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A commission for jefisfckingbad

Donte’s life has been going downhill rapidly lately. Donte’s parents were hit by another car that was speeding, and the accident took both their lives. Then his girlfriend left him because she couldn't handle him being sad and grieving.

He was left alone to deal with his feelings, so he did the only thing he could to take his thoughts away from his loss, he went to work. It was super glamorous work, as he was just a simple electrician, but it was busy work, which was perfect to help him get out of his own head.

He was on his way to this elderly man's house to check the wiring in his basement as he claimed it wasn’t working in some places, and the fuses kept blowing. Donte arrived, knocked on the door, and was met by the man.

He took Donte to the basement, showed him the fuse box, and told Donte that he was trying to set up a workshop down here but he couldn’t plug anything in because the plug either didn’t work at all or blew several fuses.

Donte looking at the fuse box could tell it was old, along with a majority of the wiring in the basement. It was all going to need to be replaced, which would be a tough and complicated job, especially for one person, despite that he says he’ll do it.

Donte goes to his van, grabs everything he needs, and gets to work. He turns off the fuse box and starts to remove it. It was going well until he put the new box on, despite him being a hundred percent sure he turned the power off, the box started to hum and he was shocked.

He was hit with a very high voltage which caused him to pass out. Donte woke up an unknown amount of time later, when he did, he was lying on a bed wrapped in bandages, and the old man was taking care of him.

Donte asked what happened, to which the old man explained. He told Donte he found him in the basement after he was shocked. Donte asked him why he was not at a hospital, and the old man looked nervous.

He admitted it was a bad call on his part, but he was worried that the authorities would think he tried to kill Donte or something and was worried about being framed, so instead he decided to take care of Donte without a hospital.

He assured Donte that he was in good hands, as he was quite smart and could earlier heal him back to full health, perhaps even leave him in better health than he was when he arrived. Donte sighed and sat back, a hospital or this old guy, he supposed it didn’t matter, the worst case is he died right?

Each day the old man would come to wake him up, check on his wounds, and apply medicine as needed, both for his skin and for the pain. Then the old man would feed Donte and keep him company by reading or playing games with him.

Donte found it strangely comforting, and for the first time since everything happened to him, he didn’t feel lonely. It was nice to have someone care for him, to be nice to him, and to generally be there, even if it was temporary.

Day after day Donte starts to get better, and with it, his body gets healthier and healthier, but something else is also something else going on. Donte’s body was changing, slowly each day something was different, but Donte didn’t notice.

It wasn’t until his voice changed and he was speaking with a French-like accent that he finally realized something strange was going on. Since he was feeling good enough to get up on his own, he went over to the bathroom when the old man was busy.

That’s when Donte noticed how different his body had become. He looked at least a decade younger, maybe even two. His face had gotten softer, his eyes got bigger with the color changing to bright blue, his facial hair was gone, and his hair was blonde.

Along with his face, he was also shorter and thinner. It was very clear something very fishy was going on, and Donte knew it had to be because of the old man. So Donte made his way downstairs and confronted the old man.

The old man was a bit surprised to see him, but once Donte made it clear he knew his body was changing the old man came clean about everything. He told Donte that his name was Luc Paquette, and earlier this year he lost his daughter Natalie.

His grief for his loss overwhelmed him and he decided to find someone to replace her. That’s when Donte came into his life and got hurt. That’s when he decided to use his genius intellect and technical prowess to turn Donte’s very injured body into a genic match to his daughters.

Luc then explained that’s why he didn’t take Donte to a hospital, because then he wouldn't be able to bring his daughter back. The man sat down and broke into tears apologizing to Donte. Donte just looked at him.

Donte was shocked to hear the man was trying to turn him into a woman, but he understood his pain, and the desire to get back what was taken from them. To have your loved ones back, and be willing to do anything to achieve it was something they had in common.

Donte looked at his hands, they were small and dainty now, but somehow he wasn’t made about it in the slightest. He was actually kind of happy about it. It was like fate gave him another chance, a new family.

Donte told Luc he’d be okay with being his new daughter. Luc looked up, tears dripping down his face, and seemed a bit confused. He asked if Donte was serious. Donte smiled and said he was and explained to Luc how he lost everyone he cared about as well.

Donte finished by saying it might be good for both of them. Luc jumped up and hugged Donte, and Donte hesitated for a second but hugged him back, feeling incredibly happy. After that, Luc showed Donte to his room, and helped him find something more her size to wear.

She ended up with a blue turtleneck, a white jumpsuit over it, and an orange and blue jacket. After he was dressed he went down into the basement with Luc and the two of them started to rewire it like Luc had wanted.

It took a few days, and each day Donte continued to transform more and more until Donte had fully changed into Natalie. Once the basement was set up, and her transformation was complete, Luc started to teach her all he knew about electrical engineering.

Donte seemed to get the hang of it really quickly, even though the stuff they were working on was futuristic in comparison to what she’d always worked on and previously known. Every day they’d wake up, have breakfast, and go into their ever-expanding lab to work on new devices together.

After a good amount of time living as father and daughter, Luc revealed something interesting to Natalie. He told her all about the Apex Games, and how he was recruited by Mercenary Syndicate to develop and set up the electrical systems.

There was a problem though. In all of the test matches, they arrived at the same problem. Competitors would camp out in good spots and wait for enemies so they could pick them off easily, but eventually, everyone did that. So the flow of battle just stops.

No one wins since there’s no real reason for them to leave the safety of their cover. The games don’t end until one person or team is left, so Luc was tasked with finding a way to maintain the flow of battle and make it so the games actually end and are entertaining.

His problem was that coming up with a solution was stumping him, and since Natalie got pretty good at this kind of thing, he wanted her to take a crack at it and help him come up with an idea and develop it with him.

Natalie was more than happy to help her father with this project and was even more excited when she got to look over all the cool things that he had created to make these Apex Games run. It was an incredible and massive project.

Natalie then took a look at the ideas he had for fixing his current problem, and while they weren't bad ideas, none of them would work, her best bet was to start from scratch and come up with her own solution.

Eventually, she’d stumble upon something that worked. Her idea was to utilize two dome shields and an active denial system which was some old military gadget her dad had lying around, she came up with the idea to make a slowly encroaching wall of energy that would harm competitors.

With that, the competitors would be forced to move around and face each other after a certain amount of time. It was exactly what her father needed, but for some reason, Luc disagreed with it, and they got into a big argument about it.

In the end, though, he discovered it worked and presented it to his employers. Natalie was happy her work was getting used, and she didn’t care about the credit, telling her father he could have it, but he felt otherwise and made it very clear that she had come up with it.

The Syndicate didn’t care much about who made it, all they wanted was for it to be set up. So Natalie and her father got to work getting it ready to be unveiled. Unfortunately, the night before it was to be used for the first time.




Hmm, I don’t even know what to say here... The story itself is not bad, but the ending... I didn’t understand it... It seems like this is a reference to some kind of game or anime, but I just don’t understand which one... And because of this, the impression of the ending of the story is a little blurry... But I quite liked the main part of the story