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Ryker Starcrest is a 3rd class commander in the United Galactic exploration division. People with his rank often operate small starships consisting of four or fewer crew members. Ryker, having just been promoted from 1st class Officer, hasn't been assigned any crew.

So he was surveying quadrant 34-b of the Ulimtas galaxy alone, which was fine since previous scans showed little to no life in this quadrant. All he really needed to do was take new full scans of the planets and asteroids, and inspect anything should he come upon it.

Ryker was scanning his fifth planet of the day when the alarm on his spaceship started to go off. “What the hell?” He ran to the control console and sat in his chair. After looking at the status, the ship was indicating some unknown power spike opening up a hole in space nearby.

“A power spike this close, this quickly? This could be bad. I need to go examine it.” Ryker canceled the scan on the planet and immediately went to check it out. When he arrived at the spot he saw a crack in space.

Inside the crack were some strange green symbols moving up and down and side to side. He had no idea what it was. “I shouldn’t get too close, better to send the probe.” He sent out a probe to get a closer look.

The probe slowly approached the crack and the second it went inside, the crack grew a thousand times bigger. “That’s not good. I need to get the ship away and call for help.” He tried to fly the ship away, but suddenly the crack started to suck things in.

 “Shit… shit… shit..” Ryker ship was pulled in. Ryker felt his body go numb, and he swore he saw portals to several other realities. His body and the entire ship he was in started to look like it was glitching out.

The power to his ship went out, taking the artificial oxygen with it. He quickly went unconscious. His ship kept floating through the strange place until it came out of another portal. Due to being unconscious and without power in the ship, Ryker crash-landed.

His ship broke apart as it came to a stop, which actually saved him since it allowed the oxygen from the planet he was now on to enter his ship, which would have suffocated him. It took him a while to come to.

“What… What happened?” He looks around. “Shit, my ship is completely wrecked.” He hits a few buttons hoping something will turn on. “Completely dead. Looks like I’ll need to signal HQ and get an e-vac.”

Ryker makes his way out of his ship and is surprised to see he’s in the middle of a city. “I’m in the middle of a city? How has no one come to check out my crash?” Ryker took a step and then felt an incredible amount of pain.

He fell to the ground and his body started to glitch again. “Error… Error… Commander Starcrest, I’m getting an alert that your body is unstable in this world” Ryker rolled around on the ground writhing in pain. “Can… Can you stop it?”

Ryker’s suit AI went silent. “Yes, I can use the data I’m receiving and transform your body to match what is suggested.” “Do it, please.” Ryker said, trying to hold back screams. “Yes Sir.” Ryker’s body and spacesuit turned black and the strange green text appeared on him again.

The pain stopped and Ryker laid on his back and let his AI take care of it. “Commander adjustments have been made, and your body is stable.” Ryker let out a sigh of relief. “Great job, thank you, Pixi.” Ryker noticed something strange and sat up.

“Pixi, do I sound different?” Ryker rubbed her throat. “Yes Commander, your voice is higher pitched now that you’re a woman.” Ryker felt her eyes twitch. “I’m a what?” Ryker looked down at herself and was flabbergasted to find Pixi was telling the truth.

“Yes Commander, it seemed to become stable in this world, your body had to be modified in several ways, the most important being that you became a woman.” Ryker used her suit to project her reflection. Looking at herself, she hadn’t changed too much.

Her hair was still white, but a bit longer. Her eyes were still black and really didn’t look any different in shape, although her eyelashes were thicker and her eyebrows were thinner. Her jaw was the same shape, but overall smaller, like the rest of her body.

Then there was the major new addition. She now had a pair of breasts on her chest, which seemed to be what she exchanged for the cock she once had in between her legs. “This… This isn't permanent is it?”

“No, but as long as you remain in this world, it isn't safe to revert you to normal.” Ryker sighed. “Then I’ll have to deal with it while I try to get a signal out to HQ.” Ryker started to walk into the city she was in.

“This city is strange… It almost seems like the cities of old earth.” Ryker looked at the tall skyscrapers that were actually built into the ground. Ryker looked around. There weren't many people around, which was strange.

Then suddenly a ton of people pop into existence and start going about their day like nothing was going on. “What the hell? Where did all these people come from?” “Scanning… according to the data I’m seeing… A program called Hentai Pounder 3 just activated.”

Ryker was confused. “What the hell does that mean?” “I’m unsure Commander. I do understand the word Hentai, shall I explain its meaning.” Ryker looked a bit embarrassed. “No, I'm good. Let’s just focus on finding someone to help us.”

Ryker went from person to person trying to talk to them, but no one even acknowledged her. “Something's not right here.” Ryker looked around, there was a city full of drones walking around completely mindless.

There had to be someone here who she could talk to. That’s when she saw a tall muscular man walking around interacting with women on the street. “He’s talking, let's try him.” “I would advise avoiding that guy Commander.”

“Huh, don’t be like that, he might be our only hope.” Ryker ran over to him and got his attention. “Excuse me, sir, could you help me?” The man looked at her and smiled. “A chick as cute as you? Yes, I sure can help you.”

“Uh.. Thanks. I need to get a signal out to my HQ.” Ryker asked a bit shyly. “I know exactly what you need, come with me.” The man grabbed her hand and pulled her into a random house and into a bedroom.

“You have a transmitter in this room?” Ryker asked, looking around and not seeing any equipment capable of doing the job. She turned around to find the guy was naked, and his massive cock was dangling in the wind.

“Why… Why are you naked?” Ryker stuttered out as she took a step back. “For the same reason you're showing me your vagina. I’m about to fuck you so hard that your screams and moans can be heard from space.”

Ryker looked down, and sure enough, her pants had changed. The area of her suit that covered her crotch had vanished completely revealing it to this man. “I think… I think there's been a misunderstanding.”

The guy started getting close to Ryker. “I only want your cock inside me…” Ryker put her hand on her mouth. “Why did I say that? I meant to say I want you to fuck me long and hard.” Ryker was freaking out.

Worse than that, her body was starting to heat up, and even though she’d never been a female before, she knew this feeling, she was aroused. “I… I… I want to…” “You want a little space lady?”

Ryker looked at his cock.

“I want to be fucked…” She shouted. “Good girl.” He pushed her onto the bed, climbed on top of her, and pushed his massive cock inside her, nearly splitting her in two. “HOLY SUPERNOVA!!! THAT FEELS AMAZING!”

The man laughed and started to fuck her nice and hard. Ryker just laid back, put her hands up on the pillow she was on, spread her legs, and let this stranger fuck her, all while she tried to process the fact that she was losing her virginity as a girl, and how good it felt, but most importantly why she wanted it so much.




You know... I liked it... I could of course find fault with some strange things and details of this story, but I liked it so I won't do it.. simply because it's not that critical and overall the story is good

Riley Gendreau

Oh? I'm sure there are a few things that don't make sense, let's chalk it up to bugs in the system C: