers into the air behind her. When she turned around her friend Rhea caught the flowers and she was so happy for her.

After that Melody and Sebastian walked down the aisle together and got into a limo. The two of them were off to a hotel room to truly officiate their marriage. After that the two plan to honeymoon for two weeks in hawaii.

Melody held Sebastian's arm as they rode in the limo, she was so happy. She was staring out the window, she still had an uneasy feeling about all of this, but she began to push those feelings and thoughts away. She knew she was in the right place, and she didn't want to change it one bit.




Wow, wonderful. I Love it. Also the image you chose for it, perfect.


wedding is so touching and exciting this charming music, these traces of happiness and these most important words... love each other and you will always be happy. and now let the groom kiss the bride!