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Lucius was tucked into bed by his mother and then kissed on the forehead. She then left, leaving him to sit in the dark for two hours because he wasn’t tired enough to sleep, not to mention sleeping in a nightgown.

 Lucius woke up the next morning to find Lauren standing over him. Lucius jumped up and yelled. “I’m sorry for startling you Lucy, I just came to give you your daily vitamins.” She then handed Lucius a cup of pills and water.

Lucius looked at the pills, he had no idea what they did, and he wasn’t going to ask, but he knew he shouldn’t be taking them. Lucius swallowed them using the water and then got out of bed. “Good girl. You can go ahead downstairs and eat breakfast with your mommy.”

Lucius nodded and walked downstairs to the kitchen. There he found his mother standing by the stove. “Morning sweetie, go ahead and sit down, I’ll bring you a plate of eggs, bacon, and some orange juice.”

“Alright, thank you…” Lucius went and sat down. Lucius watched his mother the whole time, she seemed happy and was dancing around the kitchen as she cooked. It was almost like she was a different person entirely, not the sulking cold, and distant mother he’d known all his life.

She poured some eggs onto a plate and walked it over to Lucius. “Here you go sweetie, eat it all up.” Lucius looked at it. Like dinner the night before it smelled really good. Scrambled eggs, chewy bacon, and even toast, just like how Lucius liked them.

“Wow… This looks amazing. Thank you.” His mother smiled and then rubbed his hair. Lucius started to eat, and his mother walked away and returned with a cup of orange juice. “Here you go, freshly squeezed orange juice.”

Lucius looked over at the counter and she was telling the truth she actually juiced them oranges herself. This new version of his mom was incredible, but unsettling because he wasn’t used to her like this.

Had she not gone crazy and decided to turn him into a girl, this would have been the mom he always wanted. “Sweet! Thank you so much.” Lucius took a sip and it was amazing. It had just the right amount of pulp.

Lucius continued to eat the best breakfast he’d had in a long time, while his mother cleaned up a bit. “Alright honey, I’m off to work. Once you’re done eating, go see Rin, she’ll get you into your school uniform, and then Carey will take you to school.”

Lucius felt his stomach turn a bit. He almost forgot that he was going to be forced into a schoolgirl uniform and sent to school. “Okay… Have… have a good day at work…” His mother smiled. “And you have a great first day at school, and stay out of trouble, or else my friend the principal will call me.”

Lucius felt a shiver down his spine. There was no way she actually had the principal in on this as well right? How many people were in on this scheme? If Lucius wanted to get out of this and regain his freedom, he was going to have to be careful who he spoke to.

Lucius finished his food and brought his plate and cup to the sink. He then went and found Rin in his bedroom adding new clothes to his closet and drawing. “AH! Little Lucy! I’m glad you're here, let’s get you ready for school.”

She grabbed Lucius’ nightgown and pulled it off of him. She then went and grabbed a training bra and a matching pair of panties and handed them to Lucius. “Go ahead and put those on.” Lucius looked down at them.

It was totally humiliating. Lucius wanted to throw them on the floor and run off, but he noticed Rin already holding the remote. Lucius sighed and put the panties on first, pulling them all the way up and sitting them over the prosthetic he was wearing.

He then took the training bra and tried to put it on, but had trouble, since you know he’s never been a girl and didn’t know how to put on one. “Oh dear, let me help you.” Rin grabbed the training bra and opened it up.

“Alright arms through.” Lucius got a bit embarrassed but put his arms through. She slid it over his head and down to his chest. She let go and Lucius felt the bra hold him tightly. “This thing is so strange.” Rin laughed.

“Yeah we all felt that way when we started, but you’ll get used to it and be wearing normal bras before you know it.” Lucius’ body tensed up, he really hoped that wouldn’t happen. Rin turned around and grabbed a white button-up shirt.

She handed it to Lucius, who put it right on. He was about to button it up when he noticed the buttons were on the opposite side of all the button-up shirts he had owned in his entire life. It threw him off a bit.

Rin decided to do it for him since he hadn't started himself. She buttoned from bottom to top getting all but her collar button fastened. She then grabbed the skirt and held it open, gesturing to Lucius to step into it.

He wanted to tell her he could put his own skirt on, but then he realized how that sounded, no matter what he was faced with a humiliating and emasculating situation. He stepped through and she pulled the skirt up to his waist.

She tucked his skirt nicely and neatly into the hem of the skirt. Then she turned around to grab the last bits. She handed Lucius a pair of long black socks and a pair of brown school shoes. “Hold those for one second, you can put them on in a second.”

Rin then takes a blue necktie and runs it underneath the collar of his shirt, tying it into a bow in the front. “There we go, looking real cute Lucy. Get your socks and shoes on, then head out to the car. Aunty Carey is waiting to drive you to school.”

She then ran out of the room before Lucius could say anything. “I can't believe it. They’re really doing this to me… In a few minutes, I’ll be in public crossdressed, and then I’ll be going to school as a girl…” Despite the embarrassment of it, his only hope was to be out in public and hope to find someone who could help him.




this is... really scary because apparently Lucius' mother not only went crazy and attracted several unbalanced friends to her side but also pulled a huge number of other people along with her... although a logical thought arises... if everyone around is crazy and their madness is identical, there is a chance that you are the crazy one and those around you are normal... otherwise these are just thoughts out loud

Riley Gendreau

That would be interesting if the MC was the crazy one. To semi-answer this, I'd say she's just paying people off, or even the aunt who worked for the CIA has connections.