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Uncensored version:

Holding the ticket in his hands, Wolvesone closes his eyes and begins to think about appearing before the genie. The number 138 appears on the ticket, and Wolvesone is instantly teleported in front of a genie.

“Hello Wolvesone! I’m glad you made it here safely! Now that you’re here, we can go ahead and get started on getting you your one free wish. Now come on over and tell me what it is your heart desires.”

With that, the genie waits for you to speak your wish. "I wish to become a female living moveable statue" The genie looks puzzled. “Okay? That’s a unique wish for sure. I’m not sure why you want that, but it’s your wish and I’m happy to grant it.”

The genie walks off and looks at some orbs. “I can use this one, but I’ll need another one to complete it.” She continued walking and looking at orbs. “Hmm, oh! This one will work.” The genie grabs a second smaller orb.

She then takes both orbs and crushes them together. Out comes one slightly larger orb. The genie looks into it. “Perfect!” She then quickly spun around till she was facing Wolves one and ran back towards him.

“Here you go. One living and moveable female statue orb. I took an orb that would have turned you into just a statue and added a life-giving orb to it, so once you head back you should be exactly what you wished for.”

Wolvesone thanked the genie and took the orb. He then looked it over wondering what he was supposed to do with it. “Oh, sorry I forgot to explain, it’ll activate when I send you back, so just hold it tightly and let the magic do the work!”

The genie then raised her hand and snapped her finger. Suddenly everything went very dark and Wolve felt like she was buried under sand. Wolf could already tell her body was very different, but being trapped she wasn't able to check it out currently.

She was able to move her hand a bit and started using that to dig enough to get her hand out to the surface. As soon as she did, she heard someone shout. “Holy hell! Did that hand just come poking out of the sand?”

“No way that’s crazy, statues don’t move. Here help me do it out. If it’s in one piece it’ll be worth a fortune.” “Right.” Wolve then heard two women come over to just above her and started digging. It took a few minutes, but they got enough sand away for Wolve to force her way out.

The two women jumped back, with one falling to her butt and the other pointing her shovel at Wolve. “It’s… it’s really moving!” “I… You were right.” The woman with the shovel jabbed it towards Wolve. “Stay back monster.”

Wolve put her hand up and told them not to hurt her. “It.. talks…” “I guess it does… This is seriously strange.” Wolve tells them that she’s friendly and then makes up a lie about being cursed long ago by the gods, and has been a statue buried on the sand since.

The girls believed Wolve and took her back to their camp so they could figure out what to do with her. While the women talked, Wolve sat by the water and looked at her body. There was no doubt she was female, as her body was very curvy and her boobs were massive.

She was also obviously a statue, or at the very least made of stone like many statues. Her body was a bit stiff, hard to the touch with very little flexibility and she was heavy as hell. Each step she took made large marks in the sand.

She could be easily three hundred pounds, or even four hundred thanks to how heavy and big her chest is. Then finally she was clearly able to move, so overall her wish was granted, now all that was left was to enjoy it, and hopefully not get sold off by these two women to some private collector.

After some time one of the women comes back to speak with Wolve. “So, uh, we’re really not sure what to do with you, as you’re alive, but also a statue from ancient times, so someone is going to want to kidnap you.” The woman rubbed her head.

“So you’re free to go as you please, but I did manage to get you a sweet deal with a very famous museum. There you’ll be safe, have a decent job, and have people who can take care of your stone body and make repairs as needed. Oh, and some clothes if you want them.” Wolve thought about it for a moment, it was better than sitting here, so she agreed. She was off to work at a museum as of all things a piece of art. From there, who knows where this new life will take her?



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