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12Animefan21's 2nd Monthly commission for August 2024

It was very early in the morning when Melody’s alarm started going off. She turned it off and was a bit confused, the sun was not even starting to come up yet, so why was her alarm going off? She didn’t set it, but perhaps Nadine did.

Melody gets up and goes to the bathroom. She uses the toilet, washes her hands and face, and brushes her teeth like she normally does in the morning. Once she was done, she was going to leave, but remembered she had several new things added to her morning routine.

She grabbed her hairbrush and started to brush all the knots out of her hair, and since she didn’t put it up before sleeping there were quite a few. It took her ten minutes to brush it all out. Once there were no knots, she split her hair in half and made a pair of twin tails.

It was still a bit embarrassing to have her hair in such a girly way, but she’d gotten used to it. After her hair came her legs. She had to check them and make sure there was no hair growing, and if there was she was supposed to have them.

She found a bit of hair, so another ten minutes passed as she shaved them nice and smooth. After that, she was able to finish her bathroom routine by applying deodorant. As she got back into her bedroom she couldn't believe almost a half hour had passed and she was nowhere close to ready.

That’s when some advice from Nadine popped into Melody’s head. She said Melody was going to want to get up early from now on, and now Melody understood why. Even being up an hour early, she was on track to be ready by her normal time.

Melody sighed, there had been a lot of good things with being a girl so far, so it only made sense that there was something she wouldn't like, that being getting up early, but she was sure to get used to it if she does it every day for a year.

Melody goes to her closet and grabs her school uniform, a pair of panties, and a bra. For the most part, everything was pretty easy to get on. She only struggled a bit with latching the bra and tying her necktie.

Luckily Melody’s mother Zoe was able to help her and show her how to do it right, though she had to claim her hand was cramping and she couldn’t do it. Melody ate breakfast with her mother, once she was done, it was time for her to leave.

Melody goes to the front door but stops at the mirror to look at herself. It was still unbelievable to her that she was wearing the girl's uniform, and that she was actually a girl. Though she had to admit, she looked super cute in it.

Melody runs out of her house afterward and starts making her way to school. On the way, she ran into Nadine, which was quite normal since they lived close to each other. Nadine was happy to see Melody managed on her first day pretty well and gave her a kiss as a reward.

The two then held hands and walked to school together. When they arrived at school it quickly became apparent that Melody’s life was completely different now. Everyone greeted her by name as they entered the school.

It was expected, but everyone really did act like Melody had always been a girl, even people she knew from before her sudden change, it was all so strange, but not as strange as how popular she seemed to be now.

Nadine had to drag Melody to class because people kept stopping her from talking, and she was too shy, nervous, and polite to tell them she couldn't talk right now. Melody thanked Nadine for saving her, as everything was a bit overwhelming at the moment.

Nadine smiled and said she was happy to help anytime. The two then sat through their first few classes of the day, which so far was the only part of her day that felt normal to Melody, as the work she had to do didn’t change at all.

Once half the day was over, they were allowed to take a break to relax a bit and eat lunch. As soon as that bell rang though, everyone in Melody’s class surrounded her and asked her to have lunch with them.

Seconds later there were even kids from other classes. Melody was once overwhelmed by her newfound popularity. She was saved from it by Hope yelling at people and Stefanie using her large size to bump people out of the way.

They grabbed Melody and pulled her out of the class and out to the school courtyard. It was nice and quiet out there and there were plenty of benches to sit on. Melody sat back and stretched her body, then sat how she normally would.

Hope sits on the top of the bench across from Melody and Stefanie and Nadine sit on the seat part below her. Then all three of them look at Melody. Hope and Stefanie start laughing and Nadine looks a bit embarrassed but focused on something.

Melody was a bit confused, but Hope told Melody she should get used to sitting like a girl. She then pointed out the way Melody was sitting and revealed her panties to all three of them. It takes Melody a second to figure out what she is talking about.

When it hit Melody, her entire face started to turn red as she blushed with embarrassment. She quickly grabbed the bottom of her skirt and pushed it down, then pressed her thighs together. Hope and Stefanie laughed a bit more.

Nadine finally spoke and told Melody not to feel too bad, it’s happened to all of them before. They agreed with Nadine, and all three of them started to give Melody more tips for being a girl, with a ton of it being about wearing skirts.

They made it very clear to Melody that if she goes up a flight of stairs, she has to hold the back of her skirt, as that's where the perverts in the school like to hang out. Melody nearly gagged at the thought of some perverted man peeping at her underwear, so she took that advice to heart.

After that, they ate lunch together and had a great time. Melody couldn't help but notice, whether she was a boy or girl, they were all so nice to her, they were truly her best friends and she loved them all deeply.

After that day, Melody had quite an awkward first week as a girl. Turns out that being a girl was a lot of work, and there was a lot to remember in order to avoid embarrassing situations. Each day had its own embarrassing situation.

On Tuesday Melody walked into the boy's room, where a bunch of guys were standing at the urinals. Neither the boys nor Melody said anything, but Melody was the only one who realized she wasn't supposed to be in there.

Melody didn’t realize she was in the wrong bathroom until she came out of a stall and all those guys were standing right next to the stall door. Melody ran out of the bathroom yelling she was sorry and ran into the right bathroom to wash her hands.

Wednesday Melody forgot to bring a sports bra for gym class, so not only were her nipples poking through her gym shirt, but her breasts were bouncing all over the place. It was so noticeable one of the boys ran into a wall because he couldn't take his eyes off her breasts.

Thursday she had swim class, and she didn’t know what size swimsuit she was supposed to wear, so she ended up grabbing one that was too small, so her entire body was crushed in the tight swimsuit.

Her breasts nearly popped out of the top, and her butt wouldn't stay in the suit. Finally Friday, she tried to drink out of a water bubbler and the fountain broke and covered her in water. Normally that would be fine, but now that she wears a white shirt.

The white shirt meant that when it was wet, you could see right through it, so the whole school could see her bra under her skirt. Melody was lucky the principal had seen the fountain break on her. He took her to his office and gave her a spare shirt to wear.

Melody now sat in her bed on Friday night waiting for her mom to finish cooking dinner. Melody was a bit wiped out and she was finally understanding how different life as a girl was going to be, but despite all that happened this week, she was still sort of happy.

Perhaps she was happy because she survived the week, or perhaps it was because the week was over and she’d get to go to the movies with Nadine after she ate dinner. Melody smiled, it was definitely the second thing, she’d been eagerly waiting to spend a night with Nadine again.




Hmm, it looks like Melody still has a lot to learn and she'll be lucky if her oddities are written off as absent-mindedness, but I wouldn't count on it too much, kids can be incredibly cruel sometimes... And I'm also wondering what the reason is for Melody's popularity... It can't be just because she's a girl, there must be something else... And yes, I'd like to thank you separately for showing what difficulties there are in girls' lives... I, like most men, have a very vague idea about this and your story throws light on some interesting questions!


Wow, this is a great continuation of the story. As always, you did a great job with my ideas, I love it. I can really relate to Melody having some girly problems and getting into some awkward situations. I'm already looking forward to the next round. <3

Riley Gendreau

Well, the easiest answer to her popularity is magic, that is what's behind all of this. But to them, I'd compare it to Komi from Komi Can't Communicate, Melody is just that kind of girl that everyone loves. C: