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My name is Brycena Olacooper, I’m a nineteen-year-old knight in the Crystaltide army, and I’m the personal knight and servant to Princess Cindyith Dobholland. For the past seven years, I’ve served her as her loyal knight and servant.

I arrived at her bedroom as she requested and knelt before her. She had me get up and tell me she had something very important to say to me. Recently she’s had troubling dreams about a darkness coming to the kingdom and destroying it.

It sounded far-fetched as the kingdom had been at peace for a hundred years, and there were currently no signs of war coming, so what could it possibly be? All I knew for sure was that the princess would never lie, if she believed there to be a threat, I believed it.

She told me there was hope though. She saw visions of a hero of light who would face off against a master of darkness underneath the Blossom moon. So that was a little over four months from now, which wasn’t a lot of time to find this hero.

I asked the princess who the hero was, but she said her visions hadn’t shown her. All she knew was the hero was on their way to the first trial of the goddess, which was found deep within the forest of fairies.

The princess said they’d encounter a strong monster that the master of darkness sent to collect the relic of light there. The princess begged me to go there and aid the hero. I tried to tell her my place was by her side, but the worry in her eyes convinced me to take up this quest.

So that night I got my best gear, enough food to last a couple of weeks, and the army's fastest horse and set out on my quest to join the hero and fight the master of darkness. It took me three days just to get to the forest.

When I arrived, I found the paths too narrow to take my horse. So I patted it goodbye and left it to roam. I have a whistle that’ll summon it when I return. I started to make my way into the dense forest.

I’m quickly ambushed by slimes, which are easy enough to cut down, with slimes you really have to worry about their numbers, which don’t work well in small spaces like this forest. Of course, it makes it hard for me to swing my sword as well.

So I had to jab, over and over, until they were all dead. Eventually, I made my way to the inner forest, which is when everything around me suddenly got foggy. I drew my sword and looked around. I knew there were monsters around me, but I couldn't see them.

I instantly closed my eyes. Memories of my training under Captain Jikinineon started to flood my mind. I was fifteen at the time, and I had been training under him for a couple of years now and had become a quite capable squire, one who was stronger than most of the full-fledged knights.

I was wearing a full metal helmet, one that had no holes cut out to see. So because of that, I was unable to see anything. He then proceeded to allow other trainees and squires to beat me, day after day for weeks.

His only instructions for me were to trust my instincts and rely on my other senses. I didn’t know what that meant and proceeded to go to the barracks every night covered in bruises and bloody bandages.

Then one day when like normal I was getting hit over and over and getting angry about it, something changed. Things felt as though they slowed down. I could hear everyone's footsteps. But not as one really loud undistinguishable noise coming from everywhere.

I could hear where everyone was separately. I calmed myself and focused on it. As I felt more. I felt the vibrations they made as they ran around through my feet, I could even smell their sweat. This time as they ran at me to attack, I could predict their moves.

For the first time, I was able to block a few of them. The Captain told everyone to pause after I did so, and I didn’t remove my helmet, but I could tell I had done what he wanted, and that he was proud. He then restarted the training. In the months to come, I mastered fighting without sight.

So these monsters trying to ambush me in the fog stood no chance once they jumped out. I danced around them, barely touching the ground as I stepped around them, cutting them into pieces. Once they were defeated the fog vanished, revealing to me the forest temple.

The entrance was sealed, but I’ve read tons of old stories about adventures like the one I was currently on. So I knew the way to open the entrance was here, I just had to figure it out. I looked around, and the whole area around the temple was covered in vines.

Then I noticed that some sections of the vines were purple instead of green. I took out my bow and aimed it towards those sections. I fired my first arrow between one of the purple vines. I then saw a light growing from behind the vines followed by the sounds of a mechanism moving.

I quickly shot the rest of them before the first one stopped glowing. That caused the door to open up. I quickly made my way inside, just in the nick of time as the door quickly slammed down behind me. I wasn’t sure how I’d get out, but I’d worry about that later.

I walked down a hallway, into a large room. That’s when I noticed someone standing at a large door with runes on it. I called out to them and watched as they turned around to face me. They seemed mad, probably about the door, but when they saw me their anger faded to happiness.

I greeted them and told them I was sent by the princess of Crystaltide Cindyith Dobholland to assist them. They seemed confused and asked why the princess would send anyone to help them. I told them the truth, that the princess saw visions of them, and knew they were the hero of light.

They let out a laugh but stopped when they saw how serious I was. I watched them think for a moment and then look at the door. They turned back towards me and asked if I could help them get through this door.

They said there was a relic inside that they needed. I figured it was some sort of power-up or something, so I agreed. I walked up to the door and looked at the runes. They seemed to have lines of magic running to nearby rooms.

So I went to tell them, but then I realized we hadn’t exchanged names. The princess would scold me for being so rude, so I properly introduced myself. I bowed slightly and told them my name, and then I stood up and looked at them.

They just stared at me for a moment, then it hit them. They apologized for their lack of manners, and they bowed and introduced themselves as Leoslight Druswilliams. I then told them about the lines of magic leading to the side rooms.

I said there was likely a switch or something they’d have to do to turn it off, which would open the main door. They turned towards the other side and looked at it. They said something about not even noticing.

Then they started to walk to one side, saying they’d go in and figure it out. They then stopped and turned their heads to look at me. With a smile and a wink, they asked me to help a hero out and take care of the other side.

I don’t know why, but their short black hair and cute face sparkled, and my heart was beating and my knees felt like they wanted to tremble. I could barely get words out to respond, but he thanked me and waved as he walked away.

I just stood there unable to move until they were out of sight. Once they were, I sort of went back to normal. Of course, my face was warm for some reason, and my thoughts were all over the place, but I managed to turn around and make my way to the other side.

Whatever this feeling was, it could wait, I had to help the hero defeat the master of darkness and save the princess and her kingdom from evil. I told myself with one hand on the hilt of my blade and the other over my heart.




... hmmm I have two versions of how events will develop further... the obvious and the classic... the obvious version is that this Leoslight Druswilliams will turn out to be a minion of darkness and the real hero will be our Brycena Olacooper... the second version is classic and it lies in the fact that Leoslight Druswilliams really will turn out to be a hero and Brycena Olacooper will fall in love with him and they will travel together... and of course you can come up with something third that will be different from the first 2 options... so which of this will be true? We'll get the answer in the next episode!